A method to identify an optimum speed of ships for ship efficient operation

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Nội dung text: A method to identify an optimum speed of ships for ship efficient operation

  1. A method to identify an optimum speed of ships for ship efficient operation Prof. DSc. Dang Van Uy1; Dr. Pham Xuan Duong2 1.Vietnam Maritime University, dvuy@hn.vnn.vn, 484 Lach Tray Str., Haiphong City 2. Vietnam Maritime University, phxduong@vimaru.edu.vn, 484 Lach Tray Str., Haiphong City Abstract: An efficient operation of ships is essential task required to all shipping companies in over the world. The concept of ship efficient operation is very different; however the minimum consumption of fuel for a voyage is a good explanation of the ship efficient operation. To use a minimum fuel for a voyage can be achieved by optimum speed of a ship, but the ship optimum speed is depending on some factors such as sea condition, ship condition, mode of ship charter and so on. In this paper, there presents a method to calculate an optimum speed of a ship within actual operation conditions in order to help operators following well Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan-SEEMP). Keywords: ship operation, optimum ship speed, SEEMP. 1. Introduction The expenditure of fuel in shipping is normally taken about 35% to 40% of the total operation cost of a ship. Although, shipping companies are aware about this problem, but almost companies do nothings to minimize the fuel consumption even at the period in which the fuel price was as highest. Recently, in Vietnam, we carried out some surveys about what method a shipping company usually uses to minimize the fuel consumptions during ship operation. The answers from almost shipping companies are to set a package of fuel for a voyage or to set an operation speed for a ship and on a base of the ship speed, an amount of fuel per hour is supplied for a ship. So, it is clear that shipping companies do not have appropriate methods to control usage of fuel on board ships. Therefore, there results in increasing operation cost of a ship and also there may create a good condition for crews to do cheating in using fuel oil. At present time, the shipping is highly competitive worldwide. Although, the fuel price sometimes is decreased from last year. But, the pressure of the environment protection is higher due to the requirements on control of NOx emission from marine diesel engines in Annex VI, MARPOL 73/78. According to those requirements, marine diesel engines must be equipped with special exhaust gas emission treated apertures and shipping companies also must be required to minimize the fuel consumption in order to meet the EEOI. For complying with the dual purposes such as minimizing fuel consumption and environment protection, International Maritime Organization has already proposed so called the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). In this Plan, there are many recommended items which should be implemented in order to help shipping companies and ships to meet safe and efficient operation of ships. However, among those recommended items, how to reach optimum operation speed of a ship rather is most important. 2. Proposed concept of optimum operation speed of ships In practical, a concept of optimum operation speed of ships is very different in connection with boundary conditions. In some cases, the optimum speed is depending on a minimum fuel oil consumption of a main engine. It means that the optimum speed will be calculated on base of function between ship speed and minimum fuel usage per hour. But in other case, the optimum operation speed of ships will be determined by using an objective function between ship speed and operation expenditure for one voyage. However, the above explanation about optimum operation speed of ships can achieve only limited operation conditions and does not concern anything with a contribution into the environment protection which is mentioned by the Index of Energy Efficient Operation (EEOI). 88
  2. 2.1 Procedure to determine an optimum operation speed of ships The requirements of IMO covering multi-purposes which include both effective operation of a ship and engine exhaust gas emission control make shipping companies in difficult situation of implementation. An appropriate solution for this objective is to raise a suitable function which can estimate an optimum operation speed of ships on a base of boundary conditions such as actual loading conditions, sea state, and mode of ship chattering, fuel price and some others. Therefore, an appropriate concept of an optimum operation speed of ships is presented by a function (1) as follow: V f (R , D, P ,M ,S ) opt s f charter con (1) In which: Rs- basic ship resistance; D- ship draft; Pf - actual fuel price; Mcharter- mode of ship charter (voyage charter or time charter); Scon- sea state. A new ship was designed and built with specific technical features such as total length, width, draft speed, propulsive power and displacement. With that, the resistance of ship can be determined and defined as a basic resistance (total resistance). The basic resistance of a ship will