Improving the quality of public administrative serv at vietnam post corporation

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  1. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERV AT VIETNAM POST CORPORATION Ph.D Huy Nguyen Quang1 – Ph.D Hoa Tran Thi2 Abstract: This paper aim at providing solutions to improve the quality of public administrative services in order to well meet the changing needs of customers and the development of society, to complete the mission of providing public services, including the public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation. The paper, first reviews service quality and the quality of public administrative services at Vietnam Post Corporation; then, the paper analyzes the current state of the quality of public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation over the past time; in the final section, the paper proposes several solutions to improve the quality of public administrative services at the Vietnam Post Corporation. Keywords: Service Quality, public administration service, Vietnam Post Corporation. 1. INTRODUCTION The rapid development of the economy and e-commerce have been resulting in changes in buying and selling habits, the increase in product variety, transportation options and online purchases. Consequently, customers less rely on buying and selling directly and rely more on online buying and selling. So, they need more delivery services. In such a general trend of change, the public administrative services of the party, the state, the government at all levels have also been developed towards computerization and socialization, ensuring convenience and speed for the people. Contributing to promoting this process, it is indispensable for the presence of delivery businesses. Vietnam Post Corporation (VNPost) is a leading provider of postal and delivery services in Vietnam and is an enterprise assigned by the State to manage and exploit the entire public postal network across the country. Public services, exclusive services assigned by the Government to Vietnam Post Corporation, including public administration services. VNPost is an enterprise assigned by the State to receive dossiers and return the results of administrative procedures settlement to state management establishments with competence to handle administrative procedures. Public administrative services of the Vietnam Post Corporation have been provided since 2016 in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 45/2016/QD–TTg on receiving dossiers and returning results of administrative procedures settlement through public postal services. Over the past four years, VNPost's public administration services have been deployed across the network of 63 cities and provinces, with their quality increasingly strengthened. The advantage of public administration services of VNPost is having an extensive delivery network in 63 provinces from urban to rural, remote and remote areas using specialized mail network, reasonable rates, suitable for requires strong support from central to local levels of government. VNPost's public administration services have an average growth rate of over 60%/year, service revenue also increases rapidly, but at the same time, customers are still complaining about slow delivery and poor attitude of employees, cumbersome procedures and many other issues related to service quality Public administration. 1 School of Trade and International Economics, National Economics University. Email: 2 Faculty of Business Administration 1, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology. Email: 906
  2. To develop business in line with the development trend of science and technology, the changing trend of customers' needs, in line with the change of the government's public administration system. The development of public administration services suitable to the needs of the people and in accordance with the system of public goods provided by the party and government agencies is indispensable for postal and special businesses. Especially the Vietnam Post Corporation, the enterprise assigned by the Government to provide services of receiving and delivering papers and documents of the main goods system across the country. In this situation, the guarantee of the quality of the provision of public administrative services is an urgent issue of Vietnam Post Corporation today. Research on the quality of public administrative services of Vietnam Post Corporation is an important issue for VNPost to develop its business, ensure the maximum provision of public postal services deeply involved in the supply chain public services of the economy. This is a problem that needs to be solved in a timely manner for the Vietnam Post Corporation, the enterprise assigned by the Government to provide and ensure the good quality of public administrative services for the people of the country. Stemming from that practical meaning, the article "Improving the quality of public administrative service delivery at the Vietnam Post Corporation in current conditions" will clarify some issues about service and supply quality. VNPost's public administrative service application; analyze the current state of the quality of public administration service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation in the past time; thereby proposing several awards to improve the quality of public administration service provision of the Vietnam Post Corporation. 