Phân tích ảnh hưởng của một số biến nhân khẩu đến ý định chọn chợ truyền thống là nơi mua thực phẩm tươi sống của người tiêu dùng: Nghiên cứu tại khu vực duyên hải nam trung bộ, Việt Nam
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Nội dung text: Phân tích ảnh hưởng của một số biến nhân khẩu đến ý định chọn chợ truyền thống là nơi mua thực phẩm tươi sống của người tiêu dùng: Nghiên cứu tại khu vực duyên hải nam trung bộ, Việt Nam
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 ANALYSIS THE IMPACTS OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES IN THE RESEARCH OF CONSUMERS’ INTENTIONS OF CHOOSING TRADITIONAL MARKETS AS THE PLACE TO BUY FRESH FOOD: A CASE STUDY IN SOUTHERN CENTRAL COASTAL REGION, VIETNAM PHÂN TÍCH ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA MỘT SỐ BIẾN NHÂN KHẨU ĐẾN Ý ĐỊNH CHỌN CHỢ TRUYỀN THỐNG LÀ NƠI MUA THỰC PHẨM TƯƠI SỐNG CỦA NGƯỜI TIÊU DÙNG: NGHIÊN CỨU TẠI KHU VỰC DUYÊN HẢI NAM TRUNG BỘ, VIỆT NAM Prof. Tran Minh Đao National Economics University MBA. Nguyen Ha Thanh Thao Assoc.Prof. Do Ngoc My Quy Nhon University Email: Abstract This research was conducted to clarify the factors related to Demographic Variables affecting the consumers’ intentions of choosing traditional markets as the place to buy fresh food. The data serving for this study was collected from consumer interviews with the scale of three provincial cities represented for southern central coastal region, Vietnam: Da Nang, Quy Nhon and Nha Trang. The results indicate that 4 demographic variables are ineffective on consumers’ intentions to buy fresh food at traditional markets which includes: age, income, educational level and cooking frequency. Keywords: Intention to buy, fresh food, consumers, traditional markets, South Central Coast Region. Tóm tắt Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện nhằm góp phần làm rõ những vấn đề liên quan đến đặc điểm nhân khẩu ảnh hưởng đến ý định chọn chợ truyền thống là nơi mua thực phẩm tươi sống của người tiêu dùng. Dữ liệu phục vụ cho nghiên cứu được thu thập từ khảo sát người tiêu dùng của ba đô thị loại 1 đại diện cho khu vực Duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ, Việt Nam đó là thành phố Đà Nẵng, thành phố Quy Nhơn, thành phố Nha Trang. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy có 04 biến (Tuổi, Thu nhập, Trình độ học vấn và Tần suất nấu ăn)có ảnh hưởng đến ý định chọn chợ truyền thống là nơi mua thực phẩm tươi sống của người tiêu dùng tại khu vực Duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ, Việt Nam. Từ khóa: Ý định mua, chợ truyền thống, thực phẩm tươi sống, người tiêu dùng đô thị, Duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ. 1. Introduction Since renovation, the structure of shopping venues of Vietnamese consumers have changed rapidly. The system of modern shopping centers such as megamall, mart also are growing rapidly. However, that does not mean the system of traditional market will be replaced in the future. These two systems will continue to coexist and become competitors in the development of the market economy. To improve competitiveness the system of traditional markets contributed to the construction of civilized trade system in Vietnam. This study is aimed at analyzing some factors (Demographic Variables) affecting the consumers’ intention to choose traditional markets for buying fresh foodin southern central coastal region, Vietnam. 2. Theoretical foundation and research hypothesis Behavior and behavioral intentions involve choosing where to shop of some domestic and international scholar’s attention and development of different research directions. Among them, can be mentioned the following: 549
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 The study by Ho-Shui Li and Jack E. Houston (2001) showed that gender affects the choice of traditional vegetable suppliers, particularly women had the tendency to choose and buy their own clothes more than men with the percentage of 13.6%. Joyce and Lambert (1996) conducted a survey related to the impact of the ages on the images of some retails in consumers’ thinking. The results showed that the age had certain influence on the awareness of consumers about some retails. Whereas, according to the research of Masayoshi Maruyama and Le Viet Trung (2006) claimed that the decision to buy fresh food at supermarkets of Hanoians is affected by: personal factor, product factor, location factor. In particular, personal factor only has the income factor playing the most important role. The higher income the family has, the more intention they want to buy fresh food at the supermarket. Also, research of Le Thi Hai Ha and her collegues (2018) has figured out that the educational level effect Hanoian consumers’ Chinese garments buying intentions. In