be changed dramatically during operation depending on load conditions, sea state and technical state of hull, propulsion system. The basic resistance of a ship consists of many source resistances that can be classified into three main groups: frictional resistance, residual resistance and air resistance. In fact, during ship sailing on open sea, the basic resistance of a ship is influenced by sea wave, air, hull fouling and wind direction to ship. Therefore, the basic resistance of a ship is normally increased. The phenomenon of ship resistance increase makes a reduction of ship speed and increase of main engine fuel consumption. So, if shipping companies want to operate ships with high efficiency, the companies must find out an optimum speed of ships. To solve this problem, a calculation procedure of an operation optimum speed of a ship is proposed to be carried out into five stages. - Ship basic resistance will be determined on a base of specific technical features of an actual ship; - A change of ship basic resistance will be estimated on a base of actual operation conditions such as loading condition (ship draft), sea state, wind direction and some other more if it is necessary; - Based on a mode of ship charter and calculated results from first two stages mentioned above, a ship optimum operation speed will be determined; - To verify the determined optimum operation speed of a ship (stage 3), let check a time of ship arrival to a port based on criteria “Just on time”; - To determine the index of energy efficient operation of ship (EEOI) in certain period of ship operation in orders to verify a ship operation in compliance with requirements of the environment protection. 2.2 Formulas needed in determination of ship optimum speed In practice, to determine an optimum operation speed of ships is complicated. There is no concert mathematical model for this purpose due to many boundary conditions influencing on the optimum speed of ships. Therefore, helping to come to final result of optimum speed calculation, there needs to use several formulas concerning with ship resistance, gross profit of shipping and some others. Our idea 89
  3. in order to create a method to determine an optimum operation speed of ships is to divide needed formulas into four groups: a- Formulas to calculate basic resistance of ships b- Formulas to calculate changes of ship resistance such as: - Wave resistance: B R 0.64H 2C g R dR 0.667 0,333cos 0 w B w 0  ; L (2) H In which: - angle of wave to ship (00 is head sea) [0]; w - height of wave [m]; CB - block coefficient of ship; B- width of ship [m]; L-lengthen between perpendiculars [m]; - density of sea water [kg/m3]. - Air and wind resistance: R 0.28 0.5B 2 V 2 V 5.53H 0.093H 2 A w ; w w w (3) V In which: w - wind velocity [m/s] and wind velocity is calculated on base of height of sea wave. - Resistance due to hull roughness: 140d RFoul n 630 d [%] or Rr K S V (4) In which: d- days out of dock; K- coefficient; n- coefficient [1.9 to 2.1]; S- wet surface of ship and 0.5 S 2.56 W L [m2]. - Resistance due to draft:  R 0.65R 0 1 D T R 0.5 V 2 S C  ; T 0 T (5) 0 In which: RT- basic resistance of ship;  - actual displacement of ship; - design displacement of ship; S- wet surface of ship; V0- design speed of ship; CT-coefficient. c- Formulas to determine an optimum operation speed of ships: As it is well known, the fuel consumption of a marine diesel engine is so much depending on an operation speed of a ship. Therefore, there must identify an optimum speed during a ship operation. To do so, it is necessary to create an objective function in order to find the optimum speed in conjunction with ship chartering mode (time charter or voyage charter). In fact, there are some objective functions, but an objective function which is chosen is a function determining a gross profit per day of a ship as mentioned in (6); GS(d) P W Vd cR pF d  (6) 90
  4. In which: P - freight rate per ton of good; W - ship displacement (DWT); d - ship sailing distance including ballast ship [nautical mile]; V - ship speed [knot/h]; CR - expenditure of ship per day [USD/day]; p - fuel price[USD/ton]; F(d) - fuel consumption depending on ship speed V. A fuel consumption of a ship can be expressed by F(d)= k.V3; k - coefficient depending on operation conditions. Based on the mentioned relation of F(d), there can find a formula to identify an optimum operation speed of a ship as (7): V PW /3pkd 1/ 2 opt (7) The formula (7) can be used to determine an optimum operation speed of a ship if a calculated speed is higher than operation speed which is already set in a charter contract. This formula can also be developed to calculate an optimum operation speed of a ship in more complicated operation conditions which include a time in port, delay time due to bad weather and sailing time in canal of a ship. However, the mode of ship charter is real factor influencing on a mathematical model to determine an optimum operation speed of ships and the mathematical model can be expressed as follows: - In case of ship time charter: 1/ k Cs FAux Vopt Vmax k 1 F ME (8) In which: Cs- ship charter price per day [USD/day]; FAux- Fuel expenditure of auxiliary