Một số giải pháp phát triển khu kinh tế ven biển ở Việt Nam hiện nay
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Nội dung text: Một số giải pháp phát triển khu kinh tế ven biển ở Việt Nam hiện nay
- SOME SOLUTIONS TO DEVELOP COASTAL ECONOMIC ZONES IN VIET NAM NOWADAY MỘT SỐ GIẢI PHÁP PHÁT TRIỂN KHU KINH TẾ VEN BIỂN Ở VIỆT NAM HIỆN NAY Ma Duc Han, MA Ph.D student, Political Academy Abstract Coastal economic zones belong to the group of open general economic zones in the coastal areas and their surrounding neighbourhoods. They are founded and developed under Vietnam’s legal conditions, procedures and regulations. Our Party and State advocate building the coastal economic zones and consider these as a new type of development model in order to foster socio-economic development of localities, particularly poor coastal ones and provide the basis for mobilizing and attracting investments, seeking and applying new economic policies to integrating into the world economy as well as combining economic development with defence and security consolidation. In this article, the author present some solutions to develop coastal economic zones in Vietnam in the near future. Keywords: Coastal, coastal economic zone, Viet Nam Tóm tắt Khu kinh tế ven biển thuộc nhóm các khu kinh tế tổng hợp mở ở khu vực ven biển và các khu vực lân cận. Chúng được thành lập và phát triển theo các điều kiện, thủ tục và quy định pháp lý của Việt Nam. Đảng và Nhà nước ta ủng hộ xây dựng các khu kinh tế ven biển và coi đây là một mô hình phát triển mới nhằm thúc đẩy sự phát triển kinh tế xã hội của các địa phương, đặc biệt là các vùng ven biển nghèo và tạo cơ sở để huy động và thu hút đầu tư, tìm kiếm và áp dụng chính sách kinh tế mới để hội nhập vào nền kinh tế thế giới cũng như kết hợp phát triển kinh tế với củng cố quốc phòng và an ninh. Trong bài viết này, tác giả trình bày một số giải pháp phát triển khu kinh tế ven biển ở Việt Nam trong thời gian tới. Từ khóa: Vùng ven biển, khu kinh tế ven biển, Việt Nam I. Introduction Over the past 10 years of implementing the Government’s Decree 29/2008/NĐ-CP, dated March 14th 2008, on industrial, export processing, and economic zones and especially the Prime Minister’s Decision 1353/QĐ-TTg, dated September 23rd 2008 on approving the Project entitled “development of Vietnam’s coastal economic zones towards 2020”, up to now, the country has established 18 coastal economic zones and initially achieved significant results, making contributions to its economic development. However, in the process, there have been weaknesses. Typically, the planning work has yet to be 964
- comprehensive; investments have yet to be focalized, proper, or feasible; technical- economic facilities have yet to be synchronous or meet the practical requirements; the effectiveness of coastal economic zones in some area have been low. To develop the coastal economic zones, improve their effectiveness, and meet the requirements of economic development and international integration, our Party and State have issued various resolutions and directives. Typical examples include: the Government’s Decree 82/2018/NĐ-CP, dated May 22nd 2018 on the management of industrial and economic zones and the 12th Party Central Committee’s Resolution 36/NQ- TW, dated October 22nd 2018 on “the Strategy for the sustainable development of Vietnam’s marine economy towards 2030, with a vision towards 2045”. In those documents, our Party and State focus on building and multiplying coastal economic zones in line with the formation and development of strong coastal economic centres, ensuring that those coastal economic zones must play a key role in developing and connecting the regions. By 2020, the coastal economic zones shall contribute 15%-20% to the country’s GDP and create non-agricultural employments for about 1.3-1.5 million people. By 2030, the GDP of 28 coastal provinces and cities will account for 65%-70% of the country’s GDP. In this article, the author conducts an assessment of the current state of development of coastal economic zones in Vietnam. On that basis, the author proposes a number of solutions to promote the development of coastal economic zones in Vietnam. In order to carry out the aforementioned research purpose, the paper focuses on analyzing the achievements and pointing out the existing shortcomings in the planning and development of coastal economic zones in Vietnam. II. Litterature Review Coastal economic zone means an economic zone formed in a coastal area and adjacent areas of a coastal area. Economic zone means an area with a defined geographical boundary, comprising many functional areas, which was established to fulfill the objectives of attracting investment, socio-economic development and protecting national defense and security. In terms of policies, conditions for establishing a coastal economic zone are presented as follows: There must be a coast and a port. There must be wide ground. Must be an underdeveloped place to enjoy preferential policies in attracting investment. Coastal economic zones are a type of general open economic zone, covering many different fields, essentially the first phase of the form of special economic zone (economic zone) commonly found in the world. These open economic zones are applied special policies to encourage investment, expand business freedom and open administration in the "one-door" direction in investment activities. This is also a place to pilot new economic mechanisms and policies to draw experience and apply them generally. These economic 965
