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Nội dung text: Xây dựng mô hình các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đáp ứng nhu cầu thông tin kế toán quản trị chi phí, doanh thu và kết quả kinh doanh trong doanh nghiệp xây dựng

  1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 BUILDING MODEL OF FACTORS AFFECT THE MEETING INFORMATION NEEDS ON COSTS, REVENUES AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES XÂY DỰNG MÔ HÌNH CÁC YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN VIỆC ĐÁP ỨNG NHU CẦU THÔNG TIN KẾ TOÁN QUẢN TRỊ CHI PHÍ, DOANH THU VÀ KẾT QUẢ KINH DOANH TRONG DOANH NGHIỆP XÂY DỰNG Nguyen Thi Nhinh, Vu Quang Trong Thuongmai University ntn7583@yahoo.com ABSTRACT By the method of summarizing documents, based on the characteristics of construction enterprises (COE), the article aims to synthesize the needs of administrators for information on costs, revenues and performance from the accounting department in enterprises, the role of management accounting (MA) in meeting the information needs of managers in construction enterprises. Thence, the author propose a research model on the factors affecting the meeting of accounting information management requirements of cost, revenue and performance in COE. This research is the basis for applying the research model of factors affecting the satisfaction of information and economic information requirements on cost, revenue and performance in COE, and is the basis for proposing recommendations which contribute to improving the quality of management accounting information to better meet the needs of managers. Keywords: Information needs, management accounting, construction enterprises. TÓM TẮT Bằng phương pháp tổng thuật tài liệu, dựa trên đặc thù hoạt động của các doanh nghiệp xây dựng (DNXD) bài viết nhằm tổng hợp nhu cầu của nhà quản trị đối với các thông tin về chi phí, doanh thu và kết quả kinh doanh từ bộ phận kế toán trong doanh nghiệp (DN), vai trò của kế toán quản trị (KTQT) trong việc đáp ứng nhu cầu thông tin của nhà quản trị trong các doanh nghiệp xây dựng. Từ đó, nhóm tác giả đề xuất mô hình nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đáp ứng nhu cầu thông tin KTQT chi phí, doanh thu và kết quả kinh doanh trong DNXD. Kết quả bài viết là nền tảng cho việc thực hiện nghiên cứu thực nghiệm về các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc đáp ứng nhu cầu thông tin kế toán quản trị doanh thu, chi phí, kết quả trong doanh nghiệp xây dựng. Đồng thời, bài viết là cơ sở để đề xuất khuyến nghị góp phần nâng cao chất lượng thông tin KTQT nhằm đáp ứng tốt hơn nhu cầu từ nhà quản trị. Từ khóa: Nhu cầu thông tin, nhà quản trị, kế toán quản trị, doanh nghiệp xây dựng. 1. Introduction Construction is a specific manufacturing industry, the unit in which the need for an accurate cost system, the estimation of revenue and profit is much more important than other physical production industries associated with the competition. In the bidding process, the lowest bidder will get a construction contract (Lehtonen, 2001).The cost of each item, work, project arises throughout the implementation period from bidding price setting, construction implementation, to acceptance test of completed volume, so the construction of cost for each project requires appropriate cost systems to ensure that project effectiveness is accurately measured. In order to obtain this information, accountants are required to record accurate cost information, estimate the costs appropriate to each project, and reasonably allocate them and provided information to administrators as accurately as possible, helping them to get timely information for business decisions in different stages. In addition, revenue in COE is the basic object of accounting, which is a factor that directly affects the determination of performance. According to Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan (2014), COE's revenue is the 321
  2. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 total value of economic benefits that an enterprise gains in the process of executing a construction contract, including those incurred after the implementation the contract and achieve the terms of the construction contract. Accounting helps managers at all levels to determine the revenue of each workload, and to determine the appropriate time to recognize revenue from which to accurately determine profits. The determination of revenue is influenced by many uncertainties because it depends on future events such as, changes of designing compared to contracts, change in the price of the inputs, the delay of the investor in the acceptance of the completed construction volume Therefore, accountants provide useful information for managers about the inputs and construction on schedule. On the basis of determined costs and revenue, the results of each workload to be performed are calculated, detailed information, specific to each work, work item to meet the information requirements of business‟s managers. Thus, the implementation of the managerial accounting for the content of revenue, expenses, performance is collection, processing and providing information in order to meet the information needs of the administrators in the construction enterprises (Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan, 2012). The information in the business is diverse and plentiful, the information needs of the manager, however, depend on different management circumstances (Toth, 2012). Therefore, to ensure that information is provided