Giáo trình Anh văn chuyên ngành chế biến món ăn - Trình độ: Trung cấp - Trường CĐN Kỹ thuật công nghệ

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Nội dung text: Giáo trình Anh văn chuyên ngành chế biến món ăn - Trình độ: Trung cấp - Trường CĐN Kỹ thuật công nghệ

  1. BỘ LAO ĐỘNG THƯƠNG BINH VÀ XÃ HỘI TRƯỜNG CĐN KỸ THUẬT- CÔNG NGHỆ GIÁO TRÌNH Mô đun:Anh văn chuyên ngành NGHỀ: CHẾ BIẾN MÓN ĂN TRÌNH ĐỘ: TRUNG CẤP Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số: /QĐ-TCDN ngày tháng năm của . Năm 2021 TUYÊN BỐ BẢN QUYỀN
  2. Tài liệu này thuộc loại sách giáo trình nên các nguồn thông tin có thể được phép dùng nguyên bản hoặc trích dùng cho các mục đích về đào tạo hoặc tham khảo. Mọi mục đích khác mang tính lệch lạc hoặc sử dụng với mục đích kinh doanh thiếu lành mạnh sẽ bị nghiêm cấm. Introduction
  3. 1. Aims of the course English for chefs is an English book designed for students who are learning courses on catering service. The book covers the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as improving pronunciation and building vocabulary. Particular emphasis is placed on reading. The primaty goal of the course is to provide grammartical knowledge, some technical terms and words belonging to the catering field, that is to improve students’ ability of using the language according to the professional situations, purpose and role of the participants. 2. Course length The course contains clash’s in the two lq$ semesters in the college. Ther are 98 theoretical classes, 72 practical classes and 10 tests for the whole course. The content of the ttìiirse The book is devided into 12 main units and 3 review units. Each main unit focuses on a topic related to a particular professional situation and follows the same teaching sequence. 2.1. Structure of a main unit Presentation includes suggested questions aiming to provide useful information involved in the topic given in the unit and to develop vocabulary and speaking skill as well. Dialogue introduces the new grammar of each unit in a communicative context and presents functional and conversational expressions Language Study The new grammar of each unit is presented and is followed by practice activities. Different kinds of exercises for speaking drills such as pairwork, groupwork, or role-play and for grammatical drill provide more opportunity for student practice of the new language items Vocabulary developes students’ vocabulary through a variety of interesting tasks, such as word map and collocation exercises. Vocabulary activities are usually followed by written or oral practice that helps students understand how to use the vocabulary in context.
  4. Pronunciation These exercises focus on important features of spoken English, including stress, rhythm, intonation, reduction, blending. Listening the listening activities devolope a wide variety of listening skills, including listening for gist, listening for details and inferring meaning from context. Charts or graphics are often accompanied with these task-base exercises to lend support to students. Speaking teaches students how to present an issue. Speaking tasks involved the use of the new structures and words given in the unit and concentrate on the topic of the unit. Reading the reading has two parts: a text and introduction of some dishes. The Readings develop a varitetydf reading skills, including reading for details, skimming, scanning and making inferences. Sometimes included are pre-reading and post-reading questions in which the topic of the reading is used as a springboard to discussion. Writing tasks help develop students’ writing skills 2.2. Review units The review units help students consolidate the students’ knowledge learned from four previous units with a variety of practical exercises. Keys, wordlist and appendix are at the back of the book as the reference for teachers and students. 3. The method of study English for chefs teaches students how to use English for very popular professional situations and will certainly provide students with useful language. In addition,students have the opportunity to personalize the language they learn, make use of their own language and experiences and express their ideas and opinions. In order to learn the most effectively, students must be hard-working, active and try to read more references as well as to memorize vocabulary. Ha Noi, ngày 16 tháng 05 năm 2021 Tham gia biên soạn 1. Chủ biên ThS.
  5. 2. ThS. MỤC LỤC ĐỀ MỤC TRANG 1. Lời giới thiệu 2 2. Mục lục 5 3. Chương trình mô học Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 6 4. UNIT 1: JOBS AND WORKPLACES 7 5. UNIT 2: FOOD SELECTION 13 6. UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN 18 7. UNIT 4: IN THE DINING ROOM 25
  6. 8. UNIT 5: REVIEW OF UNITS 1-4 31 9. UNIT 6: FRENCH DISHES 34 10. UNIT 7: SOME EUROPEAN DISHES 38 11. UNIT 8: VIETNAMESE DISHES 45 50 12. UNIT 9: SOME OTHER ASIAN DISHES 13. UNIT 10: REVIEW OF UNITS 6-9 57 14. Tài liệu tham khảo 62 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHI TIẾT MÔN HỌC Tên học phần : Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Mã số môn học : MH 11 Thời gian MH: 45 (Lý thuyết: 30 giờ; Thực hành, kiểm tra: 15 giờ) I. VỊ TRÍ, TÍNH CHẤT CỦA MÔ ĐUN: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành là MH bắt buộc nằm trong chương trình Trung cấp Kỹ thuật chế biến món ăn. Môn học này nằm ở vị trí đầu tiên tròn các MH/MĐ chuyên môn sau khi học xong MH Văn hóa ẩm thực và học truwowcs MH Quản trị tác nghiệp.
  7. II. MỤC ĐÍCH CỦA MÔN HỌC - Cung cấp cho học sinh vốn từ vựng, ngữ pháp, các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành được sử dụng trong lĩnh vực nhà hàng, bếp ăn. - Nắm được các kỹ năng: Đọc, viết và cách phát âm, cách tạo từ theo thuật ngữ chuyên ngành. Mục tiêu cụ thể: Sau khi hoàn thành môn học học sinh phải: - Kiến thức : Nắm được ngữ pháp,vốn từ vựng,các thuật ngữ được sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày tại các nhà hàng, bếp ăn - Kỹ năng : Đọc, viết và sử dụng chính xác từ vựng, thuật ngữ trong lĩnh vực chuyên ngành. - Thái độ: nghiêm túc,hăng hái trong việc thực hành và rèn luyện các kỹ năng - Điều kiện tiên quyết : Học sinh đã học xong 90 tiết Tiếng Anh cơ bản UNIT 1: JOBS AND WORKPLACES MH11- 01 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the usage and formation of the simple present tense and There is/ There are: know some words related to jobs, parts of a kitchen, tools and equipment used in the kitchen. - Introduce yourself and colleagues, describe jobs and workplace - Have love to job, responsibility in work. II. Contents + The simple present tense and structure There is / There are.