- zones do not have hard fences but have clear boundaries to apply management policies in certain territorial space. Particularly for bonded areas, free ports, industrial parks (IZs), export processing zones (EPZs) in open economic zones, there are fences separating from the rest for goods management. Compared to the IP, the operation of the open economic zone is more diverse, not only in industry but also in other economic sectors (trade, services, finance, banking, securities, tourism, industry, fisheries, culture, sports, ) but also inhabits the population. This is a "zone" model. In the open economic zone, there is a non-tariff area to allow investment liberalization and the highest preferential mechanism according to the current law. Investors are allowed to invest in all areas of production, export processing, trade, import and export, bonded, financial services, banking, insurance, post and telecommunications, Operating in a non-tariff area is a foreign activity, incurring no taxes, no time limit for warehousing; Like in free ports, foreign ships are allowed to directly enter the ports of the non-tariff area and receive and do not have to go through immigration procedures. III. Research Methodology The paper uses analytical and general method which is the main research method to analyze the current situation of the development of coastal economic zones in Vietnam, especially the three coastal economic zones of Chu Lai, Dung Quat and Phu. Quoc - Nam An Thoi. The author's data source used in this article is taken from data provided by the General Statistics Office, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. From the development of coastal economic zones, the article draws some lessons learned: it is necessary to build economic zones at favorable locations, located on the main transport axes, including the sea. , road and air; It is necessary to conduct careful surveys and surveys before development, to build a close association of coastal economic zones with surrounding areas; Local authorities (Management Board of Economic Zones) need more independence and autonomy to promote their initiatives and experiments; It is necessary to concentrate resources on the definitive construction of economic zones which have been carefully surveyed and surveyed and suitable to the general planning. It is necessary to have an overall and long-term vision, to avoid being dominated by group interests, local interests of the locality and the industry. IV. Results finding 4.1. Situation of developing some coastal economic zones in Vietnam 4.1.1. Chu Lai open economic zone Chu Lai open economic zone is located in Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province with a total area of about 32,400 hectares established under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 108/2003/QD-TTg of June 5, 2003 to become a important lever of the Central key economic region. Chu Lai open economic zone has a favorable geographical position to develop and attract investment. The economic zone has favorable transportation conditions to connect 966
- other localities of Vietnam and the world through National Highway 1A, Trans-Vietnam railway, sea route through Ky Ha port, and air route via Chu International Airport. Lai. The airport has been approved by the Government to open the sky with three main functions of international cargo transshipment, passenger transportation, and heavy aircraft maintenance and repair. Chu Lai open economic zone is an integrated economic zone, including a sub-tariff area and a non-tariff area. The non-tariff sub-zone (or free port zone) associated with Ky Ha port includes activities of producing exports and goods serving on the spot (including processing, manufacturing), trade in goods31, trade in services32, trade promotion33, and other commercial activities following the 3-in-1 model: airports - free trade zones - seaports. The tariff area has industrial parks, export processing zones, special entertainment areas, service areas, residential areas and administrative areas. The development of Chu Lai open economic zone is a priority to attract light industries in combination with tourism and high-class urban tourism. the economic zone has 5 concentrated industrial parks with a total area of 3,000 ha, located next to