effectively it is necessary to understand the administrative needs in that case. Moreover, management decisions are increasingly developed comprehensively, accounting information must also be compatible with the wishes of managers at all levels. Information on costs, revenues and profits is collected, processed, and provided by the information needs in strategic planning, control and decision-making by the managers. However, there are many factors that influence the management's information needs in the course of production and business activities of COE. Therefore, this study was conducted to synthesize and model the factors affecting the meeting needs of management accounting information on cost, revenue, and profit. The results of this study contribute an overview to the empirical studies on the factors impact on the meeting needs of management accounting information in enterprises in general and in construction enterprises in particular. 2. Literature review 2.1. The goal of management accounting cost, revenue and performance information in the construction enterprises Simon, Guetzkow, Kozmetsky and Tyndall (1954) describe accounting in the context of three functions: scorekeeping, attention directing and problem solving. Scorekeeping data includes routine financial reports and accounts. The attention directing data includes data which compares actual performance with standard so that deviations may be highlighted. Problem solving data includes any type of data which helps managers to make decisions. Hopper (1980) considers the score keeping and attention directing to fall under the common umbrella of control, while Simon (1960) considers problem solving and decision-making to be inextricably linked. In this way, the fundamental objective of the managerial accounting, is the provision of information to support control and decision-making (Belkaoui, 1980; Emmanuel, Otley and Merchant, 1991; Drury, 2004, Orla Feeney, 2007). Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy (2017), Pham Hoai Nam (2019), surveys and research at enterprises listed on Vietnam's stock market, pointed out that the goal of management accounting is to provide useful information for managers in planning, operational control and decision-making. In particular, planning is an important aspect of control, and is related to building the organization's business plans to forward to the future, to help managers make decisions that will bring businesses the expected results. Control is the process of measuring and adjusting actual information to ensure that the implementation plans and actions are effectively implemented (Drury, 2004). Accordingly, planning and control are two sides of the same goal that management accounting wants to aim to meet information for managers (Emmanuel et al, 1991), 322
  3. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 the control objective has to be included in combination with the planning. Therefore, according to the goals of the management accounting, the research and evaluation of cost information, revenue and performance in the construction enterprises also have the same goal to help administrators control and make decisions in the course of business activities. 2.2. The information needs on management accounting cost, revenue and performance in the construction enterprises According to Stede (2011), management accounting information served internal business management, where management accounting reports were seen as sources of information for managers to build systematically and make decisions. Therefore, management accounting information must be developed on the basis of information needs of the manager in the enterprise. Thus, in the past there have been quite a number of studies related to the need for accounting information. Studies have shown that the function of management accounting is to provide necessary information to help managers plan and control operations (Belkaoui, 1998; Bernard Piercea, Tony O'Deab, 2003, Orla Feeney, 2007). As the business environment changes and competition becomes more and more competitive, studies all show managers' expectations through their information needs from management accounting, especially information on cost, revenue, and profit of the business. By modelling to assess the information needs of managers in feed processing enterprises in the North, Pham Hoai Nam (2019) showed that revenue and profit cost management accounting meet the requirements of management planning, performance evaluation, control and decision-making. The study was conducted based on a survey of needs for information about costs, revenue and profit from the accounting department. The results provided evidence for a positive relationship between the information needs of managers and the factors that affect their needs. Construction is a manufacturing industry with many specific characteristics about products and ways to organize construction, so the demand for information in cost, revenue, profit management accounting will be different. The study by Nguyen et al. (2016) looked into demand for information on cost in construction firms, but the sample was small and used descriptive analysis so the findings were not persuasive and reliable. A survey by La Soa and Tran Manh Dung (2017) show that managers really care about the needs for information on cost to plan, organize the implementation of plans, control and make decisions to perform management functions. a study on the situation of management accounting information needs