Giáo trình Ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành - Trường Cao đẳng cơ giới Ninh Bình

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Nội dung text: Giáo trình Ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành - Trường Cao đẳng cơ giới Ninh Bình

  1. BỘ NƠNG NGHIỆP VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN NƠNG THƠN TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG CƠ GIỚI NINH BÌNH GIÁO TRÌNH MƠN HỌC: NGOẠI NGỮ CHUYÊN NGÀNH NGHỀ: KỸ THUẬT CHẾ BIẾN MĨN ĂN TRÌNH ĐỘ: CAO ĐẲNG Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số: /QĐ-TCGNB ngày .tháng .năm 2018 của Trường cao đẳng Cơ giới Ninh Bình Ninh Bình, năm 2018
  2. TUYÊN BỐ BẢN QUYỀN Tài liệu này thuộc loại sách giáo trình nên các nguồn thơng tin cĩ thể được phép dùng nguyên bản hoặc trích dùng cho các mục đích về đào tạo và tham khảo. Mọi mục đích khác mang tính lệch lạc hoặc sử dụng với mục đích kinh doanh thiếu lành mạnh sẽ bị nghiêm cấm.
  3. LỜI GIỚI THIỆU Tập bài giảng TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH KỸ THUẬT CHẾ BIẾN MĨN ĂN (Dùng cho hệ cao đẳng) – “ English for food production staff” được biên soạn nhằm giúp các em học sinh bước đầu tiếp xúc với Tiếng Anh trong lĩnh vực chế biến mĩn ăn, ơn tập kiến thức, luyện tập bốn kỹ năng: Nghe – Nĩi – Đọc – Viết, cung cấp cho các em một số vốn từ, mẫu câu và những hiểu biết liên quan đến các chủ đề về lĩnh vực chế biến mĩn ăn, qua đĩ các em cĩ thể dùng tiếng anh để nĩi chuyện, trao đổi một số tình huống cụ thể trong cuộc sống và trong mơi trường học tập, cơng tác. Tập bài giảng này được biên soạn dựa trên các nguồn tài liệu tham khảo trong và ngồi nước thuộc lĩnh vực chế biến mĩn ăn theo chủ đề, gắn liền ngơn ngữ với nghiệp vụ chuyên ngành theo tinh thần bám sát chương trình mơn học đã được nhà trường thơng qua. Do cịn hạn chế về thời gian, trình độ nên dù đã cố gắng rất nhiều, trong quá trình biên soạn, nhĩm tác giả khơng tránh khỏi những thiếu sĩt, nhầm lẫn. Rất mong nhận được những ý kiến đĩng gĩp từ các thày cơ và các em học sinh để tập bài giảng được hồn chỉnh hơn. Xin trân trọng cảm ơn. Ninh Bình, ngày tháng năm Tham gia biên soạn 1. Tống Thị Ngọc Bích 2. Nguyễn Thị Thu Nga 3. Hồng Xuân Hảo 4. Phạm Thị Chính 1
  4. MỤC LỤC TRANG Introduction 1 Unit 1: Meeting people 4 Unit 2: People in kitchen 11 Unit 3: Workplace 19 Unit 4: A traditional kitchen 26 Unit 5: Menus and recipes 33 Unit 6: Ingredients 39 Unit 7: Giving instructions 47 Unit 8: Mise en place 53 Unit 9: Things chefs do 59 Unit 10: Cooking methods 65 Unit 11: Describing dishes 71 Unit 12: European dishes 76 Unit 13: Asian dishes 83 Unit 14: Vietnamese dishes 91 Unit 15: Homemade soups 99 Unit 16: Gastronomy and eating habits 110 References 120 2
  5. GIÁO TRÌNH MƠN HỌC Tên mơn học: Ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành Mã mơn học: MH16 Vị trí, tính chất của mơn học: - Vị trí: Mơn học Ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành Kỹ thuật chế biến mĩn ăn được bố trí giảng dạy sau mơn ngoại ngữ cơ bản và song song với các mơn chuyên ngành. - Tính chất: Ngoại ngữ chuyên ngành Kỹ thuật chế biến mĩn ăn là mơn lý thuyết kết hợp với rèn luyện kỹ năng Nghe - Nĩi - Đọc - Viết. Mục tiêu của mơn học: - Về kiến thức: + Trình bày được các vốn từ vựng về thực phẩm, thực đơn, dụng cụ, gia vị, các thao tác cắt thái, làm chín ; + Trình bày được các cấu trúc câu trong ngành kỹ thuật chế biến mĩn ăn; + Trình bày được ngữ pháp cơ bản trong ngành kỹ thuật chế biến mĩn ăn. - Về kỹ năng: + Xây dựng được các cấu trúc câu trong ngành kỹ thuật chế biến mĩn ăn; + Đọc và hiểu được các vốn từ về thực phẩm, thực đơn, dụng cụ, gia vị, các thao tác cắt thái, làm chín ; + Nghe và hiểu được các vốn từ về thực phẩm, thực đơn, dụng cụ, gia vị, các thao tác cắt thái, làm chín - Về năng lực tự chủ và trách nhiệm: + Rèn luyện khả năng tư duy và tập trung cho người học; + Hình thành phẩm chất đạo đức nghề nghiệp cho người học. Nội dung của mơn học: 3
  6. UNIT 1: MEETING PEOPLE Unit code: MH16-01 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use basic vocabulary items related to countries and say number and letters; 2. introduce themselves and colleagues at the workplace; 3. give and receive personal information( name, age, place of birth, etc ); 4. pronounce four vowels / ʌ /, / ɑ: /, / e /, / ỉ / correctly. 1.1. GETTING STARTED 1.1.1. Listen and repeat the English Alphabet. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1.1.2. Practise spelling with a partner. 1.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue Jan: Hello, I’m Jan David. Kim: Hi, My name’s Kim Anh. But everyone calls me Kim. Jan: Nice to meet you, Kim. Kim: Pleased to meet you. Where are you from, Jan? Jan: I’m from France. I’m French. And you? Kim: I’m from Vietnam. Jan: Where are you from in Vietnam, Kim? Kim: I’m from Hanoi. 1.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Use your own names. 1.2.3. Match the food and drink to the correct countries. 1. Korea a. Wine and cheese 2. Japan b. Spring rolls 3. China c. Caviar 4. Italy d. Chocolate 5. Russia e. Roast duck 6. Spain f. Punjabi cuisine 7. Belgium g. Pasta 8. France h. Kimchi 9. India i. Paella 10. Vietnam j. Sushi 1.2.4. Complete the sentences with the correct country or nationality. Then parctise saying them. 1. I’m from Vietnam. I’m Vietnamese. 2. We’re from We’re Russian. 4
  7. 3. You’re from France. You’re 4 She’s from She’s Chinese 5. He’s from America. He’s 6 They’re from They’re Thai. 7. I am from Japan. I’m 8. We are from We are Singaporean. 9. She is from Korea. She is 10. He is from He is Laotian. 1.2.5. Complete the dialogues. DIALOGUE 1: Tom: Hi, name’s Tom. Michael: Pleased to you, Tom. I’m Michael and this is Sarah. Sarah: Where you from, Tom? Tom: I from Hungary. And you? Sarah: We from the USA. DIALOGUE 2: Keiko: Hi, I’m Japan. name is Keiko. Jane: Pleased meet you, Keiko. I’m Jane. Keiko: And what’s your name? Fernado: name’s Fernado. Keiko: Nice to you. are you from? Fernado: We’re from Brazil. 1.2.6. Practise the dialogues with a partner. 1.2.7. Go round the class and introduce yourself. 1.3. READING AND WRITING 1.3.1. Read and practise the dialogue. Jan: Good morning, Thai. Thai: Good morning, Ms Jan. Jan: How are you today? Thai: I’m fine. Thank you. And you? Jan: Very well. Thanks. Let me introduce you to my new colleague. Thai, This is Mr Frank. He’s from France. Thai: Glad to meet you, Mr Frank. Frank: Nice to meet you, too. Are you Vietnamese? Thai: No, I’m not. I’m Chinese. And where are you from in France, Mr Frank ? Frank: I’m from Paris. I’m Parisian. 1.3.2. Read the dialogue. Answer these questions. 1. Who is Mr Frank? 2. Are Thai and Frank friends? 3. Is Frank from Lyon in France? 4. Is Thai from Vietnam? 5. Is Frank a native of Paris? 5
  8. 1.3.3. Complete the table below Greetings Introducing yourself Introducing others 1. Good morning 3. 5. 2. 4. Titles Single Married males: Mr females: Ms Miss Mrs 1.3.4. Fill in the missing numbers or words. Then practise saying them. 0 zero eleven 22 twenty-two 1 12 twelve thirty 2 two 13 40 three 14 fourteen fifty 4 four fifteen 60 5 16 sixteen seventy 6 six 17 80 seven 18 eighteen ninety 8 eight nineteen 100 one hundred 9 20 twenty one thousand 10 ten 21 1000000 1.3.5. Match the sums to the missing numbers. 1. Nineteen + seventy = a. ninety-nine 2. A hundred - = one b. three 3. x five = twenty-five c. seventy-four 4. Sixty : twenty = d. five 5. Eight + = eighty-two e. four 6. - eleven = thirteen f. ten 7. Ten x = a hundred g. twenty-four 8. Sixteen : four = h. eighty-nine 1.3.6. Practise asking the telephone numbers. A: What’s your telephone number? B: It’s 0912 711 383. 1.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1.4.1. Pronunciation / ʌ / / ɑ: / / e / / ỉ / but partner ten am Russia Iraq seven language duck France eleven bag number are French nationality American Italian 6
  9. 1.4.2. Grammar - Subject pronouns: I/you/we/ they/ she/ he/ it - Object pronouns: me/ you/ us/ them/ her/ him/ it - Possessive adjectives: my/ your/ our/ their/ her/ his/ its - The present tense of the verb To Be: am/ is/ are 1.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Fill in the blank with the correct pronouns 1. Mrs Tam is from Vietnam. . is Vietnamese. 2. Nga and Lan are in the kitchen. . are very happy. 3. Mike and I are on the bus. . are neighbours. 4. Tung and you are classmates. . are good friends. 5. Minh isn’t at school today. . is in the kitchen now. 6. Hello, my name’s Thai. . am from Hanoi in Vietnam. 7. The report is on the table. . is very bad. 8. Susan is in the kitchen. . is a cook. Practice 2: Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. 1. .water is in the bowl. (it) 2. . tea can is on the table. (you) 3. . garden is very large. (they) 4. .milk is in the fridge. (we) 5. .house is next to the café. (he) 6. . keys are at home. (you) 7. .cousin works with me. (she) 8. .house is lovely. (you) Practice 3: Look at the picture and complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, our, its or their Hi! (a) ___ name’s Ted Turner! And this is (b) ___ wife. (c) ___ name’s Thelma. This is (d) ___ house. 7
  10. This is Thelma with (e) ___ two children – (f) ___names are Bob and Tracey – and (g) ___brother – (h) ___ name’s Louis. And this is (i) ___dog. What’s (j) ___ name, friend? (k) ___ name’s Bones. Practice 4: Complete the sentences with correct object pronouns 1. I’m behind the tree. You can’t see ___. 2. Mary’s got some sweets. Ask ___ to give you some. 3. My father’s waiting for me. Tell ___I’m going to be late. 4. There’s a mouse. I’m going to catch ___. 5. “Where are the children?” “I just saw ___swimming in the pool.” 6. This is our knife. Please give it to ___. 7. Quickly, Mai. Hoa is waiting for ___. Practice 5: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb “To Be”. 1. Mrs Blake . American. She . Irish, from Dublin. 2. . you from Paris? - No, I .from Brussels. 3. .Luke a cook? - Yes, he . 4. We . Spanish. We live in Madrid. 8
  11. 5. Mary and Paul . bartenders. They are in the kitchen now. 6. . you Russian students? - No, we . English students. 7. . the restaurant in the center? - Yes, it . very central. 8. I . the new waiter. This . my first job. Practice 6: Make these sentences negative 1. I’m a new cook here. 2. It’s an Italian restaurant. 3. Brazil is a small country. 4. Philip and Elizabeth are on holiday. 5. My mother and father are Indian. Practice 7: Write the questions for the answers 1. ___? No, I’m not. I’m Brazilian. 2. ___? Yes, he is. He’s from Manchester. 3. ___? No, it isn’t. It’s Anna’s book. 4. ___? No, we aren’t. We are here on business. 5. ___? Yes, we are. This is my husband, James. 6. ___? No, she isn’t. She’s a nurse. 7. ___? No, they aren’t. They’re from France. Practice 8: Find twelve nationalities in the word square. 9
  12. 1.5. KEY VOCABULARY address Brazil Parisian alphabet introduce partner Iraq Hungarian pasta Portugal India Philippines Belgium Indonesia call Italy practice Cambodia Japan Punjabi cuisine caviar Kimchi cheese roast duck Laos last name single colleague complete spring rolls female nationality native title dialogue expression Paella meet telephone number 10
  13. UNIT 2: PEOPLE IN KITCHEN Unit code: MH16-02 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use some words related to some jobs in the kitchen and concerning areas; 2. greet people formally and informally; 3. make personal introduction, ask and give personal information in details; 4. talk about jobs, age, relationships, etc; 5. pronounce four vowels ( / i: /, / i /, / ɔ /, / ɔ: / ) correctly. 2.1. GETTING STARTED 2.1.1. Complete the word map with jobs in the box. Then practise saying them. FOOD AND BEVERAGE MANAGER 1. . Bartender 2. Wine waiter 5. Commis 3. 6. 7. 4. Fish cook 8. head waiter dining-room assistant head chef salad cook meat cook sauce cook waiter pastry cook 11