  8. + Words and phrases related to jobs, parts of kitchen, tools and equipment used in the kithen. 1. Presentation What do these words mean? What are they in your own language? Croissants Head chef Assistant chef commis pastry cook Casserole baking-tin frying-pan deep-frier Dialogue. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. The Head Chef is showing a new commis around the kitchen. Read and answer the questions. Head Chef: All the food for the restaurant is prepared and cooked in this kitchen. Now, let me introduce you to John, the pastry cook. John, this is David, the new commis. Pastry Cook: Hallo, David. David: Hallo Head Chef: John bakes fresh bread and rolls daily, and also prepares all the hot desserts. David: Uh-huh. Head Chef: There are ovens and hobs behind the preparation area. That’s Tim. the assistant chef, over there. He’s very busy right now. He’s responsible for all the side orders, hot soups, and hot starters. This is where I work. I do the main courses- meat, fish, and pasta. This is your station you’ll work with me. You’ll help with the sauces for the pasta, and you will also help the assistant chef with salads. And these are the knives- you’ll need to sharpen them daily. If you are on the early shift, you start at seven and finish at three with one hour break. David: Oh great! And where the fish section? Head Chef: It’s over here, next to the vegetable section. David: Is there an oven and stove just for the fish cook? Head chef: There’s an oven here but there isn’t a stove. There are four stoves- in the middle and you share them with the other cooks. David: Ok, that’s
  9. Questions 1. What are the duties of each chef? 2. Who is a new commis? 3. What does he have to do everyday? 4. Why does he share an oven with the other cooks? 5. How many people are there in the kitchen? 6. Who is the assistant chef? What is he responsible for? Read the dialogue again and find the duties of each chef. a is responsible for all the.side orders, hot soups, and hot starters, b does the main courses-meat. fish, and pasta. c prepares all the hot-desserts. d will sharpen the knives daily. e bakes fresh bread and rolls daily. f will help with the sauces for the pasta. g will help the assistant chef with the salads 2. Language study The simple present tense The present simple describes things that happen again and again or things that never change. Look at these sentences and answer the questions. Positive negative question a). I work in a famous c)l don’t work with e) Do you work with restaurant Rose Rose? b) He cooks very well d) He doesn’t cook f) Does he cook well? well ■ What is the difference between the form of the verb in sentences(a) and (b)? • Which verb is the same from in sentences(c) and (d)? t f ■ What is the difference between positive and negative sentences? • What is the first word in sentences (e) and (Í)? ■ What do you find in negative sentences and questions but not in positive sentences?
  10. There is/ there are Look at these sentences. There’s an oven here just for you. There are four stoves in the middle. ■ We use there is with singular or uncountable nouns. • We use there are with countable nouns. Now look at these sentences and remember the information below. There isn’t a stove. Is there an oven for the fish cook? • We make questions with is there or are there • We make negative sentences with there isn’t or there aren’t Practice 2.1. Complete the text with the correct from of the present simple Jan(work) with Rosa and Sam at Casablanca Restaurant. He (work) with them in the kitchen? No, he (not work) in the same section of the restaurant. He (serve) the guests in the dining-room. Jan (like) his job very much because he (deal) with different people everyday. When Sam and Jan (finish) work in the afternoon, they (not go) home. They (play) football with their friends in the park. What you (do) after work? 2.2. Complete the description of the kitchen with there is/ there are. V- jig
  11. many things in the kitchen. On the left, a stove next to the grill. On the right of the grill A deep- fryer. The grill is between the stove and the deep - fryer. The fridge and freezer are near the door. The freezer is under the fridge Croissants in the oven a table in the middle of the kitchen Three things on the table. 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation 3.1 Practise saying words. Salt/pepper pot dinner plate Knife side plate Dessert spoon Ashtray soup spoon napkin tablecloth 3.2 Which is the larger measure? a)a dash b) a tablespoon c) a pound d) 2 tablespoons e) a crop f) a teaspoon g) an ounce 4. Speaking 5. Reading 5.1 Read and complete the text with the correct prepositions. You can use the same preposition more than once. In at on from to This is Sam, our Head Chef. He’s very busy. Because he prepares all the meals at the Casablanca. He arrives at the restaurant 9.00 the morning.He’s especially busy lunch-time. Lunch is served 12.00 14.00 every day. The restaurant is open Tuesday Sunday. On Saturday evening the restaurant is usually full, so Sam starts preparing the dishes the afternoon Sunday he prepares a special meal. Sam always prepares a delicious cake for his birthday. His birthday is November. Autumn he usually prepares his
  12. speciality:marrons glaces September Sam goes away on holiday. He always says he needs it! 5.2 Read the text again then answer the questions 1. What does Sam do? 2. Which restaurant does he work for? 3. What is his responsibility? 4. What lime does he go to restaurant every day? 5. Why is he always busy? 6. What docs he do on Sunday? 7. What does he prepare for his birthday? 8. When is his birthday? 6. Writing Match the people and their responsibilities, and write sentences about them 1. head chef a. takes bookings 2. assistant chef b. organizes the waiters 3. commis c. cooks the main courses 4. receptionist d. serves the customers 5. waiter e. cooks the bread 6. maitre’d f. peels and prepares the 7. pastry chef vegetables g. prepares salads and side orders
  13. UNIT 2: FOOD SELECTION MH11- 02 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know the structure of the comparative and superlative degree, some words and expressions related to food selection. - Have carefuless in work. II. Contents - The structure of the comparative and superlative degree - Words and phrases relating to food seletion. 1. Presentation - How often do you go shoppin^?3^ - What kinds of food do you cnoose to ouy '! Dialogue Listen to Rosa and Sam talk about the menu and put the sentences below into the correct order. Sam: Rosa, I’d like to put a new seafood dish on the menu. Any suggestions? Rosa: What about a prawn dish or mussels? Sam: Well, mussels are the cheapest seafood and 1 think our guests have a more expensive taste than that. Rosa: Yes, but their cheap price doesn’t mean they taste worse than any other seafood. I think they’re tastier than oysters, for example. Sam: 1 agree, but I still don’t think our customers will like mussels. Rosa: Scallops. What about scallops? Sam: Scallops, hmm. How do you prepare them? Rosa: Well, first of all, you put them near a hot stove to open them up. Then
  14. you remove their shells and wash them under cold water and simmer them in a little milk with sliced onion, herbs and seasoning or in white wine stock. They’re delicious in mornay sauce and Sam: Sounds great! But before we put them on the menu, why don’t you prepare some for me to try. We could have dinner together at my place Rosa: It’s OK Sam, I can do them for you here this afternoon. a) Sam and Rose talk about prices and quality. b) Sam asks for suggestions about changes to the menu. c) Rosa suggests another dish. d) Sam invites Rosa for dinner e) Rosa suggests two dishes. f)Rosa explains how to cook scallops Answer the questions. 1. What kind of dish does Sam wan; 2. Why are mussels not popular with the1 guests? 3. Which seafood do Ssipi and Rosa prefer to oysters? 4. Who knows how to prepare scallops? 5. When does Sam suggest they shởuld tty the scallops? 6. How does Rosa answer Sam? 2. Language study Comparatives and superlative Look at these sentences and complete the information below. a. They’re cheaper than oysters. b. I think they’re Tastier than oysters. c. Our guests have more expensive tastes. d. Mussels are the cheapest seafood. Lobster is the most expensive seafood on the menu. Comparative form Superlative form