National Highway 1A and the trans-Vietnam railway which is very convenient for traffic; With more than 30 km of coastline with white sand and golden sunshine, it is an ideal environment for building high-class tourist and entertainment areas. Especially, the economic zone can exploit tourism potential because it is located in Quang Nam province, where there are 2 world cultural heritages: Hoi An ancient town and My Son ancient temple area. Since the construction and development of Chu Lai open economic zone, Nui Thanh district has made great strides in all areas. Infrastructure, such as electricity, roads, urban areas and industrial complexes, which have been invested and built more and more synchronously, have had certain spillover effects to the surrounding areas.The economic structure of Nui Thanh district in 2003 when there was no economic zone was in the direction of "agriculture - industry - service", in 2011, it was shifted to the structure of "industry - agriculture - service"34; the average industrial production value of the district in the 2005-2010 period increased by 37.66% / year. (1) Enterprises in the economic zone have brought a sharp increase in the district budget revenue and Nui Thanh becomes the district with the highest budget revenue in Quang Nam province. If in 2001 the budget revenue in the locality was less than VND 50 billion, by 2011 the total budget revenue would reach VND 1,500 billion, an increase of 30 times. From a district that has to rely on provincial subsidies, Nui Thanh now contributes significantly to the provincial budget. Building and developing an open economic zone has contributed to job creation and labor restructuring in Nui Thanh district. On average, the 31 Including export, import, border-gate transfer, temporary import for re-export, distribution and retail supermarkets 32 Including services such as sorting, packing, transporting and forwarding goods in transit, preserving, post and telecommunications warehouses, telecommunications, finance, banking, transportation, insurance, entertainment and entertainment warehouses, restaurant, 33 Including various types of promotion such as product introduction, trade fairs, branches, representative offices of domestic and foreign companies, including financial institutions, banks, 34 In which industry accounts for 61.9%, agriculture enterprises account for 21.4% and services: 16.7%. 967
- district creates jobs for about 5,000 workers. In 2012, the proportion of district employees working in industry, construction and services accounted for over 40%, the percentage of laborers working in agriculture - forestry - fishery sectors decreased to less than 60%. By the end of February 2011, Chu Lai economic zone had a total of 65 projects licensed for investment with a total registered capital of more than US $ 1.5 billion, of which 38 projects were operating and recruiting 11,000 employees. some of which are more than 90% local labor; The total investment capital is about USD 600 million. Chu Lai open economic zone has attracted well-known manufacturers such as Chu Lai - Truong Hai automobile (Thaco) which is now one of the largest automobile manufacturers and assemblers in Vietnam. (4) However, despite these achievements, up to now, the construction and development of this economic zone is still limited. The progress of finishing the economic zone is rather slow and currently the infrastructure system has not met the development requirements. The support policies and compensation prices are slow to change, the compensation unit price in a long time is much lower than the market price so it has slowed down the clearance progress and caused annoyance among people in the region. relieve. The planning of construction of resettlement areas in the economic zone has not met the requirements of the people as the new urban area is located quite far from the production area. Vocational training, job creation, and life stabilization for people after clearance have not been well implemented. For example, businesses only employ skilled young workers, so the number of unskilled workers and elderly people in areas of displaced areas are underemployed. The planning and land use planning of the economic zone only focuses on major and key project works, but has not focused on projects that bring benefits closely to the locality. (5) 4.1.2. Dung Quat economic zone Dung Quat economic zone, formerly known as an industrial park, has been transformed into an open economic zone under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 50/2005 /QD-TTg of March 11, 2005. Dung Quat economic zone has a favorable geographical position, located in the east of Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province, in the central coastal region of Vietnam, about 860 km from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. It is adjacent to National Highway 1A, the Trans-Vietnam railway and is the