  14. 2.1.2. Match the information in columns A, B and C. A B C Head waiter in the hot section responsible for Salad cook in the kitchen office buysservers ingredients and others Meat cook in the dining manager of a kitchen Food purchasing staff room in the bar responsible for meat items Head chef in the cold section serves drinks Bartender in the storeroom prepare cold items 2.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 2.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Trung: Hello! I’m a new chef here. Paul: Well, What’s your name? Trung: It’s Trung. Hoang Trung. Paul: Pleased to meet you, Trung. I’m Paul. Trung: How do you do, Mr Paul? Are you an executive chef ? Paul: No, I’m not. Trung: Oh, sorry. What’s your job, Mr Paul ? Paul: I’m an assistant of executive chef. Well, we just need to complete this form first. Now, it’s Trung. Is that T-R-U-N-G? Trung: Yes, that’s right. Paul: And how do you spell your surname? Trung: H-O-A-N-G. It’s Hoang. Paul: H-O-A-N-G. Thank you. Where are you from? Trung: I’m from Nam Dinh province. Paul: How old are you? Trung: I’m 20. Paul: What’s your address in Hanoi? Trung: 243 Hoang Quoc Viet road. Paul: And what’s your telephone number? Trung: 0912 711 383 Paul: 0912 711 383. Thank you. Right, well, now 2.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 2.2.3. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the name of the chef? 2. What’s Paul’s job? 3. Is the new chef’s first name HOANG? 4. Is Trung Hanoian? 5. Where is Trung from? 6. How old is Trung ? 7. What’s Trung’s address in Hanoi ? 12
  15. 8. Is Trung’s house in Ba Dinh District ? 9. Is his telephone number 0912 711 838 ? 10. How do you say his correct telephone number ? 2.2.4.Complete the conversations. Practise them with your partner. Frank: Hello, Frank. John: do you do, Frank? I’m John. Frank: . to meet you. What’s job? John: I’m a salad cook. Frank: That’s . John: What you? Frank: I’m accountant. John: Where . you from? Frank: I’m France. Assistant: OK, Now, what’s name? Minh: Doan Minh. Assistant: How do you Doan? Minh: It’s D-O-A-N. Assistant: D-O-A-N. Thank you . old are you? Minh: nineteen. Assistant: What’s your . ? Minh: It’s 15 Hai Ba Trung street. Assistant: I’m sorry. Is 15 or 50? Minh: 15. One five. Assistant: Thank you. And your telephone number? Minh: 04.2374555. Assistant: . you repeat that, please? Minh: Yes, 04 Assistant: 04 Minh: 2374555 Assistant: 2374555. Thank you. 2.3. READING AND WRITING 2.3.1. Read the texts I’m Wang Lin and I’m from Beijing in China. I’m twenty - seven years old and I’m a head chef. I’m married. My wife’s name is Hang and she is a waitress. She is twenty - three. Our address is 150 Xuan Thuy street or you can contact me at 0943707668. At the moment, we are in our kitchen. My name’s Tran Tung. I’m from Hai Duong province in the North. I’m twenty years old and I’m a freshman of the HTC’s Faculty of Food Processing Management. I’m not married. My girlfriend is Nga. She is a first year student, too. She is in class C3B1 of the Faculty of Travel Operations Management and Tour Guiding. At the moment, we’re at the gate of the school. 13
  16. 2.3.2. Now answer the questions. 1. Where is Wan Li from? 2. How old is Lin? 3. Is Lin’s wife a chef? 4. Is Lin’s wife twenty - three? 5. What is Lin’s address? 6. Is Tran Tung from Hai Duong? 7. Is he a student? 8. What is his school’s name? 9. Is his girlfriend a worker? 10. Is Nga in class C3D1? 2.3.3. Complete the CV with suitable words. 1. Surname : Wang 2. . : Lin 3. : 150 Xuan Thuy 4. : 0943 707 668 5. : 27 6. : Chinese 7. : Head chef 2.3.4. Fill the missing words into the following text. His name’s Nguyen Nam. He from Binh Duong province . the South. He is 45 . old and he is . sous chef. He is married. His wife is a cashier . . name’s Hai. She 40 years old. Toan and Ngoc their children. Toan is student of Hanoi University . is 21 years old. Ngoc is a student vocational cookery. She is 18 years old. At the moment, They in their living room. 2.3.5.Write a paragraph about yourself. 2.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 2.4.1. Pronunciation / i: / / i / / ɔ / / ɔ: / these this on four sheep ship clock cupboard meet Smith coffee fork teeth woman object ballroom people sister 2.4.2. Grammar - Have got/ has got - Articles: A/An - Possessive’s 2.4.3. Practice 14
  17. Practise 1: Write a or an. 1 polite cook 6 hospital 11 hot section 2 orange spoon 7 hour 12 salad cook 3 awful photo 8 uniform 13 university 4 good cashier 9 computer 14. executive chef 5 pretty girl 10. aunt 15 .umbrella Practise 2: Complete the sentences with the possessive’s ( 's or ' ) and the words in brackets. 1 restaurant is in the mountains. (Roger) 2. My . name is Peter. (head chef) 3. The mouse is called Milly. (girls) 4. This company is in London. (man) 5. Their name is Smith. (sous chef) 6. My names are John and George. (brothers) 7. His family is from Austria. (mother) 8. My college is far away. (children) Practice 3: Complete the sentences with “have got/ has got” 1. You lots of kitchen tongs on the desk. 2. They a wok and two frying-pans. 3. He a nice kitchen. 4. I . many choppers. 5. we two commis chefs. 6. It some big stockpots. 7. Lan .a new blender. 8. Hung and Nga new ovens. Practice 4: Complete the sentences with the negative form of “have got/ has got” 1. She a cookbook. 2. The restaurant a lift. 3. They a Kitchen English Dictionary. 4. I time to finish this work. 5. We the keys. 6. Minh a nice chef hat. 7. You . dark hair. 8. Hung long chopsticks on the table. Practice 5: Complete the questions with the subjects in brackets using “have got/ has got” 1. the book I want? (Lan) 2. presents for their friends? (They) 3. a DVD recorder? (you) 4. a degree? (Mark) 5. brown eyes? (your sous chef) 6. relatives in France? (you) 15
  18. 7. time for a coffee? (I) 8. a broken leg? (the new cook) Practice 6: Write questions with the subject “you” and the correct form of “have got” or “be” 1. a car? 2. .married? 3. a big family? 4. How old ? 5. at university? 6. .a job? 7. .a cook? 8. a Kitchen English Dictionary? Practice 7: Underline the mistakes and correct them 1. The sous chef no in the kitchen. 2. The chopsticks is on the table. 3. Have you got an cookbook? 4. The waiters’s uniforms are blue. 5. My father are a pastry cook in this restaurant. 6. Has the meat cook from France? 7. Have got you rolls and croissants for dessert? 8. The tables in the kitchen is always clean. Practice 8: Kemal, Lisa, Tom and Mo are talking about their favourite things. Read and answer the questions below. 16
  19. a. What is * German? * orange? * about forty years old? * fast and comfortable? 17
  20. b. Who is . * black and white? * a musician? * not very friendly? c. Who has got . * green eyes? * three trumpets? * four cats? d. What has got * a great CD player? * good games? 2.5 . KEY VOCABULARY bartender freshman Beijing pastry cook Hanoian prepare cashier head chef province cold items head waiter cold section hot section responsible commis cookery sauce cook ingredient server sous chef North kitchen office storeroom executive chef meat cook wine waiter meat items dining-room assistant Food purchasing staff Faculty of Travel Agent Management Faculty of Food Processing Management 18
  21. UNIT 3: WORKPLACE Unit code: MH16-03 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1.understand and correctly use some words related to major kitchen quipments; 2. identify the places of objects in a kitchen; 3. ask and answer places, people and objects; 4. pronounce four vowels ( / u /, / u: /, / ə / , / ə: / ) correctly. 3.1. GETTING STARTED 3.1.1. Match each object with its name. egg beater/ whisk knife electric rice cooker wok gas cooker refrigerator saucepan chopping board fork wooden spatula frying pan peeler oven grater kitchen tongs metal spatula chopsticks 1. . 2. 3. . 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 19
  22. 13. . 14. 15. 16. 3.1.2. Put the words in the correct groups. spatula pepper tomato juice ice chopsticks sugar frying pan salt oil knife rice spoon water chopping board beer bowl peeler Things you can Things you can not count count 3.1.3. Look at the words: How do we make plurals? Group Singular noun Plural noun spoon spoons 1 bowl bowls potato potatoes box boxes 2 brush brushes watch watches glass glasses city cities 3 baby babies knife knives 4 shelf shelves goose geese man men 5 woman women child children person people 20
  23. 3.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 3.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Commis: Excuse me? Chef: Yes? Commis: What’s this? Chef: It’s a stove. Commis: Is it an electric stove or a gas one? Chef: It’s an electric one. Commis: And, over there, is that a deep fryer? Chef: Yes. Look! These are our new upright chillers and those are cold tables. We put food in them to keep it fresh. Commis: These are chopping boards. We cut meat and other things on them. But, what are those long ones for? Chef: They are breadboards. We make pastries on them. Commis: Oh, what do we call these in English? Chef: They are stockpots. We use them to boil bones. And 3.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 3.2.3. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer. EXAMPLE A EXAMPLE B A: Is this/ that a fork? A: Are these/ those skimmers? B: No, it isn’t. B: Yes, they are. A: Is this/ that a spoon? A: Are these/ those spatulas? B: Yes, it is. B: No, they aren’t. A: What is this/ that? A: What are these/ those? B: It is a spoon. B: They are skimmers. 1. Meat cleaver 2. Strainers 21
  24. 3. Wooden spatulas 4. Stockpot 5. Steamer 6. Bowl 7. Metal spatulas 3.3. READING AND WRITING 3.3.1 Read the text. This is John, our head chef. He’s very busy because he prepares all the meals at the La Cave. He arrives at the restaurant at 9.00 in the morning. He’s specially busy at lunch-time. Lunch is served from 12.00 to 14.00 everyday. The restaurant is open from Tuesday to Sunday. On Saturday evening, the restaurant is usually full, so John starts preparing the dishes in the afternoon. On Sunday, he prepares a special meal. John always prepares a delicious cake for his birthday. His birthday is in November. In September, John goes away on holiday. He always says he needs it. 3.3.2. Answer these questions. 1. What is John’s job? 2. What is he responsible for at the La Cave? 3. What time does he arrive at work? 4. Is he busy at lunch time? 5. How long does the restaurant serve the lunch? 6. Why does John usually prepare the dishes on Saturday afternoon? 7. When is John’s birthday? 8. What does he usually do in September? 3.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 3.4.1. Pronunciation 22
  25. / u / / u: / / ə / / ə: / cook Sue o’clock her good June tonight first book too drama third Portuguese two opera thirteenth 3.4.2. Grammar - This/ that/ these/ those - Singular and Plural nouns - The present simple tense 3.4.3. Practice Practice1: Complete the sentences with this/ that or these/ those. 1. Right . . . . . . . menu here is today’s menu. 2. Look at this menu. . . . . . . . .are the dishes. I want you to prepare. 3. . . . . . . . ’s tomorrow’s menu over on the board. 4. . . . . . . . . . are tomorrow’s dishes over there. 5. . . . . . . . . . . desserts here are ready for the dining room. 6. Those on . . . . . . .worktop aren't finished yet. 7. Could you pass me. . . . . . . . . bottle? The one on the shelf. 8. I’ll serve. . . . . . . . dishes here if you take . 9. Here you are, sir. . . . . . . . is today’s lunch menu. 10. Excuse me. Who are . . . . . . . people over there? Practice2: Write the plurals 1. wife 6. peeler 11. watch . 2. baby 7. pestle 12. colander 3. box 8. shelf 13. egg . 4. brush 9. whisk 14. spatula 5. potato 10. foot l5. strainer Practice3: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple tense A. Sarinder (1) ___(come) from India, but he now (2) ___ (live) in Brighton. His parents (3) ___(be) both doctors. After Sarinder (4) ___ (finish) college, his parents (5) ___ (want) to go back to India because his grandfather (6) ___ (own) a small children’s hospital in New Delhi, and they (7) ___ (want) to work there. Every year they (8) ___ (go) back to India and (9) ___ (stay) with Sarinder’s grandparents. Sarinder (10) ___ (love) Brighton because he (11) ___ (have got) lots of friends here. B. MalcolmTracey (12)___ (not go) to work, he only (13)___ (leave) his home town to go on holiday in the Caribbean. But Malcolm is a millionaire. He (14)___ (write) books about money, and how to make a lot of it. His new book is called Easy Money: How to make money without getting out of bed. Malcolm 23