of managers in construction enterprises listed in Vietnam by Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy (2017) has shown that: the rate for information needs to plan at the very necessary level is 11.9%, the necessary level is 72.4%; The percentage for controlling purposes is 53.6% while 40% is for decision- making. This result implies that the need for management accounting information from the accounting department is becoming more and more necessary. Based on the theoretical framework of control and decision-making by Anthony, Otley, Berry, Simmons, research by Orla Feeney (2007) shows that management accounting plays an important role in providing information to administrators. Information provided by management accounting plays an important role in assisting them in control and decision making. In addition to meeting information needs for operational control, the managerial accounting provides information to meet management planning needs. In addition, in the current context of rapid competition and globalization, improving competitiveness through new and advanced governance tools is an important priority for the enterprises in general and construction enterprises in particular. For effective management, managers need to be provided with management accounting information costs, revenues and profits according to different goals Le Thi Hong Nhung (2017). Firstly, the need to control cost, revenue and performance 323
  4. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 For managers, in order to control revenue, costs and performance, it is necessary to have information identifying costs, revenues, and results. Identify those costs that are manageable in order to take appropriate cost control measures and ignore expenses that are not under the control of your department. Control revenue over time, according to the project completion schedule. The control aspect is represented by the estimation to control and analyze the information to control operations. Planning in the construction business is important to prepare bids and to plan the use of resources for projects. This helps to ensure that resources are used effectively and appropriately for investors (La Soa et al., 2016). Accordingly, the management accounting will provide the estimated cost to help administrators in preparing bids, making cost budget, controlling costs, evaluating the responsibility center and making other important budget. These activities play an important role in helping administrators to anticipate, link resources, prevent and limit risks. Moreover, management accounting collects, processes and provides actual information about costs, revenue and profits. This information is the basis for determining difference between budget and actual. The difference can be determined for each project, work item, each activity to determine causes.Thence, it makes an important contribution as a basis for assessing the responsibilities of administrators in each responsibility center, evaluating the control effectiveness for each activity in the enterprise. In addition, in the context of the increasingly important role of management accounting, Orla Feeney (2007) shows that management accounting not only applies traditional techniques but also uses modern techniques in order to better meet the needs of managers in the drastic change of business environment. New management accounting techniques have paid more attention to non-financial information and relationships with financial information, such as bench-marking, balance scorecard, etc., which allow building the basis for comparing different departments in the enterprises. Secondly, Demand for measurement and evaluation performance Profits are an important financial element that all businesses are aiming for and are not to be missed information of administrators. On the other hand, due to the characteristics of the construction industry as many parties are involved, the implementation process is long, the costs are complicated administrators need to ensure to reduce the losses in the production, to cut damaged product, to eliminate inefficient operations. In this case, performance and quality measurement information will be essential such as customer satisfaction and occupational safety information must be collected, processed and provided. To help executives in construction businesses measure and evaluate performance, MA provides important financial information such as total revenue, revenue for each contract, total cost, proportion of variable cost on the revenue of each contract, ROI, ROA, ROE. Besides, the non-financial information such as: customer satisfaction rate on the quality, the price, the delivery time of the project, unresolved complaint rates, play an important and essential role for measuring the performance of construction industry and change in accordance with the actual context (Le Thi Hong Nhung, 2017). Thirdly: The needs for decision-making, advice and mentoring In the decision-making process, managers often consider various options with large amounts of information, in which management accounting information accounts for a major part. Characterized by unstable construction time, extensive operating area leading to management accounting information about revenue, expenses, and performance that need to be provided a flexible and complete manner. In addition, the length of construction time and the participation of many partners in the construction process make it important to pay attention to the time of revenue and expenses recognition. From there, management accounting can have a basis for determining more reasonable results. Moreover, the bidding and the ability to win the bid may play an important role in the operation of construction enterprises, so the administrator should be provided information in a reliable and timely manner. Management accounting for revenues, expenses, and performance in construction enterprises use their specific technical methods 324