particular, education level below high school affects the intention to purchase Chinese garments the most. On the other hands, Hino who conducted a study in 2010 indicated that the more frequency of preparing food at home is, the fresher the food will be; by contrast, if the frequency of preparing food at home was rare, the food would often be frozen and preserved. Therefore, many families that often cook at home have tendency to buy fresh food at traditional retailers because the retailers can supply different quantities and quality of products as required while the modern system such as supermarkets or other convenience stores cannot meet the requirements. (Goldman and Hino, 2005). Base on the overall result of those researches about this issue, the author has conducted a survey about the impacts of 5 demographic variables, including: gender, age, income, occupation and cooking frequency on the consumers’ intentions of choosing where to buy fresh food in 3 city of southern central coastal region. Gender Age The intention to choose traditional markets for buying Income fresh food Educational level Cooking frequency 3. Research methods 3.1. Data collection methods Primary data was collected from consumer interviews - Fresh food buyers in traditional markets or in supermarkets - using standardized questionnaires with the questions about gender, cooking frequency, consumers’ income, educational level, age, The author conducted a survey for 990 consumers - those who buy fresh food at traditional markets in three cities: QuyNhon City - BinhDinh Province, Da Nang City and NhaTrang City, KhanhHoa province 990 questionnaires were distributed equally to three localities: 9 330 questionnaires in BinhDinh Province 550
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 9 330 questionnaires in Da Nang city 9 330 questionnaires in NhaTrang city, KhanhHoa province Duration of the survey: from August 2017 to the end of December 2017. Consumers selected for survey according to the convenient sampling method are those who have been carrying out fresh food shopping at traditional markets of NhaTrang, Da Nang and QuyNhon. After gathering information, the author cleaned the data; in the event that the number of samples after cleaning was not enough to ensure the minimum number of samples, the author conducted further interview to ensure the sample size to meet the minimum requirement for statistical analysis. With 990 questionnaires distributed, the author collected 936 questionnaires. After inserting the data, some survey questionnaireswere not satisfactory, the author eliminated those. Then, there remained 906 satisfactory questionnaires. For the convenience of data processing, the author selected 900 among those questionnaires, inserted data into the exel software and performed the analysis with the help of SPSS software 20.0. 3.2. Data analysis The OLS method was used to analyze a number of factors affecting the intention to choose traditional markets for fresh food in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam with the help of SPSS software 20.0. 4. Research results 4.1. Statistics descriptive of the research This model includes 5 variables: gender, age, income, educational level and cooking frequency. The results of statistics descriptive indicate that: - In terms of gender :The number of women is 653, accounting for 72.6% of the surveyed population in the study areas; while, the number of men is 247, accounting for 27.4%. The number of women who often buy fresh food at the traditional markets is higher than the number of men. It is easy to explain that in the past, the household chores or cooking usually were done by females and males were the breadwinners of the whole family. Consequently, due to the habit of shopping for markets, women who know how to choose fresh food, bargain, are responsible for buy food at the traditional markets. Men buying food at traditional markets are usually students and office workers who consider cooking at home as an economic way or a useful way to help their family. However, men often is not good at cooking or save time, they used to choose supermarkets or convenient stores to rather buy fabricated food than buy food at traditional markets to cook on their own. - In terms of age: the number of people from 18 to 25 years old was the highest, including 301 people, accounting for 33.4%; the number of people aged from 25 to under 40 was the second largest (267 people), accounting for 29.7%; the number of people aged between 40 and under 60 accounts for 16.7%. In the group of people aged above 60, there are 84 people (making up 9.3%), the rest is the number of people under 18 which is the lowest percentage with 4% . The age from 18 to 25 makes up the highest rate in all objects of study because this is the young generation which could be students or workers. These people often cook at home, so traditional markets are the most suitable one and it is a common sight to see lots of students buying food at traditional retails near their school. The price at traditional markets is reasonable with the income of people aged between 18 and 25. 551