  26. (15) ___ (live) in a large house near London. He (16)___ (get up) at about 8 o’clock in the morning, and (17)___ (have) breakfast with his family. After breakfast, he (18) ___ (drive) his children to school, and (19)___ (read) the newspaper in the garden until lunchtime. After lunch, he (20)___ (buy) and (21)___ (sell) on the internet. Practice 4: Complete the sentences with the correct option. 1. Peter and Rosa work/ works at the Casablanca. 2. Do/ Does Peter work with them? 3. This reataurant don’t/ doesn’t have private dining-room. 4. Do/ Does Henry and Paula like Chinese food? 5. Do you drink/ drinks alcohol? Practice 5: Make these sentences negative 1. Maria likes cooking. 2. Most people work at the weekend. 3. It rains in summer. 4. The restaurants close on Sunday evenings. 5. I do my homework in the afternoons. 6. Martin teaches English at this college. 7. Tom buys all his food at this supermarket. 8. We love Chinese food. Practice 6: Complete the questions and answers with “do/ does/ don’t/ doesn’t”. 1. you have a single room? Yes, we 2. the hotel have a sauna? No, it 3. the bar open at lunchtime? Yes, it 4. you have a double room for tonight? No, we Practice 7: Write the words in the correct order. 1. we/ evenings/ have/ in/ always/ the/ wine. 2. often/ out/ how/ eat/ you/ do? 3. early/ they/ for/ meetings/ always/ are. 4. Jason/ buys/ sometimes/ shirts. 5. goes/ Peter/ never/ by/ bus/ to/ work. 6. goes/ sometimes/ she/ to / theatre/ the. 7. Jessica/ our/ mistakes/ often/ corrects. 8. usually/ I/ not/ have/ at/ time/ lunch/ do/ this. 9. late/ he/ often/ is/ ? 10. friends/ go / seldom/ our/ running. 24
  27. 3.5. KEY VOCABULARY Asian chopper peeler gas range pepper bamboo steamer pestle goose pot holder blender grill handkerchief refrigerator bone rice ice maker salamander grill box grater kerosene stove sieve skimmer chopper kitchen tong slicer chopping board colander ladle cookbook stilting bratt pan stockpot deep fryer long chopsticks strainer egg beater egg holder electric rice cooker meat cleaver electric stove upright chillers fish sauce metal spatula food processor mixing bowl whisk fork fry top frying pan oven pastry 25
  28. UNIT 4: A TRADITIONAL KITCHEN Unit code: MH16-04 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use some words related to areas in a traditional kitchen and prepositions of place; 2. identify objects in a kitchen and describe things at the workplace using There is/ are: 3. describing a typical kitchen; 4. pronounce three vowels ( / ei /, / ai / , / ɔi / ) correctly. 4.1. GETTING STARTED 4.1.1. Complete the diagram with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you. KITCHEN Storeroom Hot Cold kitchen kitchen 1. salad meat section section 5. 2. 4. 7. 3. 6. 8. 26
  29. meat section dishwashing section vegetable preparation section (VPS) fish section salad section pastry kitchen larder vegetable section soup section sauce section hot kitchen storeroom cold kitchen 4.1.2. Look at the pictures. Then practise saying the words. 4.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 4.2.1. Listen to the description of a kitchen and then complete the missing words/expressions: There is/are (l) many things in this kitchen. On the left, (2) a stove next to the grill. On the right of the grill (3) a deep- fryer. The grill is between the stove and the deep-fryer. The fridge and freezer are near the door. The freezer is under the fridge. (4 ) 27
  30. cakes in the oven. (5) a table in the middle of the kitchen (6) three things on the table. 4.2.2. Read the text in 4.2.1 again and answer the questions 1. Is there a stove in the kitchen? 2. Where is the stove? 3. Is there a deep-fryer on the left of the grill? 4. Where is the grill? 5. Where is the freezer? 6. What is there in the middle of the kitchen? 4.2.3. Listen to THERE IS/ THERE ARE in these sentences. Then practise saying the sentences. 1. There are two new chefs at our kitchen. 2. There’s an oven in the pastry section. 3. There isn’t a fridge in the meat section. 4. There are three objects on the table. 5. There aren’t any flowers in the kitchen. 6. Are there two tomatoes in the fridge? Yes, there are. 7. Is there a fork on the table? No, there isn’t. 8. Is there water in the bottle? Yes, there is. 9 . Are there four choppers on the shelf? No, there aren’t. 10. Are there three slicers in the cold kitchen? Yes, there are. 4.2.4. Which name goes with each picture? knife sharpener roasting pan pail hot pot grinder dish washer apron stick blender flan dish soufflé dish side plate 1. 2. 3. 4. 28
  31. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . 11. . 4.3. READING AND WRITING. 4.3.1. Read the description of Tai’s kitchen In Tai’s kitchen, there is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room. Next to the refrigerator, there is a stove and an oven. On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a stove rack. The dish rack is on the counter, on the right of the window and beneath the shelves. On the shelves and on the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour, and tea. In the middle of the kitchen, there is a table and four chairs. The lighting fixture is above the table, and directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase of flowers. 4.3.2. Read the text again and decide the following sentences are True or False. Correct the false sentences. 1. The refrigerator is in the middle of the room. 2. The stove rack is under the sink. 3. The dish rack is on the right of the window. 4. There are four chairs in the room. 5. The vase of flowers is beneath the lighting fixture. 4.3.3. Answer the questions 1. What’s the description about? 2. Is the refrigerator near the window? 3. Where is the oven? 4. What’s next to the sink? 5. Are there bottles on the shelves? 6. What are there on the shelves? 7. Is there a table in the right corner of the room? 8. Where are the chairs? 9. What’s beneath the lighting fixture? 10. Where’s the vase of flowers? 4.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 4.4.1. Pronunciation 29
  32. / ei / / ai / / ɔi / make nice boyfriend say title enjoy cocktail Michael choice main variety point available midnight toy 4.4.2. Grammar - Prepositions of place - There is/are - How many/ how much 4.4.3. Practice. Practice 1: Fill in the blanks with is or are. 1.There a chef in the kitchen. 2.There two lamps in the bedroom. 3. there a stove in the kitchen? 4 . there chairs in the dining room? 5. How many spoons there in the drawers? 6. there a swing in the garden? 7. there plates and bowls on the table. 8.How many computers there in the office? Practice 2: Complete the questions and answers 1. ___there a swimming pool? Yes, ___. 2. ___there any places to eat and drink? No, ___. 3. ___there a beach? No, ___. 4. ___there any supermarkets? Yes, ___. 5. ___there a children’s playground? No, ___. Practice 3: Find the mistakes and write sentences correctly. 1. Oh no. The cat is on the middle of the road. 2. The students are not in college this week. 3. There are two boys in the bus stop. 4. It’s the second road at the left. 5. Grandma is on her armchair every day. 6. The photograph is on the top of the page. 7. Eric is in home. 8. This animal lives on the bottom of the sea. Practice 4: Complete the text with the words in the box. 30
  33. between in is middle near (x2) on there (x2) my neighbourhood, is a lovely park. In the . of the park, is a fountain and two statues the two statues there is a bench. Behind the bench there a large tree. the tree there are many birds. the tree is a high gate. You can park your car in the park . the gate. Practice 5: Tick (√) the sentences that are true about your class. Correct the ones that are false. 1. There are twenty students in my class. No, there aren’t. There are fifteen students. 2. There’s a video in my classroom. 3. There are pictures on the wall. 4. There’s some paper on the floor. 5. There are some plants in the classroom. 6. There’s a coffee machine on the floor. 7. There are four ceiling fans in the classroom. 8. There’s a map on the wall. 9. There are two clocks on the wall. 10. There’s a computer on the teacher’s desk. Practice 6: Reorder the words to make true sentences. 1. any/ is/ fridge/ milk/ there/ the/ in/ ? 2. in/ there/ how many/ are/ your/ students/ class/ ? 3. good/ near/ there/ hotel/ very/ is/ restaurant/ our/ a/. 4. cheap/ here/ there/ restaurants/ near/ are/ any/? 5. in/ cooks/ are/ how many/ kitchen/ there/ this/ ? 6. open/ time/ there/ at/ any/ shops/ aren’t/ this/. 7. any/ table/ isn’t/ on/ bread/ there/ the/. 8. the/ restaurants/ there/ world/ McDonald’s/ are/ how many/ in/? Practice 7: Complete the questions with How many or How much 1. ___water do you drink everyday? 2. ___cups of coffee do you drink everyday? 3. ___sugar do you have with your coffee or tea? 4. ___oil and butter do you eat with your food? 5. ___red meat do you eat every week? 6. ___ bread do you have everyday? 7. ___sweets and biscuits do you eat everyday? 8. ___cigarettes do you smoke everyday? 9. ___alcohol do you drink everyday? 10. ___time do you work on a computer everyday? Practice 8: Choose the best words to complete the text. 31
  34. A kitchen is a room or part (1)___a room used for food preparation including cooking, and sometimes also for eating and (2) ___ guests, if the kitchen is large enough and designed to be used that way. A modern kitchen in the affluent parts of the western world is typically (3) ___with a stove and possibly a microwave oven. It also has a sink with hot and cold running water available (4) ___cleaning food, for providing water to cook with, as well as for washing dishes, although some (5) ___ kitchens have a dishwasher. One or more units in which to store food, and to store utensils, pots and dishes, are also usually present in or near a kitchen, either in the form of an adjacent pantry room, or more commonly as kitchen cabinets and a refrigerator which often (6) ___ a freezer compartment too. 1. A of B at C in D over 2. A entertain B entertainment C entertaining D entertained 3. A equip B equipping C equipped D equipment 4. A for B with C of D on 5. A modern B modernize C modernization D modernizing 6. A have B had C has D is having 4.5. KEY VOCABULARY grinder sauce section apron shovel side plate souffle’ dish knife sharpener larder stick blender stove rack counter deep fryer dish rack lighting fixture vase dishwasher pail freezer roasting pan pastry section flan dish corner middle traditional preparation section (VPS) vegetable section 32
  35. UNIT 5: MENUS AND RECIPES Unit code: MH16-05 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1.understand and correctly use some adjectives expressing food and drinks; 2. describe dishes, compare food or drink, and give comments; 3. know some words related to menus, some recipes; 4. pronounce five vowels ( / au / , / ou / , / iə / , / eə / , / uə / ) correctly. 5.1. GETTING STARTED 5.1.1. Put the adjectives in the correct groups. Some adjectives can use in both groups. salty fattening creamy sour soft crisp hard flexible bitter hot fresh sweet watery lumpy overcooked stringy tasteless stale juicy fruity smooth spicy tasty tender tough delicious bland FOOD AND DRINK FRUITS 5.1.2. Look at the names of colours. Then practise saying them. green orange red black yellow blue pink 33
  36. grey brown and white purple 5.1.3.Put the words in the correct order. 1. juicy / a / orange. 2. are / delicious / bananas. 3. tomatoes / two / stale. 4. shoes / brown / a pair of. 5. soup / lumpy / is / this. 6. popular / rice wine / is 7. cheap / is / morning glory. 8. spatula / a / wooden. 9. is / curry / spicy. 10. cleaver / sharp / a. 5.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING. 5.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogues. DIALOGUE 1 Ngoc: Is your kitchen big, Long? Long: No, it isn’t. It’s quite small. Ngoc: How many sections are there in your kitchen? Long: There are seven sections. Ngoc: Which one are you in? Long: I’m in the meat section. Ngoc: How is it? Long: It’s the largest workplace but it is hotter than others in the kitchen. Ngoc: Where is it? Long: It’s on the third floor. DIALOGUE 2 Hai: How is my crab soup, chef Long? Long: It’s hot and tasty. Hai: And what about Minh’s beef? Long: It’s tougher than Hung’s beef. But, it is not the worst in the competition. Hai: Oh ha 5.2.2. Practise the dialogues with a partner. 5.2.3. Answer these questions. 1. How is Long’s kitchen? 34