2. OVERVIEW ON SERVICE QUALITY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AT VIETNAM POST CORPORATION 2.1. The public administrative services provided by the Vietnam Post Corporation Vietnam Post Corporation is a postal enterprise that assigned providing public postal services (specified in Clause 2, Article 32 of the Postal Law). According to Decision No. 45/1016/QD–TTg dated October 19th, 2016, of the Prime Minister on receiving dossiers, returning results of administrative procedures settlement via public postal services. Forms of carrying out administrative procedures via public postal services include: (1) Sending administrative procedures settlement dossiers; (2) Receive results of administrative procedures settlement; (3) Send documents and receive results of administrative procedures. Vietnam Post Corporation is an enterprise assigned by the State to receive dossiers and transfer results of administrative procedures settlement to state management agencies competent to handle administrative procedures. This group of services is called VNPost's public administrative service (PA). The current public administrative services by VNPost include receiving documents and returning the results of administrative procedures in areas such as identity card, driver's license, passport, vehicles registration plate, collect and pay traffic penalties and return custody papers, criminal record certificates, social insurance, and other administrative documents from the agency handling administrative procedures to hands to citizens. [17] (1) The service of receiving and sending documents for administrative proceedings is the receipt of documents for the settlement of administrative procedures (called records) from organizations, individuals for transportation and delivery to the competent authorities. [2] (2) The service of returning the result of the administrative settlement is the receipt of the result of the administrative processing and related documents (hereinafter referred to as the result) from the competent authority for the transportation and delivery to organizations and individuals. [2] 907
  3. (3) The service of receiving and sending dossiers and returning results of administrative processing is the receipt of documents of organizations and individuals for transport, delivery to competent agencies and receiving results from competent agencies. The authority to deliver, deliver to organizations and individuals. [2] 2.2. Service quality and PA service delivery quality 2.2.1. Service quality concept (1) Service quality from the customer's point of view Unlike the quality of the tangible product, service quality is rather abstract. This abstraction is caused by the intangibility of the service itself. However, there are many approaches to service quality. According to ISO8402, service quality is "a set of properties of an object, giving the object the ability to satisfy stated or latent requirements". Nowadays, to better understand service quality, scholars have approached service quality from the customer's point of view. Here: Quality = Satisfaction (Quality = Satisfaction) Satisfaction = Perception – Expectation Quality = Perception – Expectation Thus, the level of customer satisfaction is equivalent to the level of quality. According to this approach, quality is perceived by the customer and assessed by the customer, that level of customer satisfaction is the difference between the customer's perception when using the service and their expectations. before consuming that service. In which, customers' expectations are determined by factors: word of mouth; Personal needs; experienced experience; Advertising, promotion. These are the four factors that service quality managers as well as service providers need to understand. In particular, the fourth factor "advertising, promotion", managers must note that in advertising, if we talk too much about our products or services. supply, but when we do it, we don't do it well, the lower the level of customer satisfaction. For "perceptions", the goal of managers is to increase the perceived level, the pleasure level of the customer. To achieve that goal, service providers as well as quality managers must have integrated plans and measures to continuously satisfy customers' needs. (2) Views on quality service provision From the point of view of quality service delivery, the typical "SERVUCTION service delivery model" shows how the organization is organized, facilities and staff interact with customers. Business goods will create services that satisfy customers' needs. According to the SERVUCTION model, service quality is determined by the following four factors: – Group 1: belongs to the capacity of the force directly in contact with the customer and directly creating the service. The quality produced by these factors is called functional quality. – Group 2: Belongs to the facilities that create the service. Quality created by the service provider's facilities is called technical quality. – Group 3: Belongs to the surrounding environment. – Group 4: Group of factors belonging to customers. In–service provision, creation and usage happen at the same time, so customer behavior also directly determines customer satisfaction. 908
  4. Figure 1: A model of SERVUCTION service provision [11] Infrastructure Internal Service Customer organizations Contact staff All 4 groups of factors above are very important to service quality managers. However, the factor group belongs to the force directly in contact with the customer the force directly creating the service is the most important. In other words, functional quality is extremely important in quality management. Once the direct force in contact with the customer has enough knowledge, experience and sensitivity to handle the problem, any problem that occurs can be solved satisfactorily. This is a very important feature in service quality management. 