The solutions for construction of sea dike and sea embankments system as the sandy mud trap to support mangrove plants in the coastal zone of Hai Phong city, Vietnam

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Nội dung text: The solutions for construction of sea dike and sea embankments system as the sandy mud trap to support mangrove plants in the coastal zone of Hai Phong city, Vietnam

  1. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology; Vol. 21, No. 3; 2021: 341–352 DOI: The solutions for construction of sea dike and sea embankments system as the sandy mud trap to support mangrove plants in the coastal zone of Hai Phong city, Vietnam Vu Doan Thai*, Thai Van Nam HUTECH Institute of Applied Sciences, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam *Email: Received: 23 April 2021; Accepted: 24 July 2021 ©2021 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) Abstract Mangrove plants play a viral role in protecting the coast, retraining erosion. Especially in areas considered the variable wave conditions, complex dynamic conditions such as the coastal region of Hai Phong city. However, due to various reasons, the development/additional planting of mangrove forests in the coastal area of Hai Phong in some locations has not achieved the desired result. This study was conducted survey measurements of mangroves, terrain, and practical experience to assess the ecological impact of certain dynamic and sedimentary conditions on mangroves. Thereby proposing several solutions to build sea dykes/embankments suitable to Hai Phong conditions, strengthen sediment traps, and create favorable conditions for developing mangrove trees in this area. Keywords: Dynamics, mangroves, sea dike, trap sediment, Hai Phong. Citation: Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam, 2021. The solutions for construction of sea dike and sea embankments system as the sandy mud trap to support mangrove plants in the coastal zone of Hai Phong city, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(3), 341–352. 341
  2. Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam INTRODUCTION climate influences this area with dry winters Hai Phong is a coastal city, so it has to face and wet summers [1]. Suspended sediment many negative influences caused by nature, concentration in regional rivers changes by the such as waves, wind, high tide, storms, and season, normally about 50–70 mg/L in the dry tropical low pressure [1]. This region is also season and 100–150 mg/L in the wet season. impacted by the water discharge and sediment However, suspended sediment concentration in flux from the Red River system and the the study area is also influenced by influences of land-seas interactions [2, 3]. hydrodynamics conditions (especially waves) Nowadays and in the long term, shoreline and as well as other human effects as well as erosion in Hai Phong is an urgent and other human activities (dredging, dumping) [1, fundamental issue in mainland management. 4]. This area also is affected by mainly diurnal Like other coastal locals, the coast of Hai tides. Based on the tide gauge measurements at Phong frequently appears erosion. The erosion Hon Dau station (1960–2011), the tidal not only occupies and lost soil, threatens amplitude is about 2.6–3.6 m in spring tide and human life directly in coastal areas, affects about 0.5–1.0 m in the neap tide [2]. economic operations, and influences the habitat In this study, main data used, including: of regional fauna and flora. The erosion also Data of species Soneratia caseolaris (L.) causes the loss of considerable mangrove areas Engl) structure at two bodies of groins A and B that carry out many alluvia, causing a fairway (fig. 1) from 2005 to Dec. 2018. sedimentation phenomenon, reducing regional Data measurement of the structure of biodiversity [4]. groins A, B, and their directions. Recently, Hai Phong is one of some coastal Other references data such as flow and provinces with a movement of recovery and wind: velocity and direction. new planting mangroves. These mangrove Subjects: forests have contributed significantly to Mangrove forest species Soneratia protecting seashore and sea dyke systems caseolaris, which were 10 to 14 years old at reducing natural disasters in the locality. Areas