  37. 2. Are there five sections in the kitchen? 3. Is Long in the hot kitchen? 4. Is it cool in the meat section? 5. What is Long’s comment on Hai’s Crab Soup? 6. Which is tougher the beef of Hung or Minh? 5.2.4. Complete the table with the correct comparative and superlative forms. Then use them to compare things. Group Adjectives Comparative Superlative 1. softer 2. 1 3. 4. the coldest nice 5. 6. 7. 8. the healthiest 2 easy 9. 10. salty 11 . 12. 3 big 13. 14. 15. 16. the most delicious 17. more comfortable 18. 4 careful 19. 20. 21. worse 22. 5 23. 24. the best 5.2.5. Work in pairs. Make dialogues. Example: cabbage / fresh / morning glory / in the counter / yes A: How is this cabbage? B: It’s fresh. A: Which is fresher the cabbage or the morning glory? B: The cabbage is. A: Is the cabbage the freshest in the vegetable counter? B: Yes, it is. 1. stockpot / big / steamer / in the kitchen / no. 2. crab soup / delicious / potato soup / on the table / yes. 3. rice wine / popular / grape wine / in Vietnam / yes. 4. Cuc Phuong / famous / La vie / in Vietnam / no. 5. lobsters / expensive / crabs / on the menu / no. 35
  38. 5.3. READING AND WRITING 5.3.1.Read and translate into Vietnamese. MENU Appetizer Chicken soup Main courses Boiled chicken with lime leaves Deep-fried red tilapia with breadcrumbs Steamed prawns Pan-fried beef with black pepper sauce Banana blossom salad Stir-fried young chayote leaves with garlic Rice Sticky-rice with lotus seeds Mixed vegetable soup Dessert Water melon Beverages Beer Pepsi, Coca Mineral water Rice wine 5.3.2. Work in groups. What are our country’s eating customs? Discuss these questions - Which is your main meal of the day? - What do you have for your main meals? - What do you have for breakfast? - What do you drink with your meals? - Do you go to restaurants? 5.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 5.4.1. Pronunciation / au / / ou / / iə / / eə / / uə / now road hear pair sure how boat beer chairman tour power slowly really bear poor 36
  39. underground motorbike near fare usual 5.4.2. Grammar - Comparative Forms of Adjectives 5.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Use suitable comparisons of adjectives to complete the sentences below. 1. It’s dish in our restaurant.(delicious) 2. Chicken Kiev is than Chicken salad.(expensive) 3. Milk is not as as cream.(healthy) 4. Fried Shrimps taste than boiled shrimps.(salty) 5. The steak of Lan’s party is of all.(tough) 6. Minh is chef in our restaurant.(good) 7. Ho Chi Minh city is than Ha Noi in December.(warm) 8. This is kitchen I’ve ever seen.(large) 9. “Van” rice wine is not so as Coca Cola, (popular) 10. These are plates in the kitchen.(dirty) Practice 2: Use the information to write comparative and superlative sentences. 1. Prawns / tasty / oysters 2. French wine / popular / in the UK. 3. Milk / good / for you / lemonade. 4. Lobster / expensive / seafood / on the menu 5. Champagne / good drink / in the world 6. Spaghetti Carbonara / creamy / Spaghetti Bolognese 7. Pasta / traditional / in Italy / in Spain. 8. Vegetables / cheap / in Vietnam. 9. Cream / thick / milk. 10. Lamb / small / sheep. Practice 3: Complete the text with the most suitable form of the adjectives in brackets. Add the where necessary. London is one of (1. large) cities in the world. Its population is a lot (2. small) than Tokyo or Shanghai, but it is by far (3. popular) tourist destination. London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it also includes a . (4.wide) range of peoples, cultures, and religions than many other places. People used to say that it was . (5.dirty) city too, but it is now much (6.clean) than it was. To the surprise of many people, it now has some of (7.good) restaurants in Europe too. For some people, this makes London (8.exciting) city in Europe. 37
  40. Practice 4: Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1. She is singer I’ve ever met. A. worse B. bad C. the worst D. badly 2. Mary is responsible as Peter. A. more B. the most C. much D. as 3. It is in the city than it is in the country. A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy 4. She sings among the singers I have known. A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully 5. She is student in my class. A. most hard-working B. more hard-working C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working 6. The English test was than I thought it would be. A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier 7. English is thought to be than Math. A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest 8. Jupiter is planet in the solar system. A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest 9. She runs in my class. A. the slowest B. the most slow C. the slowly D. the most slowly 10. My house is hers. A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than 5.5. KEY VOCABULARY bitter fresh recipe fried shrimps bland fruity bratt pan seasoned green mustard cabbage champagne cheeses chicken Kiev smooth juicy kang kong solid sour lamb crab soup spicy stale steak crisp lobster stringy main subdivision draughty tender overcooked thick oyster tough particular fattening filthy prawn watery flexible pressed curd popular 38
  41. UNIT 6: INGREDIENTS Unit code: MH16-06 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use some words related to ingredients; 2. talk about, ask and answer the quantity and price; 3. express processes; 4. pronounce four consonants (/ b /, / p /, / t /, / d /) correctly. 6.1. GETTING STARTED 6.1.1. Complete the diagram with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you. milk beef 1. . 2. butter meat fish salmon 15. . chicken 3. INGREDIENTS seafood 14. 13. . 4. rice herbs 12. . 5. . vegetables 11. . 6. . 10. salt orange 8. . 7. . pepper 9. . seasoning onion fruit dairy products trout parsley flour mussels duck lemon prawns potato poultry pork cereal products 39
  42. 6.1.2. Match the words in the box to the pictures. Then practise saying them. water melons goats veals pigeon broccoli crab celery capsicums kohlrabi chayotes cucumbers dried mushrooms mussel morning glory ducks leeks prawns cabbage lemongrass ginger 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . 13. 14. 15. 16. 40
  43. 17. 18. 19. 20. 6.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING. 6.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Shop assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer: Yes, have you got any beef? Shop assistant: Yes, we have. How much would you like? Customer: One kilo. How much is a kilo? Shop assistant: VND 230,000. Customer: And, how much is a piece of ginger? Shop assistant: Two thousand. Customer: Well, can I have some celery and leek? Shop assistant: Certainly. That’s VND 5,000. Customer: And we need some clean vegetables, too. Shop assistant: What vegetables would you like, madam? Customer: Have you got any clean morning glories and cucumbers? Shop assistant: Yes, we have some clean morning glories and cucumbers . Customer : Five bunches of morning glories and two kilos of cucumbers, please. Shop assistant : VND 30,000. Would you like some fresh fruits? We’ve got ripe papayas and pineapples Customer : Have you got any bananas? Shop assistant : No, we haven’t. But we have some fresh grapefruits. Customer : I have two. Shop assistant : VND 18,000 for two . Anything else? Customer : No. Thank you. Shop assistant : So, VND 285,000 together. Here you are. Customer : Two hundred and eighty five thousand. Shop assistant : Thank you. Customer : Thank you. Good bye. Shop assistant : Good bye. 6 2.2.Practise the dialogue with a partner. 6.2.3.Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions 1. Is there any beef in the shop? 2. How much is a kilo of beef? 3. Is a piece of ginger VND 1,500? 4. What vegetables has the shop got? 41
  44. 5. What kind of morning glory has it got? 6. Has the shop got Chinese apples? 7. Is the total 400,000 ? 8. What’s the total? 6.2.4. Complete the missing words. 1. In the dialogues a. A: Here our fixed menu. Are you ready order? B: Yes, I am. Have you got Chinese dishes? A: Yes, we have. On Chinese menu. B: We’ll have the roast duck. you got red wine? A: No, we haven’t. But we’ve got rice wine and a list of drinks on the last page the menu. B: A small rice wine, please A: Yes, and b. A: Have you got cabbages or kohlrabis? B: Yes, we’ve got some cabbages but we haven’t got any kohlrabis. A: . you got purple cabbages? B: No, we haven’t. We have only white cabbages. A: And c. A: Have we got capsicums in the walk-in-freezer? B: Yes, we have some. A: What colour they? B: We’ve got both red and green ones. A: And, have we 2. In sentences. Use have/haven’t got, has/hasn’t got, some, any a. Thai chef black hair. b. There aren’t tables free. c. Minh and Hung new choppers. d. There are delicious desserts. e. Are there guests for the party? f. We stockpots. but we have got steamers. g. customers are in the shops. h. She has got a mobile phone, but she a home telephone. i. Could I have olive oil, please? j. There’s milk in the bottle. 6.3. READING AND WRITING 6.3.1. Read the text 42
  45. CHEF LONG’S FAMILY His name is Long and his wife’s name is Van. They have got two children - a son and a daughter. Their son’s name is Hung. He is 12 years old. He is a pupil of Ngoc Khanh primary school. He has got big eyes and short, black hair. Their daughter’s name is Nga. She is four years old. She is in kindergarten. Mr. Long’s father’s name is Toan and his mother’s name is Tam. He’s got two younger brothers, called Thanh and Tai. Thanh is married. His wife’s name is Huong. She’s from Nam Dinh province. She’s got long, black hair. They’ve got a son baby called The. So his parents have got three grandchildren - two grandsons and a granddaughter. Long’s wife has got an older sister, but she hasn’t got any brothers. Her name is Hanh. She’s still single. 6.3.2. Read the text again. Then answer these questions. 1. How many children has Mr. Long got? 2. How old is Hung? 3. What’s the name of Hung’s school? 4. Hung is Nga’s younger brother, isn’t he? 5. Is Hung’s hair brown? 6. Is Nga 10 years old? 7. Who is from Nam Dinh province? 8. What is the name of Thanh’s wife? 9. Have Long’s parents got two granddaughters? 10. Is Hanh still single? 6.3.3. Write a description of your family Base on these questions - Have you got any brother or sisters/children/ aunts and uncle/ cousins? What are their names? - How old are they? - Are they married? - What are your parents’ names? 6.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 6.4.1. Pronunciation / b / / p / / t / / d / bill pill town dirty body patient talk day boat papaya Teresa friend baby prevent it kind 6.4.2. Grammar Present continuous tense (+) S + am/ is/ are + V-ing + (-) S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing + (?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing + ? 43
  46. 6.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Write sentences in the present continuous tense using prompts Example: Minh / skim /stock Minh is skimming the stock. 1. We / grate / kohlrabi. 2. She / slice / capsicums? 3. They / not cut up / chicken 4. Thai / peel / carrots 5. Nga / toss / salad 6. Minh and Thai / score / snake-head fishes 7. He / roast / ducks? 8. Commis / grease / baking tin 9. Hung / carry / tray. 10. I/ stir-fry / beef. Practice 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous. 1. The chef (cook) . an omelette. 2. You ( not listen) . to me. 3. An (read) . a book. 4. What (do) . the waiters .? 5. I (not work) . today. 6. What (do) . we . tonight? 7. The sommerlier (recommend) . the wine. 8. Mr Smith (finish) . still . his main course. 9. Two people . ( cook) dinner on the beach. 10. Where are you? We .( wait) for you! Practice 3: Complete the sentences with a verb in the present continuous. Use the verbs in the below. design write call improve recruit speak introduce develop have build 1. Hello, I from the airport. Can I speak to Dan Vermont, please? 2. The company three new sales staff for Madrid office. 3. We our activities in South America. 4. I’m afraid she lunch at the moment. Can I take a message? 5. I .a phototype for a new car engine. 6. They .a factory just outside Krakow. 44
