Effects of Calcium Levels in Artificial Pellet Feed on the Growth and Survival Rate of Black Apple Snails (Pila polita)
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Nội dung text: Effects of Calcium Levels in Artificial Pellet Feed on the Growth and Survival Rate of Black Apple Snails (Pila polita)
- ISSN 2588-1299 VJAS 2019; 2(2): 387-396 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences Effects of Calcium Levels in Artificial Pellet Feed on the Growth and Survival Rate of Black Apple Snails (Pila polita) Le Van Binh & Ngo Thi Thu Thao College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University, Can Tho 94115, Vietnam Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different dietary calcium levels on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails (Pila polita) in the grow-out period. There were 3 replicates for each treatment and the snails were fed with five calcium levels (% dry matter) in diet as follows: 1% (Ca1), 3% (Ca3), 5% (Ca5), 7% (Ca7), and 9% (Ca9). Two-month-old juveniles with an average initial body weight of 2.13g, shell height of 21.71mm, and shell width of 16.35mm were reared in tarpaulin tanks (1 × 1 × 1m; 40cm water depth) at the density of 100 individuals per tank. After 4 months of the rearing period, the average body weight, shell height, and shell width of the snails reached the highest values in the Ca5 treatment (28.43g, 54.97mm, and 40.09mm, respectively) and these values were significantly different compared to the remaining calcium contents (Ca1, Ca3, Ca7, and Ca9). The survival rate of the snails in Ca3 (75.7%) was higher than in Ca1 and Ca7 (74.7%), Ca5 (73.7%), and Ca9 (71.7%). However, the survival rate was not significantly different among the treatments. Snails in Ca5 obtained the highest productivity (2.88 kg m-2) and this value was significantly different from Ca1 (2.55 kg m-2) and Ca9 (2.35 kg m-2). The results of this study showed that the growth rate and productivity of black apple snails were highest when they consumed a diet containing 5% calcium. The optimum requirement of calcium for the black apple snails in the grow-out period was 4.51%. Keywords Black apple snail, growth, dietary calcium, survival rate Introduction Mollusks rely on calcium for the growth of their shell and thus, are highly dependent on calcium availability for survival. Harrison Received: Feburary 13, 2019 et al. (1970) already reported the reduced growth rate, survival, and Accepted: July 2, 2019 reproductive output of snails in low calcium environments. The Correspondence to most important site of calcium deposition in gastropods is the shell, lvbinh654@gmail.com where it constitutes 97% of the shell weight (Heller & Magaritz, 387
- Effect of calcium levels in artificial pellet feed on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails 1983; Marxen & Becker, 2000). Calcium is also (10o20′40,6″N; 105o47′04,8″E), Vietnam. deposited in the digestive gland, connective Freshwater was pumped from the river to the tissue cells, foot tissue, and around major blood settling tanks (10m3) for 7 days and then vessels (Tompa & Watabe, 1976; Marxen & supplied to the culture tanks. Becker, 2000). Although shell-building animals This experiment included five feeding in particular need to obtain calcium, it is also treatments with different calcium levels and required for other functions, including blood three replicates per treatment as follows: 1% clotting, muscle function, and nerve (Ca1), 3% (Ca3), 5% (Ca5), 7% (Ca7), and 9% transmission in other animals (Ireland, 1993). (Ca9). P. polita juveniles were cultured in 1m2 Chaitanawisuti et al. (2010) indicated that the (1 × 1 × 1m; 40cm water depth) tarpaulin tanks calcium needs of species belonging to at the density of 100 ind. m-2 (Binh et al., 2012; Gastropoda class are higher than others. Under Binh & Thao, 2018). Two feeding trays certain conditions, calcium removed from the (diameters of 20cm) and two nylon bunch shell will lead to edgrowth in some gastropods substrates (diameters of 50cm) were laid at the (Harrison et al., 1970; Tompa & Watabe, 1976). bottom of each tank. The experiment was Besides, the growth and survival of species conducted for 