Shark Tank Project

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  1. Shark Tank Project Table of Contents I. DESCRIPTION 2 II. PROCESS 2 1. Phase 1: Project Introduction + Topic Brainstorming (Mandatory) 3 2. Phase 2: Project Planning (Mandatory) 3 3. Phase 3: Presentation (Mandatory) 3 4. Phase 4: Reflection (Optional) 4 III. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 4 5. Format 4 6. Content 4 7. Language 4 IV. ASSESSMENT 5 1. Rubric for Level B1 5 2. Rubric for Level B2 7 V. ONLINE BACKUP PLAN 9 VI. APPENDIX (PRINTABLE) 10 1. Brainstorming Guidelines 10 2. Business Plan 11 3. Pre-Presentation Checklist 12 4. Audience Notes 13 5. Self-Reflection 14 6. Shark Tank Checklist - Phase 1 16 8. Shark Tank Checklist - Phase 2 17 9. Penalty and Bonus Guidelines 18 VII. BUSINESS PLAN SAMPLES & ASSESSMENT 19 1. SAMPLE 1 19 2. SAMPLE 2 22 3. SAMPLE 3 25 [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 1
  2. I. Description Shark Tank Project is a project inspired by the Shark Tank Show, where entrepreneurs give business presentations to a panel of investors, who will later decide whether they will invest in the company. Similar to what happens on the show, this project requires students to act as entrepreneurs, in groups of 3 to 5, to pitch their business plan to the lecturer and other groups, who will act as investors. After the business pitch, there will be a Q&A session where “investors” will have some questions for each group to answer. The objectives of the project are stated as follows: • Students are able to identify a business idea that fulfills a want or need that is not being met by existing businesses in the target language. • Students are able to describe their target customers and key competitors in the target language. • Students are able to introduce their company's mission, product, and goals in the target language. • Students are able to explain why people should invest in their company in the target language. II. Process *Overall timeline: The entire Shark Tank Project starts from the first lesson and ends in the week before the final week of the course (the specific dates to be announced by the Language Institute). Below is the overall timeline for the Shark Tank Project: The following parts demonstrate the descriptions and guiding documents for each phase. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 2
  3. 1. Phase 1: Project Introduction + Topic Brainstorming (Mandatory) In this phase, the lecturer introduces the project to the students and describes what students need to do to receive the best outcomes (explain the objectives, process, requirements, rubrics). The Project Introduction must be done in the first and second lesson. The lecturer will then divide the class into groups and help each group brainstorm and choose their business idea with the following Brainstorming Guidelines. Each group will submit the “Brainstorming Guidelines” worksheet according to the Deadline given by the lecturer. Failure to do so will receive penalty following the Penalty and Bonus Guidelines. Lecturers may use the Shark Tank Checklist - Phase 1 to check students’ worksheet or give their own suggestions/comments. 2. Phase 2: Project Planning (Mandatory) In this phase, each group starts formulating their business plan with the provided Business Plan Template. The information produced in this template will help students plan their business presentations accordingly. Each group will submit the “Business Plan” worksheet according to the Deadline given by the lecturer. Failure to do so will receive penalty following the Penalty and Bonus Guidelines. Lecturers may use the Shark Tank Checklist- Phase 2 to check students’ worksheets or give their own suggestions/comments. This should be done AT LEAST 1 WEEK before Phase 3. 3. Phase 3: Presentation (Mandatory) a. Pre-Presentation In this phase, each group uses the following Pre-Presentation Checklist to check and keep track of all the things they are required to finish before Presentation Day. Once all the answers are YES on your Checklist, you are ready to present! b. Presentation Day This stage happens within one lesson. Each group takes turn to come up to the board and give their “Business Pitch” for 10 minutes. While each group presents, other students must complete their Audience Notes and write down at least 2 questions to prepare for the Q&A session. After each presentation, the lecturer facilitates the Q&A session by asking random students to read aloud their question(s). The students who ask questions during this Q&A session play the role of investors or “sharks” in the Shark Tank Project. This Q&A session should only last 2-3 minutes. Each student will submit the “Q&A - Audience Notes” by the end of the Discussion Day. Failure to do so will receive penalty following the Penalty and Bonus Guidelines. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 3