engines per day [USA/day]; FME- Fuel expenditure of main engines per day [USA/day]; k- coefficient depending on technical conditions of propulsion system; Vmax- highest speed that can be generated by a ship [knot/h]. - In case of ship voyage charter: As it is known that a goal of ship voyage charter is to reach maximum profit for every day. So, a mathematical model to determine an optimum operation speed of a ship will be expressed in other form as mentioned in (9) k 1 k k S / RT 24Vopt C 24V 24V i max opt k 1 P / RT k 1 F P / RT time nl time (9) Where: k- coefficient for both formulas and k = 3 for diesel propulsive system, k = 2.5 for steam turbine propulsive system; Ci - freight income and is equal to gross a value minus expenditure such as port fee, loading and unloading fee and some others; S - sailing distance for one round trip; RT- round trip of ship. Then the formula (9) can be realized by using trial and error method and final mathematical model as follow: 1/ k _ 1 k 24 Ci Vmax Vopt k F S / RT ME,V max (10) Where: FME, Vmax- fuel consumption per day at maximum operation speed of a ship. d- Formula to determine EEOI An index to ensure whether a ship, which is complied with requirement of environment protection is an Index of Energy Efficiency Operation mentioned in Annex VI, MARPOL 73/78. The index is expressing 91
  5. a ratio between CO2 volume [M] discharged by a ship per unit of ship transportation. The index is modelled to express an energy efficiency operation of a ship for one voyage and for a period of ship operation. For a voyage, the index is expressed as follow:  FC j CFj EEOI j m D c argo [MCO2/voyage] (11) and for a period of ship operation:  FCij CFj Average EEOI i j  mc arg o,i Di i (12) In which: FC- total fuel consumption of ship on open sea and in port for a voyage or a period of operation; j - a kind of fuel (DO or FO); i - voyage number; FCij- the mass of consumed fuel j at voyage i; CFj is the fuel mass to CO2 mass conversion factor for fuel j; mcargo is cargo carried (tonnes) or work done (number of TEU or passengers) or gross tonnes for passenger ships; and D is the distance in nautical miles corresponding to the cargo carried or work done. 2.3 Determination algorithm of ship optimum speed operation Based on the procedure to determine an optimum speed operation of ships and to ensure a ship in compliance with the environment protection, the above mentioned formulas are used to create an algorithm to determine an optimum speed operation of ships. The algorithm is expressed in figure 1 and then there can use MATLAB package software to solve the mentioned mathematical model to get unknown variables such as an optimum operation speed of concert ship, the EEOI and some other needed parameters. 3. Application on board ships The mentioned method to determine an optimum operation speed of ships has been applied on board of two ships belonging to Khaihoan Ship marine Corp. Khaihoan Ship Marine is an Oil Tanker Company which has a Head Quarter in Ho Chi Minh City. 92
  6. START GIVEN PARAMETERS - Lwl, Lpp, B, DA, DF, , d; V; - Engine: Nemax, Nen,Nekt, n - α, ; Propellers: D, H/D, S, J, t, w; CALCULATE NECESSARY COEFFICIENTS - CB; Cwp, t, w CALCULATE CHANGES OF RESISTANCE - Resistance due to wave; - Resistance due to wind; - Resistance due to roughness; - Resistance due to cargo TOTAL RESISTANCE CHANGE CHANGES OF “V” or “PE” - or - and ΔV=V-V1 RESULT No DISPLAY Yes CALCULATE OPTIMUM SPEED “Vopt” - - CALCULATE INDEX OF ENERGY OPERATION END Figure1 Algorithm to determine an optimum operation speed of a ship 93
  7. 3.1 Technical features of M/S “Glory Ocean” The Glory Ocean is oil/chemical tanker and she is under Bureau VERITAS classification. Her main technical features are mentioned in table 1. Table 1 Main technical features of M/S Glory Ocean No parameters value Hull 1 Dead weight [DWT] 12.806 2 Total length[m] 134,85 3 Length between perpendiculars[m] 126,8 4 Register width [m] 22,0 5 Register draft [m] 10,6 6 Design draft [m] 7,78 7 Operation speed [knot] 13,2 8 Maximum operation speed [knot] 14.0 Main engine 1 Engine Name 8PC2-6/2L, 4 strokes 2 Number of cylinders 8 3 MCR [kW] 4400 4 Nominal revolution[rpm] 520 5 Reduction gear ratio 3.0 3.2 Application results Voyage: The Glory Ocean was sailing from Vungtau City to Quinhon port and back with full load and ballast. Distance of sailing is about 356,8 [nautical miles]. We did test on board ship under two operation conditions namely: under ballast condition and full load condition. The technical features of the both conditions are mentioned in tables No.2. Meanwhile, test results are showed in table No.3 for the ballast condition and No.4 for the full load condition. Table 2 Operation conditions of M/S Glory Ocean No Operation conditions Value Remark Ship under ballast 1 Bow draft 3,2 [m] 2 Stern draft 5,8 [m] 3 Sea state NE Bo 3 and 4 Ship under full load 4 Bow draft 10,0 [m] 5 Stern draft 10,0 [m] 6 Sea state NE Bo 3 and 4 7 Mode of ship charter Voyage Charter 8 Operation speed and revolution of a main 500 [rpm]; 166,6 [rpm]; engine 13,2 [knot/h] 9 Kind of fuel FO . Ship under ballast Based on the technical features and operation conditions, selection of an optimum operation speed of m/s Glory Ocean has been determined by using the algorithm (figure1). The algorithm then was solved on MATLAB package software and all necessary results are showed in table 2. 94