beginning of one of the trans-Asia routes connecting Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. In addition, this economic zone is adjacent to Chu Lai airport; Dung Quat deep-water port; there are auxiliary towns with infrastructure - full utilities and high quality services. Therefore, Dung Quat economic zone has comparative advantages to become an attractive business location for domestic and foreign investors. Dung Quat is an open, integrated and diversified economic zone, including: (i) Heavy industry development including refining - petrochemical industry, steel refining, shipbuilding, manufacturing industry. cement production, mechanical engineering, heavy equipment, automobile assembly and production, etc. (ii) Development of light industry, 968
- mainly in electronics-electronics, high-tech materials, textiles , leather shoes, consumer goods processing, export goods, (iii) Developing industrial services; financial and banking services; insurrance; educations; housing, entertainment - tourism As of August 2012, Dung Quat Economic Zone has granted investment certificates to 114 projects with a total registered capital of VND 136,000 billion; including 101 domestic projects with a total registered capital of 76,725 billion VND, 13 foreign projects with a total registered capital of 3 billion 746.56 million USD. Among investment projects, there are 67 active projects; The total value of implemented capital is about 60%. Including a number of big and important projects such as Dung Quat oil refinery, Doosan Vina heavy industry factory, PP plastic factory, shipyard, BioEthanol factory, Dung Quat cement plant and the system. ports, along with many hotel and restaurant service systems, Of the 67 projects currently operating in Dung Quat Economic Zone, 47 projects perform quite well compared to other projects. in other economic zones, especially refining - petrochemical projects, Doosan heavy industries, port operations; creating jobs for 13,800 workers. Currently, Dung Quat Economic Zone has completed the first stage of development as planned (by 2010), with the Dung Quat oil refinery and Polypropylene petrochemical refinery officially put into operation in 2009 and 2010, creating momentum for new development. According to the development plan, in phase II (2010-2015 Dung Quat economic zone will expand the area from 10,300 hectares to 46,000 hectares, to build Dung Quat following the model of special economic zone or industrial city; the refinery capacity will increase to 10 million tons / year and develop the corresponding petrochemical complex; complete two steel refining plants with a capacity of 10 million tons / year, and complete other heavy industrial plants (heat electricity, shipbuilding, manufacturing heavy equipment, ), developing phase II seaports for oil tankers and cargo ships of up to 50,000 DWT; gradually developing hi-tech projects, Van Tuong urban area on an area of about 500 ha By 2015, it is expected that Dung Quat economic zone will attract over 20 billion USD35. (2) Although Dung Quat Economic Zone is considered as the most successful economic zone in the country, the development speed of this economic zone has been slowed down. Many investment projects with large amounts of capital have been abandoned36. The petrochemical plants and refineries did not work as expected, and sometimes even suffered losses. Land planning and job creation for people in cleared areas also face many difficulties. Currently, there are more than 13,000 employees in the project area, but there are nearly 4,700 unemployed or unstable jobs; more than 3,000 ha of land of 5,572 households (more than 20,000 people) have been acquired, but only 17 resettlement areas and residential clusters have been built to relocate and arrange for 1,617 households (5,523 people). Because people have to relocate, the natural ecological environment is 35 Including $ 4 billion to expand the refinery capacity to 10 million tons /year; US$ 2 billion for the construction of large-scale petrochemical plants; 500 million USD for projects to build post-petrochemical and chemical plants; 750 million USD for shipbuilding industry complex; 95 million USD for cement plants; 8 billion USD for two steel rolling mills; $1 billion for other heavy industry plants and about $ 3 billion for other projects. 36 At least 15 major projects are abandoned in Dung Quat 969