  4. 4. Phase 4: Reflection (Optional) In this phase, each individual answers the following questions in the Reflection Template to reflect on what they have learned from the project, what they have done well and what they could improve on in the future. This Self Reflection is optional. However, it is highly recommended for students to complete this task because it is one of the most effective learning strategies for learners to adopt. Students can focus on areas they need to improve on and learn how to perform better for their next project. Students who turn in their Self Reflection should get bonus points from the lecturer following the Penalty and Bonus Guidelines. The submission deadline will be given by the lecturer. III. Product Requirements 5. Format The product must be presented in the following format: • Presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, any other creative formats to present are accepted) • Length of the full presentation: maximum 8-10 minutes • Length of each member’s talk time: at least 2 minutes/individual • Length of Q&A session: 2-3 minutes 6. Content The content of the product must include 4 main components: • Problem & Solution Statement: identifying a business idea that fulfills a want or need that is not being met by existing businesses - See • Market Segment & Competitor Research: describing target customers and key competitors + Market segment: a group of customers that share similar characteristics, such as age, income, interests and social class • Company & Product Description: introducing the company's mission, product, and goals • Investment Pitch: explaining why people should invest in the company 7. Language The language used in the product must be: • Appropriate language (cannot be too informal/inappropriate) • Vocabulary: appropriate level, preferably a mixture of vocabulary words learned in the textbook. • Grammar: appropriate level, preferably a mixture of grammatical structures learned in the textbook. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 4
  5. IV. Assessment 1. Rubric for Level B1 Product (Group Grade) Total: 4 points Components: 1-Exceeds Expectations 0.75-Meets Expectations 0.5-Below Expectations 0.25-Little or no value Problem Clear and engaging Clear and engaging Unclear description of Want or unmet need is & Solution Statement description of a want or description of a want or unmet need in barely described or not (Identify a business unmet need in the market a want or unmet need in the market. described at all. idea that fulfills a want using data to support the market. or need that is not claims. Solution is described but Solution is barely being met by existing Solution is clearly and not linked to solving the described with no links to businesses) Solution is clearly and persuasively described problem or unmet need in solving the problem or persuasively described and linked to solving the a persuasive manner. unmet need. and linked to solving the problem or unmet need. problem or unmet need in a logical way with an explanation for idea inspiration. Market Segment & Clear and engaging Clear description of the Unclear description of the The company's target Competitor Research description of the company's target company's target customers and key (Describe their target company's target customers and key customers and key competitors are barely customers and key customers and key competitors with competitors with little described or not described competitors) competitors using credible supporting facts and supporting facts and at all. data and resources. figures. figures. The information is The information is clearly The information is relevant Some information is irrelevant to the project. relevant to the project and to the project and provides irrelevant to the project. provides a detailed and a detailed analysis on the unique analysis on the market. market. Company Detailed descriptions of Descriptions of the Descriptions of the The company's mission, & Product the company's mission, company's mission, company's mission, product, and goals are Description product, and goals are product, and goals are product, and goals are barely described or not (Introduce their clearly stated and logically clearly stated and logically stated but not logically described at all. company's mission, connected. connected. connected. product, and goals) The company promotes The company promotes The company promotes The company promotes unethical business ethical business practices ethical business practices. somewhat ethical business practices. with sustainable values. practices. Investment Pitch Clear and compelling Clear and compelling Description of 3 reasons Unclear description of 3 (Explain why people description of 3 or more description of 3 reasons why investors should pay reasons that are irrelevant should invest in their reasons why investors why investors should pay attention but not clearly or not connected to the company) should pay attention and attention and invest in their connected to the business business described. invest in their company. company. described. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 5
