Kinh nghiệm và hình thức quốc tế hóa các doanh nghiệp Trung Quốc
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Nội dung text: Kinh nghiệm và hình thức quốc tế hóa các doanh nghiệp Trung Quốc
- EXPERIENCE AND REVELATION OF CHINESE ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONALIZATION KINH NGHIỆM VÀ HÌNH THỨC QUỐC TẾ HÓA CÁC DOANH NGHIỆP TRUNG QUỐC Lei Xiaomiao Party school of the central committee of C.P.C, Beijing 10091, China Abstract: Global economic integration makes more and more transnational flow of production factors between countries, more and more enterprises in the world to go international, and makes the world economy more and more interdependent. In recent years, the internationalization of multinational enterprises has shown some new features, for example, more and more emerging markets and developing countries in foreign investment flows increased year by year. This paper studied the internationalization behavior of Chinese enterprises in respects of theory revelation, model revelation and path revelation, so as to provide the experience and revelation of Chinese transnational corporations. Key words: Enterprise internationalization, transnational corporation, transnational flow of production factors, economic globalization, reverse internationalization Introduction Chinese enterprises have begun the process of internationalization, participate in the global economy, and participate in the global allocation of production factors. In 2015, China's foreign investment flows were beyond Japan, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world. The practice and experience of internationalization of Chinese enterprises will help to explore the law of the internationalization of enterprises in emerging markets and developing countries, and also provide a fresh experience for theoretical innovation. Giới thiệu Các doanh nghiệp Trung Quốc đã bắt đầu quá trình quốc tế hóa, tham gia vào nền kinh tế thế giới và gia nhập vào quá trình phân bổ yếu tố sản xuất toàn cầu. Vào năm 2015, dòng đầu tư nước ngoài của Trung Quốc đã vượt qua Nhật Bản, giữ vị trí thứ hai sau Mỹ trên thế giới. Hoạt động thực tế và kinh nghiệm quốc tế hóa của các doanh nghiệp Trung Quốc sẽ giúp xác định quy luật quốc tế hóa của doanh nghiệp trong các thị trường mới nổi và các nước đang phát triển, đồng thời đem lại một kinh nghiệm mới cho hoạt động đổi mới học thuyết. 1 Theory revelation 1.1 Innovate traditional theory system The internationalization of Chinese enterprises presents the characteristics of "multi level", which mainly consists of the following four types: 299
- The first is the traditional international trade type. Direct or indirect export is still the main mode of internationalization, dominated by large-scale manufacturing, accompanied by still trade oriented small and medium manufacturing. This type of enterprise internationalization still follows the traditional international trade theory. The second is the early investment consciousness type. In the early stages, it has shifted from simple exports to green investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions and other models of foreign direct investment, such as Haier and other types of enterprises. The transnational investment motivation of this type of enterprises is not a simple market seeking, but a combination of market seeking, technology seeking and efficiency seeking and other multiple mixed motives. In the process of foreign investment, they have accumulated more and more ownership advantages, along with the growth of the enterprise, their investment path is also more and more choice of "psychological distance" far away countries or regions, external performance is from developing countries to developed markets. This kind of enterprise internationalization process is more suitable for the multinational direct investment theory. The third is a small scale flexible development type. Just as described by Lewis's theory of small-scale technology and Lall's theory of technology localization, the self innovation ability of this kind of enterprise is insufficient, mainly introduces the developed country technology to carry on the small-scale production or the national product production, and uses the "late development advantage" to achieve rapid development; then, the imported technology will be digested, absorbed and improved, so as to achieve localization of technology. Therefore, the use of foreign investment theory of developing countries can better explain the internationalization process of this type of enterprise. The fourth is a born international type. It is based on high and new technology industries. Due to its founders or managers are born with an international educational background, working background or a global perspective, the internationalization of this type of enterprise has been established in the early days of the founding of the enterprise, allocating resources on a global scale. Therefore, the theory of transnational flow of production factors is more suitable to explain the internationalization behavior of these enterprises. 1.2 Open up a new theoretical field In fact, Chinese enterprise internationalization is a dynamic process, a lot of enterprises from the "trade type" to "investment type" positive transformation; there are also many enterprises in transition from "small scale production type" to "globalization configuration type". Therefore, in the analysis of China enterprise internationalization process, the corresponding theory should be flexible to use, no theory is applied to a certain type of enterprise once and for all, but with the growth of enterprises, the theory should also continue to improve. The common ground between other developing countries enterprises and Chinese enterprises is that they carry out international operation under the condition of not having the absolute superiority. Therefore, on the one hand, the developing countries should apply 300