  8. Table 3 Selection of an optimum operation speed under ballast conditions Operation Optimum operation plans Remark parameters Calculation PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 Engine revolution 460 457 465 475 478 [rpm] Ship speed [knot/h] 13.02 12.9 13,2 13,8 14,8 Arrival time (#) -1h -2 h Just in +1h08 +2h53 time Fuel consumption 639.4 620.0 643.69 648.26 661.16 [l/h](*) Fuel consumption 13.5 12.8 14.10 14.20 14.50 per day [T/day] (*) fuel consumption measured by flow meters (#) Arrival time is indicated by (-) [late arrival] and (+) [earlier arrival] . Ship under full load: Using the same procedure as for the ship sailing under ballast, results of selection of an optimum operation speed are presented in table 4. Table 4. Selection of an optimum operation speed under full load Operation Optimum operation plans Remark parameters Calculation P1 P2 P3 PA5 Engine revolution 465 460 470 472 - [rpm] Ship speed [knot/h] ~13.0 12.8 13.2 13.5 - Arrival time (#) - 20 [min] -1,5 [h] Just on time +34 [min] - Fuel consumption 659 651.43 666.00 698.06 - [l/h](*) Fuel consumption per 13.95 13.85 14.59 15.29 - day [T/day] 3.3 Discussion To find an optimum operation speed of M/S Glory Ocean, the procedure and algorithm mentioned above have been used. For both cases, optimum operation speeds of the ship were calculated, then on a base of the calculated speeds, let the ship sailing with that in certain period of time (may be one or two hours). During this period of trial, a fuel consumption of main engines was taken by flow meters and an arrival time also should be estimated. Next stage is to make some other plans with the ship operation speeds which are lower or higher than the calculated speeds and then all the optimum plans should be taken into comparison. Best plan is a plan in which an operation speed of a ship will allow ship arrives on time with minimum fuel consumption. In case of M/S Glory Ocean, a good operation plan can be chosen as follow: - For ship under full load: there can operate the ship with a main engine revolution of 460 rpm or 465 rpm (calculated speed) and used fuel for only main engine can be saved 0.74 T/day, although the ship will arrive to port a little bit late in comparison with plan “just on time”; - For ship under ballast: the plan with calculated speed should be chosen and ship may arrive to port about one hour later. 95
  9. 4. Conclusion At present period, the shipping is very competitive worldwide. One hand, the shipping companies must ensure their ability in carrying goods safely with reasonable freight rate and in the other hand, shipping companies also must comply with the requirements of environment protection. It means that ships have to be in good technical conditions; therefore they may or have to be equipped with further necessary equipment in order to support ships in compliance with strict standards set by IMO in Annex VI, MARPOL 73/78. However, according to our survey results, even some newly built ships cannot match the criteria of EEOI during operation. There can conclude some reasons, but mainly ship crews have a problem with understanding about ship optimum operation speed and EEOI. The procedure and algorithm of determination of ship optimum operation speed as mentioned above is necessarily to be developed and applied on board ships. The test results in m/s Glory Ocean are very positive and are highly appreciated by the owner (Khaihoan Ship Marine Corp. ). The method is being in further development under support of Vietnam Ministry of Transportation and it will be widely used to help shipping companies and ship crews in Vietnam. References [1] Dang Van Uy and Research Group, To propose technical and managerial solutions to reduce fuel consumption on board ship; be applied for one merchant fleet. National Energy Saving Program, Project of Fuel Consumption Reduction; Hanoi, 2015; [2] Technical data, Noon report, Voyage report) from Vietnamese shipping companies: VOSCO, EDSCO, FALCON, PTSC, PVTRANS, VITACO, KHAI HOAN, VITRANSCHART, COASTSHIP, [3] Governmental Development Plan of Vietnamese Fleet to Year 2020 and Directed to year 2030", 2014; [4] The national Law about efficiency of fuel using and energy saving; Vietnam 2010; [5] Hans Otto Kristensen, Marie Lutzen; Prediction of Resistance and Propulsion Power of Ships; Denmark, 2012; [6] IMO Rsolution MEPC.213(63); Guidelines for the development of a ship energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP), 2012; [7] Kongsberg Maritime AS; Ship Performace System, Norway, 2013; [8] Mads Aas-Hasan. Monitoring of Hull Condition of Ships, M.Sc. Thesis; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2010; [9] MAN Diesel & Turbo; Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion; Denmark 2013; [10] Robert Moody, Preliminary Power Prediction During Early Design Stages of a Ship; Cape Town, South Africa, 1996; [11] Tadeusz Borkowski, Przemyslaw Kowalak, Jaroslaw Myskow, Vessel Main Propulsion Engine Performance Evaluation, Szczecin, Poland, 2012; [12] www.Marorka.com; Fuel Manager; 2013. 96
