Sáng kiến đổi mới sản xuất 3.0 và các hàm ý cho phát triển kinh tế Việt Nam

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Nội dung text: Sáng kiến đổi mới sản xuất 3.0 và các hàm ý cho phát triển kinh tế Việt Nam

  1. KOREA’S MANUFACTURINGINNOVATION 3.0 INITIATIVE AND IMPLICATIONS ON VIETNAM’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SÁNG KIẾN ĐỔI MỚI SẢN XUẤT 3.0 VÀ CÁC HÀM Ý CHO PHÁT TRIỂN KINH TẾ VIỆT NAM Chungnam National University Hee-Cheon MOON* Chungnam National University Jae-Eun CHUNG Cheju Halla University Seok-Beom CHOI Abstract: This study explains the current state of “Manufacturing Innovation 3.0”, Korean strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution which focuses on Smart Factory. Since 2014, it has achieved some amazing results, but, still needs to be improved to reflect the real SMEs’ business environment. Hence, this study suggests the “Globalization 4.0 Initiative” as the new policy imperative of Korean government which induces Korean SMEs to participate in the 4th Industrial Revolution trends in global context. In Addition, the 4th Industrial Revolution can cause huge change in world structure of Manufacturing Industry such as a decrease of outsourcing and offshoring. In this case, this study suggests the necessity of Vietnam government’s preparation for this change in manufacturing industry and international trading structure. Keywords : 4th Industrial Revolution, Manufacturing Innovation 3.0, Korean SMEs, Smart Factory, Globalization 4.0 Tóm tắt: Nghiên cứu này mô tả thực trạng của sáng kiến “Đổi mới sản xuất 3.0”, một chiến lược của Hàn Quốc cho cuộc Cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ 4, tập trung vào các nhà máy sản xuất thông minh. Kể từ năm 2014, chiến lược này đã mang lại những kết quả đáng ngạc nhiên, tuy nhiên vẫn cần một số cải thiện để phản ánh đúng thực tế của môi trường kinh doanh của các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ (SMEs). Do đó, nghiên cứu này đề xuất “Sáng kiển toàn cầu hoá 4.0” như một lựa chọn chính sách mới cho chính phủ Hàn Quốc nhằm thúc đẩy các SMEs của Hàn Quốc tham gia vào xu hướng Cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ 4 trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hoá. Bên cạnh đó, Cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ 4 có thể gây ra những thay đổi lớn trong cấu trúc thế giới của ngành công nghiệp sản xuất chế tạo chẳng hạn như sự suy giảm trong xu hướng thuê ngoài và sản xuất tại nước ngoài. Trong trường hợp này, nghiên cứu đề xuất chính phủ Việt Nam cần chuẩn bị gì cho sự thay đổi trong ngành công nghiệp sản xuất chế tạo và cơ cấu thương mại quốc tế. Từ khoá: Cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ 4, Sáng kiến sáng tạo sản xuất 3.0, SME Hàn Quốc, Nhà máy thông minh, sáng kiến toàn cầu hoá 4.0 JEL Classifications: O14, O25, O32 * Professor of International Trade, Chungnam National University, South Korea Ph.D. Candidate, Chungnam National University, South Korea Professor of International Trade, Cheju Halla University, South Korea 603
  2. 1. Introduction Korea has remarkable development history which used to be considered as one of the world competitive manufacturing powerhouse. Recently, however, Korea has experienced internal and external economic crisis. Moreover, the 4th Industrial Revolution, a new technological trend in the manufacturing industry is regarded as another threat that might cause decrease of global competitiveness of Korean SMEs(Small & Medium Enterprises). It’s because this world industrial change can cause innovation in world manufacture system and trading structure. In 2014, to keep up with world trend, Korean government launched an initiative for the 4th Industrial Revolution, termed “Manufacturing Innovation 3.0”. This strategy has been projected by motif of German strategy “Industrie 4.0”. It has been implemented for the last 2 years and had shown some positive results. Though, the main participators are the major enterprises and most of the Korean SMEs are still in crisis of falling behind in world competition because of insufficient policy consideration on SMEs. Therefore, in this study, we would like to discuss the state of Korean strategy, “Manufacture Innovation 3.0” and suggest the necessity of upgrade of the initiative to promote Korean SME’s innovation efforts considering the global trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Moreover, this suggestion can be implication for developing countries such as Vietnam to prepare the world change in manufacturing industry. 2. Background of Manufacturing Innovation 3.0 Initiative 2.1 Advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution Era On January 20th, 2016, in Davos, Swiss, Klaus Schwab, the chairperson of World Economy Forum declared that we are in the era of 4th Industrial Revolution. The 4th Industrial Revolution is regarded as a new paradigm in manufacturing industry. That’s because the general concept of the 4th Industrial Revolution is about embedded technologies of ICT and Manufacturing industries which is the main concept of Germany’s new strategy, “Industrie 4.0”, suggested in 2011 for the first time. However, ICT technologies including Big Data, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and IoT (Internet of Things) have been already applied in most of industries and other fields beyond manufacture industries where the CPS(Cyber-Physical System) is applied mainly. It means that these new technologies have influenced lots of changes not only in industries but also in our lives. According to prior research, the 4th Industrial Revolution has been coming naturally by following several previous industrial developments. 604