  15. Short adjectives er + than the + .adj + est Adjectives ending in - y .ier + than the +adj -iest Long adjectives More+long adjective+ the + most + .long than adj 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation Complete the diagram with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to look up Seasoning onion fruit dairy products trout parsley flour mussels Duck lemon prawns potato poultry pork cereal products. 4. Speaking Pair work 1. Do you like shopping ? How often do you go shopping ? 2. What kinds of shopping do you like ? 5. Reading Read the text and choose the best answer Food and ideas about cooking it have been passing from one part of the world to another ever since the stone age revolution began in the Middle East. They were part of the spreadcldf civilisatfbh. Though s-fiftS people change their tastes in painting and architecture much faster than their tastes in food, knowledge of what was eatêh^^ítì^ỉé^lh^n1 knowledge of the houses that were lived in or the clothes that were worn. Cookery books were few before the 17th century - and how close are the general eating habits at any period to the cookery books published ? Change owned more to the movement of people, of armies, of merchants,
  16. of wealthy landowners, than to books. Before canals , the railways, goodroads, most people ate what could be produced within a thirty - mile area. Ports did better of course, if they were on a big trade route. For most people food was basically regional food and there was not always enough of it either. Even in good areas, poor country people had little to eat since most of what they produced went for sale at local markets. Only wealthy men could buy expensive seeds to grow unusual vegetables, or employ gardeners who understood how to grow fine fruit unfamiliar to the place they lived in, or afford cooks trained elsewhere to provide variety at mealtimes. The undoubted advantages of present-day large-scale manufacture and organisation-outstanding cleanliness, quick distribution, prices that allow far more people than ever in the past to satisfy their hunger-have not so far come to us together with an excellent quality of flavour. Moreover, in a world where possibilities are endless, bussiness seems to try to limit choice beyond a certain level .Of the 300 varieties of pear that are listed by one French 17th century gardener-even though he had to admit that only 30 of them were really worth eating-only about half a dozen are now produced in Europe. 5.1 Why do we know so little about the food people ate in the past ? a. Eating habits used to change very quickly. b. There were no cookery books before the 17th century. c. Cookery books probably don’t reflect contemporary eating habits. d. There are very few paintings of food. 5.2 What is the problem with our food today ? a. It’s too expensive for many people. b. It’s manufactured too quickly.
  17. c. It doesn’t taste as it used to. d. It’s exported in very large quantities. 5.3 What point is the author making in the example about the pear in the last paragraph ? a. There is not as much variety now as before. b. There was more variety in the past but quality was not as high. c. Most pears which were produced were inedible. d.There is more variety outside Europe than in Europe 6. Writing How much do these items cost in your country ?Fill in the chart. Then compare the prices in your country with the prices in the U.S UNIT 3: IN THE KITCHEN MH11- 03 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the usage and formation of the verbs in the imperative form, verb “contain” and consist of; know some words related to food prepreration, some kinds of sauces, spices, herbs, - Make imperatives and describe ingredients of a dish. II. Contents + The imperatives and the usage of “ consist of ” and “ contain” + Some verbs related to food preparation, some kinds of causes, spices, herbs,
  18. III. Practice 1. Presentation This table shows some of the commonest foods on menus. Do you know what each food means in your language? Bacon cucumber red mullet goose octopus Oyster mussel crab scallop lobster Dialogue. Read the following dialogue and answer the questions Chef: Beef Stroganoff is a kind of stew. It’s made from beef steak with mushrooms and sour cream. And the chicken Kiev is new . It consists of chicken breasts stuffed with herbs and garlic butter and the Toumedos arc beef fillet served with sauted bread and lemon. Commis: Fine, and the vegetables? Chef: Peas, French beans, and ratatouille. Commis: What’s in that? Chef: It basically contains tomatoes, courgettes, green peppers, aubergines, and onions. Then for potatoes there’s roast, French fried, new boiled, and Lyonnaise. Com mis: What are they? Chef: Potatoes Lyonnaise? They are thin slices of potato cooked with onion in a casserole. Right, that’s everything. Ccwmis: How about Shrimp? Chef: For shrimp in sour cream, the first you have to shell shrimp and devein. Saute in butter about I minute Commis: What’s that? Chef: Fresh mushrooms, can you slice these mushrooms9 Commis: Ok Questions 1. How many dishes do they have to prepare today? 2. Can you describe how to cook shrimp in sour cream ? 3. What is the beef Stroganoff ?
  19. 4. How many ingredients do you need to prepare the chicken Kiev ? 5. What are the potatoes Lyonnaise? 6. Read the dialogue again and say whether the sentences below are true( V) or false(x) . Then correct the false sentences. 7. The shrimp in sauce cream is served for 6 people 8. Beef Stroganoff is made from chicken ,with mushrooms,sauce cream 9. Roast pork contains tomatoes, courgettes, green peppers, aubergines, and onions. 10. Chicken Kiev consists of chicken breasts stuffed with onions and garlic. 11. Add mushrooms and cook shrimp and mushrooms are well-done. 12. Then boil sour cream and soy sauce 2. Language study The imperative form It consists of ( Nó gồm ) It contains (Nó co ) Ratatouille contains tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, aubergines, and onions. Chicken Kiev consists of chicken breasts stuffed with herbs, and garlic butter. The imper ative orm Look at these sentences and answer the fquestions. a) Then add grenagine and a splash of soda wate^-ffl b) Don’t worry, you can have the recipe. c) You mix pineapple, orange áM grapefruit juice. ■ Which sentences are positive and which negative? - Which sentences give instructions? • Which sentences describe a process? • Which sentence uses an imperative? Imperative does not have a subject before the verb and is used to give 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation
  20. 1 .bake a. to cook food on or under a direct 2. chill flame 3. cream b. to decorate 4. deep-fry c. to cook in an oven 5. dice d. to cook in oil or fat in a shallow pan 6. fry 7. garnish e. to fry in a little fat at a lower temperature 8. grill f. to cook over a fire or in an oven 9. poach with oil or fat 10. roast g. to cook eggs (without their shells) 11. slice or fish in gently boiling water 12. sauté h. to cook for a short time in boiling 13. stuff water 14. steam i. to mix ingredients together until they from a smooth mixture j. to cut food into small cubes k. to cut food in a deep pan of boilng oil or fat l. to cut into large, thin pieces m. to cook over a pan of boiling water by allowing the steam to pass through holes in a container with food in it n. to put breadcrumbs, chopped meat, etc inside meat or vegetables and cook and serve them 4. Speaking Pair work How can you describe the foods or drinks in part 6.1? Use the words in the box. Can you think of other foods or drinks for each word?