  10. Polarworthiness and Co-operation – Efficient education of risk management for arctic environment Peter Ivar Sandell, Senior lecturer of Maritime and Commercial law Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, peter.sandell@samk.fi, Suojantie 2, 26100 Rauma, Finland. Abstract The Polar Code enters into force and the Maritime Academies and Maritime Universities have a task to train the seafarers and company management facing the implementation into the vessels practice and company practice. The subject of the article is to examine the changes brought by the Polar Code that influence the environmental risk management. The International Maritime Organization IMO is to update the SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Conventions, to take account of the specific features of the Polar Regions. These updates will take effect at the beginning of 2017. At the beginning of the article there is a short description of Polar Code key issues, as well as a brief explanation of the existing regulation in the Arctic regions from environmental protection point of view. The effects of the Polar Code were investigated by the term polarworthiness. When the vessels move in region where polar code is effected, new rules will require ships of different things, and their importance to ship's seaworthiness is described in this article in relation to environmental risk management. Teaching these new issues has potential for co-operation between Maritime Universities. Polar Code implementation is an important issue not just northern shipping companies, but also all companies which consider the use of northern route from Asian markets to Europe in the future. Maritime Universities can do research and co-operate with the companies already present in the Arctic environment. The co-operation between Universities and companies can and will be used to provide in depth study courses, which can be delivered also to other Maritime Universities through student exchange and seminars. Building a course module for environmental risk management for ice operations will be presented - Company representatives have taken their Master of Maritime Management degree and produced parts of in-depth study course in Arctic Shipping Management based on their research together with Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. The topics presented as examples are STS- operations in the arctic environment, oil pollution response planning in the arctic and DP ice management. The model of using the Master of Maritime Management student´s expertise in creation of new knowledge and use of the alumni organisation in teaching the specialised courses will be presented. Keywords: Maritime education and training (MET), Polarworthiness, Polar Code, risk management, environmental risk assessment, environmental liability, methods of learning, safety and security, student exchange and co-operation. 1. Introduction The IMO Polar Code enters into force creating new standard of seaworthiness for Arctic Shipping. The new code sets the standards of seaworthiness in the Polar context. Implications for maritime contracting (risk management and risk sharing) in the polar environment needs to be addressed by the shipowner´s and their masters. The International Maritime Organization IMO is to update the SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Conventions, to take account of the specific features of the Polar Regions. These updates will take effect at the beginning of 2017. Polar Code is not an own Convention, but it updates SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW conventions [1]. 97
  11. 2. Polar Code raises standards of seaworthiness in the Polar Context The effects of the Polar Code were investigated by the term polarworthiness. When the vessels move in region where polar code is effected, new rules will require ships of different things. Fitness is a relative term, and implies fitness to the vessel’s working environment: Equipment (propulsion, navigation, safety, cargo, etc.), supplies, number and training of crew, etc.IMO’s Polar Code addresses both technical issues and training issues. Polar Code recognizes the unique nature and risks of the Arctic environment [1]. Polar Codes part on operations and manning relates to navigation (ice conditions, weather). Ship entering polar waters need a specific Polar Ship Certificate and Polar Water Operational Manual. Appropriate basic training for open-water operations and Advanced training for other waters, including ice needs to be created and arranged [2]. The Code provides standards for both polar ready vessels and crews in order for the vessel to be considered Polarworthy. Specific problems arise when meeting the demands of Polarworthiness. The harsh and fragile environmental conditions create challenges for operation in Polar waters. Lack of infrastructure is a special problem. Especially this consists of lack of navigational aids, lack of bunker facilities and lack of repair facilities. The vessels entering Polar waters need to need to be able to operate more independently than usually. Technical