two Groins. of mangrove forests in coastal districts such as Mangrove forest species Soneratia Vinh Bao, Tien Lang, Kien Thuy, Do Son, caseolaris, were 10 to 14 years old in reference Duong Kinh, have developed rather well, site (without groin). contributing to protecting and strengthening sea Structure of groins for trapping sand and dyke systems [5–7]. sediments from the year 2011–2012. However, during sea encroaching and dam Methodology: up for planting mangroves outside of dyke, Measuring wave high and percentage (%) some were not suitable with the natural of wave reduction by forest conditions of this area. As a result, bottom Waves were measured by the DNW-5M, erosion still occurs in the area in front of the wave in the forest was recorded by a measuring dike. Therefore, this makes it challenging to stake. grow mangroves and can also threaten the Velocity flow was recorded by equipment safety of the sea dike system. SD6000. This paper will analyze the natural Topography was measured by an echo conditions, ecological conditions, and limited sounder. characteristics of the current constructing dyke. Coefficient of wave reduction was defined Based on these results, some lessons and following Mazda formula (1997) [8] as below: experiments could be learned and applied for r = (H – H )/H similar localities. s L s Which of: Hs: High of waves outside of forest MATERIAL AND METHODS (in front of the forest); HL: High of the wave The study area is located in the Northeast inside a forest at each position with a defined of the Do Son coastal area. A tropical monsoon distance. 342
  3. The solutions for construction of sea dike Figure 1. Maps for the research area Forest structure was carried out by the Study on the structure of groins; and Braun - Blanquet method [9] driving bamboo stake for trapping more All standard squares were placed along sediment and sand the perpendicular transect line to the sea dyke. Both groins were similar in direction and Mangrove forest species Soneratia structure, but they needed to survey in detail caseolaris ( L.) Engl. Measured six squares per when the study was carried out.Therefore, these Groins, areas of each square were about parameters of groins were analyzed, including 1500m2 (25 m × 60 m). construction, soaking sediment level at two Control forest: measured three squares. sides of groins, and lines of bamboo stakes to Measuring diameter of Soneratia prevent sediment at the left and right sides of caseolaris( L.) Engl tree far from the ground each groin. In this paper, the authors showed about 30 cm. the only structure of one Groins. Measure wave height of the tree (from the root to top). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Determining covering of tree by the Analyzing deposit alluvia characteristics at measure of 2 diameters (minimal and maximal the region where have two Groins crown canopy). Then, the cover level of the In this study, the mangrove forest and leaf canopy can be calculated by the formula L groins belong to Zone I, subzone 3, from Cua = S/G, which of: S was an area of covered Luc to Do Son cape (about 55 km) [13]. In this ground (m2); G was area of ground. sub-zone, the topography was relatively flat Data were analyzed by statistical method with Lach Tray River, where discharge about [10–12], and software Mapinfo Professional in 1.5 × 109 m3 of water had come over sea the calculation of covered level. annually. The river discharge in the flood 343
  4. Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam season holds about 75–85% of flow, mainly in layer had an average silt level at almost flood July, August, and September [5]. Due to the land. sediment flux of many rivers converging in this There were several erosional zones in the region in the rainy season had large sediment long term and eroded continuously as in Cat for alluvia [6]. Therefore, it was very Hai district. comfortable for the development of mangrove There were also alluvial zones in many trees and shrubs and distributed widely. years, but recently, they turned to erosional The combination of river flow and tidal phase and reversely. flow was shown clearly in the ebb tide, thus Two groins for trapping sediment and sand creating a flow with a higher velocity than were constructed from 2011 to 