2.2.2. Criteria for evaluating and measuring service quality Unlike evaluating and determining the quality of tangible products; The assessment, determination, and quality measurement of the service are extremely complex. If the quality of tangible products is determined based on the economic and technical attributes of the product, or the customer consumes the tangible product, their perceived level may also be based on that calculation. As for services, customers when evaluating the quality of the service they enjoy cannot rely on such tangible attributes. Therefore, to evaluate the quality of the service, we must rely on the relevant factors and through what is called the "customer perception". Relevant factors maybe those belonging to facilities such as service premises, housing, and equipment. Relevant factors can be those belonging to the people – the people involved in the creation and delivery of services. In addition to the physical and human factors, customers can also be satisfied or dissatisfied with what happens around the space where they are enjoying the service – this is the environmental factor Environment can be the natural environment, the social environment, or even the service culture of the service provider unit or organization. From the perspective of service providers, we have elements belonging to facilities, people, and the environment as just mentioned. However, in order to get accurate conclusions, we probably must rely on customer perceptions and reviews. Customer perceptions are based on what is available, on the basis of what is happening. Therefore, it can be said that customer reviews are the most objective and accurate results possible. The customer evaluates the quality of service provided on the basis of the rating of the person who served them. With the same type of service but different service staff, their perception of service quality may also be different. Therefore, when evaluating service quality, it is necessary to stand from the customer's point of view and the evaluation criteria must also come from the customer's point of view. Therefore, to avoid possible complications, scholars have reduced from ten criteria to five criteria and abbreviated to RATER service quality assessment criteria. Here are the five RATER criteria. 1– Reliability: Deploy the service as promised, before and after as one, with a reliable and accurate promise. 2– Assurance (Assurance): The knowledge and manners of the service staff, as well as their ability to build trust and confidence. 909
  5. 3. Visibility (Tangibles): Physical condition, equipment, and appearance of service staff. 4– Empathy (Empathy): Personal care and attention to each customer. 5– Responsiveness: Willing to help customers and provide prompt service. According to the above 5 criteria, depending on each specific field, people try to define the indicators to measure service quality with specific numbers. The components that make up the service quality are shown in Table 1.1 Table 1. Components of service quality 1. Reliability Demonstrates the initial ability to perform the service properly and on time. 2. Responsiveness Demonstrating the willingness and willingness of service staff to provide timely service to customers. 3. Tangibility Clothing, the appearance of staff and equipment for the service. 4. Service capacity Professionalism of service staff, professional qualifications and polite service style, affections to customers. 5. Empathy Showing employees' concern for customers. So, service quality is the distance between a customer's expectation and a perception of a service. Service quality is assessed by customers based on five components: reliability, service capacity, responsiveness, tangible means, and empathy. Meanwhile, price is seen as consumer perception of giving up or sacrificing something to own a product or service. 2.2.3 The evaluation criteria of the quality of PA service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation The quality of PA service provision of Vietnam Post Corporation must at least ensure the following criteria; (1) Safety; (2) Service lead–time; (3) Time limit for complaint settlement. PA service quality criteria are issued and published by the Vietnam Post Corporation on the website of the Vietnam Post Corporation and are publicly posted in easy–to–read places at service points The post office provides VNPost's PA service. [2] (1) Fast (delivery speed criteria): This indicator shows the total service time from receipt to delivery to the recipient in the shortest way. The transit time = the time at the time the item was delivered – the time at the time the item was accepted (recorded in the profile of each item). (2) Right (right criteria): The item must be delivered in the right direction, delivered to the right address, to the right recipient, and must not allow errors or procedural mistakes. (3) Safety (safety criteria): Items that have not been damaged, partially, or wholly lost during the transportation process, are not changed, contents or names and addresses of people are disclosed. (4) Convenience (convenience criteria): The postal information network must be widely distributed, close to users. The opening hours of the Post Office must be suitable for the daily life of the people, with all necessary equipment and facilities. The transaction points must be spacious, clean, polite, and comfortable. The rich and diversified services can satisfy the simple to complex requirements of customers. Simple procedures do not cause trouble for customers. (5) Civilization (Target of customer satisfaction on attitude and service style): This is a civilized indicator; it is extremely important. Most postage countries conduct surveys to get customers' opinions on the quality of their services in many forms, most commonly using questionnaires, opinion books, and mailboxes to receive comments via the website of the business. For postal businesses, through communication with customers, tellers are the face of the business to create trust and peace of mind for customers when they use the services of the Post Office. 910