  6. Language & Content Delivery (Individual) 0.75 0.5 0.25 Total: 4 points Level B1 2 1.5 1 0.5 Vocabulary Can frequently use a Performance shares Can occasionally use a Can sometimes use a range of appropriate features of Bands 1 and 2 range of appropriate limited range of vocabulary vocabulary to discuss a vocabulary to discuss to discuss a few general large number of general some general topics. topics. topics. Grammar Shows a mixture of Performance shares Shows a mixture of Shows only limited control grammatical structures features of Bands 1 and 2 grammatical structures of a few grammatical forms with a few mistakes that do with some mistakes that with a lot of mistakes that not significantly affect may affect comprehension. may affect comprehension. comprehension. Is able to link ideas with a Is not able to link ideas Is able link ideas with a limited range of cohesive with cohesive devices and range of cohesive devices devices and discourse discourse markers. and discourse markers but markers with significant not always appropriately. errors. Content Delivery (Individual) Total: 2 points Level B1 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 Pronunciation & Pronunciation is Performance shares Is mostly intelligible, Has very limited control of Fluency intelligible. Intonation is features of Bands 1 and despite limited control of phonological features and generally appropriate. 0.5 phonological features. is often unintelligible. Sentence and word stress is generally accurately Is able to speak at rather Is able to speak at low placed. low speed and with a fair speed and with a low Individual sounds are degree of fluency. degree of fluency. generally articulated Frequent repetition or self- Is not able to deliver clearly. correction is identified. intended thoughts and Occasionally needs needs a lot of pauses. Is able speak at a fair simplified prompts in order Frequently needs speed and with a rather to produce responses. simplified prompts in order good degree of fluency to produce responses. with some repetition or self-correction. Is able to deliver thoughts with almost no simplified prompts. Body Language / Stands up straight, looks Performance shares Sometimes stands up Rare eye contact and Performance relaxed and confident. features of Bands 1 and straight, establishes eye confidence established. 0.5 contact, and uses body Establishes eye contact language. with everyone in the room during the presentation. Uses effective body language to support/ enhance the content delivery. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 6
  7. 2. Rubric for Level B2 Product (Group Grade) Total: 4 points Components: 1-Exceeds Expectations 0.75-Meets Expectations 0.5-Below Expectations 0.25-Little or no value Problem Clear and engaging Clear and engaging Unclear description of Want or unmet need is & Solution description of a want or description of a want or unmet need in barely described or not Statement unmet need in the market a want or unmet need in the market. described at all. (Identify a business using data to support the market. idea that fulfills a claims. Solution is described but Solution is barely want or need that is Solution is clearly and not linked to solving the described with no links to not being met by Solution is clearly and persuasively described problem or unmet need in solving the problem or existing businesses) persuasively described and linked to solving the a persuasive manner. unmet need. and linked to solving the problem or unmet need. problem or unmet need in a logical way with an explanation for idea inspiration. Market Segment & Clear and engaging Clear description of the Unclear description of the The company's target Competitor description of the company's target company's target customers and key Research company's target customers and key customers and key competitors are barely (Describe their customers and key competitors with competitors with little described or not described target customers competitors using credible supporting facts and supporting facts and at all. and key data and resources. figures. figures. competitors) The information is The information is clearly The information is relevant Some information is irrelevant to the project. relevant to the project and to the project and provides irrelevant to the project. provides a detailed and a detailed analysis on the unique analysis on the market. market. Company Detailed descriptions of Descriptions of the Descriptions of the The company's mission, & Product the company's mission, company's mission, company's mission, product, and goals are Description product, and goals are product, and goals are product, and goals are barely described or not (Introduce their clearly stated and logically clearly stated and logically stated but not logically described at all. company's mission, connected. connected. connected. product, and goals) The company promotes The company promotes The company promotes The company promotes unethical business ethical business practices ethical business practices. somewhat ethical business practices. with sustainable values. practices. Investment Pitch Clear and compelling Clear and compelling Description of 3 reasons Unclear description of 3 (Explain why people description of 3 or more description of 3 reasons why investors should pay reasons that are irrelevant should invest in their reasons why investors why investors should pay attention but not clearly or not connected to the company) should pay attention and attention and invest in their connected to the business business described. invest in their company. company. described. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 7