4 months. The ingredients used belonging to Gastropoda are affected when and proximate compositions of the experimental calcium levels decrease or come from a diets are presented in Table 1. different origin (Oluokun et al., 2005; The snails were fed twice a day (at 7:00 and Egonmwan, 2008; Kouassi, 2008; Badmos et 18:00) with a quantity of 4% of the average al., 2016; Binh et al., 2017). Dietary calcium is snail body weight in each tank. The water an essential nutrient for the growth, volume in the cultured tanks was renewed 30% reproduction, and construction of the shell in after a cycle of 10 days. terrestrial gastropods (Marxen et al., 2003; Egonmwan, 2008; Glass & Darby, 2009; Food preparation Dalesman & Lukowiak, 2013). The growth rate The experimental diets were formulated is directly proportional to the concentration of into pellets from ingredients including fish calcium in the diet. Pawson & Chase (1984) meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, soy oil, showed that the growth rate of giant African calcium powder (CaCO3 99% - calcium snails (Achatina fulica) is reduced as calcium carbonate), vitamin premix, mineral premix, and availability decreases. However, little CMC. The dry ingredients, fish meal, wheat information concerning the dietary calcium flour, vitamin premix, mineral premix, and content for black apple snails (Pila polita) is CMC, were weighed according to the ratios in available. From the above issues, an experiment Table 1 and mixed well under dry conditions. was developed to test different kinds of The soybean meal was cooked, allowed to cool processed food diets and determine the down to a temperature around 40-50oC, and appropriate calcium content to improve then mixed with the dry ingredients together efficiency of the black apple snail grow-out with soy oil. After mixing, the mixture was period, while also saving costs and reducing the pressed into a pasta machine to make the pellets. o impact on the water quality in the culture After drying in the oven at 60 C for 24h, the o environment. pellets were stored in the fridge at 4 C for experimental feedings. The proximate compositions of each diet were analyzed and the Materials and Methods results (Table 1) showed that the calcium levels Experimental design were in accordance with the experimental design. The experimental P. polita with initial Data collection and sample analysis weights ranging from 1.52 to 2.72g, shell heights from 20.94 to 23.50mm, and shell Water quality widths from 14.47 to 17.34mm were nursed in The water temperature in the cultured tanks the Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province was recorded twice a day at 7:00 and 14:00 388 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Le Van Binh & Ngo Thi Thu Thao (2019) Table 1. Formulation and proximate compositions of the experimental diets (% dry matter) Treatments Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 Ingredient (%) Fish meal1 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 Soybean meal2 22.80 22.95 23.08 23.22 23.36 Wheat flour 58.70 56.42 54.28 52.14 49.99 Vegetable oil 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Vitamins, Minerals3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 CMC4 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Calcium5 0.00 2.13 4.14 6.14 8.15 Nutrition compositions (%) Crude protein 18.50 19.50 19.30 18.50 18.90 Crude lipid 3.38 3.78 4.08 3.66 3.71 NFE 57.18 51.29 47.51 41.28 37.30 Crude ash 4.46 7.91 9.08 13.34 15.73 Crude fiber 1.61 1.62 1.33 1.70 1.45 Moisture 13.63 12.68 12.85 13.77 13.41 Calcium 0.88 2.87 5.48 7.39 9.15 Phosphorus 0.36 0.35 0.37 0.36 0.35 Note: Parameters: Protein, lipid, ash, fiber, moisture, NFE-Nitrogen free extract, and calcium were analyzed by the Quality Assurance and Testing Center Can Tho; 1Fish meal Kien Giang (Viet Nam); 2Soybean meal (Argentina); 3Vitamin premix and mineral premix: Vitamin A, 2,000,000 IU; Vitamin D, 400,000 IU; Vitamin E, 6g; Vitamin B1, 800mg; Vitamin B2, 800mg; Vitamin B12, 2mg; Calcium D. Panthotenate, 2g; Folic acid, 160mg; Vitamin C, 15g; Choline chloride, 100g; Iron (Fe2+), 1g; Zinc (Zn2+), 3g; Manganese (Mn2+), 2g; Copper (Cu2+), 100mg; Iodine (I-), 20mg; Cobalt (Co2+), 10mg; 4Carboxymethyl cellulose; and 5Calcium carbonate powder. using a thermometer. pH levels, the growth rate for shell width (SGRSW), feed + - concentrations of NH4 /NH3 (TAN), NO2 , and conversion ratio (FCR), calcium efficiency ratio DO, and alkalinity in the cultured tanks were (CaER), and survival were calculated using the checked weekly using a Sera test-kit (Made in following equations: Germany). Survival rate (%) = (Final number of Growth performance and feed utilization snails/Initial number of snails) × 100 At day 1 and at 15-day intervals during the Biomass increase rate (BIR, %) = (Biomass experiment, the number of snails in each tank increase/Biomass initial) × 100 was counted to calculate the survival rate. To Feed conversion rate (FCR) = Total feed determine the growth rate, shell heights and intake (dry weight)/Weight gain (wet weight) shell widths were measured with an electronic Productivity (P, kg m-2) = Total snail digital caliper (0.01mm), and body weights 2 were measured with an electronic scale (0.01g biomass (kg) per m at the end of the error) for 20 snails per tank. experiment Weight gain (WG), shell height gain (HG), Calcium efficiency ratio (CaER) = Weight shell width gain (SWG), daily weight gain gain/Calcium intake (DWG), daily height gain (DHG), specific Feed intake (FI-mg/ind./day) = [Total feed growth rate for body weight (SGRBW), specific intake/(Initial number of snails + Final number growth rate for shell height (SGRH), specific of snails)/2] × Days of culture 389
- Effect of calcium levels in artificial pellet feed on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails Statistical analysis DO levels varied slightly among the treatments -1 The data were analyzed for mean values (4.58-4.63 mgO2 L ), and no significant and standard deviations using Excel software differences were found. (2016), and one-way ANOVA analysis followed The alkalinity value in Ca1 (67.6 mg -1 by the Duncan post hoc test was applied to CaCO3 L ) was the lowest, and was determine significant differences of the significantly different compared to the values collected parameters among the treatments at P for Ca3, Ca7, and Ca9. The concentrations of - -1 <0.05 using the SPSS program version 22.0. TAN and NO2 varied from 0.65 to 0.74 mg L -1 The data on the specific growth rate and from 0.59 to 0.73 mg L , respectively. Ca5 -1 (SGRW, %/day) were subjected to the quadratic showed the highest value of TAN (0.74 mg L ), regression analysis model (Zeitoun et al., 1976) but there was no significant difference with the - and the optimal calcium requirement of black other treatments. The value of NO2 in Ca5 apple snails was estimated. (0.73 mg L-1) was higher than in the other treatments. Results and Discussion Growth performance of black apple snails Water quality parameters The average body weights, shell heights, The mean values of the environmental and shell widths of P. polita fed formulated parameters are shown in Table 2. During the diets with different concentrations of calcium experiment, the average temperature remained for four months are illustrated in Table 3. The at 25.3oC in the morning and ranged from snails reached the highest values of these three 27.5oC to 27.8oC in the afternoon, with daily traits in Ca5 (28.43g, 54.97mm, and 40.09mm, fluctuations around 2.6oC (0.5-4.7oC; Figure 1). respectively) which were significantly different There were no significant differences in from the values in the other treatments. temperature among the treatments. The results also indicated that the daily pH levels in all the treatments were in the weight gain and specific growth rate were range of 7.94-8.06. The highest pH was highest in the Ca5 treatment (0.22 g/day and measured in Ca9 (8.06) and this value was not 2.17 %/day, respectively), and lowest in Ca9 significantly different to those in Ca5 or Ca7. In (0.18 g/day and 2.02 %/day, respectively). addition, there were no significant differences Significant differences for these traits were among the pH values of 7.94, 7.96, and 8.01 for detected among the treatments. Similarly, the the treatments Ca1, Ca3, and Ca5, respectively. highest daily height gain and specific