  6. Therefore, this criterion stipulates that transactors must have a cheerful, amiable attitude and be polite when communicating with customers; Serving customers thoughtfully and conscientiously; Listen to customers 'suggestions and have the knowledge to advise and answer customers' questions. Based on the criteria set out on Speed – Accuracy – Safety – Convenience – Civilization of the quality of postal services, Vietnam Post Corporation has issued a Service Quality Indicator System as a legal basis to compare with actual results. 3. THE SITUATION OF QUALITY SUPPLY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AT VIETNAM POST CORPORATION 3.1 The quality assurance of public administration services by VNPost in recent years In recent years, implementing Decision No. 45/2016/QD–TTg on receiving dossiers, returning results of settlement of administrative procedures via the network of public postal services at VNPost, Vietnam Post Corporation has tried its best to provide services that meet the needs and ensure the quality of public administrative service delivery to the people. The quality of VNPost's public administration service delivery in recent years has achieved certain successes. The most of quality indicators of implementing public administrative services in 2017, 2018, and 2019 of the Corporation all meet the requirements of the National Technical Regulation on public postal services and ensure the quality standards that VNPost announced. [17] To achieve the results of the quality of public administrative service provision, the Vietnam Post Corporation has carried out many activities at the same time: 1) Vietnam Post Corporation has developed targets to ensure the quality of public administrative service provision, registered with the Ministry of Information and Communications, and announced them publicly on the Web, at intersections. Specific service delivery quality assurance indicators such as safety criteria, completion time targets, success delivery targets, complaints settlement criteria, As a basis for deploy and inspect and supervise the quality assurance of service provision for the whole Corporation and its member units. 2) Vietnam Post Corporation has actively negotiated, cooperated, and signed with other provinces, cities, state management agencies on receipt of dossiers, and returned results of handling procedures. public administrative procedures through the public postal network of VNPost. This has prompted the rapid development of the provision of public administrative services of VNPost across its entire postal network. 3) The service delivery process has also been improved, reducing procedures for customers and staff operations, saving and shortening service delivery time, ensuring timely accuracy in service delivery service to customers. 4) Over the past years, Vietnam Post has continuously implemented many programs on renewing, rearranging post offices, organizing emulation, and propaganda to raise awareness and attitudes of transaction and postal staffs. and those who are in direct contact with customers. 5) Carry out activities to improve the quality of service to customers using VNPost's public administrative services such as: (1) Vietnam Post Corporation unifies charges with value–added services increase; (2) Unifying the process of providing, applying software to provide services to customers; (3) Implement promotional policies, discount discounts according to sales for customers using a lot; (4) Perform PR advertising activities for public administrative services and services that VNPost deserves to provide and develop on the entire network; (5) Periodically organize customer conferences to thank customers and introduce services and service packages that VNPost is 911
  7. providing; (5) Quickly resolve complaints of customers about public administrative services provided by VNPost. 6) The Vietnam Post Corporation has strengthened the management of the quality of the fair administrative service provision in many different forms and measures: (1) Issuing the target of the time of process and stage and Testing and assessing service quality. Analyzing and evaluating the quality of the delivery stage at each province or city post and in detail to each delivery route and each post office to request the unit to determine the causes that affect the quality and then have solutions to overcome. (2) Form a quality inspection and supervision apparatus from the corporation to the post office of the province or city. (3) Applying management software, supporting monitoring the status of items from acceptance to successful delivery. The Quality Control Board is responsible for supervising the quality of post offices in provinces, cities, and provincial post offices, and is responsible for quality supervision at post offices. 3.2 Assessment of the quality of public administrative service delivery at VNPost from customers To get more information from customers about the quality of public administration of VNPost, the writer has reduced primary data by interviewing through pre–designed questionnaires [5, appendix 1]. Respondents are customers who have used the public administrative services provided by VNPost. The survey sample was selected according to the convenience criteria with a sample size of 200. The contents in the questionnaire were the information reflecting the quality of the provision of public administrative services of VNPost, each of the criteria reflecting the quality of the provision are designed on a 5–level scale: 1. Very dissatisfied; 2. Not satisfied; 3. Normal; 4. Satisfied; 5. Very Satisfied. Figure 2: The level of customer satisfaction with the service quality provided by VNPost's public administrative services Source: Author's survey The response results are gathered in [5, appendix 2]. Through the results collected from the survey sample, the quality of VNPost's public administrative services was generally assessed by the customer with question Q18: “You are satisfied with the quality of the current provision of public administrative services of VNPost”. The response from the customer shows that 2/200 customer answered that they were very dissatisfied, accounting for 1%; 14/200 customers answered that they were not satisfied, accounting for 7%; 78/200 answered normal, accounting for 39%; 71/200 customers answered that they are satisfied, accounting for 35.5% and 35/200 of customers answered that they were very satisfied, accounting for 17.5%. The results from the survey sample show that the quality of VNPost's public administration service delivery is highly appreciated by customers. To further affirm the quality of public administrative service delivery through specific criteria with the specific survey sample as follows: 912