  5. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 to provide information to help them to perform these function effectively. In addition to the traditional cost allocation method or discounting cash flows Management accounting for revenue, cost and performance in construction enterprises also uses new techniques such as ABC method, target costing method or customer profit analysis. The role of management accounting today not only assists executives in controlling the organization's financial interests, but also advises managers in making effective management decisions (Sorin Briciu, Carmen Scorţe, Ioana Meşter, 2013). Decisions such as decision on bidding price, contract price, decision on construction method, investment decision and technology innovation show the diversity in the decisions of the executives in construction enterprises. (Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, 2017). These are important decisions related to the entity's resource use, so the management accounting information is always important for managers to make the optimal decision choice. 2.3. Identifying the factors affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and performance management accounting in construction enterprises Based on prior studies on meeting the needs of management accounting information, on results from a number of semi structured interviews with experts and management accountants in construction enterprises, the factors affecting the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit manangement accounting in construction enterprises are determined to include: Overall quality of information: The overall quality of information is an important input that satisfies the needs of administrators, helping them to effectively manage businesses. This is an important factor affecting the meeting needs of information for administrators through the function of management accounting (Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab, 2003, Orla Feeney, 2007, Naser B. Ghanem, Suzana Sulaiman, 2016, Carla Mendoza, Pierre-Laurent Bescos, 2001). According to research of Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003), the components of overall quality of information include as follows: relevance, accuracy, timeliness and update for the changing needs of managers. The results confirm that the timeliness has a strong impact on their needs from the level of sales managers or production departments, because most of the information generated by the accounting department includes nearly everything a manager‟s needs. The study also shows that administrators expect the overall quality of information to change rather than wider range of information, or the ease of use, or better identification. Orla Feeney (2007) refers to the overall quality system of information needed for an administrator's needs, such as relevance, reliability, timeliness, flexibility and adaptability, consistency, range of information. These factors are consistent with the views of Van der Veeken and Wouters (2002), Mendoza and Bescos (2001), Naser B. Ghanem, Suzana Sulaiman (2016), Carla Mendoza, Pierre-Laurent Bescos (2001). Agreeing with the above points, the author believes that information of costs, revenue and profit management accounting should have certain overall quality in order to achieve the benefits and effectiveness. These attributes are the unique characteristics of the information that make it more or less useful in meeting the information needs for management of all levels of the business. Construction businesses are characterized by a wide construction site, frequent costs and many impact factors from the natural environment so timeliness, reliability and accuracy should be ensured. The construction and installation business is an overall activity and involves many parts from suppliers, contractors, contractors, etc., so information should be relevant to ensure the requirements of many management departments. The information needs to be formatted and easy to use for many users of information. In addition, with the increasing change in the role of current management accounting in businesses, the managers increasingly want information from accounting closer to their needs. In addition to financial information such as costs, revenues and profits, the non-financial information in the construction business needs to be broader. They can be related to occupational safety, work progress so wider range of information is also taken into account in the overall quality of information. Therefore, experts believe that 325