2012 in the other tidal phases [2]. Flow direction was region where it was insufficient sediment, and undoubtedly directed following river flow to the sea dyke was eroded, which had been the sea, mainly at the southeast with a speed of encroached since 1980. This sea dyke about 0.2–0.5 m/s. However, during the rainy elongated near Thuy Giang church (Duong season, the velocity reached about 0.6–0.9 m/s Kinh district) to the old Cam Cap salinity at low tide, and it had a large disparity of 0.2– prevention sluice (Do Son district). When 0.4 m/s compared to high tide. At low tide, encroaching at some stretches of sea dyke water volume moves quickly from the river to were constructing two Groins many barges sea, but due to the limitation of water volume, carrying big stones were sunk in this region the flow direction toward the sea could expand and became a foundation. This stretch of sea only 15–20 km, accounting from shore to sea. dyke up to now still had been the most Thus, it may affect material fluxes from the important one in all systems, but it had a risk rivers to the Hai Phong coastal area [2]. In of break and landslide. addition, the flow of the surface layer was After storms happened in the year 2005, the stronger than the bottom layer toward the sea, sea dyke was rebuilt with concretion. However, so the water volume from the river has only in the font of the groins on the outer side, existed on the surface layer. mangrove trees were still difficult to live; sea In the dry season, alternation of flow field dyke was affected during storm season and by time at can estuarine and coastal region in high tide. Hai Phong was similar to the rainy season. Measuring wave height in the area with and However, seasonal change of wind field and without mangrove trees water volume reduction from rivers was The position of wave measurement is remarkably different in the rainy season. located in the new Cam Cap sluice (no Especially the effects of wave fields on bottom mangrove forest in the font) and the old Cam morphology change. The groins did not take Cap sluice (with mangrove forest). These wave into account all these influences. Therefore, so data were used to define the roles of mangrove that it had not brought high effectiveness, forests on nearshore protection. Results showed cooperated with other reasons from a previous that waves went through mangrove forest were time, it led to some results as below: mainly short wave with cycle less than 30 Planted mangroves developed slowly, the seconds. These results could not apply for ratio of survival percentage was not high (dead wavelength with wave cycle extended from trees reached 65–75% of the number planted about 10 minutes to hours such as that one has trees per time. destroyed coastal area in the Indian Ocean. Although the construction of groins had Each tree species had a different effect of improved, compared with previous groins in reducing other wave height. Cat Hai (2005), these groins still had not At a distance of about 100 m in front of the been suitable with the natural condition in forest, the wave height average measured Hai Phong. approximately 0.30 m, but in the woods, at a The general feature of coastal alluvial distance of 100 m, it was 0.22 m, ground in Hai Phong was flat, and the surface corresponding to a coefficient of wave 344
  5. The solutions for construction of sea dike reduction was 33% (table 2). Wave height forest, wave height decreased only 0.07 m, and continuously reduced at a distance of 200 m the reduced coefficient was 77%. However, at a with an average value of 0.13 m and 58%. position without forest, the average value was Behind the forest at position 270m inside the 0.21 m, and the coefficient was 28%. Table 1. Number and size of the tree in Standard Square in the mangrove forest in Ngoc Hai, Do son in November 2004 and November 2011, northeast wave direction Criteria Number Maximal Average Maximal Average Age and total in the group of tree diameter diameter height height Year per ha (mm) (mm) (cm) (cm) 2004 Sonneratia caselaris 5 years old 100 152 124 395 350 Avicennia marina 5 years old 100 72 56 190 152 Kandelia obovata 5 years old 17,700 97 76.7 185 147.9 Total 17,900 Sonneratia caselaris 12 years old 99 200 184 530 512 Avicennia marina 12 