growth 30 Morning Afternoon 29 28 C) o 27 26 Temperature ( Temperature 25 24 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 110 120 Rearing days Figure 1. Fluctuations in the morning and afternoon temperatures during the experimental period 390 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Le Van Binh & Ngo Thi Thu Thao (2019) Table 2. Mean values of the environmental parameters during the experimental period Diets Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 Calcium levels (%DM) 1 3 5 7 9 Morning 25.3a ± 1.0 25.3a ± 1.0 25.3a ± 0.9 25.3a ± 1.0 25.3a ±0 .9 Temperatue (oC) Afternoon 27.6a ± 1.6 27.6a ± 1.4 27.8a ± 1.4 27.5a ± 1.6 27.5a ± 1.5 -1 a a a a a Oxy (mg O2 L ) 4.61 ± 0.28 4.63 ± 0.31 4.61 ± 0.26 4.63 ± 0.26 4.58 ± 0.22 pH 7.94a ± 0.32 7.96ab ± 0.24 8.01abc ± 0.28 8.03bc ± 0.23 8.06c ± 0.21 TAN (mg L-1) 0.65a ± 0.10 0.71a ± 0.11 0.74a ± 0.11 0.72a ± 0.01 0.66a ± 0.07 - -1 a b c d bc NO2 (mg L ) 0.59 ± 0.03 0.66 ± 0.03 0.73 ± 0.02 0.67 ± 0.02 0.69 ± 0.01 -1 a bc ab cd c Alkalinity (mgCaCO3 L ) 67.6 ± 1.1 71.5 ± 2.5 70.2 ± 1.0 74.2 ± 1.7 75.2 ± 2.6 Note: The mean values in the same row with different letters indicate significant differences (P <0.05). Table 3. Mean (± SE) growth rates of black apple snails fed on different calcium levels Diets Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 Calcium level (% DM) 1 3 5 7 9 Body weight Initial (g) 2.11a ± 0.01 2.14a ± 0.05 2.10a ± 0.06 2.14a ± 0.07 2.15a ± 0.03 Final (g) 25.47b± 0.30 27.21d ± 0.22 28.43e ± 0.35 26.47c ± 0.33 24.20a ± 0.56 WG (g) 23.36b ± 0.30 25.07d ± 0.17 26.33e ± 0.40 24.33c ± 0.26 22.04a ± 0.57 DWG (g/day) 0.19b ± 0.00 0.21c ± 0.00 0.22d ± 0.00 0.20bc ± 0.00 0.18a ± 0.00 b c d bc a SGRBW (%/day) 2.08 ± 0.01 2.12 ± 0.01 2.17 ± 0.03 2.10 ± 0.02 2.02 ± 0.02 Shell height Initial (mm) 21.61a ± 0.13 21.75a ± 0.08 21.74a ± 0.09 21.72a ± 0.19 21.75a ± 0.10 Final (mm) 52.73b ± 0.15 53.93c ± 0.63 54.97d ± 0.58 53.29bc ± 0.37 51.69a ± 0.27 HG (mm) 31.12b ± 0.03 32.18c ± 0.67 33.23d ± 0.62 31.57bc ± 0.25 29.94a ± 0.35 DLG (mm/day) 0.26b ± 0.00 0.27c ± 0.01 0.28d ± 0.01 0.26b ± 0.00 0.25a ± 0.00 SGRL (%/day) 0.74b ± 0.00 0.76bc ± 0.01 0.77c ± 0.01 0.75b ± 0.00 0.72a ± 0.01 Shell width Initial (mm) 16.27a ± 0.05 16.34a ± 0.06 16.38a ± 0.23 16.37a ± 0.13 16.40a ± 0.09 Final (mm) 38.17b ± 0.06 39.25c ± 0.48 40.09d ± 0.64 38.66bc ± 0.11 37.32a ± 0.23 SWG (mm) 21.89b ± 0.05 22.91cd ± 0.43 23.72d ± 0.86 22.29bc ± 0.07 20.93a ± 0.23 DWG (mm/day) 0.18b ± 0.00 0.19cd ± 0.01 0.20d ± 0.01d 0.19bc ± 0.00 0.17a ± 0.00 SGRSW (%/day) 0.71b ± 0.02 0.73bc ± 0.02 0.75c ± 0.02 0.72b ± 0.01 0.69a± 0.01 Note: The mean values in the same row with different letters indicate the significant differences (P <0.05). rate for shell height were observed in the Ca5 estimation of the optimal calcium level could be treatment and showed significant differences described as: with the other treatments. Y= -0.0067x2 + 0.0602x + 2.0173, R2 = 0.9295 The specific growth rates for body weight where Y is the SGRBW and x is the (SGRBW, %/day) of the snails were fitted into percentage of dietary calcium. The trend of the quadratic models (Figure 2). The best fit for the growth curve showed that the SGRBW reached 391
- Effect of calcium levels in artificial pellet feed on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails the maximum value (2.154 %/day) when the The biomass increasing rate and diet contained 4.51% calcium. productivity reached their maximum values in the Ca5 treatment (640% and 2.88 kg m-2, Survival rate, biomass increase rate, respectively) and these values were significantly productivity, feed conversion rate, and calcium different compared to the other treatments. efficiency ratio of black apple snails Meanwhile, the Ca9 treatment had the lowest The survival rate of the snails in all the values (544% and 2.35 kg m-2, respectively). treatments decreased gradually during the 4 The FCR values ranged from 1.22 to 1.39. months of culture (Figure 3) and was not The Ca3 treatment had the lowest FCR value significantly different among treatments, with (1.22) which was not significantly different values in the range of 71.7 to 75.7%. from the values of Ca1, Ca5, and Ca7 (Table 4). Figure 