  21. Bitter bland rich salty sour spicy sweet Example: Cheesecake is sweet and rich. Another sweet food is 5. Reading Read the text and answer the questions Britain meals A traditional English breakfast 18,3 very big meal- sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms. But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade is made traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting! For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office wokers can choose the kind of bread they want- brown, white, or a roll- and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School- children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home- a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crips. Tea means two things. It is a drink and meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones( a kind of cake) with cream and jam. The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They
  22. usually have it quite early, between 6.00 and 8.00, and often the whole family eats together. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices. The British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese. People often get take away meals- you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international! Questions 1. What do British people have for breakfast? 2. How about Vietnamese breakfast?Is it big or small? 3. Do British people have hot things or cold things? 4. Do they eat a lot of fish? 5. What is your favourite food? 6. Have you ever tried English food? 7 Have you ever cooked English diskes? Are the sentences true(v) or false (oij? Correct the false sentences. a. Many British people have a big breakfast: b. People often have cereal or toaspfef-bfeakfast. c. Marmalade is different from jam. d. People drink tea e. Many foreign visitors love instant coffee d. f. All British people have a hot lunch.
  23. e. Pubs are good places to go for lunch. f. British people eat dinner late in the evening. g. Sunday lunch is a special meal. J. When you get a take away meal, you eat it at home 6. Writing Explain how- to prepare a dish that is Describing the ingredients of your favourite dish in this unit. Word list chicken breast (n) beef lườn gà Stroganoff (n) green pepper thịt bò nướng kiểu Stroganof aubergine(n) (n) càớt xanhtím roast pork (n) thịt heo nướng sprinkle ( V ) rắc broil (v) nướng batter (n) bột hỗn hợp breadcrumbs (n) ruột bánh mì breast (n) lườn ngực crispy (adj) giòn curdle ( adj ) đông lại poach (v) kho rim julienne (v) cắt khúc/ xắt nhỏ UNIT 4: IN THE DINING ROOM MH11- 04 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
  24. - Understand the usage and formation of the Passive Voice in the Present Simple (to be made from); know some words related to types, colours, tastes and materials of dishes. - Make imperatives and describe ingredients of a dish. II. Contents + The Passive Voice ( Present simple) + Some words related to types, colours, tastes and materials of dishes. III. Practice 1. Presentation Write the names of the dish in your own language. Use your dictionary to look up sweet and sour shrimp lemon sole in white wine tuna rockefeller lemon meat loaf ham with black cherry sauce orange chicken sweet and sour Which of the foods have you tried and cooked? Dialogue: Read the dialogue then answer questions. Head chef: What would you like to follow? Man: What’s this? Head chef: It’s Greek dish- a kind of pie with layers of aubergine and lamp and tomatoes, topped with a creamy cheese sauce. Woman: I think 1 have some fish,please. Head chef: What a pity! We haven’t any sole left, madam, but the turbot is excellent. Woman: Then I’ll have the turbot. Man: I think I’ll settle for Chicken Kiev. Head Chef: Oh, Yes. Chicken Kiev is made from chicken breast, herbs and Garlic butter. Woman: How about steak?
  25. Head Chef: Rump or fillet, madam? Woman: Rump, please. Head Chef: And how would you like it to be cooked? Woman: Medium rare. Head Chef: What vegetables Would you like with your fish? Woman: Some potatoes, please, and some spinach. Head Chef: Potatoes Lyonnaises or Duchesse potatoes madam? Woman: Potatoes Lyonnaises, Please. Head Chef: Potatoes Lyonnaises is made from thin slices of potatoes and onions. And you, sir? Man: Vegetables, oh, peas, French beans and ratatouille, please. Questions: 1. What is the Head chef doing? 1. Is he in the kitchen or ỉn the dinning room? 2. What would they like to order? 3. Which vegetables would they like? 4. How would she like the steak cooked? 5. What is Chicken- Kiev made from? 2. Language study The Passive voice: It is made from The passive is often used to describe how things are made or done. Example: Sole Meuniére is grilled sole with melted butter. The chef makes butter from flour, eggs and milk (active) Butter is made from flour, eggs and milk. (passive) Practice: 2.1. Change these sentences into the passive 1. We make French dressing from oil and vinegar. 2 The restaurant serves lunch from 12 to 3. 3 rhe barman makes dry martinis from gin and vermouth. 4 The wine waiter opens the wine at the table.
  26. 5 The chef makes mornay sauce from flour, milk, butter, chese and seasoning. 6 The waiters bring the dishes from the kitchen on trays. 7 The chef makes Beef Stroganoff from beef steak with mushrooms and sour cream. 8 They serve the Toumedos (beef fillet) with sauce bread and lemon. 2.2. Put the regular verbs into the passive. 'Makesure you use is for singular nouns and are for plural 1. You cook lasagne al forno in the oven. Lasagne al forno . 2. You serve prawn cocktail on a bed of lettuce. Prawn cocktail 3. You grill the steak for three minutes on each side. The steak 4. For this dessert, you poach the pears for half an hour. For this dessert, the pears 5. You serve white wine chilled. White wine 6. You do not serve this dessert with cream. This dessert 2.3. Put these irregular verbs into the passive 1. You make breadcrumbs from dry bread. Breadcrumbs 2. You make crapes from butter. Cr"pes 3. They bring fresh fish to the restaurant every day. Fresh fish 4. They bring prawns and shrimps every Monday. Prawns and shrimps 5. You do not make Bolognese sauce with eggs. Bolognese
  27. 6. You make bread from flour. Bread 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation Match the verbs on the left with the definitions on the right. 1. blanch a. to shred into very small pieces, using a rough metal tool 2. braise b. to pass food through a machine which reduces it to powder or pulp 3. carve c. to reduce fruit/vegetables, etc to liquid 4. flambe d. to half-cook in boiling water 5. flavour e. to stew meat( usually chicken) with vegetables in a little water, which is then used to make a rich while sauce 6. grate f. to cut meat and poultry up at the table or in the kitchen for service to the table 7. grind g. to heat sugar until it becomes brown 8. liquidize h. to cook (meat or vegetables) in a covered pot with very little liquid 9. marinade i. To make cold 10. parboil j. to add spices and seasoning 11. fricasee k. to pour brandy or other alcohol over food and set it alight 12. caramelize l. to leave in a mixture of, for example, wine and herbs for some time before cooking 4. Speaking Student A: You are the customer. Order a main course and side dishes From the menu. Ask about the dishes that you order. Student B: You are the head-chef(or an assistant chef). Take the customer’s order and ask customer how they would like their food cooked/served. Explain what different dishes are. Describe how you make. 5. Reading
  28. 2.1. Read the text and match a photograph with each paragraph Mediterranean revelry It was morning filled with the lively chatter and enthusiasm of would-be chefs and recipe collextors, as well as those who were simply after a slap-up feast.The sun was streaming in from the closed veranda at Bastian! in Clarke Quay, as readers took their seats upstairs. Chef John Beriker was chopping and slicing with Helckel Knives, proniding handy tips and in? ant alternatives for busy cook as he worked. The three-course menu started with a chilled spicy shfmp cev'che. John explained that shrimp can be substituted with salmon, tuna, scallops, lobster or prawns. He served it inside a peeled coconutshell on a bed of ice, polling out that old coconuts are most suitable. Another of his suggestions “ The dish must be eaten really cold. If you sprinkle salt on the ice it keeps it from melting at the table.” The main course was honey-roasted chicken with pot-roasted garlic potatoes, oven dried tomatoes and port thyme sauce. “ Chicken is always chicken” explained Jonh. “ The challenge is always to cook it in a little different.” When they tucked in later, most of readers found his dish did not disappoit, with the subtle flavours of fresh herbs and honey mingling nicely. Dessert was fresh fruit with a sabayon sauce, comprised mainly of Muscat wine, cream and egg yolks. By the time John and his colleagues demonstrated the whisking techniques, many readers were crowding around for a better view. Most were a bit taken a back when pastry chef Tim whipped out a chicken blowtorch to give the sabayon a golden glaze. John jokingly advised them 50 Answer the questions: 1 Give the main ingredients of the spicy shrimp ceviche 2 What can be substituted? 3 How did he serve spicy shrimp ceviche? 4 What does John suggest? 5 Have you ever eaten mediterranean dishes?
