Các mô hình bán lẻ hiệu quả và bài học kinh nghiệm cho phát triển hệ thống bán lẻ ở Tây Nguyên

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Nội dung text: Các mô hình bán lẻ hiệu quả và bài học kinh nghiệm cho phát triển hệ thống bán lẻ ở Tây Nguyên

  1. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 SOME EFFECTIVE RETAIL MODELS AND LESSONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RETAIL SYSTEM IN TAY NGUYEN CÁC MÔ HÌNH BÁN LẺ HIỆU QUẢ VÀ BÀI HỌC KINH NGHIỆM CHO PHÁT TRIỂN HỆ THỐNG BÁN LẺ Ở TÂY NGUYÊN PhD. Vu Van Hung Thuong Mai University PhD. Ho Kim Huong Vietnam Youth Academy Nguyen Vo Kien National Institute Agriculture Planning and Projection Abstract In the context of the digital economy and Industrial Revolution 4.0, modern retail models increasingly dominate in the retail system and are becoming effective retail models in many countries. Therefore, countries and economic regions need to know about this models in order to have suitable solutions to develop goods distribution system and contribute to developing socio-economic for country and regions. Tay Nguyen is one of six key economic regions in Vietnam. Tay Nguyen has many advantages to develop retail system if Tay Nguyen knows how to use these modern retail models effectively. Therefore, the paper focuses on studying the advantages and disadvantages of these modern retail models, and the development status of these models in Vietnam. Through these studies, the paper shows some lessons for the development of this model in Tay Nguyen and formulate several policies for this modern retail models. Keywords: retail model, modern retail model, tradional retail model, modern retail store, supermarket, trade center, e-commerce. Tóm tắt Trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế số và cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0, hình thức bán lẻ hiện đại đang ngày càng có ưu thế trong hệ thống bán lẻ và trở thành mô hình bán lẻ hiệu quả hiện nay ở hầu hết các nước trên thế giới. Do vậy, các quốc gia, các vùng kinh tế cần tìm hiểu về loại hình này để có những giải pháp thích hợp nhằm phát triển bán lẻ hàng hóa từ đó góp phần phát triển kinh tế xã hội của quốc gia, của địa phương. Tây Nguyên là một trong 6 vùng kinh tế trọng điểm của Việt Nam. Vùng có nhiều lợi thế trong việc phát triển hệ thống bán lẻ hàng hóa nếu biết cách sử dụng hiệu quả các mô hình bán lẻ hiện đại này. Do vậy, bài viết tập trung nghiên cứu những ưu điểm và hạn chế của các hình thức bán lẻ hiện đại, đánh giá thực trạng phát triển của các loại hình bán lẻ hiện đại. Thông qua những nghiên cứu trên, bài viết rút ra một số bài học kinh nghiệm cho sự phát triển loại hình bán lẻ hiệu quả cho Tây Nguyên. Từ khóa: mô hình bán lẻ, mô hình bán lẻ hiện đại, mô hình bán lẻ truyền thống, mô hình cửa hàng bán lẻ hiện đại, siêu thị, trung tâm thương mại, thương mại điện tử. 1. Introduction The retail system is one of the indispensable components in a market economy. It plays an important role in economic development, enhances the competitiveness of the economy and promotes sustainable economic development, especially in economic areas. In some countries, retailing is an important part of economic activities. The contribution of retailing to GDP is the second. The retail system plays an important role in the economy because it is a bridge and a link between producer and consumer. In order to develop the economy, regions should focus on developing the retail system. Tay Nguyen is an important region in socio-economic development in Vietnam. The development of a retail system (through effective retail models) will create great momentum in the region's socio- economic development and especially in the development of trade, investment and distribution markets in the context of integration economy. 41
  2. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 2. Theoretical framework and Methods Retailing is defined: "sale of goods and services to end consumers for personal, family or household. Therefore, retail includes more than the sale of tangible products" [Roger Cox, 2004, page.3]. And goods are brought to the end consumer through various retail models. Today with the support of science, technology, and modern electronic means, retail models are developing rapidly. Retail is divided into two models: traditional retail (markets, traditional stores) and modern retail (shopping centers, supermarkets, modern stores, e-commerce). Retail moderns are becoming more and more effective in the retail distribution system [Pham Huu Thin, 2008]. To study about these effective modern retail models, the paper uses descriptive statistics method, synthetic analytical method and comparative method to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the models and to suggest effective modern retail models for Tay Nguyen. - Descriptive statistics method is used to collect, summarize, and present data of effective retail models to support the process of analysis, forecasting and giving solutions for the development of Tay Nguyen retail system. During the research process, the paper used data systems from some sources: annual statistical yearbook of the General Statistics Office, Report of ministries, papers on the retail model - The synthetic analytical method used in theoretical research and complete this paper. Results from the collection of information are used to analyze, evaluate the advantages, limitations of models and to evaluate the current state of development of retail models in Vietnam and Tay Nguyen. Based on these results, the paper proposes solutions to develop Tay Nguyen retail system. - The comparative method is used to look at the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and modern retail models. This method is also used to clarify the changes in space and time, the conditions as well as the characteristics, advantages of retail models in Vietnamese retail system. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Effective retail models in the retail system Industry 4.0 and economic integration have had a huge impact on the transformation of retail models, from traditional retail (markets, street vendors, traditional stores ) to modern retail models (trade centers, supermarkets, convenience stores, e-commerce ) in many countries and in Vietnam. Currently, Vietnam retail system has some effective modern retail models such as trade centers, supermarkets, e-commerce, modern stores: The first is modern stores. The modern stores include convenience stores, discount stores, specialized stores These modern retail stores sell by the self-service method or combine picking up on shelves for customers and let customers choose products on display shelves with sales staff’s help. They are usually part of a chain of stores and are under the control of an organization structured like a company. In many cases, sellers and buyers do not need to be in direct contact with each other, but the sale still takes place. Sale can also be combined with home shopping, post-sale, telephone sale, and online sale and automated sale machines [Pham Huu Thin, 2008, page.11]. These models are larger, decorated more beautifully, sell faster and more conveniently. So the forms are more and more popular in the retail system. The second is supermarkets. The supermarket is one of the modern retail models. It was born and developed with the process of industrialization and urbanization. “Supermarket is a modern store; general business or specialized; Having diversified product structure; Ensuring quality; Meeting the standards of business area, technical equipment and management level, business organization; Having a convenient civilization model to satisfy the shopping needs of customers " [Nguyen Thi Nhieu, 2006, page.30]. 42
  3. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 The third is trade centers (shopping center, commercial center). Trade centers are a combination of traditional and modern trade: they are traditional souvenir shops such as a tape shop, banks, restaurants, entertainment, and other services .in a trade center. According to Regulation on supermarket and trade center of Ministry of Industry and Trade (issued on 24 September 2004): “Trade center is a modern, multifunctional commercial business organization, including a combination of shops, service establishments, meeting room, office for rent To be concentrated in one or some adjacent structures; Meet the standards of business area, technical equipment and management level, business organization; There are civilized and convenient methods to meet the needs of development in business activities and satisfy the demand for goods and services of customers”. So trade centers are usually built on large areas, in center of a city to facilitate the customers and ensure the turnover. The scale of the trade center is larger than the supermarket, grocery stores, and markets. However, they are different from supermarkets, shopping centers usually trade many types of goods, so there are no specialized trade centers because their scale is larger than supermarkets. The fourth is e-commerce. E-commerce can be understood as goods and services were sold over networks [Roger, 2004, page.4]. This model has been expanded rapidly since 1998 by technology growth. This has taken place in both B2B (from business to business) and B2C (from business to consumer). B2C was known as online retailing, online shopping or electronic retailing. E-commerce began to take off in the early years of the 21st century when the familiarity with the model has increased and network security has been ensured. The rapid expansion of e-commerce seems to give a real threat to traditional retail (bricks-and-mortar). In fact, successful online retailers are traditional retailers who have applied internet and online facilities to their traditional stores to become affiliate retailers (bricks - and - clicks). At the same time, shopping through computer services (such as digital television and mobile) is expected to make a strong impact in next years. 3.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of modern retail models in the retail system Each type of retail models is capable of serving different customer groups with different shopping needs. They are evaluated on four basic aspects: types of goods, a variety of goods, the price of goods, and selling services. The traditional retail models use direct sale method. So it requires the seller and the buyer to meet directly, discuss and agree on quantity, quality, price, and other conditions. In this models, salesmen must do all from greeting customers, introducing products, packing, receiving money and saying goodbye customers In the opposite way, the modern retail model is a form of self-service sales or combining picking up on shelves for customers and let customers select their own products on display shelves with help’s sale staff. So buyers often carry out their entire selection themselves and purchase process is without the help from sellers. Table 1. Comparison of traditional retail model and modern retail model Traditional retail model Modern retail model - Sale of bulk goods - Sales with package - Price is not listed and can bargain - Price is clear and does not bargain - Friendly and leave a special mark on the seller’s - Unfriendly to customers, attitude is more objective attitude - Organized closely, with clear management indicators - There are no clear criteria for measuring - Clear selection criteria business performance - The practice of accounting principles - No clear selection criteria - Having modern infrastructure and modern collection - Do not practice accounting system completely system - Store system is carried out by many chain stores Source: Research Institute of Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade Thus, modern retail models have many advantages: large scale, diversified product, quality assurance certification, modern technology application, good sale service, good organization, clear 43