- the theory according to the different types of transnational enterprises. On the other hand, they should comply with the "advantage utilization" to "advantage acquisition". For enterprises in developing countries, if only see the necessary conditions to carry out transnational business activities, regardless of transnational business activities is an important way to get the advantage, it is possible to lose the opportunity, not conducive to international competition. It should be noted that the transnational business activities will also bring advantages to the enterprise; grasping the essence of multinational corporations should change from "advantage utilization" to "advantage acquisition". Take the internationalization of enterprises as a process of "continuous learning and growth", in order to achieve global resource acquisition and optimal allocation, thereby establish a global competitive advantage. 2 Model revelation 2.1 Progressive development model This path refers to the development of the company from the complete domestic enterprise into an inward oriented international enterprise, and developed into a low difficulty export-oriented enterprise, then into a high difficulty export-oriented enterprise. Follow the gradual process of “inward internationalization → peripheral internationalization → regional internationalization → global internationalization”. The path of internationalization of enterprises evolves into: domestic joint venture product export → establish overseas sales and manufacturing subsidiaries → merger or acquire foreign enterprises. With the transaction by domestic transfer to abroad, the psychological distance is from the near to the distant and constantly improve the ability of the company, and continuously strengthen the advantage. Typical of this model is the Haier group (Haier). By reviewing the history of Haier group, we find that Haier had taken the pace of internationalization in many developing countries before its establishment in the United States. Haier at the earliest was a small collective factory close to collapse, it was established in 1984, on the basis of Qingdao Refrigerator General Factory, introducing Germany Liebherr refrigerator production technology。 In 1996 it realized the first transnational operation in Jakarta Indonesia, and then invested and built factories in Philippines, Malaysia, Iran, the Middle East and other places. In 2000, it entered the developed markets (investment in South Carolina, USA).From the perspective of the history of international development, Haier's export-oriented internationalization firstly was to enter the developing countries, gradually accumulated international experience and expanded the scope of transnational operations, and then entered the United States and other developed countries. In addition to Haier, such as China Merchants Bank, ICBC and other high-risk financial companies, their overseas expansion roads were also a gradual path based, first set up a small amount of business and representative offices and agents in Hongkong, 301
- Macao and Asian countries, and then gradually established a comprehensive business, the larger subsidiaries and branches to Europe and North America. The Chinese multinational companies that took the path of gradual growth tend to be the early explorers of the internationalization of Chinese enterprises, because of the fierce competition in the industry and the lack of international experience, for the purpose of avoiding the uncertainty of business and political risk, they were forced to take gradual growth path of Export and then investment, joint venture and then sole proprietorship. In fact, this is also a common sense, because the development of an enterprise from a wholly domestic enterprise into an international enterprise is a complex process of uncertainty and adventure, it is impossible to blindly adventure and put into resources. It is the most sensible approach starting from the relatively familiar with the risk of smaller overseas markets, and taking the export mode with less investment and less risk. 2.2 Radical development model Before 2001 Chinese formally joined the WTO, the vast majority of Chinese international expansion of the enterprises followed the gradual growth path, only a handful of Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta high-tech enterprises choose the growth path of the radical, became born international enterprises. The TCL Company is one of the few Chinese enterprises using the radical path in the initial stage. This is mainly because TCL's predecessor was one of the first 13 joint ventures in China. Therefore, even if omitting the inward internationalization process, it also had the advantages and the ability to carry out the export-oriented internationalization, which made it possible for the spanning development of the two markets at home and abroad. TCL was founded in 1985 as a joint venture, thus omitting the stage of development from a purely domestic enterprise into a joint venture through inward internationalization. After the accumulation of international experience in the form of joint venture, it set up the first overseas factory in Vietnam in 1999, began an export-oriented international development, and began to extend the tentacles to Philippines, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, and carried out production and sales in Indonesia, Singapore, Russia and other countries. In 2002, TCL began to accelerate its internationalization process, first through the acquisition of the German Schneider TV entered into the European and American color TV market; the following year by the acquisition of the old American brand high Vivitar Corporation entered the U.S. market; shortly afterwards purchased French Thompson. From TCL began to invest in developing countries to build factories in 1999 to enter the American market in 2003 (the acquisition of the United States high Vivitar Corporation), it showed the development process of the internationalization from low difficulty to high difficulty export-oriented transformation. 2.3 Leaping development model Leaping growth Chinese transnational enterprises have already realized that in order to become a truly global enterprise, must not only win such as the United States, Europe, Japan and other key foreign market consumers, also need through the acquisition of foreign trademarks or technology to reshape the local brand image. Leaping growth Chinese transnational enterprises often did not have the advantage of brand before 302