  3. Industry 1.0 to INDUSTRIE 4.0 Source : Eurasia Online News(2016), “Industrial Revolution : Advancement in AI Herald Big Changes in Production”, revolution/, (access date : 2016.12.31) As seen in history, those industrial and technological revolutions have functioned as another opportunity for development. It means that the 4th Industrial Revolution, eventually, will be reality and exert strong influence on world economy in the near future. It is considered that the first player who establishes the standard for the manufacturing system can achieve the best competitiveness in world market. At this point, most countries should be prepared for this kind of paradigm shift in the near future, and those countermeasures should be appropriate for each domestic industrial status and circumstances. 2.2 Major Countries’ Strategies Germany, which is the pioneer of the 4th Industrial Revolution, has prepared long before for this huge change. The German government suggested their own strategy in the name of “High Tech Strategy 2020 Action Plan”, that is known as “Industrie 4.0” more widely, in 2011. German strategy is focusing on their manufacturing ecosystem where major corporations and SMEs are cooperating by applying IoT and CPS. They planned to establish the fundamental revolution that connects factories, customers and R&D organically. This strategy is called as “Smart Factory” in other word. German Upgraded Industry 4.0 Strategy Platform Industry 4.0 • Ministry of Economy, Subject • Ministry of Education Governance • Collaboration of Industry, Institutes and Universities with Governmental Support • Based on Existing Applying Strategies, Core Tasks • Subdivide into each practical field • Deduction of Core Result from each practical field Objective • Presentation of result in IT Gipfel Source : Soo-Hyun Baek(2016), “Smart Manufacturing, Preparing for the 4th Industrial Revolution”, Electronical World, Vol.65, No.2, pp.44-48 605
  4. In 2015, German government adopted the upgraded version of “Industrie 4.0”, called “Platform Industrie 4.0”. In that upgraded strategy, they recognized and mentioned the necessity of collaboration of industry, institutes and universities under governmental supports. The final goal of Germany’s strategy is to construct “New global standard of manufacturing industry” and realize the “Ubiquitous Mass Customization” by the end of 2025. United State is the second player which adopted the strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution. The U.S. government announced the need of reformation in manufacturing industry advised by PCAST (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology) in the late 2011. U.S. governmental strategy is named as “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership(AMP)” which has been complemented later to AMP Version 2.0. This strategy is also related to manufacturing industry as German case, but they approached differently with some different technology, including AI and Cloud service. U.S.’s strategy has been specified by the successful application case of “General Electric.” Their strategic innovative model is described as “Industrial Internet”. GE got success to be “Connected Industrial Company”, They could control the production system of factory facility and manage manufacturing process by applying Cloud and AI, named “Predix Platform”. The Automatic Industrial Data system collects the data from production process, and Cloud Algorithm connects the data. Then, after analysis using AI system, the production system can be optimized by sharing the data. Thus, US’s Big Data system functions as core point to make the “Industrial Internet” be realized. GE’s Industrial Internet : Predix Platform Source : (access date : 2016.12.31) 606