- changed, lack of productive land leads to unemployment, lack of jobs, and upsetting the lives of local people. 4.1.3. Phu Quoc - Nam An Thoi economic zone Phu Quoc - Nam An Thoi economic zone was established under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 38/2006 / QD-TTg of February 14, 2006. This economic zone covers an area of 56,100 ha, covering Phu Quoc island and Nam An Thoi island cluster in Phu Quoc district, Kien Giang province. On the southwestern sea of Vietnam, Phu Quoc island plays a particularly important role in the strategy of developing marine economy, facilitating the development of Vietnam's southernmost maritime economy. The island has abundant natural conditions, favorable for eco-tourism development and can become a hub for air and sea routes and aims to build an international city. According to the Vietnam coastal and coastal socio-economic development master plan under the Gulf of Thailand by 2020, this economic zone will become a comprehensive marine economic center of the country and will be (5) In this economic zone, there are non-tariff areas and other functional areas such as tourism, service, port and port logistics services, industrial parks, urban areas, residential areas, administrative areas and other functional areas. Non-tariff area associated with An Thoi port and Phu Quoc airport. The operation of the non-tariff area includes the main types of production and business such as: (1) Manufacturing, processing, recycling, assembling exports, imports and goods serving on the spot; (2) Trade in goods37; (3) Trade in services38; (4) Trade promotion39 and other trade activities. All projects investing in Phu Quoc - Nam An Thai economic zone will enjoy preferences for areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions. The tourism business investment projects here are those invested in national tourist areas in the sectors and fields where investment is encouraged. The Government pledged to appropriately invest capital from the budget and concessional credit, support the hiring of foreign consultants to formulate detailed planning of functional areas and develop technical infrastructure system - important social and service facilities and public facilities are necessary to ensure the operation and development of Phu Quoc - Nam An Thoi economic zone. The Government also supported investment in the development of infrastructure systems, such as building a main road across the island from An Thoi - Duong Dong - Bai Thom; roads around the island and feeder routes to tourist destinations and residential areas; to build tourist ports in Dat Do bay, Duong Dong and Bai Vong ports; cargo ports of An Thoi, Vinh Dam and some other passenger ports of appropriate sizes in service of transportation to and from tourists; building Phu Quoc international airport; diesel power plants, developing wind and solar power, building underground cables to bring electricity to the island and a uniform grid system throughout the island; construction of other technical infrastructure such as water supply and drainage, post and telecommunications 37 Including export, import, border-gate transfer, temporary import for re-export, distribution, shops and retail supermarkets, duty-free shops and supermarkets. 38 Including classification, packaging, freight forwarding, storage, warehousing, bonded warehouse, finance, banking, transport, insurance, entertainment, entertainment, restaurants 39 Such as trade fairs, product showcase stores, branches and representative offices of domestic and foreign companies and financial institutions - banks 970
- Since the issuance of Decision No. 38/2006 / QD-TTg, up to now, Phu Quoc island has been invested and developed strongly. The image of the island has been upgraded, creating favorable conditions to exploit the potential and strengths of tourism and become an attractive tourist destination, attracting domestic and foreign tourists. Phu Quoc economy grew highly, on average 22% / year; GDP per capita in 2012 reached 50 million VND; tourist arrivals average more than 13% per year, reaching 362,281 arrivals in 201240. On the island, there are many tourist resorts and modern hotels. In 2012, the island put Phu Quoc international airport into operation. Currently, Phu Quoc is also in the process of completing the route around the island. By April 2012, Phu Quoc island district had 87 registered investment projects, with a total capital of more than VND 59,000 billion, most of which were tourism, residential and urban development projects. Phu Quoc island district strives to achieve average economic growth of 26% / year by 2020; The economic structure consists of trade-service (50%), agriculture-forestry- fishery (27%) and industry-construction (23%). Every year, mobilizing social investment capital of over VND 5,000 billion, attracting 2 million tourists; The rate of poor households reduces to less than 2%. Phu Quoc will basically meet the criteria as "High- quality eco-tourism center". However, Phu Quoc's economy has not yet developed commensurate with the potential and advantages of this island. The mechanisms and policies to encourage investment, support programs and projects of the State have not brought into play the synchronous effectiveness. Investment in building the transport system, electricity, water has not met the development needs. Tourism business efficiency is still low, service-tourism quality is not high, tourists