- Leaping, investment in developed countries was not only to obtain advanced technology and advanced manufacturing technology through mergers and acquisitions, but also hope to enhance the brand awareness and competitive advantage by entering the developed markets. As a result, this high-end technology, brand awareness, advanced management philosophy is the demand of the enterprise to choose the jumping path. "Born international enterprises" or "Chinese Enterprises with extremely high degree of inward internationalization" are more likely to choose the leaping path. Jianlibao Company belongs to the latter. The predecessor of Jianlibao was the Sanshui winery established in 1985, since the introduction of canned production line in Germany, its production efficiency had been greatly improved; in 1991, the American branch was founded, and in 1993 set up a branch company headquartered in New York Manhattan Fifth Avenue The Empire State Building, which marked Jianlibao got a foot in the door of the "highly difficult export-oriented internationalization". With the help of success in the United States to promote the image of Jianlibao brand, it quickly gained a higher global visibility, which greatly promoted the pace of entering the market of developing countries. Up to 1996, it had established branches in more than 10 countries or regions, achieving the promotion from a high difficulty internationalization to low difficulty internationalization. Thus it can be seen that, this path is first to enter the regions with a far psychological distance, and then the regions with relatively close psychological distance; or firstly the high difficulty export-oriented internationalization, then the low difficulty export-oriented internationalization. Compared with the previous two kinds of path, this path is the biggest benefit, if they can succeed in the markets of developed countries, certainly will open the brand awareness, and then enter the developing countries will be more easy. 3. Path revelation 3.1 Multi domain practice The transnational enterprises in a country are generally characterized by "multi level", which is summarized as the following four types from the two dimensions of enterprise motivation and international market entry mode, as shown in table 1: The first is the traditional international trade type, taking a direct or indirect export model, mainly manufacturing. The second is the early investment consciousness type. Its international motives were mixed with market seeking, technology seeking and efficiency seeking and so on. This type of transnational enterprises have accumulated more and more ownership advantages and international experience in their export trade, and then turn to green investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The third is a small scale flexible development type. Just as described by Lewis's theory of small-scale technology and Lall's theory of technology localization, the self innovation ability of this type of enterprise is insufficient, mainly introduces the developed 303
- country technology to carry on the small-scale production or the national product production, therefore, the acquisition of strategic assets is the main motivation. The fourth is a born international type, based on high and new technology industries. The internationalization of this type of enterprise has been established in the early days of the founding of the enterprise, allocating resources on a global scale. 3.2 Basic experience As shown in Table 1, there are differences in emphasis on the choice of internationalization path between the above four different types of transnational enterprises. Table 1 Growth Path Choice of Enterprise Internationalization Growth Path Enterprise Progressive Path Radical Path Leaping Path Type Traditional International √ Trade Type Early Investment √ Consciousness Type Small Scale Flexible √ Development Type Born International Type √ √ Table source: the author drew this table after summarizing the content. First, for the traditional international trade type enterprises and early investment consciousness type enterprises, the internationalization motivation of these two types of transnational enterprises are generally similar to those of transnational enterprises of the early western developed countries. Therefore, they conform to the "stage theory" and are suitable for the gradual growth path. Second, for small Scale flexible development type enterprises, the growing desire is always relatively strong, strategic asset seeking taking technology, brand, management concept as the representative is the main demand, thus it is suitable for leaping growth path. Third, for born international enterprises, because of its inherent advantages of globalization, it is not recommended to choose a conservative progressive path, but should be based on their specific motives to choose radical path or jump path. If the strategic asset motivation of enterprises is strong, then choose the leaping path; if market seeking motivation of the enterprise is prominent, choose radical path. THE REFERENCE [1] Chen Zeng-sheng, Cui Geng. Foreign Market Selection and Entry Mode of Chinese Transnational Corporations in the Process of Enterprise Internationalization [J]. Strategic Decision Research, 2011(06): p. 14-21. 304
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