  8. Language & Content Delivery (Individual) 0.75 0.5 0.25 Total: 4 points Level B1 2 1.5 1 0.5 Vocabulary Uses a range of Performance shares Uses a limited range of Uses a vocabulary of appropriate vocabulary to features of Bands 1 and 2 appropriate vocabulary to isolated words and discuss a large number of discuss a large number of phrases. general topics with some general topics with some awareness of style and awareness of style and collocation, but with limited collocation, but with limited flexibility. flexibility. Grammar Shows a wide range of Performance shares Shows an appropriate Shows only limited control grammatical structures features of Bands 1 and 2 range of grammatical of a few grammatical forms with a few mistakes that do structures with some with a lot of mistakes that not significantly affect mistakes that may affect may affect comprehension. comprehension. comprehension. Is not able to link ideas Is able to link ideas with a Is able to link ideas with a with cohesive devices and range of cohesive devices limited range of cohesive discourse markers. and discourse markers devices and discourse rather appropriately, but markers rather with little flexibility. appropriately, but with little flexibility. Content Delivery (Individual) Total: 2 points Level B1 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 Pronunciation & Pronunciation is Performance shares Is mostly intelligible, Has very limited control of Fluency intelligible. Intonation is features of Bands 1 and despite limited control of phonological features and generally appropriate. 0.5 phonological features. is often unintelligible. Sentence and word stress is generally accurately Is able to speak at rather Is able to speak at low placed. low speed and with a fair speed and with a low Individual sounds are degree of fluency. degree of fluency. generally articulated Frequent repetition or self- Is not able to deliver clearly. correction is identified. intended thoughts and Occasionally needs needs a lot of pauses. Is able speak at a fair simplified prompts in order Frequently needs speed and with a rather to produce responses. simplified prompts in order good degree of fluency to produce responses. with some repetition or self-correction. Is able to deliver thoughts with almost no simplified prompts. Body Language / Stands up straight, looks Performance shares Sometimes stands up Rare eye contact and Performance relaxed and confident. features of Bands 1 and straight, establishes eye confidence established. 0.5 contact, and uses body Establishes eye contact language. with everyone in the room during the presentation. Uses effective body language to support/ enhance the content delivery. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 8
  9. V. Online Backup Plan Under the unexpected circumstances that the University requires students and lecturers to study and teach online, - in-person presentations can be conducted online via MS Teams (must be video recorded for assessment purposes) - Q&A session can be conducted online via MS Teams. * For Online Audience Notes Submission, lecturers can create an online form and send the link to students at the beginning of Presentation Day. Students are required to submit this form at the end of the Presentation Day. Lecturers can look at this FORM for reference. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 9
  10. VI. Appendix (Printable) 1. Brainstorming Guidelines Brainstorming Guidelines Group members: ___ Instructions: 1. Open your textbook and look at the topics for each unit at the beginning of the textbook. 2. Fill in your favorite topics in the boxes below. 3. For each topic, think of a few Business ideas for your performance. 4. Circle the best idea for each box. 5. Choose 1 idea among your circled ideas and state your reasons. Topic: Business ideas: Topic: Topic: Business ideas: Business ideas: Brainstorming Topic: Topic: Business ideas: Business ideas: Chosen Topic: ___ Reason: ___ ___ ___ ___ [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 10
  11. 2. Business Plan Business Plan Group members: ___ Work with your group and answer each question below to plan your business presentation. Problem Summary Describe very briefly why your business needs to exist. What problem do you solve for your customers? ___ ___ ___ ___ Solution Summary Briefly summarize what your company does. How do you solve the problem presented above? ___ ___ ___ ___ Market & Competition Describe your target customers, market segments, and identify your key competition. Who will your customers also consider? ___ ___ ___ ___ Why us? Write a brief overview of you and your team. Why are you the right people to build this business? ___ ___ ___ ___ [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 11