  8. 1) Customers are aware of the public administrative services provided by VNPost Figure 3: Level of customer satisfaction concerning the public administrative services provided by VNPost Source: Author's survey With the feedback results of question 5 "Customers are satisfied with the images and information of VNPost's public administrative services, ensuring details, clarity and comprehension" from [5, Appendix 2] shows that with the response sample of 200, 2/200 responses are very dissatisfied, accounting for 1%; 13/200 answers unsatisfied, accounting for 6.5%, 52/200 normal answers 26.5%; very satisfied is 93/200, accounting for 46.5% and very satisfied is 39/200, accounting for 19.5% According to the survey sample, VNPost's advertising activities to introduce public administrative services are not good, customers can recognize the public administration that VNPost provides at a certain level. This is an issue that VNPost needs to pay more attention to when developing a service and meeting the demand for this service in the market. 2) Customers evaluate the quality of public administrative service provision of VNPost The results of customer responses to questions from questions 6 to 12 in the questionnaire on the quality of public administrative service delivery are shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Level of customer satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services of VNPost Source: Author's survey According to the survey results, the very dissatisfied level (level 1) and the level of dissatisfaction (level 2) that reflect the quality of PA service provided by VNPost still have many customers in the 913
  9. sample. evaluation, most are the criteria of speediness, convenience level; the degree of control over the service delivery journey; safety level of the item. Besides, the service accuracy criteria; flexibility; diversified services are valued higher. From this result, VNPost needs to focus on the application of science and technology, improving the service delivery process to improve the quality of providing PA services provided by VNPost. 3) Customers evaluate the quality of PA service provision through VNPost's attractive sales policy Survey results with the assessment of the quality of providing PA services of VNPost through attractive sales policy of VNPost with the following criteria: The cost of providing PA services of VNPost is appropriate; Payment of charges for providing PA services of VNPost is a flexible, convenient, flexible method of payment, attractive sales policy, satisfied and very satisfied by customers at a high level. Specifically, very satisfied only reached 8.5% with freight rates, 15.5% with flexible payment methods with attractive sales policies; satisfied with appropriate rates of 43.5%, flexible payment accounts for 39.5%. This shows that the implementation of public administrative services by post is accepted by the people and this service contributes to the good guarantee of public administrative services of the state. This is a criterion that customers always evaluate and consider when using a certain service. Figure 5: Customer assessment of PA service delivery quality through VNPost's attractive sales policy Source: Author's survey 4) Customers evaluate the quality of PA services provided by VNPost Figure 6: Customer's assessment on the service quality provided by VNPost's PA service Source: Author's survey With questions from 15,16,17 in the questionnaire, to collect feedback from customers about the quality of service provided by VNPost's PA service. The results of customer response are shown in (Figure 6). 914
  10. The response results show that customers are very dissatisfied with “Settling complaints about the supply of PA services of VNPost quickly and satisfactorily” is 1/200, accounting for 0.5%; no two hearts in December 2005, accounting for 6%; "Customers using PA services of VNPost provide attentive care" has 3/200. Very unconcerned accounts for 1.5%; dissatisfaction is 16/200, accounting for 8%; "VNPost's teller staff serves customers professionally, politely, conscientiously and attentively" very unconcerned that in 2/200, the answer was 1%, no two hearts 8/200 accounted for 4%. This shows that customers are dissatisfied with services at a low level, it affirms that VNPost has done a good job of meeting the needs of the people for public administrative services. With the results that VNPost has achieved in ensuring the quality of PA service delivery in the past time, which has been recognized and satisfied by customers, there are also many criteria to ensure the quality of service delivery. The level of customer dissatisfaction is still quite high. This requires the Vietnam Post Corporation to have more solutions to improve the quality of its PA service delivery to the people. Based on the current status of PA service provision of VNPost recently, the article proposes many solutions to improve the quality of PA service delivery for Vietnam Post Corporation in the coming time. 4. SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AT VIETNAM POST CORPORATION 4.1. Complete the service delivery process, ensure the safety of postal items to improve the quality of PA services Vietnam Post Corporation, since launching PA service from 2016 until now, has adjusted the PAS delivery process to suit the reality of the network and the needs of customers. Although the whole process targets the standards that VNPost has registered and published, according to the survey