  29. 6 What are the ingredients of honey*roasted chicken? 7 How do you cook it? 2.2. Introducing ingredients of dishes • Sauerbraten Ingredients: 4 to 5 pounds of beef ot roast cups of vinegar cups of water teaspoons of salt l/2teaspoon of pepper 2 tablespoons of white oflbrowlfi^iigar 2 medium onions,slicednot to try it at home! UNIT 5: REVIEW OF UNITS 1-4 MH11- 05 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand grammatical knowledge of units 1-4 including the simple Present tense, There is / There are, Comparative and Superlative adjectives, The Imperative, contain, consist of, the Passive voice. - Remember some words related to jobs, parts of kitchen, tools, equipment, adjectives, verbs, words for food, causes, spicies, herbs .
  30. - Understand the usage and formation of the Passive Voice in the Present Simple (to be made from); know some words related to types, - Introduce yourself, collegues, describle workplace, ingredients of a dish, - Have lover for job, responsibilities for work, carefulness, II. Contents + The simple Present tense, There is / There are, Comparative and Superlative adjectives, The Imperative, contain, consist of, the Passive voice. + Some words related to jobs, parts of kitchen, tools, equipment, adjectives, verbs, words for food, causes, spicies, herbs . III. Practice 1. Look at the mixed- up recipes for Beef Stroganoff and Gin Daiquiri, Complete the instructions with the words in the box Cut strain shake boil fry fill 1. First the meat into pieces and season it. 2. Cook the chopped onions in the same butter you used for the meat, 1 'the drink into a glass filled with ice. 1. Finally, and serve. 2. Then the pieces of beef in butter, keeping them underdone. 3. Remove and retain the slightly fried meat in a warm place. 4. Finally,garnish with a lime slice. 5. Add the fried meat and the lemon juice to the onions. 6. Next,add the gin, the rum, the lime juice and the sugar and 7. Add the cream to the onions, and reduce by half.
  31. 8. First, a shaker with ice. 2. Put the words in the box in the correct groups: add, dance floor, lemonade, poultry. tablespoon, centilitre, decanter, mineral saucer, teaspoon, coffee pot, fruit, water, slipcloth. terrace cork, garnish, napkin. stir, Wine dairy juice, non- sugar bowl, Restaurant products, label. sectiqft, tablecloth. section 3. Prepositions of time Look at the prepositions in these sentences. a. Traditional English breakfast available from 7 to 10 a.m b. Special prices for Christmas banquets in December c. Closed in winter d. A table for two at seven o’clock this evening. e. I’m sorry madam, but the restaurant closes in the evening. f. Ail right, so that’s a table for two on Saturday. 4. Complet the text with the correct prepositions. You can use the same preposition more than once. In at on from to This is Sam, Our Head chef. He’s very busy, because he prepares all the meals at the Casablanca. He arrives at the restaurant 9.00 the morning.He’s especially busy lunch-time. Lunch is served 12.00 14.00 everyday.The restaurant is usually full, so Sam starts preparing the dishes Lil the afternoon Sunday he prepares a special meal. Sam always prepares a delicious cake for his birthday.His birthday is c November autumn he usually prepares his speciality: Marrons Glance’s, September Sam goes away on holiday. He always says he needs it!
  32. Group work Circle the words below that you don't know, and ask your group to explain them. Use a dictionary to look up any that none of you knows. Then add two more items to each list TEST 45 MINUTES UNIT 6: FRENCH DISHES MH11- 06 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the usage some modal verbs: must, have to,ought to, some words and phrases related to French food, sauces, spicies, - Talk about permission, obligation and prohibition. II. Contents + Modal verbs must, have to, ought to, + Some words and phrases related to French food, causes, spicies, + Introducing some French dishes III. Practice I. Presentation Dialogue Read the dialogue then answer these questions. Commis: So where do you want me to start? Chef: First we have to organize the roasts. Light the ovens and get them to the right temperature. There’s pork and lamb today so get the baking tins and fat ready. I’ll get the meat. Commứ; What’s it for?
  33. Chef: That ‘s the list of vegetables for the day. Can you go to the cold store and get them, and I’ll see to the meat. Then I’ll explain what to do Commix: Ok, I think that’s the lot. Chef: Right, first peel the potatoes and carrots. Then Jul enne the carrots and celery and prepare the broccoli, sprouts, and French beans. We blanch all the vegetables now and the saute them to order in clarified butter. Commis: What’s that? Chef Melted butter with all the water removed. I’ll see to that today. You start on the vegetables. Then there’s apple sauce for the pork. Peel and chop those apples and when you ‘ve cooked them put them though the sieve to make a purée. The lamb is with garlic and rosemary. I’ll do that. Commis Is that it? No, there is a veal ragout, and roast and duchesse potatoes to do, and the fish to be poached. Can you chop the veal and then go on to the Chef’s salad? Commi What’s in that? Chef Use the crisp lettuce, watercress, radishes, and fennel. Oh, and you’ll have to whisk up some fresh mayonnaise Mix in a, little lemon juice with the olive oil and egg yolks. You mustn’t do it too quickly or it curdles. Questions: 1. What kind of dish does the Chef want to cook today? 2. Explain how to cook roasts? 3. Do you know how to prepare roasts? 4. What does the Commis have to do? 5. Which vegetables are in the veal ragout? 6. How many main courses do they have to cook? 7. Why do they have to organize the roasts the first? 8. Must the Commis mix fresh mayonnaise quickly? Why?
  34. II. Language study Modal verbs: Must/ have to/ don’t have to/ musn’t Fill the blanks with have to, has to, don't have to, doesn't have to, must, mustn*t I work in a very famours restaurant, and I really like what I do. On my station I have to help the assistant chef, and he prepare the vegetables for the restaurant. We cook the parstry or meat; there are other people who are responsible for that. The assistant likes to have a commis because it means that he prepare the vegetables himself. When I get to work, 1 peel the carrots and potatoes, and sometimes I julienne vegetables like carrots and celery. There's a lot of good equipment in the kitchen, so for example,I slice potatoes for Pommes Lyonnaises by hand, I just use the food processor. Another good thing is that I do the washing up; all the dirty plates and knives go into the dishwasher. The assistant chef is very good to me, and tells me I worry if I make mistakes. III. Vocabulary – Pronunciation Choose the correct words to complete these sentences Grill knead mince Roast Strain dice blanch Puree whisk julienne 1.into small cubes 2. After simmering the stock for 20 minutes, it though a sieve. Prepare the meat for the lasagne-take the steak, it and then fry them 3. When you make bread, you with your hands so that it is well mixed. 4. Please fire for six minutes.