assistance, salvage and ice breaking are services which are not available like elsewhere in more southern levels. Achieving polarworthiness demands is crucial for ship owners who need to assess their potential risks and liabilities. If the vessel is not seaworthy in arctic conditions the environmental liabilities cannot be limited. The insurance aspects are also related to seaworthiness: If the vessel is not seaworthy in arctic environment, the insurance cover will not be in force or if the safety regulations are breached, according to Nordic Marine Insurance Plan, the insurance will not cover the casualty. The Polar Code is automatically considered as a safety regulation under the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan [3]. Many Nordic ship owners insure their vessels on Nordic standard conditions and for those using these conditions it is enough for their risk management and insurance cover to follow the SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW conventions in version updated by Polar Code rules (as well as other conventions by IMO related to safety of vessels) to be certain that their risks are covered also by their insurance conditions. However, few non Nordic owners use Nordic insurance conditions and in the future many ship owners who will be interested in entering Polar waters will be covered by English law of marine insurance and English Marine Insurance Clauses and conditions. Seaworthiness in English law may be defined like Tetley: “Seaworthiness may be defined as the state of a vessel in such a condition, with such equipment, and manned by such a master and crew, that normally the cargo will be loaded, carried, cared for and discharged properly and safely on the contemplated voyage.” [4]. In other words, the essential issue is fitness for purpose and carriage relating to the polar and arctic environment. Therefore, the term polarworthiness is the term which we need to address and examine when we concentrate on the specific requirements in risk management for the Polar regions. What is required of a vessel in order to be polarworthy throughout the voyage? Fitness is a relative term, and implies fitness to the vessel’s working environment and harshness of the conditions to be expected during and throughout the voyage contemplated. When examining the expected fitness in Polar waters the Polar Code concentrates on equipment (propulsion, navigation, safety, cargo, etc.), supplies, number and training of crew, etc.IMO’s Polar Code addresses technical issues and training issues. Polar Code recognizes the unique nature and risks of the Arctic environment and for the first time as a mandatory regulation it creates a standard of seaworthiness specifically for Polar environment which needs to be addressed by the ship owners as a part of their risk management in order to comply the international standards of safety in this region and to held their insurance cover in force throughout the journey. Seafaring is especially risky business. Therefore, the modern insurance system was first established for maritime trade. Risk management in the Polar shipping defines the issue: Who is to bear the risk (of 98
  12. casualty, cargo loss, damage to the environment or delay) in the Polar context and how can these risks be shared or carved out? Polar Code as well as the other safety conventions is also a tool of risk management: Following the international standards is of utmost importance and procedures in complying with the standards by company procedures is the starting point. Developing the company procedures in critical issues (relating to Polar environment) in uniform manner is the key element which can be achieved by in co-operations with the education and ship owners risk management professionals as we will examine below in the chapter four in this article. The investment on developing company procedures relating to safety in the arctic regions is a necessity – It has to be also a clear indication of company strategy if the company wants to avoid the negative publicity in using the arctic regions. In Nordic countries we have examples of companies facing severe difficulties with public image and organisations like Greenpeace if the company management has not made a decent risk assessment on the operations in the Polar region. Even though the organisations like Greenpeace do not have that purpose, their actions create environmental concerns when they forcefully enter the offshore platforms or supply vessels or try to prevent them from working in the region. 