results, the criteria reflecting the quality of the service delivery of VNPost's PAS, the level of very dissatisfaction (level 1) and dissatisfied level (level 2) there are still many customers in the survey sample, most are the rapidity and convenience level; the degree of control over the service delivery journey; safety level of the item. To improve the quality of PA service delivery, VNPost needs to focus on completing the process to ensure the service delivery time and ensure the safety of postal items for its entire network of service providers. Detail: (1) Standardizing operational steps at stages and stages from the acceptance, shipping operations to postal delivery. To concretize the operational steps, the employees must comply and perform when equipping tools and tools to serve the exploitation and division to minimize the employee's operations, and at the same time use tools and tools. tools to ensure the safety of postal items. (2) The process of accepting, exploiting, and delivering postal items needs to be standardized in each step, each stage of work to match between the conditions of mining equipment, tools, and tools with employees. The Vietnam Post Corporation needs to review specific work steps at all stages of operation, production, operational steps detailed when putting tools and tools into operation. specify the exploitation time for each stage. 4.2. Complete the system of quality assessment indicators for PA service delivery The system of criteria for evaluating the quality of PA service delivery is the basis for VNPost to evaluate the quality of the service it is providing. From this evaluation result, it is the basis for the Post Corporation to have service quality assurance policies. Therefore, the quality indicator system must be scientific, consistent with the practical conditions of VNPost, and must be 915
  11. consistent with the requirements of the public administrative service system of state management agencies at all levels from the middle. nurseries to the locality. The service delivery quality indicator system includes service norms and service norms. (1) Service criteria: Building criteria to evaluate customer satisfaction when using PA service of VNPost. (2) Service targets: Completing the whole process time targets, stages, for testing and evaluating service quality. Testing and evaluating the timing target of all stages and stages, identifying stages and stages that do not meet the targets that need to be improved or improved. The completion of criteria, testing, and monitoring of service quality also allow when abnormal events occur through detectable quality indicators for immediate resolution. The system of PA service delivery quality indicators of Vietnam Post Corporation should complete the evaluation criteria for each service point (Post Office), by service agent, according to the process of service provision service (each stage, each stage of the process. Specific solutions are as follows: 1) Requirements and criteria for evaluating service quality of tellers: a) Communicating with customers civilized, polite, caring, customer care, giving customers satisfaction with service quality and service style: Friendly, cheerful important when communicating with customers; Clear communication language, welcoming customers when coming and leaving, thank customers at the end of the transaction, apologize to customers when necessary; Capture customers' inquiries and complaints; The attitude of being calm, soft, listening, sharing with customers, solving and creating a trust for customers. Do not blame customers, sincerely apologize to customers in case the error belongs to the Post Office and thank customers after the transaction; Well perform assigned tasks, ready to support colleagues when necessary to ensure the best service quality for customers. b) Serving customers' requirements to use services: Ensuring the service delivery process is done quickly, accurately, reliably, and safely following the commitment to quality with customers; Understand clearly about products, services, processes and regulations in the operation, actively explain, consult and cross–sell products and services to customers. 2) Complete the set of metering and assessment indicators for PA service delivery, shorten the declaration time: 1. Process Time Response Index (Ktt). 2. The index meets the time of collecting and exploiting outgoing postal items at the post office of the province or city (Ktk). 3. The index meets the time of collection stage at the post office of the province or city (Ktg). 4. The index meets the time of exploitation of outgoing postal items at the central exploitation post of the province or city (Kkt). 5. The index meets the time of exploitation and delivery of incoming postal articles at post offices of provinces and cities (Kkp). 6. The index meets the time of the exploitation of incoming postal articles at the Central Post Office of the province or city (Kktd). 7. Playback time response index (Kpd). 8. The index meets the time to enter information transmitted at the post office of the province or city (Kntt). 9. Index reflects the success rate of items (Kptc). 916