  4. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 management indicators, modern facilities However, the models have some disadvantage: price is high so customers are usually good income, it usually takes longer than shopping at traditional markets or shops, unfriendly attitude with customers, inconvenient location; complex payment method To develop modern retail models suitably the trend of world sales and consumer interest, these models require some solutions to promote their advantages and overcome their disadvantages. In Vietnam, modern retail models are growing rapidly. The retail structure has had significant changes, from 100% of retail sale through traditional retail models, now modern retail models account for more than 25% of the retail system. Although they have been developing for about ten years, these models have confirmed their position in Vietnam retail system. The modern retail models (supermarkets, specialized stores, convenience stores, store chains, and trade centers, e-commerce ) have appeared more and more in localities, in urban areas to meet the diversified demand of consumers in Vietnam. Figure 1. Quantity of supermarkets and trade centers in the period 2008 – 2016 Source: General Statistics Office (GSO) At the same time, Vietnam's e-commerce also grew strongly because of Internet growth and smartphones. According to the E-commerce and Information Technology Department, a person spends $ 170 on online shopping for a year, the market scale of B2C reaches $ 5 billion in 2016. The percentage of online consumers is 65%, the number of customers ordered through the computer is 72%, the smartphone is 68%. Figure 2. B2C market turnover and online shopping value (2014 – 2016) Source: vietdata.vn According to Iprice.vn survey, Vietnam has some popular e-commerce floors: Sendo.vn, Lazada.vn, Tiki.vn. The biggest e-commerce websites are FPT, mobile world and green electricity. The biggest buying websites are cungmua.vn, Hotdeal.vn, NhomMua.vn. Besides, some enterprises which use social media to sell have increased from 28% (2015) to 35% (2016). 44
  5. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 Figure 3. Online shopping channels in 2016 Source: vietdata.vn Although the number of modern retail models account over 25% of Vietnam retail system, they contribute more than 40% of total retail revenue [Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2015]. Revenue of the modern retail system (trade center, supermarket, e-commerce) is increasing rapidly and the models have contributed significantly to the development of a retail system and increased the State budget. However, these modern models still have many limitations. They have been developed spontaneously, have not been formed formally, have not been organized systematically. These make the models grow small, messily, confusedly. The interests of consumers are not respected as well as their strengths have not been promoted and their weaknesses have not been overcome. Modern retailers are evaluated highly by consumers for their quality, design and sale services, but they have a small market share in Vietnam retail system and consumers do not often go to shopping (21% of consumers go to the supermarket regularly, 57% of consumers sometimes go to the supermarket, 20% of consumers rarely go to the supermarket). In contrast with this, traditional retail is underestimated (75% of consumers rated markets at normal level, 11% rated it good and only 7% rated it very well), however, 73% of consumers go to the market regularly (consumers earn less than 7 million dongs per month) and only 6% of consumers never go to the market (consumers earn more than 9 million dongs per month) [Ho Kim Huong, 2017, page.143]. So, in the coming time, modern retail models need to expand market share in Vietnam retail system by ensuring quality, design, quality of service, price, convenience. If modern retail models are perfect like that, they can attract low-income consumers. There is a great potential for development’s e-commerce. But in the context of the digital economy and the Industrial Revolution, the model still faces many challenges. Shopping online grows rapidly but it is lower than other countries in the Asian region. Besides, Vietnamese consumers usually buy goods through foreign websites such as Amazon, eBay Because their goods are plentiful, diverse and suitable for consumers (young urbanites) while their cost is lower. Moreover, the technology infrastructure is not good with the security, safety, confidentiality information on the electronic transactions which still make consumers feel insecure. 4. Lessons for development of effective retail models in Tay Nguyen Tay Nguyen is one of the six major economic regions in Vietnam. Tay Nguyen has a rich potential for agricultural development, industry, clean energy, tourism, and retail services. GDP is 7.19% in the period 2011 – 2015. In 2016, the total value of products reached 151,039 billion VND, up 7.47% over the same period last year. Average income increased 8.57%, in 2016 it reached 39.56 million VND per person. This is considered as a potential market for retail development. Every year, the demand for goods and consumption increases by 20.7%, the demand for food products is about 50% [General Statistics Office, 2017]. Total retail sales increase every year. In 2015, total retail sales in Tay Nguyen reached 148,719.2 billion VND and 165,677.2 billion VND in 2016. 45