  6. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 the overall quality of information needed from the cost, revenue and profit management accounting include, timeliness, accuracy, flexibility, relevance, scope of information, format and ease of use. The usefulness of applying accounting management techniques: According to experts, the application of appropriate accounting management techniques, costs, revenues and profits in the construction enterprises also affects the information needs of the managers. This means that the information provider needs to be aware of what information an administrator should use and what management accounting techniques should be applied to meet that information needs. Orla Feeney (2007) and Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003) devise management accounting techniques that are appropriate for management information and decision-making information needs. Techniques for responding to information needs for controlling include, standard cost, cost budget, revenue recognition, actual and budget/standard data analysis. Management accounting techniques that provide information for decision- making consist of, cost allocation, cash flow discount, customer profit analysis, and development of evaluation criteria. On the other hand, in a global competitive environment and increasing demand for information, according to administrators, new techniques need to be considered and applied to meet changing user requirements (Burns and Yazdifar). , 2001) such as balanced scorecard, Benchmarking technique, non-financial information, ABC method, target costing. However, these techniques are considered to be useful in meeting the information needs of the managers when it is consistent with a clearly stated goal (Sorin Briciu et al., 2013). Moreover, the usefulness of management accounting techniques, according to experts, is expressed in other ways such as helping managers reduce or optimize costs, control and improve operations, develop internal control processes, identify and eliminate activities that do not add value to the business. Skills, knowledge and competence of management accountants: Previous studies and experts believe that this is one of the important factors that determine whether the information provided is appropriate for the manager's needs. Orla Feeney (2007) surveyed 18 managers in 18 different businesses and presented the key skills and knowledge of accountants who well-meet the information needs of managers. These include as follows: professional ethics, honesty, knowledge of company, information technology skills, communication skills, problem solving and analytical skills, teamwork, defending perspective, having financial expertise and being creative. This can be interpreted according to the trend of higher skills, knowledge and competencies of accountants in construction enterprises, the better meeting the information needs of the managers. Experts also agree with the skills and competencies of accountants according to Orla Feeney (2007). Information technology and database systems: Construction business activities have many participants, complicated transactions, information on costs, or revenue need to be updated in time. The data related to each work item from the start of the construction to the completion and acceptance of the system require a full database system. Executives believe that infrastructure factors (including computer systems, management software and information databases) influence their information needs. They can use the advancement of information technology to process large data simultaneously from different departments. Piercea, Tony O'Deab (2003), Christofer Andersson and Lotta Mähönen (2014) argue that advances in information technology and database systems can design management accounting systems that are more suitable for their roles. The roles meet the information needs of managers rather than the needs for financial reporting to external audiences. Alina Almasan et al. (2016) studied management accounting information from the perspective of managers in Poland and Romania. Their finding show that managers use mainly financial information for short-term and medium-term decision-making. In addition, Polish managers prefer new forms of communication, like reports available on mobile and online, while Romanian managers are advocates of PDFs or printed version of reports. Furthermore, communication between managers and management accountants is limited only to meetings when the need arises. 326
  7. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 The coordination among departments in the business: Strengthening workflow and coordinating information among departments will actively support internal management and control (Sorin briciu et al., 2013). The information needs are better met if the parts are well-connected, labor resources are used appropriately to maximize the elements of the construction process to achieve the set goals. To help managers control costs and evaluate performance, thereby giving them a basis for making reasonable decisions, management accounting needs to be closely coordinated with other departments in businesses such as sales department, construction teams, planning and supplies department to collect, process and provide in time. 3. Recommended research model the factors affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit manangement accounting in construction enterprises 3.1. Research model and hypotheses Through a review of the literature of the factors affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting, the proposed research model is shown as figure 1 below: Overall quality of information The meeting The usefulness of applying information needs management accounting on cost, revenue techniques and performance Skills, knowledge and manangement competence of mamangent accountants accounting Information technology and database systems The coordination between departments Figure 1: The proposed research model