  12. 10. Response index of level 1 exploitation and transportation time for regional postal items (Kkvnv). 11. The index meets the time of level I exploitation and transportation for postal items in different regions (Kkvkv). 12. The index of response to the time of level I exploitation and transportation for postal articles of other regions (Kkk). 13. Response time of the stage at the Regional Mining Center (Kttv). 14. The index meets the time of the exploitation stage at the regional center exploitation department (Kktv). Thereby, the quality of service and service quality will be assessed, adjusting the production process to match; detailed quality assessment at each stage, stage to ensure exploitation and delivery activities must be reorganized to meet the new criteria, shorten the whole process time target, meet customer requirements. 4.3. Improve the quality management of PA service delivery 1) Complete the service quality management apparatus for PA service provision Setting up the service quality monitoring system from the Corporation to the units, assigning inspection, supervision, service quality warning, setting up channels to collect information to evaluate the quality of customers goods as a basis for service quality improvement. To form a quality management apparatus from the Corporation to the provincial/city post offices and further to the district post offices. Perform quality control along the vertical axis from the Corporation to the Post Office of the province/city, from the Provincial Operation Department to the control force in the district. To be able to manage the quality work from the Corporation to the units, it is required to have a managerial and executive apparatus from the Corporation to the units, clearly stating the implementation responsibilities of each subject participate in the apparatus and must–have tools to support effective administration and feedback. 2) Strengthen the application of information technology to quality management Building software for quality control from the Corporation to the units, including software tools for monitoring, measuring, evaluating the completion time, the postage stage. In general, Parcel service in particular. Software tools for checking, monitoring, statistics, and warning of quality problems at the unit. – The current IT system at the Corporation does not allow the assessment of the whole process targets, stages of services in general, Parcel services in particular. Currently, it is only allowed to evaluate the rate of successful delivery items at the Post Office, so the quality of the whole process and stages of the Corporation cannot be seen, thereby focusing on the inappropriate progress of the stages, withdrawing short process targets to meet customer needs. – In addition to measuring and evaluating service quality indicators, IT systems are required to support the administration, collection, and analysis of information so that the Corporation and units can grasp quality issues. quality on the network and provide, timely reports to the Corporation for timely solutions. 4.4. Other solutions to improve the quality of VNPost's PA service delivery (1) The Vietnam Post Corporation needs to strengthen the training of the workforce in knowledge 917
  13. and skills on public administrative procedures, benefits of public administrative services, and the public administration system. of the state apparatus, local government so that the team of transactors and the workforce understand clearly the service and the customers they are serving. (2) Vietnam Post Corporation needs to organize customer conferences, carry out communication programs on PA services on the mass media, the communication content must be suitable for each person. customer image. (3) VNPost needs to actively negotiate and sign with administrative and non–business agencies to develop the concept of providing PA services of VNPost and develop a service delivery network. (4) VNPost needs to strengthen sales promotion activities for VNPost PA services. VNPost should build sales promotion programs for each service and each customer. (5) Strengthening market research activities to find out customers 'needs, research and assess customers' assessment of services and the quality of providing PA services of VNPost. Thereby, VNPost will have information and assessment of customers on the quality of VNPost's service delivery, this is the information for VNPost to have solutions to improve the quality of its PA service. 5. CONCLUSION The paper aims at providing solutions to improving public administrative service quality to meet the changing needs of customers and the development of the society, ensuring business duties of public services, including public administrative services of the Vietnam Post Corporation. The article has clarified some issues about PA services provided by VNPost, service quality, and the quality of PA services provided by VNPost; analyzed the current status of the PA service delivery quality of VNPost, the customer's assessment of the quality of the PA service provision of VNPost from the customer through the survey data of the author. The article also proposes four groups of solutions to improve the quality of PA service delivery of VNPost. These results are the author's own studies, so the limitations cannot be avoided. The writer is looking forward to hearing from readers. REFERENCES 1. Luu, V.N. (2012), Service Marketing, National Economics University Publishing House 2. Ministry of Information and Communications (2017). Circular No. 17/2017/TT–BTTTT, Regulating a number of contents and measures to implement Decision No. 45/2016/QD –TTg 3. Ministry of Information and Communications (2017). Circular No. 22/2017/TT–BTTTT, Regulating maximum rates and policies on exemption and reduction of charges for receiving and sending documents for handling administrative procedures the service of returning the settlement results of administrative procedures via the public postal service. 4. National Assembly of Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2010), Postal Law No. 49/2010/QH12 dated 17/6/2010. 5. Nguyen, T.H. (2016), Managemetn of postal and delivery services at the post office of Hai Phong city. Master thesis of Economics University, Hanoi National University. 6. Philip Kotler (2006), Marketing Management, Statistics Publishing House 7. Prime Minister (2011). Decision No. 175/QD–TTG: Approving the Overall Strategy for the development of Vietnam's service sector to 2020 8. Prime Minister (2014). Decision No. 169/QD–TTg: Approving the Project to develop Logistics services in the field of transportation of Vietnam to 2020, orientation to 2030 918
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