  47. 7. Our new training programme the spoken English of all our employees. 8. I’m sorry , but you .too quickly for me. Could you slow down a little? 9. We .a new produce into the Asian market. 10. Don’t go into his office. He .an important report at the moment. Practice 4: Match the sentences 1-8 with the sentences a-h: 1. Please don't make so much noise. a. It's getting late. 2. I need to eat something soon. b. They're lying. 3. I don't have anywhere to live right now. c. lt's starting to rain. 4. We need to leave soon. d. They're trying to sell it. 5. They don't need their car any more. e. I'm getting hungry. 6. Things are not so good at work. f. I'm trying to work. 7. lt isn't true what they said. g. I'm looking for an apartment. 8. We're going to get wet . h. The company is losing honey. Practice 5: Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 1. Have you got an umberlla? It to rain. a. is starting b. are starting c. am starting d. start 2. You a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I to concentrate. a. is makeing/am trying b. are makeing/ am trying c. are making/ am trying d. is making/ am trying 3. Why are all these people here? What ? a. am happening b. are happening c. is happenning d. is happening 4. Please don’t make so much noise. I to work. a. is trying b. are trying c. trying d. am trying 5. Let’s go out now. It any more. a. am not raining b. isn’t raining c. aren’t raining d. raining 6. You can turn off the radio. I to it. a. are not listening b. isn’t listening c. am not listening d. don’t listening 7. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She a great time and doesn’t want to come back. a. is having b. are having c. am having d. is having 8. I want to lose weight, so this week I lunch. a. am not eating b. isn’t eating c. aren’t eating d. amn’t eating 9. Andrew has just started evening classes. He German. a. are learning b. is learning 45
  48. c. am learning d. learning 10. The workers a new house right now a. are building b. am building c. is building d. build 6.5. KEY VOCABULARY mussels flour broccoli gas cooker onion papaya butter ginger parsley capsicum goat pigeon celery pineapple cereal products pork grapefruit poultry herbs cucumbers kohlrabi ripe dairy product leek rosemary seasoning dried mushroom lemongrass small seed banana eel trout water melon veal 46
  49. UNIT 7: GIVING INSTRUCTIONS Unit code: MH16-07 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Understand and correctly use some words of directions and verbs of preparation. 2. Identify the measures and weight commontly used in the kitchen. 3. Understand how to cook some dishes and instruct others how to cook a dish or make a drink, etc. 4. Pronounce four consonants (/s/, /z/, /f/, /v/) correctly. 7.1. GETTING STARTED 7.1.1. Put the words from the box into the correct groups. 2. 3. 1. beat mix 4. 17. . 5. 16. . add cut PREPARE 6. 8. 15. . 14. . 7. cook 9. 13. . 12. . 11. 10. . bake beat boil chop fry garnish grate grill/broil pick roast season shake simmer slice sprinkle stir whip 7.1.2. Match the abbreviations to their full forms 1. tbsp a. teaspoon 47
  50. 2. g/gr b. tablespoon 3. 1 c. pound 4. cl d. ounce 5. kg e. gram 6. tsp f. litre 7. oz g. kilogram 8. lb h. centilitre 7.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING. 7.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Trainee: Good morning, Chef Long. Chef Long: Good morning. Oh, yes. Could you pass the salt, please? Trainee: Certainly. Anything else? Chef Long: No, thanks a lot. Trainee: Can I help you with this soup? Chef Long: No, thank you. But, you can help me with the spring rolls for the wedding buffet this afternoon, can’t you? Trainee: Yes, I can. Would you prefer long spring rolls or short ones? Chef Long: You can make long ones and then cut them into halves. Follow me, please. I’ll show you how to do. Trainee: Yes. Shall I use your knife and chopping board? Chef Long: Yes, please.but 7.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 7.2.3. Write sentences: I( We, , She . ) can/ can’t a. . play the guitar. f. . make spring rolls. b. . operate the oven g. roast ducks. c. . drive a car h. prepare chicken soup. d. . use the deep fryer i. write in Chinese. e. . sing an English song. J. deep-fry shrimps. 7.2.4. Work in pairs. Make dialogues using prompts. Section A: Example: cook / Western food A: Can you cook Western food? B: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. a. cook / Western food b. mince / parsley c. dice / carrots d. julienne / kohlrabis e. slice / bread f. peel / Chinese apples 48
  51. Section B: Example: pass / salt A: Excuse me. B: Yes, sir / madam. A: Could you pass the salt, please? B: Of course / Certainly, sir/madam. a.pass / salt b. clean / cleaver c. sharpen / filleting knife. d. bring / wine e. marinade / turkey f. parboil / chayotes 7.3. READING AND WRITING 7.3.1. Read the instructions GRILLED TIGER PRAWNS WITH CHILI AND LEMONGRASS INGREDIENTS - 1kg (20 pieces/ kg) tiger prawn - 5 bulbs lemongrass - 150g dried onion - 70g garlic - 2 red hot chilis - 3tsp fish sauce - pinch of pepper - 3tsp sugar - carrot and coriander for garnish PREPARATION - Wash prawns, slash backs and devein. Do not peel. - Mince lemongrass, dried onion, garlic and red hot chili. - Marinate tiger prawns with minced lemongrass, onion, chili, garlic, fish sauce, pepper and sugar for one hour. - Grill marinated prawns on charcoal or in oven at 200°C for 10 minutes until they are cooked through and pink in colour. - Place grilled prawns on a plate. Garnish with carrot flowers and coriander. 7.3.2. Complete the instructions add mix peel slice stir wait wash INGREDIENTS - 500 grams of cucumber 49
  52. - 2 onions - a small cup of vinegar - one teaspoonful of salt - five teaspoonfuls of sugar PREPARATION a. Peel the onions b the cucumbers and onions. c. the cucumbers and onions d. the slices. e. a little salt, sugar and vinegar to the mixture. f. the mixture. g. for five minutes and the salad is ready to serve. 7.3.3. Use the following information to make instructions. Then put the sentences into correct order. HOW TO MAKE A CUP OF TEA a. Pour / milk / cup. b. Leave / few / minutes. c. Pour / tea / cup. d. Put / tea / teapot. e. Fill / kettle / water. f. Warm / teapot. g. Boil / water. h. Fill / teapot / boiling water. 7.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 7.4.1. Pronunciation / s / / z / / f / / v / snow zero finish verb cakes blows fail very sweets baseball feel vacation sunny games Frank Victory 7.4.2. Grammar - The Imperatives - Review: the present simple tense & the present continuous tense. 7.4.3. Practice. Practice1: Complete the sentences with the imperative of the words in the box. drink eat help listen read run sit turn 1. off the light, please. (v) 2. lots of water in hot weather. (v) 3. ! I can’t hear you. (X) 50
  53. 4. to this music. It’s great. (v) 5. near the fire. It’s hot. (x) 6. this, please. I can’t see the letters. (v) 7. me! This box is very heavy. (v) 8. in here! (x) Practice 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple and the present continuous. 1. Where's John? - He (listen) to a new CD in his room. 2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain) in England. 3. Jean (work) hard all day but she (not work) at the moment. 4. Look! That boy (run) after the bus. He (want) .to catch it. 5. He (speak) .German so well because he (come) from Germany. 6. Shh! The boss (come) We (meet) him in an hour and nothing is ready! 7. you usually (go) away for Christmas or you (stay) at home? 8. She (hold) some roses. They (smell) lovely. 9. Oh no! Look! It (snow) again. It always (snow) in this country. 10. Mary (swim) very well, but she (not run) very fast. 11. you (enjoy) this party? Yes, I (have) .a great time! 12. Sorry I can't help you. I (not know) where she keeps her files. 13. What you(do) .next Saturday? Nothing special. I (stay) at home. 14. I (think) your new hat (look) nice on you. 15. I (live) with my parents but right now I (stay) with some friends for a few days. Practice 3: Underline the correct form of the verb. 1. Nga works/ is working as a pastry chef. At the moment she makes/ is making spring rolls. 2. Chef Long leaves/ is leaving for work. He always goes/is going to work by bus. 3. Business travellers usually pay/are paying with their credit cards. 4. The bus for the airport leaves/ is leaving every 15 minutes. 5. The chef prepares/ is preparing the main courses for today’s lunch. The sous chef helps/ is helping him. 6. The Japanese group leaves/ is leaving now. Guest usually checks/ is checking out before 10 a.m. 7.First, the guest signs/ is signing the Visa slip, and then the cashier gives/ is giving her a copy of the bill. 8. The restaurant serves/ is serving lobster today. 51
  54. They usually serve/ are serving it once a week. Practice 4: Write the correct form of the verbs. It (0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be) . at Jane’s birthday party. Jane (2. wear) . a beautiful long dress and (3. stand) . next to her boyfriend. Some guests (4. drink) . wine or beer in the corner of the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance) . in the middle of the room. Most people (6. sit) . on chairs, (7. enjoy) . foods and (8. chat) . with one another. We often (9. go) . to our friends’ birthday parties. We always (10. dress) . well and (11. travel) . by taxi. Parties never (12. make) . us bored because we like them. 7.5. KEY VOCABULARY garlic pound garnish pour bake beat grate roast broil shake carrot flowers kettle simmer slash slice charcoal lounge sprinkle chili marinate stir chop method tablespoon mince coriander teapot ounce teaspoon teaspoonful dash tiger prawn devein towards travel agent drop peel vinegar pick pinch fluid ounce whip 52
  55. UNIT 8: MISE EN PLACE Unit code: MH16-08 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use some words related to basic cutting 2. understand words related to techniques, types of knives. 3. Pronounce four consonant ( /g/, /k/, /ɵ/, /ð/ ) correctly. 8.1. GETTING STARTED 8.1.1. Match the words with the pictures dice julienne chiffonade paysanne rondelle mince 8.1.2. Match the words with the pictures cleaver sharpening stone filleting knife kitchen fork slicing knife butter knife 53
  56. 8.1.3. Define the following words. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary. 1. Carving knife 2. Pressure cooker 3. Stockpot 4. Slicer 5. Whisk 6. Corkscrew 7. Grill 8. Grider 9. Scale 10. Steamer 8.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 8.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Chef Can: Minh, parboil the vegetables, please. The water is boiling. I’m roasting pigeons. Minh: But, I’m making the dough. Tell Nam to do it, please. Chef Can: What’s Nam doing now? Minh: I don’t know. but he’s in the next section. Chef Can: Nam. Nam: Yes? Chef Can: Parboil the vegetables, please. Nam: Can you do it for me, Hung? I’m chopping some onions. Hung: I’m sorry, Nam. I’m deep - frying chips. They’re becoming brown. Nam: All right. Thank you. I’ll do 8.2.2. Practise with a partner 8.2.3. Answer these questions. 1. What is chef Can doing? 2. Does chef Can ask Nam to roast pigeon? 3. Is Nam chopping onions? 4. Is Nam in the same section as chef Hung? 5. Can Hung help Nam? 6. What’s Hung doing? 54
  57. 7. Why can’t Hung help Nam? 8. What does Nam do at the end? 8.3. READING AND WRITING 8.3.1. Read the text Hoang Anh is nineteen years old. She goes to Hanoi Tourism College. She normally leaves home at 6.30. She lives quite close to the college. So she always walks to school with some of her friends. But, these weeks she’s getting the bus. She isn’t going to school at all. These weeks, she’s going to work. Every year students at this college do work experience (internship). They work in restaurants, bars, shops, and hotels for some weeks. This week Hoang Anh is working in the Nikko Hanoi hotel’s kitchen. It’s 10 o’clock now and she normally has an English lesson. But this week she’s preparing dishes in the kitchen. She’s enjoying the experience. Anh : “It’s hard work, but I’m learning a lot these weeks. I usually enjoy going to college. But this week I’m getting the chance to see life in a kitchen of an international hotel”. 8.3.2. Answer these questions. 1. What’s the girl’s name? 2. Which school does she go to? 3. Does she often leave home for school at 7.00 o’clock? 4. How does she normally go to school? 5. What is she doing these weeks? 6. Is she working in a restaurant? 7. What is she doing at the moment? 8. Is she learning nothing these weeks? 8.3.3. Read and translate into Vietnamese INTRODUCTION TO THE WOK The earliest woks not woks at all, but cast-iron pans with sloping sides great for tossing and stirring a lot of food easily. Developed as a result of the frugal use of fuel, historians also think that there's a connection between the helmuts and shields of the invading Mongols and woks. Whatever 'woks' best, right? Modern woks are very versatile. They can be used for almost any type of cooking: stir frying, deep flying, steaming, stewing, and even baking a cake. I've made hamburgers and pancakes in them, as well as soups and desserts. A wide variety of different materials, sizes and shapes are available nowadays. When selecting a wok, you must consider the type of stove you have. If you have a gas stove, you may use either a round-bottomed or flat- bottomed wok. If you have an electric range, the flat-bottomed style is the best choice, because it sits directly on the element. By selecting your wok appropriately, you will eliminate the need of a ring 55