years old 97 106 97 227 188 Year Kandelia obovata 12 years old 17,600 142 116 221 184 2011 Total 17,796 Kandelia obovata regenerated 120,000 25 21 115 98 closed to dyke Table 2. Wave height and coefficient of wave reduction in areas with and without mangrove forest in November 2004 with northeast wind direction Time Wave height (m) Coefficient of wave reduction (%) In 100 m 200 m Behind In front of 100 m 200 m Behind In front of front inside inside forest seashore inside inside forest seashore of the of the of the without of the of the without forest forest forest mangrove forest forest mangrove forest forest 3 0.25 0.18 0.10 0.05 0.20 28 60 80 20 7 h 30’ 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.06 0.20 50 50 80 33 7 h 45’ 0.30 0.20 0.12 0.08 0.20 33 60 73 33 8 h 00’ 0.30 0.18 0.12 0.08 0.19 40 60 73 37 8 h 15’ 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.20 33 67 83 33 8 h 30’ 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.21 33 67 83 30 8 h 45’ 0.25 0.18 0.10 0.06 0.20 28 60 76 20 9 h 00’ 0.30 0.22 0.14 0.07 0.25 27 53 77 17 9 h 15’ 0.35 0.25 0.18 0.09 0.25 29 49 74 29 9 h 30’ 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.08 0.23 27 50 73 23 Average 0.30 0.22 0.13 0.07 0.21 33 58 77 28 Measurement and calculation results of due to trees dispersedly between new Cam cap wave height in the mangrove forest in Ngoc sluice and old Cam cap sluice (Do Son). Hai, Do Son, and other locations with scattered Wave measured location at the seaside development of mangrove trees. Trees was far from new-planted (Sonneratia concentrated only near the foot of dyke; so they caselaris (L.) Engl) forest about 100 m, the may be considered as there were not mangrove average value of wave height was 0.38 m. forests because it did not reduce wave height When the wave went through the forest at 345
  6. Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam 250 m, wave high was 0.24 m, corresponding creating a specific barrier that reduced the to a coefficient of wave reduction of 39%. influence of waves to shore. Went to the end of 440 m forest, wave high The area where had a survival rate of the was 0.06 m, corresponding to a coefficient of tree was only 20% concentrating near the foot wave reduction was 83%. of dyke and tree was scattered so it could not Thus, although the regenerated tree layer prevent wave as well as reduce wave height; was closed to the foot of dyke, (Kandelia in detail, the average of wave height closed to obovata Shuen, Lui& Young) was still small. shore was 0.24 and the coefficient average Still, the tree layer was thick up to 20 m, was 38%. Table 3. Wave height and coefficient of wave altitude reduction in area with mangrove forest length 440 m Time Wave height (m) Coefficient of wave reduction (%) Front 250 m 350 m Behind In front the 250 m 350 m Behind In front of of the inside inside the seashore inside inside the seashore forest the forest forest without the the forest without forest mangrove forest forest mangrove forest forest 6 h 00 0.36 0.22 0.13 0.06 0.23 39 64 83 36 6 h 15’ 0.37 0.22 0.12 0.07 0.22 41 68 81 41 6 h 30’ 0.39 0.24 0.14 0.07 0.24 38 64 82 38 6 h 45’ 0.42 0.27 0.16 0.08 0.26 36 62 81 38 7 h 00’ 0.42 0.27 0.15 0.07 0.28 36 64 83 33 7 h 15’ 0.41 0.25 0.15 0.08 0.26 39 63 80 37 7 h 30’ 0.40 0.24 0.16 0.06 0.25 40 65 85 38 7 h 45’ 0.38 0.23 0.13 0.06 0.23 39 66 84 39 8 h 00’ 0.37 0.23 0.14 0.06 0.23 38 62 84 38 8 h 15’ 0.36 0.22 0.13 0.05 0.22 39 64 86 39 8 h 45’ 0.35 0.21 0.12 0.05 0.22 40 66 86 37 Average 0.38 0.24 0.14 0.06 0.24 39 64 83 38 Notes: Location measure is one (forest 270 m) shown in table 1, but more 150 m (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) forest under growing at the seaside and 20 meters generated (Kandelia obovata Shuen, Lui& Young) forest, closed to shore. Time for collecting data in November 2011, wave direction was Northeast. Structure of groins Head closed to dyke: 20o44’18.12’’N - Two groins constructed in the areas were 106o47’13.19’’E - Groin - head at sea: similar to each other 22o44’20.32’’N - 106o47’11.56’’E. Body of the groins was perpendicular to Groin B (near to Do son direction) the sea dyke.The body of groins towards the The length of the main body of groin B seaside was divided into two parts attaching from dyke to main body of groin at the seaside the main body of groins and parallel with the was 264 m. sea dyke. The stretch of the breakwater at the Groin A (near to new Cam cap sluice): Length of the main body of groin A from seaside was 167.1 m, perpendicular to the sea dyke. dyke to main body of groin at the seaside was o 264 m. Groin - head closed to dyke: 22 44’6.28’’N o The stretch of the breakwater at the - 106 47’6.16’’E; Groin - head at sea: o o seaside was 151.8 m. 20 44’8.66’’N; 106 47’15.19’’E. 346