3. Educating seafarers for the Arctic IMO gives guidance for implementation of the new Rules [2]. Model courses do not however meet all the demands the shipowner´s and masters are facing in the area. Teaching these new issues has potential for co-operation between Maritime Universities. Polar Code implementation is an important issue not just northern shipping companies, but also all companies which consider the use of northern route from Asian markets to Europe in the future. The economic advantages are lucrative when using the northern route. This creates possibilities especially for Nordic Maritime Universities in exporting the education and attracts students to choose Nordic Universities as a destination for student exchange. The Nordic Universities should use this challenge and develop their activities to meet this challenge. As approximately 80 % of maritime accidents have human elements involved when casualty occurs in relation to a vessel, the training of the seafarers for the Polar conditions is an important part of Polarworthiness of vessels when the Code enters into force. After 1 January 2017, ships operating in polar waters shall be appropriately manned with adequately trained, qualified and experienced seafarers, taking into account the relevant provisions in the STCW Convention and Code [2].Amendments to the STCW Convention and Code regarding the training and certification associated to the Polar Code are expected to become effective in 2018. New training guidance for personnel serving on board ships operating in polar waters need to implemented before that. Measures to ensure the competency of masters and officers of ships operating in polar waters has to be created by the Maritime Universities. Training for Masters, Chief Mates and Officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships operating in polar waters is mandatory requirement but the problem is that not all Maritime Universities have enough expertise in teaching the navigation in the Polar waters. The starting point for the training are the international requirements, but several countries have local legislation which need to be implemented in the training requirements when the vessels are about to enter their waters, e.g: Russia, Canada, Norway and the US [2]. When considering the basics of the education needed for Masters and officers in charge of a navigational watch, they should receive basic training or instructions as determined by the Administration on Ice characteristics and ice areas, relevant education on Ship’s performance in ice and cold climate as well as Operating and handling a ship in ice. For masters and chief mates on board ships sailing in Polar waters the following skills are needed in addition: Knowledge of voyage planning and reporting, knowledge of equipment limitations, knowledge of safety, knowledge of commercial and regulatory considerations [2]. The importance of expertise in teaching these topics is essential for the safe operation of those who take the courses. The issue of Polarworthiness in relation to the quality of training will probably be raised in a court - If there will be a casualty. Therefore, we need to think how to achieve the best possible modes 99
  13. for educating crew for polarworthy vessels? – At least it is the maritime Universities who should take care that if there will be vessels found not to be polarworthy. It is up to the training institutions to assure the vessels are not breaking the rules on seaworthiness due to indecent training for the Polar environment. The co-operation here is more important than ever before. As most Maritime Universities have no experience at all on training crews for the vessels operating in the arctic, we must share our experiences in a situation when entering Polar waters in the future is lucrative for most ship owners. In this respect I see the IAMU organisation and family of Universities as an important tool for Unification of the training in the years to come. 4. Modes of co-operation for achieving arctic excellence Maritime Universities in Nordic countries have a huge benefit when they develop education for arctic environment. Many Universities do research and co-operate with the companies already present in the Arctic environment. The co-operation between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and companies is already used to develop in depth study courses, which can be delivered also to other Maritime Universities through student exchange and seminars. Building a course module for environmental risk management for ice operations is already on its way. Company representatives have taken their Master of Maritime Management degree and produced parts of in-depth study course in Arctic Shipping Management based on their research together with Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. Some examples of the research conducted in co-operation with the student working in the companies with arctic experience and the University can already be listed. This co-operation is part of the research work of the University as well as risk management procedure of the companies working in the Polar regions: Tanker operations in the arctic environment are especially risky due to the environmental vulnerability of the region and the specific risk element for tankers relating to the ice pressure. The ship to ship operations of tankers (STS-operations) in the arctic are however a necessity in specific circumstances. In a research study the safety procedures of STS operations in this environment are analysed, data from previous operations is collected as well as silent information from the captains with tens of years of experience from the arctic altogether is analysed in order for the risk assessment tool for the tankers operating in the arctic to be developed [5]. Tanker fleet personnel operating in