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 The age from 25 to under 40 makes up the second highest proportion, which include many young people having just married, housewives taking care of the whole family. Hence, traditional markets are considered as fresh food channels with the reasonable price and convenient locations. However, this age also witnesses the dividing and comparison fresh food at traditional markets with supermarkets. They begin to care about the health problem and food safety more because the goods in supermarkets is clarified with its origin, expire date, while the goods at traditional ones is mostly made by farmers and its origin is not controlled strictly. Although, the supermarkets’ price used to be higher, the age between 25 and under 40 has more stable income, thereby spending more freely and comfortably. The number of people aged from 40 to under 60 is the same. Nevertheless, the number of people who are over 60 is very low due to the fact that it is an old age and household chores are served by their children. At this age, if they cook for their family, they will still buy food at traditional markets because they get used to that kind of markets in the past and they can not be accustomed to the modern ones. The age under 18 makes up 4% because at this age people have to go to school and they do not have much time to go to the market. However, sometimes, there are several students shopping at the markets to help their family. - In terms of income: according to the author’s date, the number of people who have the income from 3 million to under 5 million accounts for the highest percentage. Specifically, there are 318 people who have income from 3 million to under 5 million, accounting for 35.3%. This income level is quite low, mainly belong to students, laborers or new workers. With the quite low income like that, they choose traditional markets partly because of the convenient locations, reasonable price which is suitable for their income. However, people whose income is more than 5 million and just under 10 million have the tendency to choose traditional markets as fresh food channels. Traditional markets have existed and become the habit of Vietnamese people for a long time. It is very convenient for everyone because for example, they only have to stop in front of a vegetable retail to be able to choose and buy it in stead of spending lots of time to stand in a queue. Nevertheless, many families tend to buy food from supermarket to preserve or save for a long time. According to a survey, the number of people whose income is under 3 million is 217 and account for 24.1%, while the number of people whose income is over 10 million is 110 and account for 12.2%. - In term of educational level : the result of the other professional statistics shows that it is the highest number of all the surveyed objects, the number of interviewed people at this level is 220, accounting for 24.4%. it is obvious that traditional markets exist in many areas with their convenience, residential location and reasonable price, thereby being familiar with everyone in their daily life. The number of interviewed people who are post graduated in university is 217 (accounting for 24.1%). This is followed by the number of community university accounts for 21.6%. The number of community college is 165 (accounting for 18.3%). The lowest is the high school level, which is suitable with the age statistic data. - In terms of cooking frequency : the cooking frequency which is over 5 times per week is the highest statistic data. Specifically, there are 362 people whose cooking frequency is more than 5 times per week (accounting for 40.2%). The frequency between 3 times and 5 times a week contains 353 people and makes up 39.2%, and the frequency which is under 3 times a week contains 104 people (accounting for 11.6%). Therefore, most surveyed people used to cook at home very regularly. As a result, they use daily fresh food and traditional markets can meet their requirements. The traditional markets offer the 552