Resource: Authors Based on the results of surveys and researches of Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003) and Orla Feeney (2007), from the perspective of administrators - users of information provided by management accounting, the overall quality of management accounting information plays an important role in the control and decision making of managers in enterprises, the article hypothesizes that “the overall quality of information affects the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit manangement accounting” (H1). Managers interviewed by Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003) and Orla Feeney (2007) appreciate the role of traditional management accounting techniques. In addition, new management accounting techniques are also needed in certain situations, especially in situations where options are selected or decisions are made. Based on these results, the article proposes a second hypothesis with the content: “The accounting management techniques applied effect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting” (H2). In order to perform the role of information provider for administrators and help them perform well their management functions, the accountant and management accountant must have sufficient skills, knowledge and competence. Research by Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003) and Orla Feeney (2007) shows that managers assess different levels of content of skills and knowledge and competencies of 327
  8. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 management accounting. Accordingly, the third factor influencing the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting was included in the model is the skills, knowledge and competence of management accountants. In other words, the third hypothesis in the proposed model is skills, knowledge and competencies of management accountants affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting (H3). Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003), Christofer Andersson and Lotta Mähönen (2014) argue that advances in information technology and database systems can design management accounting systems more suitable for their role. On the other hand, the role of management accountants is considered to be those who provide necessary information for managers (B. Pierce, T. O‟Dea, 2003). Therefore, it can be hypothesized that “Information technology and database systems affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit manangement accounting” (H4). Strengthening workflow and coordinating information among departments will actively support internal management and control (Sorin briciu et al., 2013). Managers who were asked in surveys of Orla Feeney (2007) considered that the managements accountant could be an equal member of the decision making team. Accordingly, the author hypothesizes that: “the coordination between departments affect the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting” (H5). To test the above research hypotheses, the proposed research models uses a multiple regression model of the following form. Y = α1X1 + α2X2 + α3X3 + α4X4 + α4X5 + ε In which, the dependent variable is the meeting information needs on cost, revenue and profit management accounting (Y), the independent variable includes, The overall quality of information; the accounting management techniques applied; Skills, knowledge and competencies of management accountants; Information technology and database systems; The coordination between departments. 3.2. Measure variables Previous studies on management accounting information needs were conducted by Nguyen et al. (2017) La Soa, Tran Manh Dung (2017) Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy (2017) Orla Feeney (2007) (Sorin Briciu, Carmen Scorţe , Ioana Meşter, 2013) have shown that management accounting information is provided for managers to control, measure and evaluate effectiveness, decision-making and advice. Accordingly, in the proposed research model, the dependent variable is quantified by 3 observations as shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Measurement of dependent variables The meeting information needs to control revenue, costs, Y1 The meeting information needs and performance on cost, revenue and profit The meeting information needs to performance Y 2 management accounting in measurement and evaluation construction enterprises The meeting information needs to decision-making, advice Y 3 and mentoring The independent variable is defined as the average of the three components Y1, Y2 and Y3 in the table above. In particular, the components are quantified on that scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good). The overall quality of information includes 6 components: Timeliness, accuracy, flexibility, relevance, wide range of information, Format and ease of use that have been used for quantification in studies of Bernard Piercea, Tony O'Deab, 2003, Orla Feeney, 2007, Naser B. Ghanem, Suzana Sulaiman, 2016, Carla Mendoza, Pierre-Laurent Bescos, 2001. On that basis, the first independent variable - the overall quality of information in the proposed research model consists of 6 components as mentioned. The first independent variable is defined as the average of the six components from O1 to O6. The usefulness of applying management accounting techniques is defined as the average of the four components from U1 to U4 that have been previously used to measure the usefulness of accounting management techniques by Orla Feeney (2007), Bernard Piercea, Tony O'Deab (2003), Burns and Yazdifar (2001), Sorin Briciu et al., (2013). 328