  6. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 Table 2. Total retail sales in Tay Nguyen in the period 2012 – 2016 Unit: billion VND Area 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Tay Nguyen 103.187,6 120.061,1 137.032,2 148.719,2 165.677,2 Whole country 2.369.130,6 2.615.203,6 2.916.233,9 3.223.202,6 3.568.149,5 Source: General Statistics Office Due to the economic development policy of Tay Nguyen, retail enterprises are playing an important role in the distribution channel. The role of modern retail models (supermarkets, e- commerce ) has also increased in Tay Nguyen retail system. The growth rate of demand for goods has increased rapidly. In towns, there are many modern retail stores. Retail enterprises are developing rapidly in Tay Nguyen. They participate actively in Tay Nguyen’s distribution system and development of modern retail types, as well as they, focus on improving the quality of retail services such as packaging, marketing, promotion Table 3. Quantity of traditional markets, supermarkets and trade centers in Tay Nguyen in the period 2012 - 2016 Model 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Traditional 368 362 369 378 374 market Supermarket 24 25 23 25 25 Trade center 1 1 5 3 3 Source: General Statistics Office However, compared to the whole country, Tay Nguyen has a low quantity of supermarkets and trade centers. E-commerce activities are lower than in other regions. Consumers are less to shopping online, so e-commerce does not develop rapidly. Tay Nguyen retail system is small and scattered, the purchasing power is low compared to other areas. Facilities are outdated, retail services do not meet the needs of consumers. Poor quality, imitation, unknown origin is quite common. The link between wholesaler and retailer is not tight. The reasons are: average income is low; the distribution of the population is not uniform; the regulations on the modern retail models are lacking; retail enterprises are small, weak financial capacity; policies to attract investment capital in the retail sector are lacking. In order to help the region to develop in retailing, Tay Nguyen should develop some policies for modern retail models. So Tay Nguyen should have policies to regulate modern retail models more effectively. By studying the characteristics of effective retail models, policies for the modern retail in Tay Nguyen should focus on: - Build standards for modern retail models in Tay Nguyen such as supermarkets, trade centers, shopping centers, convenience stores, e-commerce, etc. on Regulation on supermarkets and trade center. Continue to supply, repair and improve Regulation on a supermarket in order to suit the changes of the market such as names, classification, and regulation on management organization - Supply policies on food safety in supermarkets, trade centers, transportation companies. Because these models have always had advantages of providing goods, food with the clear origin and 46
  7. Kỷ yếu Hội thảo quốc tế “Thương mại và phân phối” lần 1 năm 2018 ensuring food safety. If these policies are reasonable, they will help them to develop their strengths in the supplying goods and improving their prestige. - Build some policies to support retail enterprises and some policies to support development about the infrastructure of modern retail models in Tay Nguyen. Business ground and infrastructure are important factors for these models because trade centers and supermarkets always require a large area and modern technical infrastructure. In order to meet this requirement, they need big capital. But domestic retail enterprises have little capital so it is necessary to have policies to get support from the government. So domestic retail enterprises are able to compete with the large transnational retail corporations which are penetrating into Vietnam retail system. - Apply domestic and foreign investment promotion and support policies to develop modern retail models. Modern retail models often require large scale and big capital, so the government should support capital and investment fund. There is a policy of strengthening the alliance between retail enterprises and policies on land for investment projects. - Need to secure e-commerce transactions. E-commerce has many big effects but it also has weaknesses such as hackers spread the virus, attacks on the website; distribute e-mail, spam messages; steal money from ATM cards So, the government should have a mechanism to control violations. E- commerce transaction platform should strengthen the process of controlling quality, take measures to prevent and punish bad businesses. The government should strengthen network security, confidentiality, electronic payment information security. If we have a solid and stable technology platform, users will be more accessible. REFERENCE 1. Nguyen Thi Hong Hai (2013), “The emerging food retail structure of Vietnam”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol.41, No.8, page 596 -626 2. Vu Van Hung (2009), What do Vietnam supermarkets do to compete with foreign supermarkets in the context of international economic integration, Asian Pacific Economic Journal, No.3, page 33 – 34. 3. Vu Van Hung (2009), Government's solutions to develop supermarkets in Vietnam, Asian Pacific Economic Journal, No.253+254, page 30 - 33. 4. Vu Van Hung (2010), A solution to the paradoxes of agricultural product distribution in Vietnam, Asian Pacific Economic Journal, No.296 + 297 + 298, page 42 - 45. 5. Ho Kim Huong (2017), Development of Vietnam retail system in the context of international economic integration, Social Sciences Publisher, Hanoi. 6. Nguyen Thi Nhieu (2006), Supermarket - modern retail method in Vietnam, Labor Publisher, Hanoi. 7. Pham Huu Thin (2008), Solutions for the development of modern retail organizations in Vietnam, Ph.D. thesis, Trade Research Institute 8. Roger Cox and Paul Brittain (2004), Retailing-An Introduction, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England. 47