2. Relationship between the specific growth rate for body weight (SGRBW) and dietary calcium levels (%DM) for black apple snails (P. polita) 100 90 80 Survival rate (%) rate Survival Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 70 1 30 60 90 120 Rearing days Figure 3. Survival rate of black apple snails during the experiment period 392 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Le Van Binh & Ngo Thi Thu Thao (2019) The highest CaER value was recorded in apple snails increased when the calcium levels the Ca1 treatment (2343%) and was increased from 1 to 5%, and then decreased as significantly different compared to Ca3 (868%), the calcium levels continued to increase from 5 Ca5 (534%), Ca7 (354%), and Ca9 (237%). The to 9%. These results are similar to those in FI values varied from 302 to 331 mg/ind./day other Gastropoda species (Coote et al., 1996; and the Ca9 treatment presented the lowest FI Briers, 2003; Oluokun et al. 2005; Egonmwan, value (302 mg/ind./day) (Table 5). 2008; Chaitanawisuti et al., 2010; Badmos et al., 2016; Binh et al., 2017; Thao & Binh, 2017). The best growth was observed in black Discussion apple snails fed a diet with 5% calcium The pH and alkalinity levels increased as content. the calcium levels increased due to the higher Brodersen & Madsen (2003) reported that calcium content of the treatments. The calcium snails raised at lower calcium concentrations 2+ source was from CaCO3. Ions of Ca were were significantly smaller than snails raised at absorbed by the snails for the growth of their higher concentrations. Egonmwan (2008) found 2- shells and then ions of CO3 were released into that after 30 weeks of culture, the mean weight the water which led to the increase in alkalinity and shell length of Limicolaria flammea fed as the calcium level increased. According to food containing calcium carbonate were Binh et al. (2017) and Thao & Binh (2017), the 1150mg and 20.75mm, respectively, which mean values of alkalinity ranged from 60.1-71.9 were significantly higher than the others fed -1 mg L when rearing snails with different with no calcium (950mg and 17.5mm, calcium contents. In addition, Glass & Darby respectively). Oluokun et al. (2005) indicated (2009) and Dalesman & Lukowiak (2013) that Archachatina marginata fed a diet with 8% suggested that fast-growing species of snails calcium had the highest mean weight (234g), will have a greater demand for calcium to while those fed with 4% calcium had the lowest support shell formation, resulting in a lower mean weight (198g). Similarly, Adou et al. alkalinity of the nursing environment. (2011) showed that with the diet containing The goal of this study was to determine the 12.02% calcium, Achatina achatina increased in optimum level of calcium in the diet that would body weight up to 96.78g and had a low rate of maximize the growth of black apple snails. Our cumulative mortality (11%) compared to the results showed that the weight gain of black 14% calcium diet (73.03g and 12%, Table 4. Survival rate (SR), biomass increasing rate (BIR), and productivity (P) of black apple snails fed on different calcium levels Diets Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 Calcium level (% DM) 1 3 5 7 9 SR (%) 74.0a ± 2.6 75.7a ± 2.5 73.7a ± 2.9 74.0a ± 4.4 71.7a ± 6.0 BIR (%) 594ab ± 22 600ab ± 10 640b ± 17 593ab ± 30 544a ± 52 P (kg m-2) 2.55ab ± 0.12 2.82bc ± 0.12 2.88c ± 0.12 2.69bc ±0.17 2.35a ± 0.19 Note: The values in the same row with different letters indicate the significant differences (P <0.05). Table 5. Feed conversion ratio (FCR), calcium efficiency ratio (CaER), and feed intake (FI) of black apple snails fed on different calcium levels Diets Ca1 Ca3 Ca5 Ca7 Ca9 Calcium level (% DM) 1 3 5 7 9 FCR 1.34ab ± 0.10 1.22a ± 0.05 1.24a ± 0.06 1.27ab ± 0.05 1.39b ± 0.03 CaER (%) 2343e ± 116 868d ± 37 534c ± 24 354b ±24 237a ± 21 FI (mg/ind./day) 315b ± 4 322bc ± 5 331c ± 6 317b ± 2 302a ± 11 Note: The mean values in the same row with different letters indicate the significant differences (P <0.05). 393