  5. In this wise, the private enterprises are leading the US’s strategy, of course under the support of government. In 2014, the 5 major corporations including GE established “Industry Internet Consortium” to share the strategy and build specific platform standard for international manufacturing. China and Japan, the major countries in Asia, also started to be concerned about new strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution, appropriate for their own domestic status. China, actually, has domestic and social problems need to be solved in advance. Thus, the president of China, Xi Jinping, suggested 4 core policies to achieve the goals for each section including domestic problems and the 4th Industrial Revolution, as seen in . China’s Policy Issues Policy Core Strategy Made in China 2025 10 Strategic Industry Promotion including IT Internet Plus Combination of Traditional Industry and Internet & IT Startup andInnovation Support Startup Ecosystem One Belt, One Road 21c New Silk Road with 60 countries Source : Hae-Ok Choi(2016), “The Connecting Factory : Made in 2025”, Science & Technology Policy, Vol.26, No.8, pp.20-25 Those two policies, “Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus”, especially, are the main strategy of China to prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution. China’s advantages, their powerful and strong government, are expected to function as pressure as well as huge supports for development. On the other hand, Japan established their own strategy in the name of “Japan Rehabilitation Strategy”. Japanese government also needs solutions for Japan’s internal economic reformation. Thus, Japan’s strategy includes measures for the 4th Industrial Revolution, and new potential market creation, economic development, and to promote consumption. Especially, Japanese government decided to carry ahead the 4th Industrial Revolution strategy with the technologies of IoT, Big Data, AI and Robot. The AI and Robot are connected by developed sensors and that advanced technology can be applied in the manufacturing system. Every year, there has been held “Robot Innovation Initiative Conference,” which is held by collaboration of Industry, University, Institutes and more than 1,000 corporations. Robot technology, another name “the Learning Robot”, as core strategy of Japan’s 4th Industrial Revolution, is expected to improve the global competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and enhance efficiency of Japan’s production system. 607
  6. Singapore also launched their own strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution by “Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)”. It is not only focusing on Manufacturing Industry but aiming to construct “Smart Nation”. By installing sensors across the country and sharing the real time data, Singapore plans to build future city nation. These strategies of the major countries are summarized in . Major Countries Strategies for 4th Industrial Revolution First Country Policy & Strategy Released Platform Industry 4.0 (Upgraded in 2015) : Manufacture Industry In 2011 Germany Standard United AMP 2.0 & GE’s Industry Internet (Upgraded in 2014) : using In 2011 States Data and Cloud Japan Rehabilitation Strategy (Upgraded in 2016) : Learning In 2013 Japan Robot Strategy Made in China 2025 & Internet Plus : Strong Government and In 2015 China Development Smart Nation Master Platform : Nation-wide Smart City using In 2015 Singapore Sensors Source : Arranged by authors. 2.3. Status of Manufacturing Industry in Korea As mentioned above, the major countries have suggested their own countermeasures for the 4th Industrial Revolution, which are appropriate for each country’s internal and environmental status, in the way of emphasizing their technical merits and advantages. They have recognized that the 4th Industrial Revolution has already come and started to influence on our real lives. Korean government has also suggested a strategy in 2014, termed “Manufacturing Innovation 3.0”. Korea has been regarded as a leader of IT, which heads Korean government up to follow the world trend hurriedly. In fact, Korea has somehow remarkable history about economic and industrial development. Somewhere along the line of industrial development, Korea achieved one of the most competitive manufacturing technologies. Among the OECD countries, Korea has recorded that manufacturing takes 30% share in GDP, higher than that of Germany(23%), Japan(19%), and the USA(12%). However, with the advent of the “New Normal” era, Korea has experienced some changes and crisis such as lower competitiveness in manufacturing industry and G2(USA and China) countries’ new protectionism. At this point, it is necessary for Korea to recognize that the 4th Industrial Revolution can be another opportunity to take off again and that Korea needs innovation especially in manufacturing industry not to be get left behind in world competition. 608