  7. The solutions for construction of sea dike Structure of groin trapping sand and sediment * At the area of groins A (near new Cam Characteristics of the context of the groin Cap sluice) area Mangrove forest was unique, only When the city constructed a ready and (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) species. concreted full dyke system, the stretch of dyke Trees planted from 2005 to 2006 until the where existing groins still were weak from beginning of 2012 was an average high of 1980 to 2005. The sustainable dyke was built in about 1.9 m, and the average diameter was 2005 after three continuous storms (location of 2.0 cm. The covering level was from 20–27%. groins afterward) was the weakest of the full The important thing was trees in this system. It was treated entirely because it lost stretch needed to replant every year, so it stretch of footing, reasons originated from caused loss of labor and expenditure but previous works. After that, the dyke was rebuilt brought back low effectiveness. with a concrete cover. It was wide 5–6 m, The forest in this stretch, after the divided into two lanes and the lorry could go on this dyke. Elevation was higher than 50 cm, so appearance of groins A, still needed to replant. the total height of dyke was 5.5 m in Cam Cap Still the rate of the tree was lower, meaning and Bang La - Dai Hop. decreasing dead trees, and the rated of the tree The real height of a body of groins was had bigger diameter increased rapidly; at the higher than then the toe, about 1 m. The width same time, the rate of covering level was also of a body of groins except freestone with a higher. However, the covering level at two stainless net at two sides was 8.4 m. The width sides (left and right) of groins was much of groins took account of freestone, and the different. On the left side (toward the sea), the stainless net was 15.4 m. covering level was 40%, but it was only 25– 27% on the right side. On the left side, the Groins trapped sand and sediment at the tree’s height from 2012 to the middle of 2015 seaside The location of the groins was perpendicular was 3–3.5 m, and its diameter was 15–21 cm. to the main body of dyke. The main body of The tree was 2.0 m high with only 8–13 cm on dyke was a middle point for dividing the length the right side. of groins into two equal parts. Rate of alluvia at the two sides of the Structure of body of groins: groins was much different. Those were solid stainless pipes with 2r = The level of alluvia on the left side was 1.2 m. Two tubes were arranged parallel to thicker from 2–3 times compared to the right lines, which were parallel to dyke. Two sides of side. the back of the groins were blocks of square The number of breath roots (Sonneratia reinforced concrete and matched together. caselaris (L.) Engl) at the left side was much After-action reviews of learning from more than at the right side about two times, experience and improving groins construction although length and diameter of root were outside the dyke in Cat Hai, Hai Phong, this similar, l = 10–20 cm, 2r of root = 0.6 cm, groins for sand and sediment trapping for respectively. mangrove forest could grow well outside dyke; * At the area of groins B (toward Do Son) this groins might be the most modern and (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) the forest biggest whole nation. also increased clearly. Structure of mangrove forest after From 2005 to the beginning of 2012: from construction of two groins for sand and 2005 to the beginning of 2015, the average sediment trapping from the year 2012 to the height of the tree was 1.9 m (figure 2). middle year of 2015 From 2012–2015: Studying from papers connected events from Diameter of the tree ranged from 12– the year 2005 to the beginning of 2012 and from 20 cm, height was 2.9–3.2 m, and there were 2012 to the middle of 2015 showed that: only (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) tree 347