  9. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 Skills, knowledge and competencies of management accountants consists of 10 components which is based on results of research of Orla Feeney (2007). They are coded from K1 to K10 in Table 2. Table 2: Description of independent variables of the proposed research model Code Variable’s Name Observation O1 Timeliness O2 Accuracy O3 The overall quality of Flexibility information (O) O4 Relevance O5 Wide range of information O6 Format and ease of use U1 Consistent with the goals of the business The usefulness of U2 applying management Reduce or optimize costs accounting techniques U3 Control and improve internal activities and processes (U) U4 Eliminating activities that do not add value to the business. K1 Ethics K2 Honesty K3 Knowledge of company K4 Information technology skills kills, knowledge and K5 competencies of Communication skills management K6 Problem solving and analytical skills accountants (K) K7 Teamwork K8 Defending perspective K9 Having financial expertise K10 Being creative I1 Adequate and up to date database system for expense, revenue and business results information I2 Computer systems and telecommunication networks are suitable and Information technology stable and database systems I3 (I) Accounting software can connect, link with other applications to import, retrieve data I4 Accounting software can be flexibly changed and upgraded according to user requirements and management. C1 Departments in the enterprise are closely linked in providing and sharing information The coordination C2 between departments Departments of the business have reciprocal support (C) C3 All departments of the enterprise consensus on the goals of the enterprise 329
  10. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2019 ICYREB 2019 Information technology and database systems: Based on the studies Piercea, Tony O'Deab (2003), Andersson and Lotta Mähönen (2014), Alina Almasan et al (2016) mentioned in the previous section, in the proposed research model, the last independent variable together with 4 observations. These observations are coded from I1 to I4 corresponding to four statements shown in Table 2. All observations used to quantify independent variables of the model use the Likert scale from 1 to 5. Based on the research of Sorin Briciu et al., 2013, the coordination between departments in an enterprise is determined by three contents: departments in the enterprise are closely linked in providing and sharing information, departments of the business have reciprocal support, all departments of the enterprise consensus on the goals of the enterprise. 4. Conclusions An overview of researches on information needs, on the factors affecting the demand for information from the accounting department to administrators about costs, revenue and performance in the construction enterprise. From there, the authors propose a model of testing factors affecting the meeting of accounting information management requirements of cost, revenue and performance in the construction enterprises. This is the basis for the authors' group to apply surveys and inspections at Vietnamese construction enterprises. From the results of the survey, the authors expect to contribute more basis to propose solutions to improve the quality of management accounting information to better meet the demand for information on cost, revenue, and performance in the construction business. REFERENCES [1] Alina almasanet al. (2016), Management accounting information from the perspective of managers: the case of Poland and Romania, Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości tom 90 (146), 2016, s. 41 – 64. [2] Bernard Piercea, Tony O‟Deab (2003), Management accounting information and the needs of managers Perceptions of managers and accountants compared, The British Accounting Review 35 (2003) 257–290. [3] Belkaoui, A., 1980. Conceptual foundations of management accounting. Don Mills Ontario: Addison-Wessley Publishing Company. [4] Burns, J. and H. Yazdifar, 2001. “Tricks or Treats”. Financial Management. March, pp. 33-35. [5] Bruns Jr., W., and S. McKinnon (1993), Information and managers: A field study. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 84-108. [6] Carla Mendoza (2001), An explanatory model of managers‟ information needs: implications for management accounting, The European Accounting Review 2001, 10:2, 257–289. [7] Christofer Andersson and Lotta Mähönen (2014), Managerial use of accounting information, Master thesis - Spring 2014. [8] Drury, C., 2004. Management and Cost Accounting. 6th edition, London: International Thomson Business Press. [9] Emmanuel, C., D. Otley and K. Merchant, 1991. Accounting for Management Control. London: Chapman & Hall. [10] Hopper, T. A., 1980. “Role conflicts of management accountants and their position within organisational structures”. Accounting Organisations and Society, Vol. 5, No.4, pp. 401-411. [11] Naser B. Ghanem, Suzana Sulaiman (2016), Management accounting system, information quality and organizational performance: Evidence from Libya, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 11 Issue 2. [12] Nguyen La Soa, Tran Manh Dung (2017), The Demand for Cost Management Accounting Information: The Case of Vietnamese Construction Firms, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847, No.18, 2017. 330
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