  58. stand. Most Woks range in sizes from 10" to 16", the 14" is the most preferable size which is adequate for the preparation of most dishes in the cookbook. Although Woks are available in many different types of materials, the traditional wok made from uncoated carbon steel is the most popular one. This material conducts heat well and is the most economical to purchase. 8.3.4. Write a paragraph. Imagine you work in the kitchen of an international hotel, but you are on holiday in Ho Chi Minh city today. Write a paragraph. Say what you normally do, and what you’re doing at the moment. 8.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 8.4.1. Pronunciation /g/ /k/ /ɵ/ /ð/ game card think the give Christmas thanks they gift walk thousand these thanksgiving decorate something further 8.4.2. Grammar - Modals verbs - Past simple 8.4.3. Practice Exercise 1: Choose the correct option to complete these useful kitchen phrases. 1. Could /Shall I have your name, please? 2. Would /Shall I take your coats? 3. Would/May you prefer to sit indoors or outdoors. 4. May / Will I suggest the terrace? 5. Shall /Can we order, please? 6. Would /Shall you to take a seat? 7. I’ll/ may show you to your table. 8. Would / Will you like to see the wine list? 9. I’m afraid you won’t / can’t smoke here. 10. Can /May you follow me, please? Exercise 2: Match offers 1-8 with requests a-h. 1.What can I get you? a. A large one, please. 2.Can I have a large whisky, please? b. Sparkling or still? 3.Would you like large or small? c. Here it is. 4.Could I have your room number? d. A glass of red wine, please. 5.Shall I charge this to your room? e. Would you like ice? 56
  59. 6.Would you like ice and lemon? f. No, thanks. I’ll pay cash. 7. Can I have your key card? g. It’s 22. 8.Can I have a mineral water? h. Just ice, please. Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the simple past 1. Last year I (go) to England on holiday. 2. It (be) fantastic. 3. I (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be) with two friends of mine . 4. In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London. 5. They (drink) too much. 6. The weather (be) strangely fine. 7. It (not / rain) a lot. 8. Barbara (eat) the whole cake last night. 9. Where (spend / you) your last holiday? 10. I (bake) this cake by myself. Exercise 4: Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the past simple Chang: So, how (go) the dinner yesterday? Jan: Don't ask ! it (be) a disaster. Chang: (have) you problems with the honey chicken? Jan: No, not exactly. I (have) . two guests instead of one. Chang: What? Jan: Rosa (bring) someone with her ! Chang: No! who (be ) it? Jan: Susan, the Head Waiter! There I (be) all ready for a romantic dinner. I (put) candles and flowers on the table and (choose) Spanish music for the perfect atmosphere. And then the bell (ring) and there (be) the two of them: Rosa and my boss! Chang: But what (be) the honey chicken like? Jan: I (not/ try) any because I only (make) enough for two people. But they (say) it (be) delicious. Chang: So, what’s the problem? your dinner (be) a success! Exercise 5: Complete the conversation. Put in the past simple negatives and questions. Claire: (1) (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris? Mark: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show. (2) (we / not / try) to do too much. Claire: What sights (3) (you / see)? 57
  60. Mark: We had a look round the Louvre. (4) (I / not / know) there was so much in there. Claire: And what show (5) (you / go) to? Mark: Oh, a musical. I forget the name. (6) . (I / not / like) it. Claire: Oh, dear. And (7) (Sarah / enjoy) it? Mark: No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but (8) (I / not / want) to go shopping 8.5. VOCABULARY rondelle julienne scissors sarpening stone chiffonade paysanne mince dice filleting knife slicing knife butter knife kitchen fork intership international parboil pigeon dough deep-fry 58
  61. UNIT 9: THINGS CHEFS DO Unit code: MH16-09 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. understand and correctly use some words commontly used to talk about the responsibilities of positions in the kitchen. 2. describe everyday activities and kitchen timetables. 3. understand and correctly use some words related to verbs concerning methods of cooking. 4. pronounce four consonants ( / ʒ /, / ʃ /, / tʃ /, / dʒ / ) correctly. 9.1. GETTING STARTED 9.1.1. Match the words in the definitions Words Definitions 1. Parboil a. To cook food by putting it in water that is boiling 2. Boil b. To cook food in hot oil or fat 3. Stir-fry c. To cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at temperature slightly below boiling 4. Simmer d. To fry small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc. quickly while mixing them around 5. Roast e. To boil food for a short time until it is partly cooked 6. Fry f. To cook food in an oven or over a fire 9.1.2. Match the words in the box to the pictures parboil stir-fry simmer boil roast fry 1. 2. . 3. . 59
  62. 4. 5. 6. 9.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 9.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Sam: So, what do you think of the restaurant, Rosa? Rosa: Well, it’s very nice, but I’d like to see the kitchen. Sam: Come with me, then. Louis, Karl, let me introduce you to Rosa. Rosa’s the new cook. She’s in charge of fish section. Louis: I’m Louis the pastry cook and Karl works with me in the pastry section. Sam: Karl’s the commis. In the mornings he helps me to bake rolls and croissants for breakfast and then he prepares desserts. But he can help you at lunch-time. Rosa: Oh, great! And where’s the fish section? Sam: It’s over here, next to the vegetable section. Rosa: Is there an oven and a stove just for the fish cook? Sam: There’s an oven here just for you but there isn’t a stove. There are four stoves in the middle and you share them with the other cooks. Rose: Ok, that’s fine. It all looks great. 9.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 9.2.3. Are these sentences True or False? Correct any false sentences. 1. Rosa likes the restaurant. 2. Rosa is a fish cook. 3. Louis and Karl prepare rolls and croissants for desserts. 4. Louis can assist Rosa. 5. Rosa shares an oven with the other cooks. 9.3. READING AND WRITING 9.3.1. Read the text. I’m Peter. I work in a very famous restaurant, and I really like what I do. In my section, I help the vegetable chef, and he prepares the vegetables for the restaurant. We do not have to cook the pastry or meat, there are other people who are responsible for that. The chef likes to have a commis because it means that he doesn’t have to prepare the vegetables himself. When I get to work, I peel the carrots and potatoes. There’s a lot of good equipment in the kitchen. Another good thing is that I don’t have to do the washing up, all the dirty plates and knives go into the dishwasher. The chef is very good to me, and tells me that I don’t have to worry if I make mistakes. 9.3.2. Answer these questions. 1. What’s his name? 2. Where does he work? 3. Is it small? 4. Does he like his job? 60
  63. 5. Do they have to cook meat? 6. What does Peter do at work? 7. Does he have to do the washing up? 8. Is there a lot of good equipment in the kitchen? 9.3.3. Match the complaints with the replies 1. This steak is terrible. It’s a. I’m sorry, sir. I’ll ask the wine waiter overcooked and it’s tough. to bring it straight away. 2. We haven’t got any bread b. My apologies, madam. I’ll ask the left. manager to check it. 3. It’s very noisy here. Can we c. I’m sorry, madam. I’ll get you another go somewhere quieter? one. 4. I ordered a bottle of wine d. I’m sorry, madam. We’re short-staffed ten minutes ago. tonight. I’ll be with you in a moment. 5. This coffee is stone cold. e. My apologies, sir. I’ll get you one right away. 6. I haven’t got an ash-tray. f. One moment, sir. I’ll see if I can find another table. 7. This wine tastes like g. I’m very sorry, madam. I’ll get you a vinegar. hot one. 8. I don’t like to complain, but h. I’m very sorry, sir. I’ll get you a clean I think this bill is wrong. one. 9. This knife is dirty. i. My apologies, sir. I’ll get you some more. 10. Waiter, you must have the j. I’m sorry, madam. I’ll bring you slowest service in the town. another bottle. 9.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 9.4.1. Pronunciation / ʒ / / ʃ / / tʃ / / dʒ / occasion traditional check geography television special change subject vision horseshoe picture biology pleasure sure natural manage each Jessica much Egypt 9.4.2. Grammar ( Review) Adjective – Preposition combination Here are a few of the most common combinations of adjectives and prepositions in English: At : surprised at, angry at, good at, bad at Of : proud of, afraid of, fond of, full of With : satisfied with, busy with, fed up with, associated with 61
  64. In : disappointed in, skilled in, interested in, involved in For : known for, good for, terrible for, excellent for To : married to, friendly to, similar to, rude to 9.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Fill the gap with the correct preposition 1. Who is responsible ___ this dish? 2. I’m not very keen ___ this color. Is there another one? 3. This town is famous ___ its cheese. 4. It is stupid ___her to go out without a coat in such cold weather. 5. Are you excited___ going on holiday next week? Practice 2: Put in the correct preposition 1) England is famous its rainy weather. 2) I'm very proud my daughter, she worked very hard. 3) He isn't really interested getting married. 4) Luke is very pleased his exam results. 5) Unfortunately, I'm very bad music. 6) I've been married my husband for 10 years. 7) She's very excited the party. 8) Julie is very different her sister. 9) My niece is afraid dogs. 10) A ball gown is similar an evening dress. 11) What is your town famous ? 12) It's great you got that job - you should be proud yourself. 13) I'm very excited buying a new computer. 14) That bike is similar yours. 15) She is interested jazz. 16) Are you pleased your new house? 17) Lucy is extremely good languages. 18) Who is James married ? 62
  65. 19) English cheese is very different French cheese. 20) He isn't afraid anything. Practice 3: Decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space. I DON’T BELIEVE IN GHOSTS! Last year I stayed for a few days in an old house in Scotland which was famous (1) .its ghost. I don’t really believe (2) ghosts, so I’m not afraid (3) them of course. So when my host suggested (4) .up all night to see their ghosts, I simply laughed (5) .them. Then they told me (6) . The woman who hunted their house. She had been accused (7) murdering her husband in the eighteenth century because she had been jealous (8) him, but she had avoided 9) tried, and had disappeared. She appeared quite regularly, walking through the house as if she was searching (10) something. I agreed to watch that night, although it would (11) sitting for hours in the cold. I expected one of my friends to appear dressed (12) .the ghost, and so when the figure of a woman finally came (13) me, I (14) to be terrified. You can imagine my surprise when the figure took a knife from her dress, and then vanished. I decided to disappear myself, and drove home to London as (15) as I could. 1. a. with b. for c. from d. as 2. a. for b. to c. at d. in 3. a. with b. for c. of d. by 4. a. walking b. getting c. staying d. coming 5. a. at b. with c. about d. to 6. a. for b. that c. with d. about 7. a. that b. of c. for d. while 8. a. of b. by c. to d. for 9. a. and b. being c. but d. having 10. a. like b. after c. with d. for 11. a. mean b. be c. have d. unfortunately 12. a. with b. for c. as d. in 13. a. about b. towards c. round d. through 14. a. wanted b. imagined c. pretended d. supposed 15. a. quickly b. then c. well d. though Practice 4: Choose the best preposition to use in each of the sentences 1. I'm not capable ___ that type of behavior. of B. in C. at 2. Smoking is bad ___ you. A. at B. for C. on 3. I'm so angry ___ this! 63