  8. Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam grew near the foot of dyke having breath roots General, when groins appeared, the with 10 cm long, but it was smaller than the survival rate of trees increased, growth of tree left side of groins. was more rapid than the period of 2005 - Diameter of the tree ranged from 10– beginning of 2012 including height and 13 cm, height was 2.0–2.3 m but these trees diameter of tree body, so that the covering concentrated near to the foot of dyke at the level improved and kept sand and sand right side. sediment in the area (figure 2). Groins in the period of 2012–2015 Trees grew in 2014 at left and right Trees grew on the right sides of sides of groins A and B (growing in two groins in 2017 mass near to the foot of dyke) Figure 2. Groins and tree grew in the study area in 2012–2017 It proved that there was a better way shown groins was not suitable. So the effectiveness of in finishing groin construction work, but it did sediment trapping was low. The process of not research carefully in the calculation so that alluvia was slow, costly, and wasted time. It it needed following treatments in the right way, also affected to whole dyke system due to but it was not such a suitable manner. existing depressed sites and had to consolidate By studying the construction of strong by groins. groins from the beginning of 2012 to the Next step of repair, bamboo stakes were middle of 2015, the authors believed the groin driven into many lines and rows but had to be construction was stable at the suitable erosive parallel to dyke and straight fence to join two sites when it was urgently in need. ends of groins A &B at the seaside. Until the Thus, the above parts showed that errors of end of 2018, it needed to consolidate many dyke embanking from 1980 to 1981, next to the lines of bamboo stakes to encroach outside of construction of direction of groins and setup of groins (figure 3). Trees grew in some sites near Trees grew near to two left sides Bamboo stakes drove in sites two right sides of groins in 2018 of groins in 2018 of two groins in 2018 Figure 3. Groins and tree grew in the study area in 2017–2018 Consolidate by bamboo stakes at sea from * Structure of forest in the area without the middle of 2015 to the end of 2018 for erosion near groins B and forest at left and ri sediment trapping. ght close to a body of groins B. Time of data 348
  9. The solutions for construction of sea dike collection: 16 h 30’ on 18th December 2018 Trees at the new Cam Cap sluice’s left (figure 3). edge toward Duong Kinh were planted only Forest near to erosive area toward Do Son: (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl), but the trees mix species forest interposed each other near to did not grow after two years, 2005–2007. The old Cam Cap sluice: trees were dry and turned to black grey (we did (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) trees not know why); after that, the trees recovered were 5,5–6,0 m high; leaf canopy was 3–4 m and grew. At the time of data collection, all wide; trees were 6.5–7.0 m high, the diameter of the Regenerated (Kandelia obovata Shuen, body was 25–30 cm. There were many Lui& Young) tree floated closer to shore and regenerated trees as (Kandelia obovata Shuen, developed densely, becoming a belt (Kandelia Lui& Young), (Avicennia marina (Forssk) obovata Shuen, Lui& Young) 2.5–3.0 m with a interposed closely to the foot of dyke. The canopy level was 98%. forest was at the right side of groin A was long, (Avicennia marina (Forssk) Veich) was about more than 40 m, the diameter of the body outside belt, 2.0–3.0 m high, the canopy was 2– was from 10–18 cm, and breath root around the 2.5 m wide, covering level reached 90–95%. body was 60 roots per m2. Near to the body of Height of (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) the groin at the seaside, trees were small and Engl) reduced gradually toward groins B: from the rate of dead trees was high, covering level 6 m to 4 m to 3 m close to the groins, and the was 15% in 2018, and new trees were planted forest was the only species (Sonneratia