the arctic environment is highly skilled group of seafarers. The experience and practices adjusted to the new Polar code requirements is a model example of the co-operations between Maritime Universities and specialised shipping companies. Tanker operations in ice is one of the expertise courses to be developed based on the co-operation in research work. Another important research project to be analysed is oil pollution response planning of the company operating in the arctic [6]. The problems of collecting oil from sea with ice cover or ice blocks has been an issue for researchers for decades. Taking the technology to Polar areas is especially important but also extremely costly. Effective as well as cost effective produces and equipment together with a company environmental response strategy are part of a research combined into Master’s thesis and company development project which will also benefit the Arctic environmental risk courses of the University in the future. The oil catastrophe in the arctic is something which no one dares to imagine – But the companies planning their activities has to prepare for the worst scenario. The Maritime training institutions cannot turn a blind eye either. Third example of an ongoing research project is DP ice management, which is also a topic very little examined by researchers [7]. The topic is and research is highly based on persons with long experience in offshore activities in the arctic environment. This project is well targeted to serve the persons who need further education on DP in the arctic environment in the future years when the offshore industry recovers and the arctic drilling projects now waiting for implementation will be carried out. Safe 100
  14. offshore drilling in the harsh environment is highly dependent on the skilled experts navigating and operating in ice. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences uses the Master of Maritime Management student´s expertise as well as the own staff’sexpertise in creation of new knowledge and use of the experienced Masters are also used in teaching the specialised arctic courses. The strength of the education is close co-operation with the companies workingin the Polar region. The companies which can be specially referred to are Neste Shipping Ltd. and Arctia Shipping Ltd. and Arctia offshore Ltd. We feel privileged to have their best people working together with our University´s staff and further educating together crews for the vessel operating in the Polar waters and ensuring that all our students and exchange students visiting our institution get the best possible education and the latest experience from the Polar water navigation experts. The ship design and shipbuilding industry in Finland is concentrating also to designing and building specialised vessels for arctic regions. Combining this knowledge to the course development and using the expertise of the companies in teaching the courses gives also great advantages for those attending the courses in Nordic Universities. 5. Conclusions Polar Code is an important tool for the industry. Its implementation needs to be done with cautiousness by the companies that intend to operate in arctic regions. Therefore, the educations of those who will operate in the region also needs to be done properly. It is also important for the image of seafaring and shipping community in general. The environmental organisations are strongly opposing the use of arctic regions for transportation and especially for offshore activities. We all remember the consequences of the Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska 1989 and its impact in the oil transport industry as well as the legal implications that followed the incident. If the industry wants to operate in arctic regions, we cannot afford to allow any more fatal catastrophes even near the arctic. The education is of the essence and we need to use every opportunity to show that the education system together with the shipowners is ready to invest in education and preventing the spills to the sensitive areas. Therefore, we need to seek co-operation together with the Universities and the industry to make the arctic shipping as safe as possible. I hope our practice in this field described in this presentation is an example for other institutions. We are happy to share our experiences to fellow colleagues and visiting professors as well as exchange students. References [1] Haaslahti, Simo, Polaarikelpoisuus, 2015, Rauma, Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu. [2] IMO, International code for ships operating in polar waters (polar code) and Model course advanced training ice navigation in arctic water, 2016, London, IMO [3] Nordic Marine Insurance Plan 2016, issued by Cefor at [4] Tetley, William, Marine Cargo Claims, Thomson Carswell, 4ed. [5] Hornborg, Lauri, STS- operations in Ice, research plan for Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, 2015 [6] Tammiala, Sampo, Oil response in ice, research plan for Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, 2015 [7] Westerlund, Matti, Dynamic Positioning in ice, research plan for Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, 2015 101