  7. 3. Analysis of “MI 3.0 Initiative” 3.1 Manufacturing Innovation Efforts in Korea In June, 2014, the Korean government released the “Manufacturing Innovation 3.0” strategy which is designed by Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. They announced that this strategy is the upgraded version of past innovation strategies, “Innovation 1.0” and “Innovation 2.0,” which had been suggested by following the trend of industrial development in Korea, as shown in . Change of Innovation Paradigm in Korea Manufacturing Innovation 1.0 Light Industry = Import Substitution Strategy Manufacturing Innovation 2.0 Assembling Industry = Catchup Strategy Manufacturing Innovation 3.0 Converged New Industry= Pacesetting Strategy Source : MOTIE( The appearance of embedded technologies with IT & SW(Information Technology and Software) and the newly developed technologies such as 3D printing or Smart Factory using CPS(Cyber Physical System) and AI(Artificial Intelligence) is considered as shift into new manufacture industry paradigm. “Manufacture Innovation 3.0” which is focusing on Smart Factory strategy has been suggested for the purpose of resolving the crisis in Korean manufacturing industry such as high cost production structure, increasing offshoring and decreasing competitiveness in high value-added products. This strategy comprised the governmental plan for disseminating Smart Factory system to 10,000 SMEs by converging IT, SW, IoT and CPS until 2020. For that purpose, 3 major manufacturing SWs of Engineering, Design and the embedded SW are planned to be developed. In addition, “Manufacturing Innovation Commission”, in the form of public and private partnership, would be established to prepare the follow-up measures. The commission was launched in July, 2014. Since then, has convened the annual meetings to refine the strategies and the follow-up measures. These strategies are summarized shortly in and comprised of 6 core tasks as follows. First, with the collaboration of government agencies and private enterprises, the “Smart Factory Bureau” is planning to be organized. The bureau undertakes to construct the field of Smart Factory enterprises applying IT, SW and IoT which is termed as “Zero Waste Factory”. The Korean government will procure financial resource by 1 trillion Korean won to carry out this plan. Second, to achieve the targeted export volume of 500 billion dollars by 2020, Korean government plans to support to create the new products for future growth. Especially, the market creation for new energy industry applying IT technology plans to be supported strongly. 609
  8. Third, Korean government plans to invest in development of core materials in Korea’s major industries such as automobile, petrochemistry, ship- building or ocean plant, machinery, steel, display and semiconductor. Fourth, SW power in manufacture industry plans to be intensified. Specifically, the governmental supports for R&D business are expected to be function as a key measure by establishing “Base Design Centers”. Fifth, training plan for professional human resources in embedded technology will be programmed. Besides, the aged industrial complex will be recreated to the new manufacturing innovation industrial districts. Sixth, Korean government plans to construct R&D network for technological cooperation in North East Asia. They plan to participate actively in global R&D center projects and to expand the channel for technology diffusion toward Korean SMEs. In summary, Korean government’s strategy still focuses on Smart Factory system because it has been established after the model of German government’s “Industrie 4.0” strategy. Major Strategies and Tasks of Manufacturing Innovation 3.0 3 Strategies 6 Core Tasks Follow-up Measures (Planned) Creation of ① IT&SW Innovation - 13 Industrial Specific Plan Converged ② Creation of Growth - New Energy Industry creation Plan New Mfg Engine - Expanding Smart Factory Industry ③ Securing the Leadership in Intensification of Material and parts - Comprehensive Measures for SW major industry’s Industry Power core capability ④ Reinforcing SW power ⑤ Supplying Enhancement - Restructure of Human Resource Customized of Manufacturing Training System Human Resource Innovation - Strategies for Northeast Asia R&D ⑥ Jump as N.E.Asia Infrastructure Hub R&D Hub Source : MOTIE( 3.2. Status and Results of “MI 3.0” According to the performance report of Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in Octob2er 2016, for the past 2 years, the Smart Factory system has been transferred to about 2,600 enterprises. Through Smart Factory system, various positive results could be achieved such as decreased rate of defective products, cost reduction, reduced delivery time, diversification of products by flexible production process, increased 610