  35. 5. Before you freeze the beans, them in ooiling water for ten seconds. 6. To make mashed potatoes, you have to boiled potatoes, and add butter and milk. 7. Take this cream and it until it is thick 8. Please the carrots into pieces like matchsticks IV. Speaking The instructions in the recipes below are not in the right order. Work in pairs and decide what is the correct order. Then write the list of ingredients for each recipe. Sprinkle a wine glass of Oliver oilo over all. Place slices of lemon on the top of the fish. Wash, clean and dry the mullets. Season with salt and pepper. Cook in a modrate oven for 25-30 minutes UNIT 7: SOME EUROPEAN DISHES MH11- 07 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the usage of quantity adjectives: little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, much, many; know some words related to European dishes.
  36. - Describing quantity. II. Contents +Quantity adjectives: little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, much, many; know some words related to European dishes. + Introducing some European dishes. 1. Presentation Group work Circle the words below that you don’t know, and try to explain them. Use a dictionary to look up any that none of you knows. Then add two more items to each list Way of preparing food: Peel slice stir beat whip marinate Ways of cooking: fry deep-fry broil grill bake steam Steam melt roast Equipment: frying pan skillet roasting pan pot oven Burner steamer Dialogue. Read the dialogue then put the sentences below into the correct order. Jack: Jane, I’d like to put a new salad on the menu. Any suggestions? Jane: What about a mixed or garden? Jack: Well, garden is the cheapest salad and I think our guests have a more expensive taste than that. Jane: Yes, but the cheap price doesn’t mean they taste worse than any other salads. I think they’re tastier than boiled or steamed vegetables, for example
  37. Jack: I agree, but I still don’t think our customers will like garden salad Jane: Chef’s salad. What about Chef’s salad? Jack: Chef’s, hmm. How do you prepare it? Jane: Well, first of all, you wash and dry lettuce thoroughly. Then you cut cheese and ham sliece into evenly sized fine strips. Cut tomato into 6 wedges. Combine the cheese, ham, chicken and eggs. Drizzle the dressing over and serve immediately. It’s delicious. Jack: Sound great! But before we put them on the menu, Why don’t you prepare some for me try. We could have dinner together at my place Jane: It’s OK Jack. 1 can do them for you here this afternoon. a. Jack and Jane talk about price and quality? b. Jack asks for suggestions about changes to the menu. c. Jane suggests another dish. d. Jack invites Jane for dinner e. Jane suggests two dishes. f. Jane explains how to cook scallops. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions 1. What kind of dish does Jack want to put on the menu? 2. Why is garden salad not popular with the guests? 3. Which salad do Jack and Jane prefer to the garden? 4. Who knows how to prepare Chef’s salad? 5. When does Jack suggest they should try the Chef’s? 6. How does Jane answer Jack? 2. Language study Quantity Adjectives Look at these sentences and complete the information below. There are a lot of fish in the frigde There aren’t many new dishes How many main courses did we have? That’s a lot of water
  38. We don’t have much sauce There are a few starters There cream is a little milk We have few How much is the bill? apples We have little time There are a few starters There is a little milk We have few apples We have little time Practice Complete the sentenc$p\viih quality 1. Are there 2. Yes., there are new starters. 3. There are too desserts on the bill. 4. You’re right. And there’s tax as well 5. How was the wine? 6. I think there are mistakes on this menu 7. After Rodney tastes the soup, he added salt to it 8. 1 don’t like a lot of salt on my food. 1 add salt to my food. 9. I’m afraid we haven’t avocados left 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation 3.1 Put these words in order to get names of dishes 1 .pea/Dutch/soup Dutch pea soup 2. stew/Spanish/pork . 3.1emon/grilled/sauce/cod/with 4. mushrooms/with/roast/sauteed/duck 5. caviare/Russian/fresh 6. jacket/lamb/with/Scottist/poatatoes 1.carpaccio a. tradtional Spanish rice dish 2. couscous b. thin slices of raw fish of meat 3. pate c. smooth, soft mixture of meat,fish or vegetables that can be spread on
  39. 4. salad bread 5. croquette d. cold starter orside dish of mainly 6. pancake raw vegetables 7. paella e.flat, round mixture of several 8. lasagne ingredients fried in a pan f. traditional North African cereal dish h. mashed vegetables. -Irieatr or fish coated with breadcrumbs g. traditional Italian pi st ii and deep-fried 3.2 Match the dishes with the discriptions.
  40. 4. Speaking • Which of the kinds of food below have you cooked (tried)? Discuss your three favorites 5. Reading Read the text and answer the questions Sandwiches, pizza, and potato chips Sandwiches are common in many coutries. Where did this strange name come from? The Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) was an Enghlishman. He liked to play cards. One night he played for hours and got very hungry. However, he didn’t want to stop his card game. He asked for some roast meat between two pieces of bread.( People bake roast meat in the oven of a stove.) He ate the food while he played cards. People gave his name to this new kind of food. Pizza is another international food. A baker probably invented the pizza in Naples, Italy. It was at about the same time as the first sandwich. “Pizza” means “pie” in Italian. Poeple used the name “pizza pie” for a long time. Now It is just‘ Pizza”. Potato chips came from Saratoga Springs in New York State. In 1853 a man at a hotel in that town wanted very-^pa ppgSya^hSifCOok cut some very thin pieces of potatoes and fried them in oil. Then he nut salt on them. They soon became very popular. People called them Saratoga chips for a long time. 5.1 Questions 1. What does “(1718-1792)” mean?
  41. 2. Why did the Earl of Sandwich want roast meat and bread? 3. Where do people roast meat? 4. What city did pizza probably come from? 5. What does “pizza” mean? 6. What is Saratoga Springs? 7. How did the cook make potato chips? 8. Why did people calljhem Saratoga chips? 9. Why do people like food they can eat with their hands? 10. In what century did a baker make the first pizza? 5.2 Are these sentences True/False 1. Sandwiches are an international food. 2. A hamburger is a kind of meat sandwich 3. The Earl of Sandwich was from Italy. 4. People fry roast meat in the oven. 5. Pizza is Italian. 6. A cook invented the first potato chips in the eighteenth century. 7. Poeple invented the first Sandwich and the first pizza in the eighteeth century. 8. The first potato chips came from the United States. 9. A man at the hotel didn’t want thick French fried potatoes. IO. Potato chips are good for you.
  42. 6. Writing • Write a menu with European dishes from different part of Europe. * Write an international menu with dishes from different countries. Word list roast (v) quay/nướng(ỉò) fry (v) chiên poach (v) kho,rim beef(n) thịt bò rub (v) xát, bôi bake (v) nưống bánh steam (v) hấp rare (adj) lòng đào tái blue (adj) lòng đào vừa medium rare (adj) chín vìra medium (adj) UNIT 8: VIETNAMESE DISHES MH11- 08 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Know the structure It + infinitive; some words and expressions related to Vietnamese dishes.