  12. 3. Pre-Presentation Checklist Pre-Presentation Checklist 1. Format • Do you have prepared slides (PowerPoint, Prezi, any other creative formats) to present? • Can the presentation be presented in less than 10 minutes? • Does each member have at least more than 2 minutes to talk? 2. Content • Does your presentation have all four of the following components? o Problem & Solution Statement o Market Insights & Competitor Research o Company & Product Description o Investment Pitch 3. Language • Is the language in the presentation appropriate language? • Is the vocabulary in the presentation appropriate for your class level? Do you use any vocabulary words learned in the textbook? • Is the grammar in the presentation appropriate for your class level? Do you use any vocabulary words learned in the textbook? [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 12
  13. 4. Audience Notes Student’s name: ___ Q&A - Audience Notes While watching each presentation, write down notes about each presentation’s strengths, suggestions for improvement, and at least 2 questions you have for the presenters. *Things to think about: visual, the topic, the product, the market competitors, the future, Presentation 01 - Group Strengths Suggestions Questions 1. ___ ___? 2. ___ ___? Presentation 02 - Group Strengths Suggestions Questions 1. ___ ___? 2. ___ ___? Presentation 03 - Group Strengths Suggestions Questions 1. ___ ___? 2. ___ ___? Presentation 04 - Group Strengths Suggestions Questions 1. ___ ___? 2. ___ ___? Presentation 05 - Group Strengths Suggestions Questions 1. ___ ___? 2. ___ ___? [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 13
  14. 5. Self-Reflection Student’s name: ___ Self-reflection  Description: Describe your project experience in detail, including what happened and your expectations of what would happen next. Helpful questions: What happened? When and where did it happen? What did you (and the other people) do? What did you want to happen?  Feelings and thoughts: Describe your feelings and/or thoughts during the project. Then, state how they might have impacted the experience. Helpful questions: What were you feeling before, during, and after the project? What do you think other people were feeling about the project? What about now? What were you thinking during the project? What about now?  Evaluation: Describe something that worked and did not work in the project. Helpful questions: What was good and bad about the project? What went well? What didn’t go so well? What did you and other people contribute to the project (positively or negatively)? [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 14
  15.  Analysis: Explain why the project happened in the way you have just described. There is no right or wrong analysis - just your own analysis. Helpful questions: Why did things go well? Why didn’t they go well? Now that you are looking back at the experience. Why do you think things happened the way they did?  Conclusion: Summarize what you have learned from the project, how you have learned about it/them, and what you would do differently in the future. Helpful questions: What did I learn from this project? How did I learn about it/them? What else could I have done? Action plan: Describe a plan for how you would work on a similar project in the future or general changes you might find appropriate. Helpful questions: What would I do differently in a similar project in the future? What skills do I need to develop for me to handle a project like this better? How will I develop those skills? [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 15
  16. 6. Shark Tank Checklist - Phase 1 Shark Tank Checklist – Phase 1 (For Lecturer) Class Code: ___ Group #: ___ 1/ Is the Brainstorming Guidelines Template well completed?  Yes No 2/ Does the idea for the project stem from a/any topic in the textbook?  Yes No 3/ Is the idea feasible?  Yes No 4/ Does the group give some possible/convincing explanations for their choice?  Yes No Lecturer’s Comments (IF ANY): ___ ___ [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 16
  17. 8. Shark Tank Checklist - Phase 2 Shark Tank Checklist – Phase 2 (For Lecturer) Class Code: ___ Group #: ___ Problem Summary ▪ A problem / A want or unmet need in market is  clearly described. unclearly described. barely/not described. Solution Summary ▪ (A) solution(s) is/are  clearly and persuasively described and linked to solving the problem.  clearly described, but not linked to solving the problem.  barely described with no links to solving the problem Market Segment & Market Competitor ▪ The company’s target customers and key competitors are  clearly described. unclearly described. barely/not described. Company and Product Description ▪ The company's mission, product, and goals are  clearly presented and logically connected.  clearly presented, but not logically connected.  unclearly presented, or not presented at all. Investment Pitch ▪ At least 3 reasons:  Yes  No ▪ The reasons are  clearly and compellingly stated.  clearly stated, but not clearly connected to the business described.  unclearly stated, or not connected to the business described. Lecturer’s Comments (IF ANY): ___ ___ [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 17