  9. efficiency in stock management, energy reduction and creation of new market. Especially, the Smart Factory Bureau’s survey, targeting 1,566 Smart Factory enterprises, explains that 51.4% of enterprises are considering the decreased rate of defective products as the most remarkable result from the Smart Factory system. Besides, more SMEs start to recognize the necessity of application of new technologies such as Smart Factory system. According to the survey result, only 57% of SMEs answered the need of innovation at the first survey in December, 2014. More than 86% of SMEs, however, answered that the application of innovative technologies is necessary for the production efficiency, at the recent survey of May, 2016. The more support projects from the private organizations increases, the more SMEs participate in Smart Factory projects. After reviewing the results, Korean government intends to extend the application of new technologies such as Robots, 3D printing and ESS(Energy Storage System) and to implement more practical and financial support projects. At the same time, Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning(MSIP) also start the technical support projects to help Korean enterprises such as “Expansion of creative economy with Startup Ecosystem,” “Field centered policy enforcement,” “Creation of new industry and new service with embedded and innovative technologies.” The “AI Project” announced in January, 2017, is the first support project released by MSIP. 3.3. Application Cases of “MI 3.0” Although the Korean strategy highlights the Smart Factory, there appeared some cases applying some other technologies such as Big Data or AI. Besides, those technological changes influence not only on manufacturing industry but also on other industries like distribution, services and international trade. Here are some cases of Korean major enterprises and SMEs. 1) Major Enterprises’ Cases In Korea, most of large corporations are the main player for Manufacturing Innovation 3.0. Samsung SDS, SK C&C and LG CNS have released their own Smart Factory solutions. Samsung SDS’s solution “Nexplant” is the data analysis platform to confirm the problems in production process applying AI and Big Data. SK C&C’s and LG CNS’s solutions are “Scala” and “SMS(Sorter Management System)” those are also data analysis system to manage the production line and distribution information. The most well-known case is “Coupang’s Innovation”. Coupang is a Korean social commerce company operating a web marketplace and SNS(Social Network Service), established in 2010. Since 2015, Coupang has been operating special delivery system, called “Rocket Delivery”. The Rocket Delivery is a specially customized delivery system. It means Coupang is not applying the ordinary stock management system. The stocks for delivery are classified by each customer segments’ database. 611
  10. After analyzing the customer’s propensity to consume, that database of each market segments notify how to store and manage the stock lines. Then, automatic conveyor system classifies the products. Although it does not seem the products are stocked in order, it is, astonishingly, much easier for delivery manager to find and pack the products for each customer. Then, the trained courier, called specially as “Coupang man”, delivers the products with customized service. Coupang is using their own customer information database based on Big Data technology for better service and faster delivery. Besides, Coupang was nominated for one of “100 excellent corporations in job creation” in 2016. Also, Coupang was included in “50 Smartest Companies 2016”, selected by MIT Technology Review, as the only Korean company. 2) Small and Medium Enterprises’ Cases The cases of SMEs’ participation in Manufacturing Innovation plan have increased recently. In Korea, more than 100 thousands of SMEs are operating in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, the SME’s successful application and participation cases can be evaluated as more remarkable results. Here introduces the case of “Wizcore’s Nexpom”. Wizcore(www.wizcore.co.kr) is a SW company which has been established for 7 years and aimed to suggest the manufacture & IT embedded solution. They have developed the production line monitoring service, called “Nexpom”, provided for other Korean major corporations such as LSIS and Hanwha Techwin. Their monitoring service is based on Big Data analyzing technology. Wizcore has been highly acclaimed as the company which contributes to advancement of manufacturing SW power as one of the leading venture firms of innovation. They are expected to accomplish sales amount of 12 billion won in 2016. The next case for successful application of Smart Factory, is a small enterprise named “Ace&Tech”. Ace&Tech(www.antek.co.kr) was established in 2006 as a manufacturer of ceramic and quartz products and applied the Smart Factory system in 2014. The Smart Factory system they adopted is a basic version of “MES (Manufacturing Execution System).” After applying this automatic factory management system, they’ve experienced huge improvement in production management. The production order can be transferred in real time by the data processing system and the data collecting system can gather the information of failure rate and machinery error rate automatically. Besides, the real time monitoring for management of production line can be possible. According to their company reports, since they applied the automatic production management system, one of Smart Factory technologies, Ace&Tech has achieved 15% of cost reduction, increased rate of operation by 45% and reduction of delivery time by 20%. In near future, Ace&Tech is planning to examine the application of much upgraded version of Smart Factory technologies. 612