- Effect of calcium levels in artificial pellet feed on the growth and survival rate of black apple snails respectively) and the 16% calcium diet (76.75g result was comparable to that of Binh & Thao and 13%, respectively). Aman et al. (2011) (2018) who found the BIR was 436-511%. The revealed that using oyster shell powder, which productivity of black apple snails after four contains calcium, as the substrate could affect months of culture was in the range of 2.35-2.88 the growth of the snail Archachatina marginata. kg m-2, similar with the study results of Binh & When the substrates were amended with 30% Thao (2017) and (2018) who measured oyster shell powder with a calcium content of productivity to be 2.31-3.15 kg m-2 at the snail 7.7%, the bodyweight growth was 0.86 g/day density of 100 ind m-2 when feeding with pellets and the shell growth was 0.39 mm/day. This (18% protein; 2.4% calcium). value decreased when the amount of oyster shell The calcium efficiency rate (CaER) of powder was reduced. In Babylonia areolate, black apple snails decreased as the calcium level Chaitanawisuti et al. (2010) demonstrated that a in the diet increased. Our study found that the diet supplemented with 7% calcium resulted in FCR of black apple snails increased when the spotted Babylon snails that had a significantly calcium levels increased from 5% to 9%. higher specific growth rate for length (0.37 Chaitanawisuti et al. (2010) demonstrated that %/day) than those fed diets supplemented with Babylonia areolate fed with a 4% calcium diet 4% calcium (0.32%/day). Numerous studies had an FCR value (2.47) lower than those fed have previously demonstrated the importance of with a 7% calcium diet (2.76). Oulokun et al. calcium as a factor determining the (2005) studied Archachatina marginata and development and wellbeing of snails. found that the FCR was highest (6.49) when the Our findings showed that snails in the snails were fed a diet with a 4% calcium content experiment had a good growth trend compared and tended to decrease when the calcium to previous studies. The results of this study and content increased to 6% (5.36) and 8% (5.25). previous studies have shown that freshwater The feed intake (FI) of black apple snails gastropods (Pila polita, Pomacea paludosa, increased as the calcium level increased from 1 Achatina achatina, and Limicolaria flammea) to 5% and then decreased when calcium level require a diet higher in calcium content than increased to 9%. The explanation for this is marine species (Babylonia areolata and Huliotis related to the amount of calcium absorbed by laeuigata). A diet with levels of calcium in a the snails. With a diet of 5% calcium content, suitable range will ensure optimum growth. black apple snails had the highest growth rate However, if the content of calcium exceeded the and then the rate started to decrease as the body’s needs, then the growth rate of the snail calcium level increased. would decrease (Coote et al., 1996; Oluokun et al., 2005; Kritsanapuntu et al., 2006; Conclusions Chaitanawisuti et al., 2010; Badmos et al., 2016; Binh et al., 2017). The concentration of calcium in the diet did The survival rate of black apple snails after not affect the survival rate of black apple snails four months of culture ranged from 71.7 to during the culture period. 75.7% and there were no significant differences After 4 months of culture, the growth of among the treatments. Ireland (1990) found that black apple snails (Pila polita) had maximum during four months culturing Achatina fulica, values in terms of body weight, shell height, and mortality was low and occurred in snails on the shell width when the snails were fed a diet lower calcium diets. Chaitanawisuti et al. containing 5% calcium. (2010) reported that the survival rate of The addition of calcium levels to 5% to the Babylonia areolate with different levels of total diet of black apple snails (Pila polita) dietary calcium (1%, 4%, and 7%) did not affect would be beneficial in terms of weight gain and survival (91.0-94.9%). productivity. The estimation for the optimum The biomass increasing rate (BIR) was requirement of calcium for black apple snail highest in the 5% calcium diet (640%). This growth was 4.51% dry matter of total diet. 394 Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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