  18. 9. Penalty and Bonus Guidelines PENALTY & BONUS GUIDELINES Class Code: ___ Group number: ___ Student’s name: ___ I/ Phase 1: Brainstorming (penalty) (group grade)  submission on time with finished item(s)  submission on time with unfinished item(s) (-0.25)  late submission with finished item(s) (-0.5)  late submission with unfinished item(s) (-0.75)  no submission (-1) II/ Phase 2: Planning (penalty) (group grade) TOTAL PENALTY: ___  submission on time with finished item(s)  submission on time with unfinished item(s) (-0.25) TOTAL BONUS: ___  late submission with finished item(s) (-0.5)  late submission with unfinished item(s) (-0.75)  no submission (-1) III/ Phase 3: Discussion Day (penalty) • Audience notes  submitted  no submission (-1pt) (individual grade) IV/ Phase 4: Self-reflection (bonus) (individual grade)  submission on time with finished item(s) (+1)  submission on time with unfinished item(s) (+0.75)  late submission with finished item(s) (+0.5)  late submission with unfinished item(s) (+0.25)  no submission [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 18
  19. VII.Business Plan Samples & Assessment 1. SAMPLE 1 Business Plan – “WALL-E VIETNAMESE” Problem Summary Describe very briefly why your business needs to exist. What problem do you solve for your customers? Firstly, many people or many households do not classify the types of waste, they just put them all together in a trash bin or a garbage bag. The garbage collectors cannot handle the classification of waste, they can just collect all types of waste and gather them in one place. Secondly, on public holidays, many tourist attractions, especially beaches, welcome visitors, and at the end of the day what people leave behind is an ocean of trash. Finally, in rural areas, there aren’t many places to treat waste. Solution Summary Briefly summarize what your company does. How do you solve the problem presented above? We decided to create a machine called - WALL-E VIETNAMESE which can help: • It can deal with the backlog of unclassified trash and help with the current garbage disposal process. • With a small and compact size, it is easy to move into small and narrow spaces to collect garbage. • It helps reduce time and labor in sorting garbage, reduce the amount of garbage to be buried, and reduce environmental pollution. • People can gain economic benefits from waste since some types of waste can be recycled and reused. Comments: Meets expectation • Clear and engaging description of a want or unmet need in the market. • Solution is clearly and persuasively described and linked to solving the problem or unmet need. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 19
  20. Market & Competition Describe your target customers, market segments, and identify your key competition. Who will your customers also consider? I/ Market Insights: Where? 1/ Residential areas and tourist attractions • In densely populated areas, there is a large amount of waste that is piled in heaps and unclassified landfills. • The machine is compact, it can work in crowded places like amusement parks or public places without giving off an unpleasant smell. Who? 1/ Local waste disposal companies: • The local waste disposal companies are responsible for the machine operation in their areas. They rent the machine for use; the price depends on many factors. 2/ Owners and managers of residential areas and tourist areas: • There is a large amount of waste in residential and tourist areas, the owners of these places are also customers because people’s activities there create significant impacts on nature. II/ Market Competitors: In high-rise buildings where E-Wall Vietnamese cannot go up to the higher levels, there have been waste collection pipes. However, instead of being a competitor, the system in those buildings could greatly assist our garbage collection process by delivering trash down to the ground floor so that E-Wall Vietnamese can collect the garbage and classify it more quickly and conveniently. Comments: Meets Expectations • Clear description of the company's target customers and key competitors. • The information is relevant to the project. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 20
  21. PRODUCT’S DESCRIPTION • Inside the machine, there are 3 different storage compartments for three types of garbage including recyclable, organic and inorganic. • The machine has to classify the garbage corresponding to the 3 types using AI technology. • Garbage is treated by crushing, squeezing and pushing into the storage compartments. • It makes less noise when operating. • Closed garbage compartments prevent stink from bombing. Comments: Meets Expectations • Description of the company's product is clearly stated. Why us? Write a brief overview of you and your team. Why are you the right people to build this business? A $ 500 MILLION INVESTMENT for 25% of the NET PROFIT ❖ Investment Pitch • Builds a good reputation with your public/tourists/citizens. • Reduces the labor cost and helps save the operating time. • Gives mankind a hand to protect our living environment • Has a potential ability Comments: Meets Expectations • Clear and compelling description of 3 reasons why investors should pay attention and invest in their company. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 21