every year. caselaris (L.) Engl). Mangrove forest at the left side of groin A At the right side of groin B, the tree had was more than 50 m long; and the tree was 6– developed slowly, with a rate of covering 6.5 m high. The rate of covering took about level was 60%, but it took only 20%. Near the 40%, level of covering reached 60%. Far the foot of the national dyke, trees were high, foot of dyke toward end of groins, trees were about 2 m, 2.5 m and 3 m. Near the end of 2–2.7m high, rate of covering was 60–63%, groins at the seaside, trees grew sparsely; the took 20% of the surrounding area. At the left rate of covering level reached 15–20%. side of groin B, there were regenerated At the left side of groins B near the foot of (Kandelia obovata Shuen, Lui & Young) the national dyke, (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) interposed with modest height. Engl) was 4–4.5 m high. Out of 40 m along the Table of sediment analysis at the same area. body from the dam to the end of groins Strengthened to treat sediment trapping by (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) was about 1.5– rows of bamboo stakes drove parallel to shore, 2.4 m high. Many breath roots, about under 100 both inside and outside of groins at the seaside. roots/m2 around the foot, there was no Table 4 of the sediment analysis results regenerated tree layer, only sparsely the showed that the entire right sides of two groins number of trees (Kandelia obovata Shuen, Lui had a high sand and mud distribution; the low & Young) closed to the foot of groins. The and medium mud distribution rate took a high covering level near the body of groins was percentage. 65%, with the length was no longer than 60 m. Practical measurement of the thickness of * Structure of forest at the area without mud sediment showed that the thickness of erosion was planted only (Sonneratia caselaris sedimentation of small and medium mud (L.) Engl) near new Cam Cap sluice toward powder at the left side of groins was higher Duong Kinh district similarly to time to grow than groins B (folded three times). The (Sonneratia caselaris (L.) Engl) at the area of thickness of medium and big mud powder the left and right of groins A. The time of data sediment at the right side of groins was higher collection was on 19th Dec 2019. than groins B (folded two times). 349
  10. Vu Doan Thai, Thai Van Nam Table 4. Results of grand sediment size at some point in the study area Grand size distribution (%) of sediment (µm) Parameters STT Point 2,000 1,000 710 500 400 250 200 125 100 63 31 16 8 4 2 1 Md (µm) S0 Sk Type 1 A1 0,00 0,48 0,20 0,26 0,22 1,07 0,62 3,04 3,29 6,91 16,73 9,07 8,00 5,52 8,90 35,69 7,7 6,573 0,025 Fine silt 2 A2 0,00 1,93 0,69 0,63 0,46 1,34 0,54 1,19 0,90 3,60 12,04 8,93 12,90 11,86 12,11 30,88 6,7 6,490 0,162 Fine silt 3 A1’ 0,00 0,77 0,44 0,54 0,69 6,13 5,40 17,15 2,68 1,72 3,13 8,37 8,90 4,43 13,04 26,61 14,0 9,201 0,052 Medium silt 4 A2’ 0,00 2,98 0,47 0,58 0,37 1,45 1,04 3,24 1,86 6,74 17,81 13,57 13,94 7,99 8,36 19,60 12,4 6,705 -0,109 Medium silt 5 B1 0,00 0,41 0,16 0,15 0,16 1,45 1,42 4,04 4,63 16,77 16,41 6,57 8,06 7,14 11,77 20,85 13,8 6,486 -0,242 Medium silt 6 B2 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,14 0,91 1,15 3,56 4,47 19,10 20,07 7,46 7,58 10,03 8,05 17,49 16,6 5,838 -0,425 Coarse silt 7 B1’ 0,00 0,56 0,14 0,13 0,09 0,38 0,48 2,58 13,08 34,54 6,55 5,55 6,22 3,00 4,99 21,71 21,0 6,436 -0,768 Coarse silt 8 B2’ 1,54 2,15 4,10 8,25 11,18 14,15 16,54 20,30 15,12 5,07 1,60 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 233,9 2,062 0,145 Fine sand [Source: The sample was analyzed in Dep. of environmental Geography - Institute of Marine environment and resources] Notes: A1, A2: Left side along groins A belongs to Duong Kinh district, along the main body of groins from inside to outside of groins. A’1, A’2: Right side along groins A belongs to Duong Kinh district, along the main body of groins from inside to outside of groins. B1, B2: Left side along groins B belongs to Do Son district, along the main body of groins from inside to outside of groins. B’1, B’2: Right side along groins B belongs to Do Son district, along the main body of groins from inside to outside of groins. 350
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