  43. - Have carefulness in work. II. Contents + The structure It + adj + to infinitive + Words and phrases related to Vietnamese dishes. + Introducing some tipical Vienamese dishes. 1. Presentation What’s your favourite main dish? What’s your favourite ethnic food? What do you like to cook? What’s your speciality? Dialogue Read the dialogue and answer the questions A: Could you give me the receipe for a simple main course? something that’s easy to prepare.It’s for a dinner. B: What about fish braised in Caramel sauce A: Is it easy to prepare? B: Yeah.I can give you a simple receipe. How many is the dinner for? A: For four. B: Oh, I see. You’ll need 750 g catfish fillets, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 4 thin slices fresh ginger shredded, 2 quantities 2/3 cup caramel sauce. Heat the oil in a wok over medium heat. Add the fish and stir - fry for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Add the shredded ginger and caramel sauce and bring the
  44. mixture to the boil. Reduce the heat to low and cook another 5 minutes, or until the fish is done. Remove from the heat and place on a serving plate. Questions 1. Who is planning a dinner? 2. Who suggests a main course recipe? 3. What’s the main course? 4. How many ingredients do you need to prepare the main course? 5. How is it made? 2. Language study Using It + adj + to infinitive Sometimes an infinitive is used as the formal subject of a sentence. And an infinitive is more commonly used after an adjective. The word refers to and has the same meaning as the infmive phrase at the end of the sentence. It is easy to prepare. Complete the sentences with an infinitive phrase 1. It is fun 2. It’s dangerous 3. It’s easy 4. It is important 5. It is wrong 6. It takes a lot of time 7. It’s a good idea 8. It’s difficult 9. It is impossible 3. Vocabulary - Pronunciation
  45. Complete the chart with words from the list. Then add two more words to each category. What's your favourite food in each category? Cucumber soup fried pork in tomato Ice cream wild pepper salad caramel custard leaves Pork and eel soup cookies Crab rolls beef stew chicken broth Chicken noodle chicken salad Soups Salads Main dishes Desserts 4. Speaking Pairwork Imagine that a foreign friend has asked you for a recipe of a typical National dish that is a speciality of your country ( or region ), which he or she can prepare easily. Decide on a suitable national dish. What do you think ingredients are needed? Are they obtainable abroad? How is it made, step by step? Why have you chốosen this particular dish? 5. Reading
  46. That evening, Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner. First, she sliced the beef. Next, she sliced some green peppers and onions. Then, she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach. She added a little salt to the spinach so it tasted good. After that, she heated a pan and stir-fried the beef and the vegetables in a little vegetable oil. She added a little soy sauce to the dish. Finally, she sliced the cucumbers and made cucumber salad with some onions. Hoa set the table with plates, bowls, shopsticks, spoons and glasses. Then they all sat down to eat. 5.1. Ordering statements a. First, she sliced the beef. b. Then , she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach. c. Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner. d. Next, she sliced some green peppers and onions. e. After that, she stir – fried the beef and vegetables. f. And then, Hoa set the table and the family sat down to eat. g. Finally, she sliced the cucumbers and made the cucumber salad. 5.2. Comprehension questions a. What kinds of food did Hoa, her aunt and uncle have for dinner? Write the menu. b. What did Hoa’s aunt do first? c. What did Hoa’s aunt do next? d. What did Hoa’s aunt do last? e. What did Hoa do ?
  47. 6. Writing Write a letter to an English-speaking friend who has asked you for the recipe of a national dish from your country or region. Explain why you have choosen this dish and how the dish can be prepared TEST 45 MINUTES UNIT 9: SOME OTHER ASIAN DISHES MH 11- 09 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the usage and formation of the Present Perfect Tense; know some words and phrases related to Asian food. - Describe someones’s experience. II. Contents + The Present Perfect + Some words and phrases related to Asian food. + Introducing some tipical Asian dishes. 1. Presentation Are there restaurants in you^eitýTtótsèỂVử Chinese or Japanese dishes? Which of the food have you tried? which would you like to try? What other Asian dishes do you like? Dialouge Read the dialogue and give the recipe for honey chicken
  48. Jan: Could you give me the recipe for a simple main course? Something that’s easy to prepare. It’s for a dinner. Chang: What about honey chicken? Jan: Honey chicken? Some customers had that last night. Chang: And what did they think? Did they like it? Jan: They said it was delicious and they didn’t have any. Is it easy to prepare? Chang: Yeah. 1 can give you a simple recipe. How many is the dinner for? Jan: For four. Chang: Well, you’ll need 500gr skilless chicken broast, 1 cup cornflour, 1/2 teaspoon baking power, 2 egg whites,cold water,extra cornflour for dusting chicken, 3/4 cup clear honey.l 1/2 teaspoon sweet chilli sauce Jan: Could you tell me how to make it? Chang: Oh,I see. Firstly you have to cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, Make a creamy batter of the cornflour, baking powder,beaten egg whites and cold water.Dust chicken pieces with cornflour, then dip into the butter. Deep-fry for about 1 minute until crisp on the surface and cooked through. In another pan melt the honey with chilli sauce. Pour over the chicken and serve immediately. 2. Language study Past simple Look at these sentences and the information below Jan: Some customers had honey chicken last night.
  49. Chang: And what did they think? did they like it? Jan: They said it was delicious and they didn 7 leave any. - These verbs are irregular because they never take” ed” in the past. - With negative sentences and questions use did and an infinitive. - The past form of the verb be: is was (I,she,he,it) or were ( you, we, they ) - The verb be does not use did for negative sentences and questions. Practice: Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the past simple Chang: So, how (go) the dinner. yesterday? Jan: Don’t ask! it (be) a disaster. Chang: (have) you problems with the honey chicken? Jan: No, not exactly. I ( have ) two guests instead of one. Chang: What? Jan Rosa: (bring) someone with her! CTliwg.- No! who (be ) ít? Jan: Susan, the Head Waiter! There I (be) all ready for a romantic dinner.I put candles and flowers on the table and (choose) Spanish music for the perfect atmosphere. And then the bell (ring) and - there (be) the two of them: Rosa and my boss! Chang: But what (be) the honey chicken like? Jan: 1 (not/try) any because I only (make) enough for two - people.But they (say ) it (be) delicious.