  66. A. about B. with C. to 4. I'm so angry ___ you! A. about B. to C. with 5. She was dressed ___ pink. A. with B. in C. on 6. This restaurant is famous ___ its mussels. A. in B. with C. for 7. George is married ___ a German woman. A. to B. with C. by 8. Are you afraid ___ him? A. of B. to C. on 9. I'm so proud ___ you! A. with B. of C. to 10. We're not associated ___ that company. A. along B. in C. with 9.5. KEY VOCABULARY liquid croissant peel dishwasher overcook tough ash-tray apology short-staffed ghost hunt vanish murder jealous figure 64
  67. UNIT 10: COOKING METHODS Unit code: MH16-10 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. translating the names of dishes: Vietnamese – English. 2. describe on – going activities, changes, future intension. 4. compare current activities and normal ones. 5.pronounce six consonants ( / m /, / n /, / ŋ /, / l /, / r /, / h / ) correctly. 10.1. GETTING STARTED 10.1.1. Put these instructions into correct order. HOW TO WRAP SPRING ROLLS a. Fold the two side edges over the filling. b. Place the filling mixture just below center of rice paper. c. Start rolling up toward top edge d. Fold bottom edge over the filling. 10.1.2. Match the words in the box to the pictures crispy spring rolls green papaya salad Russian salad three-color sticky rice pho crispy roast pork fresh spring rolls caramelized fish deep-fried prawns with breadcrumbs 65
  68. 10.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 10.2.1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. Chang: Mr. Frank, today I recommend you the Beijing roast duck. Frank: Before eating, I’d like to know more about roast duck. Chang: Okay. Roast duck is a famous local dish in Beijing. It’s made with the forced-fed duck. The duck is basted and roasted till crisp- brown, then usually served in three courses. Frank: Three courses? What are they? Chang: First, the crisp skin is cut into 2-inch pieces and served with paper-thin pancakes, sweet bean sauce and a stick of white scallion. Frank: I once had it. It’s tasty. Chang: Second, the duck meat is shredded and fried with bamboo shoots, mushrooms and water chestnuts. Third, the bones of the duck are boiled into soup with cabbages and mushrooms. 10.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 10.2.3. Answer the questions using prompts 1. What is ice cream made from? - cream / eggs / sugar. _ It’s made from cream, eggs, and sugar 2. What does a continental breakfast consist of? - fruit juice / croissant or bread / jam / butter / coffee. 3. What does the mixed seafood dish contain? - lobster / prawns / scallops / mussels 4. What is summer pudding made from? -bread strips / raspberries / sugar. 5. What are spring rolls made from? - rice paper / meat / onions / tree ears / pepper 6. What is Chicken Kiev made from? - Chicken breasts / herbs / garlic / butter 66
  69. 7. What does cucumber salad contain? - cucumber / onions / sugar / vinegar / chili 10.3. READING AND WRITING 10.3.1.Translate these names of dishes into Vietnamese 1. Banana blossom salad 6. Grilled vegetable pizza 2. Braised lamb shanks 7. Barbecued beef sandwich 3. Vietnamese chicken noodle soup 8. Green papaya salad 4. Deep-fried breaded shrimps. 9. Fried eggs 5. Shrimp spring rolls 10. Steamed sticky rice 10.3.2.Translate these names of Vietnamese dishes into English 1. Nước chấm nem 8. Dê nấu ca ri 15. Dưa gĩp 2. Nem Sài Gịn 9.Vịt quay 16. Sườn xào chua ngọt 3. Bún riêu cua 10. Nem chua 17. Rau muống xào tỏi 4. Phở gà 11. Bị xào cần tỏi 18.Tiết canh 5. Nộm hoa chuối 12. Cá quả nướng 19.Chim (câu) quay 6. Ếch tẩm bột rán 13. Ốc hấp gừng 20.Ruốc 7. Cua rang muối 14. Gà luộc lá chanh 21.Mắm tơm 10.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 10.4.1. Pronunciation / m / / n / / ŋ / / l / / r / / h / more now exciting lucky reason have machine noisy relaxing long resource how farm barn boring learn read high library receive hotel live red hit like right her 10.4.2. Grammar The passive voice of the present simple tense. S + am/ is/ are + PP2 The passive voice of the simple future S+ will/shall + be + PP2 The passive voice of the modal verbs. S+ modal verb + be + PP2 10.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Change these future simple sentences into the passive. You don't need to repeat 'somebody'. 1. Somebody will meet you at the airport. 2. Somebody will process your application. 67
  70. 3. Somebody will find your glasses. 4. Somebody will bring food. 5. Somebody will help you. 6. Somebody will write a new book. 7. Somebody will explain the plan. 8. Somebody will drink all the juice. 9. Somebody will eat the chocolate. 10. Somebody will prepare everything. Practice 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the passive voice of the simple future 1. Non-renewable energy sources (use up) in the future. 2. Sources of energy (use) effectively in the future. 3. The washing machine (not repair) by the mechanic tomorrow. 4. Next month, all light bulbs in the classroom (replace) by the low energy ones. 5. the sun and the wind (develop) as two main alternative sources of energy in the future? 6. The use of fossil fuels (reduce) next year. 7. a lot of money (spend) on heating this winter? 8. The tax on petrol (not increase) by the government this summer. Practice 3: Change these sentences to the passive form. 1. We make pasta from flour, eggs and salt. 2. You make a margarita with tequila. 3. The receptionist will tell guests about the hotel facilities. 4. The restaurant serves dinner from 7.30 to 11.00. 5. We make dressing from oil and vinegar. 6. The waitress takes your order at the table. 7. Cut each slice into three or four pieces. 8. You should put some of the bread strips around a pudding bowl. 9. Stew the raspberries in the sugar for a few minutes. 10. Add the fruit and some of the juice to the pudding bowl. 11. Pour over the remaining juice. 12. We can serve this dish as a starter. Practice 4: Rewrite the passive sentences as instructions for how to lay a place setting. 1. A clean tablecloth is put on the table. Put a clean tablecloth on the table. 2. A knife and fork are put in the plate position. 3. A napkin is folded and placed on a side plate. 4. A dessert spoon and fork are brought with the dessert menu. 68
  71. 5. A wine glass is placed above the soup spoon position. 6. Salt and pepper are put in the center of the table. 7. A flower arrangement and a candle are placed by the salt and pepper. Practice 5: Choose the best answer 1. These books will have to to the library tomorrow. A. returned B. have returned C. be returned D. being returned 2. A package carefully before it is mailed. A. has to be wrapped B. has to wrap C. had to be wrapped D. had to wrap 3. All planes before departure. A. will checked B. will has checked C. will be checked D. will been checked 4. to be the richest man in the USA. A. Bill Gates B. Bill Gates says C. Bill Gates is D. Bill Gates is said 5. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing encouraged. A. should B. should be C. be D. have 6. These instructions . precisely. A. must follow B. must followed C. must to be followed D. must be followed 7. An international conference in Hanoi next week. A. will held B. will be hold C. is going to hold D. will be held 8. The flight to Hanoi because of the bad weather. A. can postpone B. will postpone C. can be postponed D. can be postpone Practice 6: Choose the best answer 1 . People don't use this road very often. a. This road is not used very often b. Not very often this road is not used c. This road very often is not used d. This road not very often is used 2 . Somebody cleans the room every day a. The room every day is cleaned b. The room is every day cleaned c. The room is cleaned every day d. The room is cleaned by somebody every day 3. How do people learn languages? a. How are languages learned? b. How is languages learned by people? c. How languages are learned? 69
  72. d. Languages are learned how? 4. People should send their complaints to the head office. a. Complaints should be sent to the head office. b. Complaints should be sent to the head office by people. c. Their complaints should be sent to the head office by people. d. Their complaints to the head office should be sent. 5. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. a. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview. b. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them. c . A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview. d. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview. 10.5. KEY VOCABULARY fold edge toward cocktail breadcrumb caramelized continental scallop raspberries consist of tequila bread strips crisp-brown croissant wrapped-up roast-pork rice-papper candle tablecloth recommend arrangement crisp-skin napkin shank chicken breast tree ears tuna 70
  73. UNIT 11: DESCRIBING DISHES Unit code: MH16-11 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1.understand and correctly use some words related to verbs concerning methods of cooking, dried ingredients. 2. exchange opinions, explaining the composition of dishes, the preparation of dishes. 3. understand the usage and information of the present perfect tense. 4. pronounce two consonants ( /w/, /j/ ) correctly. 11.1. GETTING STARTED 11.1.1. Put these words in order to get names of dishes. 1. pea/ Dutch/ soup 2. stewed/ Spanish/ pork 3. caviare/ Russian/ fresh 4. rosemary/ with/ goose/ pate 5. jacket/ lamb/with/ Scottish/ potatoes 6. lemon/ grilled/ sauce/ cod/ with 11.1.2.Solve the anagrams and label the vegetables Tleectu Recbumcu Omoatt Kele Cryeel Oralhibk Aooptt Eunaiegbr Oalceifrwlu Msohomur Aeotyhc Glrcia 11.1.3. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following. bitter delicious hot sour bland dry rich greasy sweet savoury 1. The skin of an orange tastes quite 2. Food cooked with chilli is 3. Food cooked with a lot of cream is very 4. Sugar and honey will make a dish 5. If you forget the salt and pepper the food will be . 6. Lemon juice is 7. Too much fat used in cooking can make the dish . 8. A dish without enough liquid is 9. A dish cooked to perfection will be . 10. Toast cooked too long tastes 71
  74. 11.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 11.2.1. Listen and repeat the conversation between Ben and Sam. Ben: Now, have we got everything we need? Sam: Well, let me see. There are some onions and potatoes, but there mushrooms and of course, there isn’t any minced beef. Ben: Are there any carrots? Sam: A few. But we don’t need many, so that’s OK. Ben: How much milk is there? Sam: Only a little. And there isn’t any butter, and we haven’t got much cheese. Ben: Well, we don’t need much cheese. Is there anything else? Sam: No, not for Shepherd’s Pie. We’ve got some salt and pepper, and there is a lot of flour. Would you like me to help with the shopping? Ben: Yes, please. 11.2.2. Practise the dialogue with a partner. 11.2.3. Are these sentences True or False? Correct any false sentences. 1. Sam and Rosa haven’t got any onions and potatoes. 2. They haven’t got any mushrooms. 3. There is some minced beef in the fridge. 4. They don’t need many carrots. 5. There is a lot of milk . 6. They have got some pepper and chili. 7. They do not have to go shopping. 11.3. READING AND WRITING 11.3.1. Read this dialogue to know how Pizza is made. 1. It is 31 October, Halloween. There’s a fancy dress party at Mark’s house later tonight. Mark and Paul are making a pizza. Mark: We need some mushrooms and some cheese. Paul: OK. Do we need any pepper? Mark: Yes, just a little, and some salt. Paul: What about eggs? Mark: No, we don’t need any eggs. They’re for Kate and Becky. 2. Kate and Becky are making some chocolate biscuits. Kate: We’ve got a few eggs here. How many do we need? Becky: Not many. We’ve got enough. We only need two. Kate: There isn’t much sugar. How much do we need? Becky: Quite a lot. About 200 grams. Kate: Be careful with the flour, Becky! 3. Becky: Paul, you should use a spoon to do that, not your hands. Paul: Oh, It’s OK. They’re clean. Kate: And Mark, you shouldn’t put the pizza in the oven yet. It’s too early. 72