  11. The last case here introduced is “Dong Yang Piston”. Dong Yang Piston(www.dypiston.co.kr), founded in 1967, has manufactured and provided the automobile engine piston. This company has invested to construct the Smart Factory system in their factory for a long time, since 1996. In 2015, their Smart Factory system finally started to be operated and they could gain amazing results of increased output by 25% and increased sales by 50%. Also, the failure rate has decreased at one-tenth and it caused that much cost reduction. Dong Yang Piston was selected as the representative success case in 2016 and their case will be benchmarked as the most practical solution by lots of Korean SMEs. 4. Conclusion This study discussed the current state of Korean strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution, “Manufacture Innovation 3.0”, since it was first introduced in 2014 by Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. According to the result report, most of participators are satisfied with improved production management and increased efficiency. Besides, by comparing with the previous year, more SMEs start to be interested in this innovation trend and recognize that the application of new technologies is not optional but necessary. At this point, it seems that Korean government faces the important moment to confirm whether these current support projects are sufficient to promote Korean SMEs’ innovation efforts and whether the current strategy reflects the status of SME’s business environment. Still, there need more developments in SW industry and more supports for training human resource. To apply Smart Factory system for SMEs, current support from the government is not enough. It means that much practical and feasible strategy should be developed that can promote Korean SMEs’ innovation efforts. In this context, we would like to suggest that the collaboration of government agencies, industries, and university can be helpful for improved policy initiative. By reflecting the characteristics of Korean economy, which is highly dependent on international trade, innovative policy model should be devised which comprise Manufacturing Innovation and Globalization. Thus, this study suggests the upgrade of policy from “Manufacture Innovation 3.0” to “Globalization 4.0” that aims to improve the global competitiveness of Korean SMEs. Recently, there start to appear some cases of multinational companies whose manufacturing plants or warehouses return to their home countries. In 23 years, Adidas’s manufacture plants returned to Germany, their home country, which is regarded as a successful and historical application case of Smart Factory. As like this, the 4th Industrial Revolution has the power to cause huge innovation in world manufacture industry, besides, to lead to structural change in world trading system such as decrease in outsourcing and offshoring. In this respect, the developing countries such as Vietnam also need to be 613
  12. prepared for this world trend of 4th Industrial Revolution and manufacture innovation not to be isolated in competition. As the world’s economy, industry and technology changed rapidly, Korea and Vietnam should participate in this world trend as one of the driving forces. In these days, the new economic paradigm comes as a crisis for the second player such as Korea and developing countries like Vietnam. However, when the appropriate response to the 4th Industrial Revolution is made properly, we can take the opportunity to take off. REFERENCES Baek, Soo-Hyun(2016), “Smart Manufacturing, Preparing for 4th Industrial Revolution”, Electronical World, Vol.65, No.2, pp.44-48. Choi, Hae-Ok(2016), “The Connecting Factory : China Manufacture 2025”, Science & Technology Policy, Vol.26, No.8, pp.20-25. Jung, Bong-Ju(2016), “The Change of Manufacture Paradigm”, Industrial Engineering Magazine, Vol.23, No.1, pp.18-23. Jung, Min,-Kyu(2016), “Smart Factory, Inspection of Results for the Past 2 Years and Promise to Take Off”, MOTIE News Brief, October 19. pp.1-13 Kim, Sun-Kwon(2017), “Anticipative Footwork for 4th Industrial Revolution by Supporting Researchers in Future Promising Field”, MSIP News Brief, January 2, pp.1-8. Lee, Jae-Won(2016), “4th Industrial Revolution : The Major Countries’ Strategies”, International Economy Review, Vol.24. Lee, Jung-A and Kim, Young-Hoon(2014), “Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing Industry Creative Economy Strategy”, IT & Future Strategy Report, Vol.2. Peter, C.E. and Marco, A(2013), “Industrial Internet : Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines”, Technology, internet, (access date : 2016.9.15) William, M.D.(2014), “Industry : Where we have been, where we are going”, Germany Trade & Invest. 614