staying, especially international visitors are very few. Monotonous tourism products, uneven quality, low competitiveness, The implementation of investment projects in Phu Quoc island district also has many shortcomings, affecting the socio-economic development strategy. local assembly. According to a report of the Government Inspectorate, by the end of 2010, Phu Quoc has approved 229 investment projects, with a total land area of 10,756.11 hectares. In particular, local authorities have issued investment certificates for 56 projects, with a land area of 2,329.44 ha; 181 projects have not yet been granted investment certificates due to detailed planning and planning review. However, up to April 2012, of the 9 projects licensed for investment, only 9 projects were put into operation41, the remaining projects are still "suspended". The granting of investment and land is not according to the planned schedule and has spread greatly affecting the life and production of people. According to the land use plan to 2020 in Phu Quoc district, the land fund for tourist areas is 1,800 ha and by 2030 is 3,861 ha, but by 2012 local authorities have granted investment licenses for tourism projects. The calendar has a total area of nearly 7,000 hectares, far exceeding the planning 40 Compared to the 2004 timeline when the "Kien Giang Island Master Plan to 2010 and Vision to 2020" of Kien Giang Province was issued, the mobilization of social investment capital in 2012 increased by 11 times. Compared to 2004, the rate of poor households decreased from 14% in 2004 to 2.24% in 2011 41 There is a total investment of only VND 713 billion 971
- target, including many projects that coincide with the location, not suitable to the plan. Out of 137 investment projects that have been inspected, 97 projects are proposed to be stopped, of which 63 projects need to be revoked because of wrong planning, overlapping locations, delayed implementation, or investors. self return project; 20 projects need to be reviewed due to inappropriate land use (forest) purposes as planned or behind schedule42. In addition, the Government Inspectorate also said that the management of protection forests of Phu Quoc District People's Committee is very loose. Phu Quoc's protection forest area in 2005 was 11,653 ha, according to the plan by 2010 to reduce to about 7,813 ha, but by the end of 2010 the actual area of protection forest was only about 4,254 ha. 4.2. Some solutions to develop coastal economic zones in Viet Nam in the near future Firstly, it is necessary to review and accurately assess the advantages, potentials and difficulties of coastal economic zones. On that basis, implementing the plan with long- term vision, overall, synchronized, with a specific implementation roadmap in each stage of development. Clearly identify the roadmap for mobilizing resources for implementing the plan. Each coastal economic zone must create demand for the whole region and the whole development region, opening up the demand for domestic and foreign investors to invest. In this way, the State's investment in new coastal economic zones is not wasteful, not spreading and promoting investment efficiency. To build a network of road, waterway, sea, rail, railway and road infrastructure infrastructure, connecting to national and international transportation networks. Investors must see coastal economic zones as a "gateway" for goods and services, not only of Vietnam, but also of ASEAN and the world, with strengths in connecting economy and trade. trade and investment with the region and the world. Accordingly, the development of Dinh Vu - Cat Hai coastal economic zone (Hai Phong) necessarily creates development needs for the Northern Delta region; at the same time, creating development demand for countries in Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia in the production and circulation of goods, developing marine economic sectors. Coastal economic zones in the Central region must create development demand for all localities in the Central region and Central Highlands in terms of goods trade and marine economic development Phu Quoc economic zone and cluster Nam An Thoi island (Kien Giang) must create the development demand for the southern delta region, the countries in the region on cooperation, development, trade in goods and development of marine economy. Secondly, It is necessary to clearly define the strengths of each coastal economic zone, avoiding concentrated investment, avoiding scattered development investment and many fields. Select qualified investors who can participate in the development strategy and orientation. (3) Thirdly, Creating a connection of coastal economic zones, forming a driving force for coastal development, in which, there is a strict division in development of branches and domains among economic zones. To study the formation and development of new economic zone models associated with specific policies and mechanisms towards openness, creating a development breakthrough for coastal economic zones. Focusing on 42 Among these, there are 59 tourism projects, including 37 eco-tourism projects. 972