  75. Mark: Leave us alone! We know what we’re doing. We don’t need your advice. 4. Later . Becky: That pizza tasted quite good, you know. Mark: You shouldn’t be so surprised. Boys can cook. Paul: What’s that awful smell? Something’s burning! Kate: Oh no! It’s our chocolate biscuits, Becky. We forgot to take them out of the oven. How embarrassing! 11.3.2. Read the dialogue then put the sentences below into the correct order. a. Becky advises Paul not to use his hands to do. b. Mark and Paul don’t need any eggs. c. Boys are not happy because of girls’ advices. d. They need a little pepper and some salt. e. Becky is so surprised because boys can cook well. f. Kate and Becky’s chocolate biscuits are burning. g. Kate and Becky only need two eggs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11.3.3. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. What kind of dish are Mark and Paul making? 2. How much pepper do they need? 3. Do they need any eggs? 4. How much sugar do Kate and Becky need? 5. What does Paul use to do the pizza? 6. How are chocolate biscuits? 7. Why is Becky so surprised? 8. Are Mark and Paul making chocolate biscuits? 9. Is the pizza very delicious? 10. Is there a fancy dress party at Becky’s house? 11.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 11.4.1. pronunciation / w / / j / weight yell watch yard window yellow willing yesterday 11.4.2. Grammar The Present perfect ( + ) S + have / has + V(ed/ PII) + O . ( - ) S + have / has + not + V(ed/ PII) + O . ( ? ) Have / Has + S + V(ed/ PII) + O ? 73
  76. 11.4.3. Practice Practice 1: Complete the sentences using SINCE or FOR 1. Linda has been the manage of Timeways travel in London three years. 2. I’ve lived in Rome . I was two. 3. Mr.Woods hasn’t been feeling well over a month. 4. Sally and her boyfriend Peter have been going out together last winter. 5. I’ve been waiting a few minutes. 6. He’s been in Japan . 1986. 7. I haven’t seen you . Christmas. 8. It hasn’t rained here more than a month. 9. we haven’t bought a new shoes ages. 10. We’ve been here . January. 11. It has been raining lunch time. 12. My boss has gone away ten days. 13. I haved lived in England a year. 14. She has lived in London 1985. 15. Please hurry up  We have been waiting an hour. 16. I have known her January. 17. Nam’s father has worked in this company 20 years. 18. Have you learned English a long time? 19. I haven’t seen Tom Monday. 20. This house is very dirty. We haven’t cleaned it ages Practice 2: Put the verbs into the present perfect tense 1. I (live) here since 1970. 2. He (study) English for three years. 3. They (come) . here many times. 4. He (already read) .these books. 5. She (just visit) us. 6. I (ever see) this cartoon. 7. You (ever talk) to her? 8. He(have) lunch yet? 9. We (not see) her parents yet. 10. His sister (work) for this company since 1995. 11. They (build) .those building recently. 12. I (not be) . successful so far. 13. Up to now he (win) . the prize. 14. It’s the second time he (visit) the USA. 15. I (not live) here since he was a child. 16. This is the nicest restaurant I (ever see) 17. The doctor (be) . here since 8 o’clock 18. It (rain) for two hours. 74
  77. 19. We (already choose) . the new person for the job 20. You (pay) . the taxi-driver yet? Practice 3: Choose the best answer 1. We’ve been here last week. A. since B. for C. by D. from 2. They haven’t seen each other a long time. A. since B. for C. with D. about 3. My mother in this hospital for 9 years. A. have worked B. worked C. has worked D. works 4 you had breakfast since 6.00 am ? A. Do B. Does C. Have D. Has 5. I have her for some years. A. know B. known C. knew D. knowing 6 have you lived here? A. When B. How long C. What time D. What 7. I my book .I can’t find it anywhere. A. lost B. have lost C. has lost D. lose 8. For a long time, the Ao dai the subject of poems,novels,and songs. A. were B. was C. have been D.has been 9. I don’t know Minh. I met him. A.have never B. never have C. haven’t never D. ever haven’t 11.5. KEY VOCABULARY asparagus aubergine rosemary avocado pear cod pea caviar carpaccio Scottish pate goose lettuce fancy dress cauliflower lamb jacket embarrassing burn awful taste biscuit 75
  78. UNIT 12: EUROPEAN DISHES Unit code: MH16-12 Objectives At the completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Introduce some European dishes. 2. Know some words related to European dishes. 3. Identify the stress and intonation. 12.1. GETTING STARTED 12.1.1. Answer the questions. l . What’s your favorite main dish? 2. Do you like to cook? 3. What do you like to cook? 4. What’s your speciality? 12.1.2. Listen and repeat the dialogue . Woman: Excuse me, could you explain the menu to us, please? Waiter: Yes, of course. Woman: What’s in the penne arrabbiata? Waiter: Well, this is a pasta dish. It consists of penne, a type of pasta, in a chilli and tomato sauce. It’s made from chilli, tomato, garlic, and basil with pine nuts. Woman: Hmm sounds good. And what’s the salmon coulibiac? Waiter: This is made from layers of rice mixed with onions and mushrooms, fresh salmon, and hard boiled eggs. It’s wrapped in puff pastry and baked in the oven. Woman: And what’s the seafood dish? Waiter: This is a dish for two people. It contains half a lobster, king prawns, scallops, and mussels. And it’s served warm with a crisp, green salad. 12.1.3. Asking and answering Example. A: Excuse me, what is this? B: It’s palla valenciana. A: What is it made from? B: It’s made from (consists of) rice, garlic, onions, chicken, prawns, mussels, peas, paprika, Olive oil. A: How is it eaten? B: It’s eaten hot. A: What is it served with? B: It’s served with bread and white wine. 76
  79. A: Thank you very much. B: You’re welcome. Dish Made from Eaten Served with Spaghetti Minced beef, tomato hot Spaghetti, Bolognese puree, carrots, celery, parmesan cheese, onions, oregano, garlic red wine Pizza Mozzarella cheese, tomato hot Green salad, Napolitana sauce, black olives, garlic bread, red anchovies, capers. or white wine Fish chawder Sea fish, mussels, prawns, hot Bread, white potatoes, garlic, paprika. wine 12.1.4. Complete the chart with words from the list. Then add two more words to each category. What’s your favorite food in each category? cucumber soup fried pork in wild pepper tomato ice cream leaves pork and crab rolls salad cookies chicken noodle eel soup chicken broth chicken salad beef stew caramel custard Soups Salads Main dishes Desserts 12.2. LISTENING AND SPEAKING 12.2.1.Listen to chef Thai describing his favorite recipe. Fill in the blanks with the best words from the box. Then listen and check your answer. boil drain chop season remove pound soak wrap 77
  80. Hi! My name’s Thai, and I’m from Ha noi, and my favorite dish is “Steamed snails in ginger leaves”. You (l ) the snails for two hours in salted water. (2) them with citronella and ginger, then (3) the meat when done. Then (4) the shells and set them aside. Finally (5) the snail meat and combine it with chopped pork and mushrooms. (6) this mixture with a dash of fish sauce and pepper then (7) the mixture together with the pork paste. (8) spoonfuls of this paste in ginger leaves and insert the leaves into the snail shells for about 30 minutes. Serve the snails with a dipping sauce made from fish sauce, lemon juice, sugar, sliced chili, and garlic. It’s real1y delicious. 12.2.2. Pair work 1. Imagine that a foreign friend has asked you for a recipe of a typical national dish that is a specialty of your country (or region), which he or she can prepare easily. 2. Decide on a suitable national dish. What do you think ingredients are needed? 3. How is it made, step by step? Why have you chosen this particular dish? 12.3. READING AND WRITING 12.3.1. Look at the pictures. They show you how to make a baked Spanish omelette. Now read the following sentences and put them in the correct order by writing the letter of each sentence in the box in the right picture. a. Pour in the eggs and tomatoes. b. Next, break open four eggs and beat them. 78
  81. c. Take it out when the omelette is ready. d. First, turn on the oven to “very hot”. e. Add salt and pepper to the mixture, too. f. Chop up two tomatoes and half a green pepper. g. Add them to the tomatoes and mix well. h. When the oven is hot, put the dish inside. i. Mix them together with cheese and herbs in a bowl. j. Serve at once. k. Then rub a shallow dish with butter. 12.3.2. Practice Practice 1: Can you write the names of the vegetable and fruit. Vegetable Fruit 1. Beginning with the letter p: 2. Beginning with the letter b: 3. Beginning with the letter m: 4. Beginning with the letter c: 5. Beginning with the letter l: Practice 2: Which is the odd one out in each group? 1. salmon shrimp oyster lobster 2. pork veal salmon beef 3. lettuce eggplant tomato cucumber 4. pork lamb oyster beef 5. banana water melon peach pea Practice 3: Match the following expressions with the definitions: egg, boil, salad, fillet, fruit, ice 1. to remove the bones from meat or fish 2. a cold dish, egg, lettuce, tomatoes 3. before the chicken 4. solid water 5. oranges, pears, bananas, etc 6. to heat water until it reaches 100oC Practice 4: Write one name for each of the following groups. 1 milk, cream, butter, yoghurt d p . 2 parsley, basil, coriander h 3 pork, lamb, beef, goat m 4 tea, coffee, orange juice b 5 mussels, oysters, prawns s 6 ginger, onion, garlic, lemongrass s 7 tuna, salmon, eel, catfish f 8 chicken, duck, goose p 79
  82. 12.4. LANGUAGE FOCUS 12.4.1. Pronunciation Contrastive stress Listen and practice. Notice how the stress changes to emphasize a contrast. A: Is Raul the one wearing the red shirt? B: No, he’s the one wearing the black shirt. A: Is Judy the short one in Jeans? B: No, She’s the tall one in Jeans. 12.4.2. Grammar. - Although/ Despite/ In spite of - Because/ Because of 12.4.3. Practice. Practice 1: Rewrite these sentences with the given prompts. 1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. In spite of 2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick. Because of 3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. Despite . 4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick. In spite of . 5. Because there was a big storm I stayed at home. Because of 6. Peter was admitted to the university although his grades were bad. Despite . 7. In spite of his good salary, James still gave up her job. Although Practice 2: Complete the sentences with although/in spite of/despite 1. ___ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip. 2. The children slept well ___ the noise. 3. ___ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents. 4. John rarely sees Paul ___ they live in the same town. 5. Julie failed the exam ___ of working very hard. 6. ___ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat. 7. Tom went to work ___ not feeling very well. 8. Anna never learned the language ___ she lived there for two years. 9. ___ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain. 10. I couldn't eat ___ I was very hungry. 80
  83. Practice 3: Complete the sentences with although/in spite of/ because/ because of 1. it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. 2. a, all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong. b, we'd phoned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong 3. a, I went home early I was feeling unwell. b, I went to work the next day . I was still feeling unwell. 4. a, She only accepted the job the salary, which was very high. b, She accepted the job the salary, which was rather low. 5. a, I managed to get to sleep there was a lot of noise. b, I couldn't get to sleep the noise. Practice 4: Choose the best answers. 1. Tom has a computer , ___ he doesn’t use it . a. or b. as c. because d. but 2. She couldn’t unlock it ___ she had the wrong key . a. while b. but c. though d. because 3. ___ the traffic , I arrived on time . a. Though b. Although c. Even though d. In spite of 4. ___ it was late , I decided to phone Brian. a. Despite b. However c. In spite of d. Though 5. We didn’t go for a walk ___ it was very cold . a. though b. because c. but d. so 6. ___ I tried to persuade her , I didn’t succeed . a. Because b. So c. Although d. However 7. ___ he had enough money , he refused to buy a new car . a. In spite b. In spite of c. Despite d. Although 8. She left him ___ she still loved him . a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite 9. We postponed the picnic a. because it is raining heavily b. because of the raining heavily c. because the heavily rain it was d. because it was raining heavily 10. I couldn’t read the letter the darkness. a. despite b. in spite of c. because of d. because 12.5. KEY VOCABULARY braise caramel sauce catfish fillet wok chicken broth snail citronella caramel custard dash star anise cinnamon sirloin rice noodle basil coriander bean sprout char 81