  22. 2. SAMPLE 2 Business Plan – “LET’S EAT APP” Problem Summary Describe very briefly why your business needs to exist. What problem do you solve for your customers? Health is the most important factor in everyone's life, but not everyone knows how to establish an eating habit that helps stay healthy. Therefore, Let's Eat app is born to help them. Solution Summary Briefly summarize what your company does. How do you solve the problem presented above? Let’s Eat app is created for everyone. Let's Eat app helps people with things: • Making meal plans; • Counting calories in diets • Suggesting types of exercise • Serving as a reminder about the meal time or exercise time. Comments: Meets expectation • Clear and engaging description of a want or unmet need in the market. • Solution is clearly and persuasively described and linked to solving the problem or unmet need. Market & Competition Describe your target customers, market segments, and identify your key competition. Who will your customers also consider? I/ Market Insights: 1/ Target customers ▪ Pregnant women ▪ Weaned babies ▪ Old people ▪ Vegetarians ▪ People who want to have a healthy body ▪ People who want to have a slender body ▪ People who need a special diet 2/ Market segments: There are 4 main elements: ▪ Geographic: everybody in the world ▪ Demographic: gender or age or race – no matter ▪ Psychographic: people with busy lifestyles and not knowledgeable about healthy diets ▪ Behavioral: good or bad at technology [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 22
  23. II/ Market Competitors: We used the SWOT Analysis Matrix to analyze our competitors. Comments: Exceeds expectations • Clear and engaging description of the company's target customers and key competitors using credible data and resources. PRODUCT’S DESCRIPTION [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 23
  24. COMPANY & PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Comments: Exceeds/Meets expectations • Detailed descriptions of the company's mission, product, and goals are clearly stated and logically connected. Why us? Write a brief overview of you and your team. Why are you the right people to build this business? A $ 5000 INVESTMENT for 20% of the NET PROFIT ❖ Investment Pitch • A young company in the technology sector. • Serve different types of customers • A very flexible, new app • A founder team with flexibility and conscientiousness Comments: Meets the expectations • Clear and compelling description of 3 reasons why investors should pay attention and invest in their company. [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 24
  25. 3. SAMPLE 3 Business Plan – “MESIK – A MUSIC APP” Problem Summary Describe very briefly why your business needs to exist. What problem do you solve for your customers? Our idea comes from the app called Shazam that helps people identify the song that is currently being played. However, Shazam has some of the cons as follows: o Interface - a little unfriendly o Floating lyrics window can’t turn off o Lots of pop-up ads; pay a lot for premium pack to be able to turn off pop-up ads Solution Summary Briefly summarize what your company does. How do you solve the problem presented above? Mesik app will be developed to another level o Simple interface o Can hum or sing to search o Compatible with Siri and Google o Discover song charts to see which tracks are popular in your area o Tap on music app icons like Spotify and Google Play Music for listening to entire songs Comments: Meets expectation • Clear and engaging description of a want or unmet need in the market. • Solution is clearly and persuasively described and linked to solving the problem or unmet need. Market & Product & Financial Plan Describe your target customers, market segments, and identify your key competition. Who will your customers also consider? I/ Market Insights: 1/ Target customers Individuals above 13 years old Reasons: • Have access to modern technology • Curious about things around them and learn about them, especially music. 2/ Competitors: • Other music apps, like Shazam [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 25
  26. 3/ Marketing plan • Invite artists to recommend our app to users and we will support them to promote their newest singles/albums. • Run commercials on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. 4/ Purchases • Premium: $4.99/month • Student: $2.99/month • Get a 30-day free trial with all benefits. 5/ Financial Plan [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 26
  28. 5/ Financial Plan Comments: Exceeds Expectations • Clear and engaging description of the company's target customers and key competitors • The information is clearly relevant to the project and provides a detailed and unique analysis on the market. • Detailed descriptions of the company's mission, product, and goals are clearly stated and logically connected. • Detailed financial plans for the capital to be recouped. Why us? Write a brief overview of you and your team. Why are you the right people to build this business? A $ 50.000 MILLION INVESTMENT for 35% of the NET PROFIT ❖ Investment Pitch Made orally [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 28
  29. Compiled by Phan Hong Nhu (M.A) Edited by Chau Thanh Nha (M.A) (Ver. 2) For Van Lang University, Language Institute [FOR INTERNAL USE AT VAN LANG UNIVERSITY ONLY] 29