- developing motive projects has now attracted investment projects and essential technical infrastructure in coastal economic zones as a premise for the formation of industrial development areas. strategy in economic zones and continue to attract investors. In parallel with perfecting the infrastructure system, it is necessary to develop a national investment promotion program for coastal economic zones, in the immediate future it is possible to build a general website to promote investment needs. and investment promotion mechanism. Promote consolidation, improve the capacity of the contingent of managers of coastal economic zones to meet development requirements. V. Recommendations By studying the development status of Vietnam's coastal economic zone, especially the three coastal economic zones of Chu Lai, Dung Quat and Phu Quoc - Nam An Thoi, the author gives some recommendations as follows: Firstly, economic zones need to be built in favorable locations, located on major transportation axes, including sea, road and air. With the "integrated" nature, coastal economic zones should have favorable geographical conditions to become modern cities in the near future. However, compared to the remaining two open economic zones, only Phu Quoc has a lot of development potential to become urban in the nearest future. From the perspective of coastal economic zones, it can be seen that the development prospects of Vietnam's border economic zones are not very bright because most of these economic zones do not have a position. Favorable geography, not to mention built in more backward areas than the whole country. Secondly, all three economic zones were established quickly but developed very slowly and recently showed signs of slowdown. Investment projects in here are not as many as expected, many projects are still in the state of "hanging" to ever. This is a common feature in the massive and inefficient development process of economic zones throughout the country. Even Chu Lai economic zone is the earliest established economic zone in the country (since 2003), but investment projects that have been implemented so far are still delayed. Moreover, the economic linkage between economic zones and the surrounding areas is limited. Separating Chu Lai from Dung Quat alone shows that invisible barriers to administrative division create economic spatial separation, which is worth drawing experience. VI. Conclusions EZs should be built in favorable locations, located on the main transportation axes, including sea, road and air. With the "aggregate" nature, coastal economic zones should have favorable geographical conditions to become modern cities in the near future. However, compared to the remaining two open EZs, only Phu Quoc has a lot of potential to become urban in the nearest future. From the perspective of coastal economic zones, it can be seen that the development prospects of Vietnam's border gate economies are not very bright because most of these economic zones do not have a favorable geographical position. The narrative is built in more backward regions than the whole country. all three EZs were established quickly but developed very slowly and recently showed signs of 973
- slowdown. Investment projects here are not as many as expected, many projects are still in the state of "hanging" as ever. This is a common feature in the massive and inefficient development process of EZs in the country. Even the Chu Lai EZ is the earliest established EZ in the country (since 2003), but the investment projects implemented so far have been delayed. Moreover, the economic links between EZs and surrounding areas are limited. Separating Chu Lai from Dung Quat alone shows that invisible barriers to administrative division create economic spatial separation, which is worth drawing experience. REFERENCES 1. Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Authority (2012), Report on investment and development situation of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone, Quang Nam. 2. Dung Quat Open Economic Zone Authority (2013), Report on investment and development situation of Dung Quat Open Economic Zone, Quang Ngai. 3. Ministry of Planning and Investment (2012), Proceedings of the Conference summarizing 20 years of construction and development of industrial parks, export processing zones and economic zones in Vietnam. Hanoi. 4. Ha Minh (2009), "Chu Lai open economic zone: Is it really open?", "Saigon liberated" newspaper on February 19, 2009. 5. Journal of Communist and Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee (2009), Chu Lai Open Economic Zone - Practices of construction, development and issues raised, Proceedings of Scientific Conference. 974