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 consumers with the various kinds of fresh food at reasonable price, which form the habit of Vietnamese people. Although the system of modern shopping center is becoming more and more popular, which could partly affect the traditional one, they still survive and are always the largest retailers serving any need of million consumers 4.2. Analysis the level of the impacts of some factors on the intentions of choosing traditional markets as the fresh food channels The research uses OLS method in order to analyse the impacts of some factors on the intentions of choosing traditional markets as the fresh food channels (The factors in this study mostly contain in demographic variables) in southern central coastal region, Vietnam. To conducting this research, firstly, the author checked how suitable the OLS method was and several drawbacks of analysis model with the collected data. Table 1. Model summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .931a .866 .866 .23529 a. Predictors: (Constant), TS, gioitinh, TN, HV, T Source: Analysis results of the author With R Square = 0.866, it shows that the separate variables in this model have explain about 88.6% of the depended variables. Table 2: The result of analysing variance ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 289.415 5 57.883 1045.573 .000b Residual 44.620 806 .055 Total 334.035 811 a. Dependent Variable: YD b. Predictors: (Constant), TS, gioitinh, TN, HV, T Source: Analysis results of the author From the table above, withSig = 0.000; F = 1045.573, the research model of the author is appropriate. Table 3: The Regression data Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) 3.290 .040 82.095 .000 T .392 .009 .648 41.529 .000 .681 1.468 HV -.151 .007 -.313 -21.955 .000 .815 1.227 gioitinh -.016 .019 -.011 -.865 .387 .985 1.016 TN -.347 .009 -.514 -37.766 .000 .896 1.116 TS .327 .014 .354 23.804 .000 .751 1.332 a. Dependent Variable: YD Source: Analysis results of the author 553
- Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 The result from the table 3 show that the age variables (T), educational level (HV), income (TN) and cooking frequency (TS) of interviewed people are statistic with Sig = 0.000. However, the level and the way of the impacts on the consumer’s intentions are different. In particular: The age and cooking frequency of surveyed objects have the correlation with the consumers’ intentions of choosing traditional market to buy fresh food, which the alpha is 0.392 and 0.327 respectively. The higher cooking frequency, the more people have the intentions to choose traditional markets to buy fresh food The educational level variable with beta = -0.151 and the income variable with beta = -0.347 indicate the reverse correlation with the consumers’ intentions to choose traditional system as fresh food channel. This is suitable with the practical situation, particularly, if the consumers have high income, they will tend to choose supermarket for shopping fresh food as well as the consumers who have high educational level. 5. Conclusion The results of analyzing factors affecting the intention to choose traditional markets for buying fresh food in southern central coastal region, Vietnam show that the gender variable does not affect, while the age, educational level, income and cooking frequency variables have the impacts on the intention to choose traditional markets for buying fresh food in southern central coastal region, Vietnam. The age and cooking frequency have the correlation with the intention to buy fresh food at the traditional markets; the educational level and income have the reverse correlation with that intention. Based on the analysis of the study, to further enhance the level of " coverage " of traditional markets with consumers for the traditional markets, traditional market management must ensure security in the market area as well as improve the quality of products in order to ensure the origin and freshness of products, meeting the increasing demand of consumers REFERENCES 1. Goldman A., Hino H. (2005), Supermarkets vs traditional retail stores: diagnosing the barriers to supermarkets' market growth in anethnic minority - community, J. Retail Consum Serv., 12(4), 273 - 284. 2. Hino H. (2010), An decedents of supermarket formats' adoption and usage:a study in the context of non- western customers, J. Retail Consum Serv., 17(1), 61 - 72. 3. Ho-Shui Li, Jack E. Houston (2001), Factors affecting consumer preferences for major food markets in Taiwan, Journal of Food Distribution Research, March 2001, 97 - 109. 4. Joyce, M.L., Lambert, D.R. (1996), Memories of the way storeswere and retail store image, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 24(1), 24 - 33. 5. Le Thi Hai Ha, Phan Thanh Hung, Mai Thi Anh Dao (2018), Demographic Variables in The Research of Hanoian’s Intentions of Buying Chinese Garments, International Conference on Marketing in the Connected Age (MICA-2018), October 6th, 2018, Danang City, Vietnam, 478 - 484. 6. Maruyama M., Trung L.V. (2007), Supermarkets in Vietnam: opportunities and obstacles, Asian Econ. J., 21(1), 19 - 46. 554