  50. Chang: So,what’s the problem? your dinner (be) a success! 3. Pronunciation Reduced forms of “did you ” Did you have a good time? Did you like it? Did you have any problems What did you think of it? 4. Speaking Groupwork You are invited to prepare a traditional recipe from China by a UK television channel. Plan your recipe and present it to the class 5. Reading Introduction of some Asian dishes • Garlic Chilli Prawns Serves 4 Preparation time: 20 mins. Cooking time: 5 mins Ingredients 500g (1 lb)of fresh green prawns or tiger prawns, shelled and deveined 5 red chilli pepper, fresh or dried
  51. 60 ml (1/4 cup) of vegetable oil 8 cloves garlic, smashed with side of cleaver and skinned 6 slices ginger, finely cut into shreds 3 tablespoons of chilli sauce 6 spring onions, cut into 2.5cm sections Marinade 2 tablespoons of wine 1 teaspoon of sesame oil 1 teaspoon of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon of water Sauce 1 tablespoon of wine 1 teaspoon of soy sauce 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce (ketchup) 1 teaspoon of salt 1. Mix the Marinade in a bowl, then add the prawns and toss with a spoon to blend. Leave aside to marinate for 20 minutes. 2. Combine all Sauce ingredients and sefr-fhe aside 3. Cut chillies lengthwise and scrape away the seeds and fibres. 4. Heat the oil in a wok and, when hot, add the'chillies and let them scorch. 5. Add the garlic, ginger prawns, y,)ge||i9ran4:;$fti{-fry quickly for 1 to 2 minutes, until prawns turn pink and flesh become firm.
  52. 6. Add the chilli sauce and stir to blend, then add the spring onions and the sauce mixture, and continue to cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a platter and serve. Pairwork Close your book and work with a partner. See if you can rentember the whole recipe. Say the introduction.Don't write them. Read the introductions andfind verbs which match the definitions in the box. To make food hot To crush food to a solf paste To reduce3 fruit, vegertables etc to liquid To boil gently To cut into small pieces with an axe or sharp knife To pour liquid through a sieve to separate solids from it. To remove the outer skin To put things together To mix up a liquid or food To heat water untill it reaches 100°C Sort the words below into twelve pairs of words with opposite meanings For example: hot - cold Bland, cooked, dry, fresh (2), frozen, overdone, rare, raw, salty, sour, sparkling, spicy, stale, still, sweet (3), tasteless, tasty, tender, tough, underdone, well-done.
  53. 6. Writing Write a letter to your pen-friend who has asked you for the recipe of a national dish from Japan. Explain why you have chosen this dish and how the dish can be prepared Revision UNIT 10: REVIEW OF UNITS 6-9 MH 11- 10 I-Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Revise the usage some modal verbs: must, have to,ought to, some words and phrases related to French food, sauces, spicies, - Practice the usage of quantity adjectives: little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, much, many; know some words related to European dishes. - Know the structure It + infinitive; some words and expressions related to Vietnamese dishes. - Practice the usage and formation of the Present Perfect Tense; know some words and phrases related to Asian food. II. Contents
  54. + The structure It + adj + to infinitive +Quantity adjectives: little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, much, many; know some words related to European dishes. + Modal verbs must, have to, ought to, + The Present Perfect + Some tipical Vietnamese dishes, European dishes , French dishes, Asian dishes. III. Practice + Practice the structure It + adj + to infinitive +Quantity adjectives: little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, much, many; know some words related to European dishes; Modal verbs must, have to, ought to, + The Present Perfect: Practice some tipical Vietnamese dishes, European dishes , French dishes, Asian dishes. 1. Find ten kinds of food. The words go forwards 0, backwards 0, up 0 and down ().Which two words are not in the story? Then Mark was upset because I gave him some advice about the pizza. I only wanted to be (1)!Actually, the pizza was (2).Becky and I were (3)because we didn’t think that boys can cook. Then there was a really (4) smell. It was the chocolate biscuits. They were all black and (5). We were so (6).
  55. 2. Grammar question - When do we use much and when do we use many? Read and listen to the conversation between Ben and Sam. Ben: Now, have we got everything we need? Sam: Well, let’s see. There are some onions and potatoes, but there are’t any mushrooms and of course, there isn’t any minced beef. Ben: Are there any carrots? Sa: A few. But we don’t need many, so that’s OK. Ben: How much milk is there? Sam: Only a little. And there isn’t any butter, and we haven’t got much cheese. Ben: Well, we don’t need much cheese. Is there anything else? Sam: No, not for Shepherd’s Pie. We’ve got some salt and pepper, and there’s a lot of flour. Would you like me to help with the shopping? Ben: Yes, please. Work in pairs - Underline with a solid line ( ) all the countable nouns. - Underline with a broken line ( ) all the uncountable nouns. - Discuss the use of the words in italics in the following sentences. There are some onions. There is some salt. Are there any carrots? There aren’t any mushrooms There is a lot of flour. There are a lot of potatoes
  56. READING Sandwiches, pizza, and potato chips Sandwiches are common in many countries. Where did this strange name come from? The Earl of Sandwich (1718 - 1792 )was an Englishman.He liked to play cards. One night he played for hours and got very hungry. However,he didn’t stop his card game.He asked for some roast meat between two pieces of bread. ( People bake roast meat in the oven of a stove ).He ate the food while he played cards. People gave his name to this new kind of food. Pizza is another international food. A baker probably invented the pizza in Nappies, was at about the samc[time as the first sandwich. “Pizza “ means “pic “ in Italian.People used the name “Pizza pie “ for a long time. Now it is just “pizza “. Potato chips came from Saratoga Springs in New York State. In 1853 a man at hotel in that town wanted some French fried potatoes.However,he wanted very thin ones.The cook cut some very thin pieces of potatoes and fried them in oil.Then he put salt on them.They soon became very popular. People called them Saratoga chips for a long time.
  57. 1. Read the text and answer the questions a. What does “(1718 - 1792 )” mean? b. Why did the Earling of Sandwich want roast meat and bread? c. Where do people roast meat? d. What city did pizza probably come from? e. What does “pizza “ mean? f. What is Saratoga Springs? g. How did the cook make potato chips? h. Why did people call them Saratoga chips? i. Why do people like food they can it with their hands? 2. Comprehension: true /false a.Sandwiches are an international food. b.A hamburger is a kind of meat sandwich. c The earlof sandwich was from Italy. d. People try roast meat in the oven. e. Pizza is Italian. f. A cook invented the first potato chips in the eighteenth century. g. People invented the first sanwich and the first pizza in the eighteenth century. h. The first potato chip came from the United States. A man at the hotel didn’t want thick French fried potatoes
  58. TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 1. “English for Hotel staff”, Kate Schrago Lorden, 1984 Bell & Hyman Limited 2. “A course for Restaurant and Bar staff’, Bùi Quang Đông - Anh ngữ Du lịch, NXB trẻ 1997 3. “Hotel English” Tuyết Sơn + Thu Hà. Nhà in Thành cổng 2000 4. “English conversation for restaurant service”, Nguyễn Thành Yên (b/d) - NXB TPHCM tháng 11/2001. 5. “Ready to order” Anne Baude, Montserrat Iglesias and Anne Inesta, 2002 Pearson Education Limited. 6. “Spoken English for restaurant staff’ - Nguyễn Thành Yên (b/d) - NXB TPHCM thang 7/2002. 7. “English for the Hơíeírơuris^/ndĩísíry” Nguyễn Thanh Chương 8. “Managing Food & Beverage Service” Sue Bernett MBA MNCIMA 9. DMATP. Wald University service of Canada.
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